摘要 :
The complementary energy principle associated with the modified couple stress theory (MCST) is proposed and proved for analyzing the size effects of Euler micro-beams considering support movements and negative Poisson's ratio. The analytical solutions with the size effects are obtained and analyzed for the support reactions, internal forces, curvatures, rotations and deflections separately based on the principle. The results show that the support reactions and internal forces are greatly affected by the size effects when the support displacements are considered. It means that the size effects exist in piezoresistive pressure sensors that are sensitive to stresses. Moreover, the direction changes to the opposite for the total moment when the ratio of the material scale parameter l to the height of the micro-beam h (l/h) goes from 0 to 1. The deflections, curvatures and rotations have nothing to do with the size effects, respectively, if the support movements are only considered. Negative Poisson's ratio materials may be a good choice to verify the controversial issue of whether Poisson's ratio should be considered in the MCST beam model for the micro-scale experiments. The main reason is that the influence of negative Poisson's ratio on the size effects is larger than that of positive Poisson's ratio in the theoretical analysis. The analytical solutions agree with the published data for the deflections and rotations without the support movements.
关键词 :
Support movements Support movements Complementary energy principle Complementary energy principle Modified couple stress theory Modified couple stress theory Size effects Size effects Negative Poisson's ratio Negative Poisson's ratio
GB/T 7714 | Liu, Jiangsen , Peng, Yijiang . Complementary energy principle associated with modified couple stress theory for Euler micro-beams considering support movements and negative Poisson's ratio [J]. | ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS , 2022 , 92 (7) : 2119-2135 . |
MLA | Liu, Jiangsen 等. "Complementary energy principle associated with modified couple stress theory for Euler micro-beams considering support movements and negative Poisson's ratio" . | ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS 92 . 7 (2022) : 2119-2135 . |
APA | Liu, Jiangsen , Peng, Yijiang . Complementary energy principle associated with modified couple stress theory for Euler micro-beams considering support movements and negative Poisson's ratio . | ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS , 2022 , 92 (7) , 2119-2135 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
Series Homogenization Model Series Homogenization Model 再生混凝土 再生混凝土 基面力单元法 基面力单元法 Base Force Element Method Base Force Element Method Mesoscopic Damage Mesoscopic Damage 串联均质化模型 串联均质化模型 Recycled Concrete Recycled Concrete 细观损伤 细观损伤
GB/T 7714 | Al-SayedSafwan Fouad , 陈莹 , 彭一江 . 基于串联均质化模型的再生混凝土抗压强度和破坏机理分析 [J]. | 力学研究 , 2021 , 10 (02) : 153-161 . |
MLA | Al-SayedSafwan Fouad 等. "基于串联均质化模型的再生混凝土抗压强度和破坏机理分析" . | 力学研究 10 . 02 (2021) : 153-161 . |
APA | Al-SayedSafwan Fouad , 陈莹 , 彭一江 . 基于串联均质化模型的再生混凝土抗压强度和破坏机理分析 . | 力学研究 , 2021 , 10 (02) , 153-161 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 龚琳琦 , 陈曦昀 , 郭庆 et al. 基面力单元法在空间几何非线性问题中的应用 [J]. | 应用数学和力学 , 2021 , 42 (8) : 785-793 . |
MLA | 龚琳琦 et al. "基面力单元法在空间几何非线性问题中的应用" . | 应用数学和力学 42 . 8 (2021) : 785-793 . |
APA | 龚琳琦 , 陈曦昀 , 郭庆 , 彭一江 . 基面力单元法在空间几何非线性问题中的应用 . | 应用数学和力学 , 2021 , 42 (8) , 785-793 . |
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摘要 :
The 3-D base force element method (BFEM) for damage problems is proposed, which is applied to analyze the damage mechanism of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). A piecewise curve damage constitutive model is given to simulate the constitutive relationships of RAC phases. A spatial random aggregate model of RAC is proposed. 3-D numerical simulations of RAC under uniaxial mechanical stress are carried out. The macroscopic stress-strain relationship and failure process of RAC under uniaxial stress based on the 3-D BFEM are obtained. The numerical results show a good consistency with the experimental results. This illustrates that the numerical simulation can reflect the nonlinearity deformation, stress redistribution, and crack propagation process of RAC. In addition, the influence of recycled aggregate replacement percentage on strength and elastic modulus is investigated. The results show that the content proportion of recycled aggregate has a great effect on RAC, which have to be considered in the analysis and the application of RAC.
