摘要 :
This research aims to establish a series of small-scale experiments to analyze the effect of ramp slopes on the temperature distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) fire in a model branched tunnel under longitudinal ventilation. The heat release rate under experimental conditions reached 2.57 kW to 7.70 kW and five ramp slopes of 0 %, 3 %, 5 %, 7 % and 9 % were conducted. For a specific given bifurcation angle, the maximum exceedance temperature of the fire in the expanding region before the bifurcation angle is measured and ana- lysed. Results show that the maximum exceedance temperature in the main tunnel increases as the ramp slope decreases, which is mainly because the stack effect enhances the entrainment of the air and accelerates the smoke flow. Furthermore, the modified model of the maximum exceedance temperature, which could consider the influence of ramp slope for a branch tunnel fire is established according to the experimental results. The pre- dicted results agree well with those of the experimental study for the main tunnel. The results could provide a reference and contribute to the knowledge of smoke extraction strategies designed for branched tunnels.
关键词 :
Ramp slopes Ramp slopes Longitudinal ventilation Longitudinal ventilation Maximum exceedance temperature Maximum exceedance temperature Branched tunnels Branched tunnels
GB/T 7714 | Li, Jiaxin , Li, Yanfeng , Li, Junmei et al. Experimental analysis of the effect of the ramp slopes on the maximum exceedance temperature in a branched tunnel fire [J]. | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 131 . |
MLA | Li, Jiaxin et al. "Experimental analysis of the effect of the ramp slopes on the maximum exceedance temperature in a branched tunnel fire" . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 131 (2023) . |
APA | Li, Jiaxin , Li, Yanfeng , Li, Junmei , Zhong, Hua , Zhao, Jianlong , Xu, Desheng . Experimental analysis of the effect of the ramp slopes on the maximum exceedance temperature in a branched tunnel fire . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 131 . |
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摘要 :
This study simulated a series of bifurcation tunnel fire scenarios using the numerical code to investigate the temperature profile of bifurcation tunnel fire under natural ventilation. The bifurcation tunnel fire scenarios considered three bifurcation angles (30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees) and six heat release rates (HRRs) (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 MW). According to the simulation results, the temperature profile with various HRRs and bifurcation angles was described. Furthermore, the effects of bifurcation angles and HRRs on the maximum temperature under the bifurcation tunnel ceiling and the temperature decay along the longitudinal direction of the branch were investigated. According to the theoretical analysis, two prediction models were proposed. These models can predict a bifurcation tunnel fire's maximum temperature and longitudinal temperature decay in the branch. The results of this study could be valuable for modelling a bifurcation tunnel fire and benefit the fire engineering design of bifurcation tunnels.
GB/T 7714 | Zhao, Jianlong , Li, Yanfeng , Li, Junmei et al. A study on the temperature profile of bifurcation tunnel fire under natural ventilation [J]. | PLOS ONE , 2022 , 17 (1) . |
MLA | Zhao, Jianlong et al. "A study on the temperature profile of bifurcation tunnel fire under natural ventilation" . | PLOS ONE 17 . 1 (2022) . |
APA | Zhao, Jianlong , Li, Yanfeng , Li, Junmei , Li, Jiaxin . A study on the temperature profile of bifurcation tunnel fire under natural ventilation . | PLOS ONE , 2022 , 17 (1) . |
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摘要 :
针对某综合管廊的电缆舱室,采取全尺寸实验和数值模拟结合的方法,探究综合管廊内电缆舱的火灾特性,对比分析干粉灭火系统和高压细水雾灭火两种灭火系统的灭火效果.将火源功率为0.7 MW的乙醇火设置于电缆架底部,观察火灾发展和烟气蔓延情况,分析电缆舱火灾特性;对比两种灭火系统开启后管廊内的温度和烟气变化规律,分析灭火效果.在实验基础上利用FDS软件进行数值模拟以补充验证多工况火灾灭火结果.结果表明,电缆舱关闭防火门后,火灾不会持续发展,舱内温度稳定在600~700℃之间;干粉灭火系统有效灭火时间较短,且降温效果有限,火源上方温度降至440℃后发生了复燃现象;高压细水雾系统有效灭火时间较长,可以持续进行灭火,降温效果较为明显,且对于烟气蔓延有较明显的抑制作用,能为后续消防队员进入创造有利条件.
