摘要 :
关键词 :
沉降 沉降 模型试验 模型试验 盾构隧道 盾构隧道 相对密实度 相对密实度 应力路径 应力路径 剪胀性 剪胀性
GB/T 7714 | 阿卜杜拉-穆塔里伯·凯特玛斯 , 田雨 , 路德春 et al. 围岩相对密实度对隧道掘进时地层沉降的影响 [J]. | 工业建筑 , 2021 , 51 (07) : 11-17 . |
MLA | 阿卜杜拉-穆塔里伯·凯特玛斯 et al. "围岩相对密实度对隧道掘进时地层沉降的影响" . | 工业建筑 51 . 07 (2021) : 11-17 . |
APA | 阿卜杜拉-穆塔里伯·凯特玛斯 , 田雨 , 路德春 , 杜修力 . 围岩相对密实度对隧道掘进时地层沉降的影响 . | 工业建筑 , 2021 , 51 (07) , 11-17 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
土木工程学科 土木工程学科 防灾减灾 防灾减灾
GB/T 7714 | 路德春 . 序言 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (07) : 666 . |
MLA | 路德春 . "序言" . | 北京工业大学学报 47 . 07 (2021) : 666 . |
APA | 路德春 . 序言 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (07) , 666 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
交叠隧道 交叠隧道 动力响应 动力响应 平行隧道 平行隧道 时域显式整体分析方法 时域显式整体分析方法 环境振动 环境振动
GB/T 7714 | 路德春 , 马一丁 , 王国盛 . 近接隧道列车运行时地表振动响应数值模拟 [J]. | 吉林大学学报(地球科学版) , 2021 , 51 (05) : 1452-1462 . |
MLA | 路德春 et al. "近接隧道列车运行时地表振动响应数值模拟" . | 吉林大学学报(地球科学版) 51 . 05 (2021) : 1452-1462 . |
APA | 路德春 , 马一丁 , 王国盛 . 近接隧道列车运行时地表振动响应数值模拟 . | 吉林大学学报(地球科学版) , 2021 , 51 (05) , 1452-1462 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
卵石地层 卵石地层 地表沉降 地表沉降 既有隧道 既有隧道 模型试验 模型试验 盾构下穿 盾构下穿 隧道变形 隧道变形
GB/T 7714 | 林庆涛 , 路德春 , 雷春明 et al. 下穿施工时盾构-卵石地层-既有隧道相互作用模型试验研究 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (04) : 328-337 . |
MLA | 林庆涛 et al. "下穿施工时盾构-卵石地层-既有隧道相互作用模型试验研究" . | 北京工业大学学报 47 . 04 (2021) : 328-337 . |
APA | 林庆涛 , 路德春 , 雷春明 , 李晓强 , 苗金波 , 龚秋明 et al. 下穿施工时盾构-卵石地层-既有隧道相互作用模型试验研究 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (04) , 328-337 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
卵石地层 卵石地层 地表沉降 地表沉降 既有隧道 既有隧道 模型试验 模型试验 盾构下穿 盾构下穿 隧道变形 隧道变形
GB/T 7714 | 路德春 , 雷春明 , 李晓强 et al. 下穿施工时盾构-卵石地层-既有隧道相互作用模型试验研究 [J]. | 路德春 , 2021 , 47 (4) : 328-337 . |
MLA | 路德春 et al. "下穿施工时盾构-卵石地层-既有隧道相互作用模型试验研究" . | 路德春 47 . 4 (2021) : 328-337 . |
APA | 路德春 , 雷春明 , 李晓强 , 苗金波 , 龚秋明 , 杜修力 et al. 下穿施工时盾构-卵石地层-既有隧道相互作用模型试验研究 . | 路德春 , 2021 , 47 (4) , 328-337 . |
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摘要 :
Seismic failure mechanism of underground frame structures presents that the collapse of underground structures attributes to the insufficient seismic resistance of central columns. Therefore, researches have been conducted to improve the seismic performance of underground structures by enhancing the loading-carrying capacity of the central columns or decreasing the seismic loads transmitted to central columns. For this purpose, this study proposed a new approach by changing the connection type between sidewalls and slab: setting shock absorbing gap (SAG) between sidewalls and ceiling slab, which aims to decrease seismic loads transmitted to central columns. The proposal and working mechanism of SAG were illustrated detailedly. Afterwards, nonlinear finite element models, in which a developed elastoplastic constitutive model was used to simulate the 3D strength and softening behaviour of surrounding soils, were built for simulating the static and dynamic responses of underground structures. Based on the numerical results, SAG affecting the internal forces of structural components before earthquakes were discussed firstly. Then the seismic efficiency of SAG updating the seismic performance of underground frame structures was analyzed by discussing earthquake-induced damage mode of overall structures, soil pressure on structures, earthquake-induced deformations and internal forces of structural components. Finally, the seismic performance of underground frame structures influenced by the width of SAG and frictional coefficient of the sliding surface was investigated, and advice for reasonably using SAG was suggested.
