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期刊论文 | 2021 , 66 (06) , 261-269 | 公路
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

交通安全设施 交通安全设施 交通工程 交通工程 港珠澳大桥 港珠澳大桥 驾驶安全 驾驶安全



GB/T 7714 胡江碧 , 杨阳 , 王荣华 . 港珠澳大桥交安设施现状分析 [J]. | 公路 , 2021 , 66 (06) : 261-269 .
MLA 胡江碧 等. "港珠澳大桥交安设施现状分析" . | 公路 66 . 06 (2021) : 261-269 .
APA 胡江碧 , 杨阳 , 王荣华 . 港珠澳大桥交安设施现状分析 . | 公路 , 2021 , 66 (06) , 261-269 .
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Correlation between visibility and traffic safety visual distance in foggy areas during the daytime SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 22 (7) , 514-518 | TRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION
WoS核心集被引次数: 9
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Objective Traffic safety is closely related to the driver's ability to obtain visual information. Low visibility would result in traffic accidents. This study aimed to explore the difference between meteorological visibility and traffic safety visual distance in foggy areas in the daytime, and analyze the difference between dynamic visual ability and static visual ability, so as to calculate the maximum acceptable speed limit that meets the driver's safety visual distance requirement. Methods Visual distances under different visibility conditions were collected for 12 passenger car drivers through static and naturalistic driving visual recognition experiments. The power function relation model between driver's static visual distance and meteorological visibility was established, and the attenuation rates of dynamic visual distance at different driving speeds were obtained. Results Traffic safety visual distance (TSVD) gradually grows with the increase of visibility and finally tends to be stable due to the vision limitation of the human eyes under good weather conditions. The drivers' visual ability decreased while driving dynamically, and dynamic TSVD was shorter than static TSVD. Conclusions Traditional meteorological visibility is different from drivers' actual TSVD, but there is a correlation between them. According to the relationship between visibility and dynamic TSVD, the maximum recommended speed limit values under different visibility levels are provided. The calculation of the maximum acceptable speeds under specific visibility conditions can provide a technical basis for road construction and traffic management.

关键词 :

Foggy area Foggy area traffic safety traffic safety visibility visibility visual distance visual distance



GB/T 7714 Sun, Shuya , Hu, Jiangbi , Wang, Ronghua . Correlation between visibility and traffic safety visual distance in foggy areas during the daytime [J]. | TRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION , 2021 , 22 (7) : 514-518 .
MLA Sun, Shuya 等. "Correlation between visibility and traffic safety visual distance in foggy areas during the daytime" . | TRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION 22 . 7 (2021) : 514-518 .
APA Sun, Shuya , Hu, Jiangbi , Wang, Ronghua . Correlation between visibility and traffic safety visual distance in foggy areas during the daytime . | TRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION , 2021 , 22 (7) , 514-518 .
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半透发光式与逆反射式指路标志视认效果对比分析 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 20 (3) , 1013-1020 | 安全与环境学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

为保证隧道内驾驶员对指路标志的安全视认,分析隧道照明光环境、标志特性对驾驶员视认距离的影响,营造了隧道中间段5种色温、3种亮度照明光环境,随机选取了20名小客车驾驶员进行半透发光式与逆反射式指路标志的视认试验.结果 表明:隧道内半透发光式指路标志的视认距离明显优于逆反射式指路标志,且半透发光式指路标志的最佳字体照度范围为3 000 ~3 500 lx;在最佳的背景光环境条件下,半透发光式指路标志与字高53 cm,笔画在5画以下、5~10画及10画以上的逆反射式指路标志达到相同的视认效果时,字高分别缩减了35.85%、30.19%和24.53%.半透发光式指路标志的应用可提高隧道内指路标志的视认距离,并能减少交通事故的发生,可为以后隧道内交通标志的改进与创新提供理论支撑.