关键词 :
recycled aggregate concrete recycled aggregate concrete numerical simulation numerical simulation spatial random aggregate model spatial random aggregate model damage mechanism damage mechanism D base force element method D base force element method 3‐ 3‐ damage constitutive model damage constitutive model
GB/T 7714 | Ying, Liping , Peng, Yijiang , Kamel, Mahmoud M. A. . 3-D base force element method on meso-damage analysis for recycled concrete [J]. | STRUCTURAL CONCRETE , 2021 , 23 (4) : 1962-1980 . |
MLA | Ying, Liping et al. "3-D base force element method on meso-damage analysis for recycled concrete" . | STRUCTURAL CONCRETE 23 . 4 (2021) : 1962-1980 . |
APA | Ying, Liping , Peng, Yijiang , Kamel, Mahmoud M. A. . 3-D base force element method on meso-damage analysis for recycled concrete . | STRUCTURAL CONCRETE , 2021 , 23 (4) , 1962-1980 . |
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摘要 :
The base force element method (BFEM), formulated according the principle of complementary energy, is a new finite element method (FEM) that deals with nonlinear problems. Using the BFEM, the linear elastic model and large elastic deformation model of the plane truss element are derived, and the large elastic deformation model is expanded into a three-dimensional setting in this study. The rotating part of the element should be considered when deriving the large elastic deformation model. Accordingly, it is necessary to determine whether base force can be used as a fundamental unknown variable. Nonlinear numerical calculation is performed in combination with large elastic deformations of the truss beam and frame. The calculated results conform with the theoretical results of a solid beam with equivalent deflection. In this study, the U.L and T.L formats are used to solve the governing equations iteratively. The calculated results in the T.L format are compared with those of the T2D2 and LINK1 elements in the finite element software. Only a single loading of the T.L format is necessary, rendering it a simple and convenient approach that can improve calculation efficiency. Moreover, the arc-length method is first applied to the BFEM to solve the snap-through problem.
关键词 :
finite element method finite element method beam beam truss  truss  large elastic deformation large elastic deformation complementary energy principle complementary energy principle truss element model truss element model BFEM BFEM
GB/T 7714 | Peng, Yijiang , Li, Zhonghai , Kamel, Mahmoud M. A. . Geometrical nonlinear problems of truss beam by base force element method [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING , 2021 , 122 (18) : 4793-4824 . |
MLA | Peng, Yijiang et al. "Geometrical nonlinear problems of truss beam by base force element method" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING 122 . 18 (2021) : 4793-4824 . |
APA | Peng, Yijiang , Li, Zhonghai , Kamel, Mahmoud M. A. . Geometrical nonlinear problems of truss beam by base force element method . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING , 2021 , 122 (18) , 4793-4824 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
碳纳米管 碳纳米管 复合建筑材料 复合建筑材料 代表单元 代表单元 基面力元法 基面力元法 数值模拟 数值模拟
GB/T 7714 | 吴正昊 , 应黎坪 , 杨宏明 et al. 碳纳米管增强水泥基复合材料的 二维代表单元研究 [J]. | 河北工业科技 , 2020 , 37 (4) : 211-217 . |
MLA | 吴正昊 et al. "碳纳米管增强水泥基复合材料的 二维代表单元研究" . | 河北工业科技 37 . 4 (2020) : 211-217 . |
APA | 吴正昊 , 应黎坪 , 杨宏明 , 彭一江 . 碳纳米管增强水泥基复合材料的 二维代表单元研究 . | 河北工业科技 , 2020 , 37 (4) , 211-217 . |
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摘要 :
Purpose Based on the random aggregate model of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), this paper aims to focus on the effect of loading rate on the failure pattern and the macroscopic mechanical properties. Design/methodology/approach RAC is regarded as a five-phase inhomogeneous composite material at the mesoscopic level. The number and position of the aggregates are modeled by the Walraven formula and Monte-Carlo stochastic method, respectively. The RAC specimen is divided by the finite-element mesh to establish the dynamic base force element model. In this model, the element mechanical parameters of each material phase satisfy Weibull distribution. To simulate and analyze the dynamic mechanical behavior of RAC under axial tension, flexural tension and shear tension, the dynamic tensile modes of the double-notched specimens, the simply supported beam and the L specimens are modeled, respectively. In addition, the different concrete samples are numerically investigated under different loading rates. Findings The failure strength and failure pattern of RAC have strong rate-dependent characteristics because of the inhomogeneity and the inertial effect of the material. Originality/value The dynamic base force element method has been successfully applied to the study of recycled concrete.