GB/T 7714 | 田思楠 , 李炎锋 , 徐晨亮 et al. 综合管廊电缆舱灭火系统效果研究 [J]. | 消防科学与技术 , 2021 , 40 (6) : 880-883 . |
MLA | 田思楠 et al. "综合管廊电缆舱灭火系统效果研究" . | 消防科学与技术 40 . 6 (2021) : 880-883 . |
APA | 田思楠 , 李炎锋 , 徐晨亮 , 杨泉 , 刘文博 . 综合管廊电缆舱灭火系统效果研究 . | 消防科学与技术 , 2021 , 40 (6) , 880-883 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
烟气扩散 烟气扩散 区间隧道 区间隧道 地铁 地铁 多尺度模拟 多尺度模拟 坡度 坡度
GB/T 7714 | 刘慧强 , 李炎锋 , 李云飞 et al. 区间坡度对停驶地铁列车火灾烟气自然扩散的影响 [J]. | 消防科学与技术 , 2021 , 40 (02) : 188-193 . |
MLA | 刘慧强 et al. "区间坡度对停驶地铁列车火灾烟气自然扩散的影响" . | 消防科学与技术 40 . 02 (2021) : 188-193 . |
APA | 刘慧强 , 李炎锋 , 李云飞 , 樊宪来 , 赵守冲 . 区间坡度对停驶地铁列车火灾烟气自然扩散的影响 . | 消防科学与技术 , 2021 , 40 (02) , 188-193 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
区间隧道 区间隧道 坡度 坡度 多尺度模拟 多尺度模拟 地铁 地铁 烟气扩散 烟气扩散
GB/T 7714 | 刘慧强 , 李炎锋 , 李云飞 et al. 区间坡度对停驶地铁列车火灾烟气自然扩散的影响 [J]. | 刘慧强 , 2021 , 40 (2) : 188-193 . |
MLA | 刘慧强 et al. "区间坡度对停驶地铁列车火灾烟气自然扩散的影响" . | 刘慧强 40 . 2 (2021) : 188-193 . |
APA | 刘慧强 , 李炎锋 , 李云飞 , 樊宪来 , 赵守冲 , 消防科学与技术 . 区间坡度对停驶地铁列车火灾烟气自然扩散的影响 . | 刘慧强 , 2021 , 40 (2) , 188-193 . |
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摘要 :
通过数值模拟手段对纵向通风时隧道内的烟气扩散特性进行研究,探讨较低风速时,针对不同火源功率、不同风速作用下,火源上、下游烟气的分层特性及温度分布特性,并在此基础上探讨纵向排烟在拥堵的交通隧道中应用的可能性.研究结果表明:如果起火初期隧道内以较低的纵向风速送风,保证上、下游烟气分层的存在,则纵向通风可用于交通拥堵的隧道.火源功率为5 MW时,该风速约为1.0 m/s;火源功率为20 MW时,较适宜的风速为1.0~1.5 m/s;火源功率为30 MW时,较适宜的风速为1.5 m/s左右.火源功率较大时,应尽早将火源下游附近的人员疏散,以确保安全.
关键词 :
交通拥堵 交通拥堵 数值模拟 数值模拟 烟气分层 烟气分层 烟气控制 烟气控制 纵向通风 纵向通风 隧道火灾 隧道火灾
GB/T 7714 | 李俊梅 , 谢飞 , 李炎锋 et al. 在交通拥堵的隧道火灾中纵向通风的合理送风风速研究 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (09) : 1021-1028 . |
MLA | 李俊梅 et al. "在交通拥堵的隧道火灾中纵向通风的合理送风风速研究" . | 北京工业大学学报 47 . 09 (2021) : 1021-1028 . |
APA | 李俊梅 , 谢飞 , 李炎锋 , 毕强 , 王泽航 , 常默宁 et al. 在交通拥堵的隧道火灾中纵向通风的合理送风风速研究 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (09) , 1021-1028 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 李炎锋 , 赵守冲 , 苏枳赫 et al. 一种用于研究高大竖井内部气流特性的模型试验装置 : CN202110092925.3[P]. | 2021-01-25 . |
MLA | 李炎锋 et al. "一种用于研究高大竖井内部气流特性的模型试验装置" : CN202110092925.3. | 2021-01-25 . |
APA | 李炎锋 , 赵守冲 , 苏枳赫 , 刘慧强 , 杨泉 , 田伟 et al. 一种用于研究高大竖井内部气流特性的模型试验装置 : CN202110092925.3. | 2021-01-25 . |
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摘要 :
In order to analyze the effect of the smoke exhaust system, a series of experiments were conducted in a 1:20 scale model of a cross-type interchange subway station. Fire dynamics simulator code was used to evaluate different mechanical smoke control strategies conducted in a full-scale interchange subway station. The numerical results were compared with experimental data. Results show that the experimental data of the air temperature distribution in the station platform were in good agreement with the simulation results and the research indicated that the different smoke control system had different influence on smoke confinement induced by the fire occurred in the 3rd basement, which was the platform of the No.10 line in Beijing. In the same smoke control strategy, the velocity of airflow at stairs with a full-seal screen platform door system in the transfer station is higher than that of platform the half-height screen platform door system.