关键词 :

隧道内照明光环境 隧道内照明光环境 逆反射式指路标志 逆反射式指路标志 半透发光式指路标志 半透发光式指路标志 视认距离 视认距离 安全工程 安全工程 字体照度 字体照度



GB/T 7714 胡江碧 , 陈丽 , 孙淑娅 et al. 半透发光式与逆反射式指路标志视认效果对比分析 [J]. | 安全与环境学报 , 2020 , 20 (3) : 1013-1020 .
MLA 胡江碧 et al. "半透发光式与逆反射式指路标志视认效果对比分析" . | 安全与环境学报 20 . 3 (2020) : 1013-1020 .
APA 胡江碧 , 陈丽 , 孙淑娅 , 王荣华 . 半透发光式与逆反射式指路标志视认效果对比分析 . | 安全与环境学报 , 2020 , 20 (3) , 1013-1020 .
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高速公路互通立交安全性评价研究综述 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 33 (7) , 17-28 | 中国公路学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

互通立交 互通立交 安全性评价 安全性评价 人因工程 人因工程 道路工程 道路工程 交通冲突 交通冲突 运行速度 运行速度 综述 综述



GB/T 7714 胡江碧 , 何禄诚 , 王荣华 . 高速公路互通立交安全性评价研究综述 [J]. | 中国公路学报 , 2020 , 33 (7) : 17-28 .
MLA 胡江碧 et al. "高速公路互通立交安全性评价研究综述" . | 中国公路学报 33 . 7 (2020) : 17-28 .
APA 胡江碧 , 何禄诚 , 王荣华 . 高速公路互通立交安全性评价研究综述 . | 中国公路学报 , 2020 , 33 (7) , 17-28 .
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期刊论文 | 2020 , 40 (S1) , 17-24 | 隧道建设(中英文)
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

为研究高海拔地区与平原区驾驶员驾驶工作负荷差异特性以得到适用于高海拔地区的隧道照明亮度需求,以及客观量化高海拔地区公路隧道照明设计与管理标准提供理论、方法与技术依据,基于驾驶员驾驶工作负荷理论,从驾驶视认安全、稳定和舒适性的角度,分别在道路运行条件相似的江西宜安Ⅱ级公路和青藏公路高原青藏段(公路-Ⅱ级)设计实车试验进行定量研究。1)运用CART分类方法分析实地驾驶试验数据,发现海拔高度与驾驶员正常行驶的驾驶工作负荷之间呈正相关关系:平原区驾驶员驾驶需求最低、驾驶工作负荷度最小,海拔高度3 200~3 300 m驾驶工作负荷度居中,海拔高度4 300~4 400 m驾驶工作负荷度最大。2)通过分...

关键词 :

隧道照明亮度标准 隧道照明亮度标准 视认需求 视认需求 高海拔地区 高海拔地区 驾驶工作负荷 驾驶工作负荷 驾驶工作负荷度阈限 驾驶工作负荷度阈限 隧道照明 隧道照明