关键词 :
Parametric analysis Parametric analysis Seismic performance Seismic performance Shock absorbing gap Shock absorbing gap Soil-structure flexibility Soil-structure flexibility Underground frame structures Underground frame structures
GB/T 7714 | Ma, Chao , Lu, Dechun , Gao, Hui et al. Seismic performance improvement of underground frame structures by changing connection type between sidewalls and slab [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2021 , 149 . |
MLA | Ma, Chao et al. "Seismic performance improvement of underground frame structures by changing connection type between sidewalls and slab" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 149 (2021) . |
APA | Ma, Chao , Lu, Dechun , Gao, Hui , Du, Xiuli , Qi, Chengzhi . Seismic performance improvement of underground frame structures by changing connection type between sidewalls and slab . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2021 , 149 . |
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摘要 :
Great efforts have been conducted to investigate the seismic performances of the arch and rectangular underground structures, however, the differences between seismic responses of these two types of underground structures, especially the vault radian influencing the seismic responses of arch structures are not clarified. This paper presents a detailed numerical investigation on the seismic responses of arch underground structures with different vault radians, and aims to illustrate the rule that vault radian affects the seismic responses of underground structures. Five arch underground structures are built for nonlinear soil-structure interaction analysis. The internal forces of the structural components of the underground structures only under gravity are discussed detailedly, and an optimum vault radian for perfect load-carrying functionality of arch underground structures is suggested. Then the structures are analyzed under seven scaled ground motions, amounting to a total of 35 dynamic calculations. The numerical results show that the vault radian can have beneficial effects on the seismic response of the arch structure, compared to the rectangular underground structures, causing the central columns to suffer smaller axial force and horizontal deformation. The conclusions provide some directive suggestions for the seismic design of the arch underground structures.
关键词 :
static analysis static analysis optimum radian optimum radian arch underground structures arch underground structures seismic performance seismic performance vault radian vault radian
GB/T 7714 | Ma, Chao , Lu, Dechun , Qi, Chengzhi et al. Radian of the vault influencing the seismic performances of straight wall arch underground structures [J]. | STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS , 2021 , 78 (5) : 637-649 . |
MLA | Ma, Chao et al. "Radian of the vault influencing the seismic performances of straight wall arch underground structures" . | STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS 78 . 5 (2021) : 637-649 . |
APA | Ma, Chao , Lu, Dechun , Qi, Chengzhi , Du, Xiuli . Radian of the vault influencing the seismic performances of straight wall arch underground structures . | STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS , 2021 , 78 (5) , 637-649 . |
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摘要 :
A test platform of the earth pressure balance shield is designed and manufactured. Taking a field project as the background, the test model with single cobble strata and two existing tunnels is planned, and the test of shield under-crossing the existing tunnels in the cobble strata is conducted. The surface settlement, the normal earth pressure acting on the existing tunnel, and the circumferential strain of the existing tunnels are measured. During the shield advancing process, two collapse pits are caused on the ground surface directly above the right side walls of the horseshoe tunnel and rectangular tunnel, respectively. Based on the measured surface settlements and the earth pressure on the existing tunnels, collapse mechanism of the cobble soil around the existing tunnel is revealed. Meanwhile, deformation feature of the existing horseshoe and the rectangular tunnels is obtained according to the measured circumferential strain.
