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Chen, C. (Chen, C..) (学者:陈超) | Chen, Z. (Chen, Z..) | Wu, Y. (Wu, Y..) | Wei, S. (Wei, S..) | Wang, P. (Wang, P..)




Fine particulate matter, generally known as PM 2.5 , has great impact on air quality and human health. Although closing external windows can help prevent outdoor PM 2.5 form going indoors, many studies have shown that a significant number of particles can still pass through the building façade through the cracks around the window. In order to quantify the influence of external window crack characteristic and relevant parameters (such as room dimension) on the indoor ρ(PM 2.5 ), a longitudinal study monitoring outdoor ρ(PM 2.5 ), indoor ρ(PM 2.5 ) and important outdoor meteorological parameters was carried out in six offices located in the Dongcheng and Chaoyang District in Beijing, China. In addition, a model was developed from an existing model developed by the authors, based on two-month field-measured data from five unoccupied offices located in the central area of Beijing, and was then validated against a new dataset measured at another sampling site. In this model, a comprehensive structure characteristic coefficient, A P , was adopted to reflect the influence of external window crack structure and room dimension. Further, this study adopted a method that can be used to calculate the value of A k based on the building's external window crack structure and room dimension, which are easier to be obtained. The model is capable of quantifying indoor ρ(PM 2.5 ) based on instant outdoor ρ(PM 2.5 ), with consideration of impact from external window crack characteristics, room dimension and outdoor meteorological conditions, i.e. outdoor wind speed and relative humidity. The model was validated by measurement data. The prediction results showed that under the same outdoor conditions, such as ρ(PM 2.5 ) and temperature, indoor air quality for ρ(PM 2.5 )was significantly affected by external window crack structure. The I/O ratio〔the ratio between indoor ρ(PM 2.5 ) and outdoor ρ(PM 2.5 )〕 was generally within 0.4 and 0.7. Additionally, when increasing the window crack height by 50% or the window crack depth by 50%, the corresponding I/O could be decreased by 33.6% and 31.9% respectively. The study shows that narrower window crack height and deeper window crack depth with higher window air-tightness can control indoor ρ(PM 2.5 ) well under the condition of infiltration. © 2017, Editorial Board, Research of Environmental Sciences. All right reserved.


Evaluation model; External window crack structure; Infiltration; PM 2.5 pollution; Room dimension


  • [ 1 ] [Chen, C.]Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Built Environment and Energy Efficient Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100024, China
  • [ 2 ] [Chen, Z.]Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Built Environment and Energy Efficient Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100024, China
  • [ 3 ] [Wu, Y.]Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Built Environment and Energy Efficient Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100024, China
  • [ 4 ] [Wei, S.]Mechanical and Construction Engineering, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon TyneNE18ST, United Kingdom
  • [ 5 ] [Wang, P.]Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing, 100082, China






来源 :

Research of Environmental Sciences

ISSN: 1001-6929

年份: 2017

期: 11

卷: 30

页码: 1761-1768


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 1

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 2


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