GB/T 7714 胡江碧 , 江川 , 高小娟 . 基于驾驶工作负荷的高海拔地区隧道照明亮度分析 [J]. | 隧道建设(中英文) , 2020 , 40 (S1) : 17-24 .
MLA 胡江碧 et al. "基于驾驶工作负荷的高海拔地区隧道照明亮度分析" . | 隧道建设(中英文) 40 . S1 (2020) : 17-24 .
APA 胡江碧 , 江川 , 高小娟 . 基于驾驶工作负荷的高海拔地区隧道照明亮度分析 . | 隧道建设(中英文) , 2020 , 40 (S1) , 17-24 .
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一种道路低位照明灯参数的测算方法 incoPat
专利 | 2020-09-25 | CN202011020934.3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 胡江碧 , 郭云鹏 , 高小娟 et al. 一种道路低位照明灯参数的测算方法 : CN202011020934.3[P]. | 2020-09-25 .
MLA 胡江碧 et al. "一种道路低位照明灯参数的测算方法" : CN202011020934.3. | 2020-09-25 .
APA 胡江碧 , 郭云鹏 , 高小娟 , 王荣华 . 一种道路低位照明灯参数的测算方法 : CN202011020934.3. | 2020-09-25 .
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The Permitted Dimension of Guide Sign in Freeway Tunnel Restricted by the Geometric Space of the Tunnel Vault SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Traffic guide signs should be settled in a freeway tunnel when there is a short distance between the interchange exit ramp and the tunnel exit in order to provide enough reaction time for drivers. However, there is not enough space for guide sign in a tunnel adopting the same design method as the guide sign along the general segment of the freeway. The maximum dimension of a guide sign in tunnel should be studied firstly. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the inner outline design of the tunnel and its relationship with the guide sign dimension, the study was classified into different combination conditions: left superelevation and right superelevation under two-, three-, or four-lane freeway tunnels, respectively. The essential elements, the horizontal and vertical clearances, the radius of the tunnel vault circles, the angle of the superelevation, and the allowance vertical dimension for future sign installation were all taken into account to establish the dimension model of the guide sign in the tunnel. The maximum dimensions of the guide signs were proposed under different combination conditions. The results indicated that there is only one set of the width and the height to obtain the maximum area of the guide sign in the freeway tunnel. The height of the guide sign reduces with the increase of its widths, and the area of the guide sign increases and then reduces with the increase of its width under the same grade of superelevation. The changing trend and extent of the dimension of the guide sign under left superelevation condition were different from those under right superelevation.



GB/T 7714 Hu, Jiangbi , He, Lucheng , Wang, Ronghua et al. The Permitted Dimension of Guide Sign in Freeway Tunnel Restricted by the Geometric Space of the Tunnel Vault [J]. | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 2020 , 2020 .
MLA Hu, Jiangbi et al. "The Permitted Dimension of Guide Sign in Freeway Tunnel Restricted by the Geometric Space of the Tunnel Vault" . | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2020 (2020) .
APA Hu, Jiangbi , He, Lucheng , Wang, Ronghua , Yuan, Chike , Gao, Xiaojuan . The Permitted Dimension of Guide Sign in Freeway Tunnel Restricted by the Geometric Space of the Tunnel Vault . | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 2020 , 2020 .
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Safety evaluation of freeway interchange merging areas based on driver workload theory SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 103 (3) | SCIENCE PROGRESS
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Prior safety evaluations of interchange merging areas have mostly focused on traffic conflicts and operating speeds, without considering how these factors can influence the driver workload. Researches regarding the level of driver workload have largely concentrated on urban roads, tunnel sections, and basic freeway segments, without considering the impact of merging traffic flows on safety. Therefore, this study has investigated how merging vehicles can impact through-driver workload and safety. Three independent field experiments were conducted on freeways, involving 18 drivers and 17 interchanges. The results showed that the vehicles merging onto freeway impact driver workload and driving performance, generating potential risk that cannot be ignored. Merging into the mainline traffic flow increases the through-driver workload to a higher level or even exceeds the safety threshold, despite there being better geometrical conditions of interchanges than those of basic freeway segments. When the volume of merging vehicles exceeds 564 pcu/h or the traffic saturation is above 0.485, driver workload rises above the safety thresholds and the driving risk is elevated, which potentially would lead to crashes. This study offers insights for more effective segment division of operating speed prediction, and dynamic risk management with regard to interchange safety.