关键词 :
Base force element method Base force element method Dynamic tensile failure Dynamic tensile failure Mesoscopic model Mesoscopic model Rate-dependent Rate-dependent Recycled concrete Recycled concrete
GB/T 7714 | Ying, Liping , Peng, Yijiang , Kamel, Mahmoud M. A. . Mesoscopic numerical analysis of dynamic tensile fracture of recycled concrete [J]. | ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS , 2020 , 37 (6) : 1899-1922 . |
MLA | Ying, Liping et al. "Mesoscopic numerical analysis of dynamic tensile fracture of recycled concrete" . | ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS 37 . 6 (2020) : 1899-1922 . |
APA | Ying, Liping , Peng, Yijiang , Kamel, Mahmoud M. A. . Mesoscopic numerical analysis of dynamic tensile fracture of recycled concrete . | ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS , 2020 , 37 (6) , 1899-1922 . |
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摘要 :
Since recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) is valuable for green concrete and global sustainability, it has attracted many numerical research studies as a five-phase material in mesolevel. In this study, the digital image processing (DIP) technique is used to obtain the real aggregate and mortar distribution of recycled concrete specimens. By applying the DIP MATLAB model, the real mesoheterogeneity of RAC is well represented. Based on the base force element method (BFEM), a mesomechanical model is constructed to simulate the uniaxial tension and compression tests of recycled concrete specimens subjected to displacement loads. The damage and the cracking mechanisms of RAC are analyzed in the mesolevel. Moreover, the failure process and the failure mode are investigated. Results indicate the nonlinearity deformation, stress redistribution, and cracks propagation of RAC. The stress-strain curve, fracture energy, and fracture distribution are also figured. The comparative analysis between the simulation and the experimental results of in situ RAC samples shows the applicability of the model; therefore, the failure mechanism is revealed. It also extends the application of the BFEM in the field of failure mechanism analysis of RAC as a heterogeneous composite material.