关键词 :
Tunnel deformation feature Tunnel deformation feature Cobble strata Cobble strata Collapse mechanism Collapse mechanism Shield under-crossing Shield under-crossing Model test Model test Ground disturbance Ground disturbance
GB/T 7714 | Lin, Qingtao , Lu, Dechun , Lei, Chunming et al. Model test study on the stability of cobble strata during shield under-crossing [J]. | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 110 . |
MLA | Lin, Qingtao et al. "Model test study on the stability of cobble strata during shield under-crossing" . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 110 (2021) . |
APA | Lin, Qingtao , Lu, Dechun , Lei, Chunming , Tian, Yu , Gong, Qiuming , Du, Xiuli . Model test study on the stability of cobble strata during shield under-crossing . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 110 . |
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摘要 :
The significant influence of transverse isotropy on mechanical behaviours of soil has long been recognised, but it is still difficult to capture well under 3D stress conditions. In this study, a method of establishing 3D non-orthogonal elastoplastic (NOEP) constitutive models for transversely isotropic soil (TI-soil) is proposed. The effect of transverse isotropy is considered by extending the characteristic stress with the fabric tensor of TI-soil. The extended characteristic stress can be used to treat the mechanical behaviour of TI-soil from the perspective of isotropic soil. Therefore, a unified strength criterion for TI-soil is developed in the same form as the Drucker-Prager criterion. In order to reflect the non-orthogonality of the plastic flow direction with respect to the yield surface, the non-orthogonal plastic flow rule is adopted, which obviates the tedious work of constructing the plastic potential function or the dilatancy relation. Based on the yield function and hardening parameter expressed in the extended characteristic stress space, specific formulations of the NOEP model for TI-soil can be derived. Comparisons between model predictions and test results show that the developed model can well reflect the effects of transverse isotropy and intermediate principal stress on the strength and deformation behaviour of TI-soil.
关键词 :
Non-orthogonal plastic flow rule Non-orthogonal plastic flow rule Characteristic stress Characteristic stress Transverse isotropy Transverse isotropy Constitutive model Constitutive model Soil Soil
GB/T 7714 | Liang, Jingyu , Lu, Dechun , Du, Xiuli et al. A 3D non-orthogonal elastoplastic constitutive model for transversely isotropic soil [J]. | ACTA GEOTECHNICA , 2021 , 17 (1) : 19-36 . |
MLA | Liang, Jingyu et al. "A 3D non-orthogonal elastoplastic constitutive model for transversely isotropic soil" . | ACTA GEOTECHNICA 17 . 1 (2021) : 19-36 . |
APA | Liang, Jingyu , Lu, Dechun , Du, Xiuli , Ma, Chao , Gao, Zhiwei , Han, Jiayue . A 3D non-orthogonal elastoplastic constitutive model for transversely isotropic soil . | ACTA GEOTECHNICA , 2021 , 17 (1) , 19-36 . |
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摘要 :
Critical burial depth plays an important role in tunnel design and analysis. So, the division method for deep tunnels and shallow tunnels is perceived as a main concern. Considering the soil stress path dependency, this paper investigates the construction mechanical behavior of soil mass at different burial depths, and aims to explore a method for identifying critical burial depth. Firstly, using the Eulerian method and stress return mapping scheme, an elastoplastic algorithm applicable to double loading criteria was developed for a soil constitutive model considering complex stress paths. Then, the developed algorithm was implemented into a user-defined material subroutine (UMAT) and validated through numerical triaxial tests under different stress paths. Subsequently, the UMAT was used to model tunnel excavation in soils. The simulated results were compared with the results that from practical engineering, which shows that the UMAT could accurately predict the ground surface settlement. On the basis of this, the stress distribution and deformation performance in soil during tunneling at different burial depths were explored. Finally, the division method for differentiating shallow tunnels and deep tunnels in soil was discussed and a method for determining the critical depth was proposed.
关键词 :
Stress path dependency Stress path dependency Tunnel excavation Tunnel excavation Deformation performance Deformation performance Stress return mapping scheme Stress return mapping scheme Critical burial depth Critical burial depth
GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Pei , Lu, Dechun , Du, Xiuli et al. A division method for shallow tunnels and deep tunnels considering soil stress path dependency [J]. | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS , 2021 , 135 . |
MLA | Zhang, Pei et al. "A division method for shallow tunnels and deep tunnels considering soil stress path dependency" . | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 135 (2021) . |
APA | Zhang, Pei , Lu, Dechun , Du, Xiuli , Qi, Jilin . A division method for shallow tunnels and deep tunnels considering soil stress path dependency . | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS , 2021 , 135 . |
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