关键词 :

driver workload driver workload interchange safety interchange safety merging area merging area operating speed operating speed Safety evaluation Safety evaluation



GB/T 7714 Hu, Jiangbi , He, Lucheng , Wang, Ronghua . Safety evaluation of freeway interchange merging areas based on driver workload theory [J]. | SCIENCE PROGRESS , 2020 , 103 (3) .
MLA Hu, Jiangbi et al. "Safety evaluation of freeway interchange merging areas based on driver workload theory" . | SCIENCE PROGRESS 103 . 3 (2020) .
APA Hu, Jiangbi , He, Lucheng , Wang, Ronghua . Safety evaluation of freeway interchange merging areas based on driver workload theory . | SCIENCE PROGRESS , 2020 , 103 (3) .
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Review of Safety Evaluation of Freeway Interchange EI CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 33 (7) , 17-28 | China Journal of Highway and Transport
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The infrastructure, traffic, and driving environment at interchanges are considerably more complicated than those in basic freeway segments; interchanges are the bottleneck segments of freeways in terms of safety and efficiency. Although there has been a series of achievements in terms of safety evaluation of interchanges, issues remain between theoretical systems and practical applications. It is necessary to review the current literatures to lay the foundation for future research. This paper summarizes the framework of all researches on interchange safety evaluation. The evaluation works are based on three theories-ergonomic theory, traffic conflict theory, and consistent operating speed theory. The main evaluation methods are the crash statistical method and analytic hierarchy process method. For evaluation of the theory, ergonomic theory can be widely used to evaluate the safety of the mainline and the ramp. This accurately detects risky sites and segments; however, the tested vehicle types and sample sizes should be determined to improve the validity of the index results. Traffic conflict theory is applicable for assessing the mainline areas with obvious traffic conflicts, but the impact of road conditions on safety is not considered. The evaluation index and the corresponding thresholds under more forms of diverging and merging should be studied, respectively. Consistent operating speed theory is relatively mature to evaluate the safety condition of basic segments along freeways; however, the segment divisions and prediction models of operating speed on mainlines and ramps should be further optimized. In terms of the evaluation methods, the results of the crash statistical method are objective and reliable, but data collection and data sharing are difficult. The analytic hierarchy process method can determine the key factors for safety evaluation, but the results are partially subjective. Both evaluation methods have limitations. For further research, the safety evaluation for interchanges should be developed around both mainline and ramp systems, and the evaluation objects should consist of the diverging influence area, merging influence area, and the joint area. It is suggested that further research focus on human-factor engineering theory, and thus the cost-efficiency could be determined to establish a safe driving and operation environment for interchanges in line with ergonomics. © 2020, Editorial Department of China Journal of Highway and Transport. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Analytic hierarchy process Analytic hierarchy process Automobile drivers Automobile drivers Cost engineering Cost engineering Data Sharing Data Sharing Efficiency Efficiency Ergonomics Ergonomics Interchanges Interchanges Merging Merging Predictive analytics Predictive analytics Safety engineering Safety engineering Statistical methods Statistical methods



GB/T 7714 Hu, Jiang-Bi , He, Lu-Cheng , Wang, Rong-Hua . Review of Safety Evaluation of Freeway Interchange [J]. | China Journal of Highway and Transport , 2020 , 33 (7) : 17-28 .
MLA Hu, Jiang-Bi et al. "Review of Safety Evaluation of Freeway Interchange" . | China Journal of Highway and Transport 33 . 7 (2020) : 17-28 .
APA Hu, Jiang-Bi , He, Lu-Cheng , Wang, Rong-Hua . Review of Safety Evaluation of Freeway Interchange . | China Journal of Highway and Transport , 2020 , 33 (7) , 17-28 .
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基于驾驶视认需求的夜间雾区路段光源特性 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 45 (05) , 470-475 | 北京工业大学学报
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

光源特性 光源特性 照明 照明 公路雾区路段 公路雾区路段 能见度 能见度



GB/T 7714 胡江碧 , 孙淑娅 , 陈建龙 et al. 基于驾驶视认需求的夜间雾区路段光源特性 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2019 , 45 (05) : 470-475 .
MLA 胡江碧 et al. "基于驾驶视认需求的夜间雾区路段光源特性" . | 北京工业大学学报 45 . 05 (2019) : 470-475 .
APA 胡江碧 , 孙淑娅 , 陈建龙 , 袁驰科 . 基于驾驶视认需求的夜间雾区路段光源特性 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2019 , 45 (05) , 470-475 .
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