关键词 :
base force element method (BFEM) base force element method (BFEM) digital image processing (DIP) digital image processing (DIP) mesodamage model mesodamage model numerical analysis concrete numerical analysis concrete recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) recycled aggregate concrete (RAC)
GB/T 7714 | Peng, Yijiang , Ying, Liping , Kamel, Mahmoud M. A. et al. Mesoscale fracture analysis of recycled aggregate concrete based on digital image processing technique [J]. | STRUCTURAL CONCRETE , 2020 . |
MLA | Peng, Yijiang et al. "Mesoscale fracture analysis of recycled aggregate concrete based on digital image processing technique" . | STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (2020) . |
APA | Peng, Yijiang , Ying, Liping , Kamel, Mahmoud M. A. , Wang, Yao . Mesoscale fracture analysis of recycled aggregate concrete based on digital image processing technique . | STRUCTURAL CONCRETE , 2020 . |
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摘要 :
To study the properties of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), a RAC model was presented that can mesh directly inside the aggregate. The characteristics of the ITZ can be accurately identified and simulated based on this model. Additionally, as for comparative specimens, several projection mesh models of RAC were also set up to prove the accuracy and efficiency of this model. Further, a two-dimensional (2D) element was introduced to simulate the ITZ element, which is degenerated from a three-dimensional (3D) element on the base force element method (BFEM). Hereafter, these RAC models were subjected to a displacement loading to simulate the uniaxial compression and tension tests based on the BFEM. The effect of ITZ thickness on the compressive strength, tensile strength, peak/ultimate strain, and crack development was studied. Besides, the influence of the relative properties between ITZs and the corresponding mortar was also investigated. The obtained results demonstrate that the present model is an efficient way to analyze the influence law of ITZ. Besides, the multiple influencing factors can be fixed via this model; therefore, their effects can be studied by varying one single factor at a time. The degenerate element is a new approach to investigate the element with a large aspect ratio with sufficient accuracy and efficiency. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
关键词 :
Interfacial transition zone Interfacial transition zone Base force element method Base force element method Degenerate element Degenerate element Recycled aggregate concrete Recycled aggregate concrete Complementary energy principle Complementary energy principle
GB/T 7714 | Wang, Yao , Peng, Yijiang , Kamel, Mahmoud M. A. et al. Modeling interfacial transition zone of RAC based on a degenerate element of BFEM [J]. | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , 2020 , 252 . |
MLA | Wang, Yao et al. "Modeling interfacial transition zone of RAC based on a degenerate element of BFEM" . | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 252 (2020) . |
APA | Wang, Yao , Peng, Yijiang , Kamel, Mahmoud M. A. , Gong, Linqi . Modeling interfacial transition zone of RAC based on a degenerate element of BFEM . | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , 2020 , 252 . |
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摘要 :
Purpose This paper aims to propose the five-phase sphere equivalent model of recycled concrete, which can be used to deduce the theoretical formulas for the Poisson's ratio and effective elastic modulus. Design/methodology/approach At a mesoscopic level, the equivalent model converts the interfacial layer, which consists of the new interfacial transition zone (ITZ), the old mortar and the old (ITZ), into a uniform equivalent medium. This paper deduces a strength expression for the interfacial transition zone at the microscopic level using the equivalent model and elastic theory. In addition, a new finite element method called the base force element method was used in this research. Findings Through numerical simulation, it was found that the mechanical property results from the five-phase sphere equivalent model were in good agreement with those of the random aggregate model. Furthermore, the proposed model agree on quite well with the available experimental data. Originality/value The equivalent model can eliminate the influence of the interfacial layer on the macroscopic mechanical properties, thereby improving the calculation accuracy and computational efficiency. The proposed model can also provide a suitable model for multi-scale calculations.
关键词 :
Beso-mechanics Beso-mechanics Base force element method (BFEM) Base force element method (BFEM) Recycled concrete Recycled concrete Five-phase sphere equivalent model Five-phase sphere equivalent model Numerical simulation Numerical simulation Interfacial transition zone Interfacial transition zone
GB/T 7714 | Peng, Yijiang , Wu, Zhenghao , Ying, Liping et al. Five-phase sphere equivalent model of recycled concrete and numerical simulation based on the base force element method [J]. | ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS , 2020 , 38 (5) : 1957-1977 . |
MLA | Peng, Yijiang et al. "Five-phase sphere equivalent model of recycled concrete and numerical simulation based on the base force element method" . | ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS 38 . 5 (2020) : 1957-1977 . |
APA | Peng, Yijiang , Wu, Zhenghao , Ying, Liping , Yang, Desi . Five-phase sphere equivalent model of recycled concrete and numerical simulation based on the base force element method . | ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS , 2020 , 38 (5) , 1957-1977 . |
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