关键词 :
Interchange subway station Interchange subway station Scale model Scale model Ventilation control system Ventilation control system
GB/T 7714 | Li, Jiaxin , Li, Yanfeng , Li, Junmei et al. Study on smoke control under mechanical exhaust strategy in a cross-type interchange subway station [J]. | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 112 . |
MLA | Li, Jiaxin et al. "Study on smoke control under mechanical exhaust strategy in a cross-type interchange subway station" . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 112 (2021) . |
APA | Li, Jiaxin , Li, Yanfeng , Li, Junmei , Li, Xuejin , Huang, Youbo . Study on smoke control under mechanical exhaust strategy in a cross-type interchange subway station . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 112 . |
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摘要 :
Blocking the tunnel portal is one strategy in railway tunnel firefighting. In order to evaluate the effect of tunnel portal sealing ratio on fire behaviour, Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) was used to simulate tilted tunnel fire with different slope angles varying from 0% to 5%, heat release rate varying from 10 to 50 MW and sealing ratios varying from 0% to 75%. Results show that the experimental data of the temperature distribution inside the tilted tunnel were in good agreement with the simulation results. Moreover, the ceiling temperature rise decreases along the tunnel with the increase of the tunnel portal sealing ratio at initial stage and then tends to stabilize because of less oxygen supply when the heat release rate is relatively large. The maximum temperature rise decays exponentially along the tunnel ceiling with distance. The current model for temperature decay beneath the tunnel ceiling was proposed to be modified by taking the tunnel entrance sealing ratio into account. The predictions by the modified model agree well with the experimental measurement. The results could provide practical information and knowledge in ventilation system design and emergency evacuation for inclined railway tunnels.
关键词 :
Longitudinal decay Longitudinal decay Sealing ratio Sealing ratio Dimensional analysis Dimensional analysis Tilted tunnel fire Tilted tunnel fire
GB/T 7714 | Li, Jiaxin , Li, Yanfeng , Li, Junmei et al. Numerical investigation on the smoke behaviour and longitudinal temperature decay in tilted tunnel fire with portal sealing [J]. | INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT , 2021 , 32 (1) : 133-148 . |
MLA | Li, Jiaxin et al. "Numerical investigation on the smoke behaviour and longitudinal temperature decay in tilted tunnel fire with portal sealing" . | INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT 32 . 1 (2021) : 133-148 . |
APA | Li, Jiaxin , Li, Yanfeng , Li, Junmei , Yang, Quan . Numerical investigation on the smoke behaviour and longitudinal temperature decay in tilted tunnel fire with portal sealing . | INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT , 2021 , 32 (1) , 133-148 . |
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摘要 :
In this study, a series of small-scale experiments were conducted to investigate the backdraft phenomenon in a compartment (1.1 x 0.4 x 0.75 m) with woodblocks as fuel. This research focused on the effects of compartment window woodblock areas on backdraft time, with a video recording of the experimental phenomena. Thermocouples and a gas analyzer were used to measure the temperature and the concentration of gas components in the compartment, respectively. There was no additional heat source or ignition source pre-set in the compartment at the beginning of the experiments; the experimental processes only depended on the heat released from the burning or smoldering of woodblocks. When compartment ventilation improved, smoldering of woodblocks became intense, and backdraft occurred. The results show that backdraft time is shorten with increases of compartment window and woodblock areas, and opening the upper window of a compartment could avoid the backdraft phenomenon. The results help to understand the backdraft phenomenon of solid fuel and, more importantly, could help firefighters adopt reasonable fire-fighting strategies for restraining backdraft occurrence.
GB/T 7714 | Zhao, Jianlong , Li, Yanfeng , Li, Junmei et al. Experimental study on the backdraft phenomenon of solid fuel [J]. | PLOS ONE , 2021 , 16 (8) . |
MLA | Zhao, Jianlong et al. "Experimental study on the backdraft phenomenon of solid fuel" . | PLOS ONE 16 . 8 (2021) . |
APA | Zhao, Jianlong , Li, Yanfeng , Li, Junmei , Huang, Youbo , Wu, Jinxiang . Experimental study on the backdraft phenomenon of solid fuel . | PLOS ONE , 2021 , 16 (8) . |
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