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Investigation of occupant window opening behaviour during the summer period in a Beijing maternity hospital SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 14
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Window opening behavior in maternity hospital wards is the result of collective actions to create a healthy and comfortable recovery area for the patients and it is a main strategy of natural ventilation. Since many rooms in the hospital are occupied 24 h a day, which could lead to different window operation characteristics from other building types. However, the global understanding of window opening behavior at maternity hospitals is very limited as little research has been undertaken. In order to fully understand the behavioral characteristic and improve the prediction accuracy, monitoring data from a maternity hospital in Beijing during summer were analyzed and modeled by statistical method and random forest (RF) algorithm respectively. The data included nine correlated factors of window operation in three wards and a doctors' office. The results indicated that the hourly window opening probability of the wards changed regularly with time from 10 to 65%, whereas the probability of the doctors' office window being opened remained at similar to 70%, which was quite different from the characteristics of other building types in Beijing during summer. Among the correlated factors, the outdoor PM2.5 concentration was the most significant for two room types, which was a valuable finding for window status analysis in hospitals. Satisfied prediction accuracy of the RF model was obtained, which provide a reliable reference for the modeling of hospital buildings. This research could deepen the understanding of the behavior in hospital buildings and provide reference for future modeling research.

关键词 :

Correlated factor Correlated factor Maternity hospital Maternity hospital Random forest Random forest Window status Window status



GB/T 7714 Niu, Baolian , Li, Dan , Yu, Haowei et al. Investigation of occupant window opening behaviour during the summer period in a Beijing maternity hospital [J]. | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , 2022 , 45 .
MLA Niu, Baolian et al. "Investigation of occupant window opening behaviour during the summer period in a Beijing maternity hospital" . | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING 45 (2022) .
APA Niu, Baolian , Li, Dan , Yu, Haowei , Mahyuddin, Norhayati , Liu, Yiqiao , Wu, Jinshun et al. Investigation of occupant window opening behaviour during the summer period in a Beijing maternity hospital . | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , 2022 , 45 .
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夏热冬冷地区居住建筑夏季人员开窗行为实测与建模研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 36 (05) , 15-23 | 西部人居环境学刊
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

开关窗是建筑使用者控制室内热环境和改善室内空气品质最直接且简单的手段,同时对建筑节能也有重要影响,因此对人员开关窗行为的定量化描述是非常必要的。本研究通过对夏热冬冷地区——自贡市7户住宅夏季人员开窗行为的实际监测,得到以下结论:发现实测样本中存在三种明显差异的典型开窗行为,分别是习惯性开窗型、高强度开窗型和习惯性关窗型;对非环境因素分析得出,一天中不同时段以及家庭成员吸烟与否对开窗概率影响显著,而是否为工作日以及住户所在楼层对开窗概率无明显影响;对于环境因素而言,当室外温度超过32 ℃,开窗概率开始降低,空调开启比例升高;室外温度超过37 ℃,空调开启比例达到100%,但开窗比例仍有11.1%...

关键词 :

夏热冬冷地区 夏热冬冷地区 预测模型 预测模型 居住建筑 居住建筑 典型开窗行为 典型开窗行为



GB/T 7714 刘奕巧 , 王新如 , 崔颖 et al. 夏热冬冷地区居住建筑夏季人员开窗行为实测与建模研究 [J]. | 西部人居环境学刊 , 2021 , 36 (05) : 15-23 .
MLA 刘奕巧 et al. "夏热冬冷地区居住建筑夏季人员开窗行为实测与建模研究" . | 西部人居环境学刊 36 . 05 (2021) : 15-23 .
APA 刘奕巧 , 王新如 , 崔颖 , 魏绅 , 潘嵩 . 夏热冬冷地区居住建筑夏季人员开窗行为实测与建模研究 . | 西部人居环境学刊 , 2021 , 36 (05) , 15-23 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (04) , 54-59 | 建筑节能(中英文)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

燃气催化燃烧辐射取暖作为一种高效清洁的辐射供暖技术具有巨大的市场潜力和应用价值,特别是新冠疫情爆发以来,重大突发事件发生后应急技术和装备研发的重要性便凸显出来。分析了传统医院供暖问题、红外辐射和催化燃烧原理、贵金属催化剂性能、燃气催化燃烧供暖器设计和节能减排特性,结合理论计算和实验开发了一种基于燃气催化燃烧技术的红外辐射供暖器。该供暖器具备如下特点:使用新型贵金属催化剂,有寿命长、抗硫中毒能力强、热稳定性好和活性高等特点;相比于市场上常用的石英灯管取暖器,有即开即暖、辐射强度高且不刺激皮肤的特点,距离设备2 m烘烤2 h黑球温度温差只有2.5℃;在节能减排方面,碳排放量仅为电红外取暖器的8.7...

关键词 :

燃气催化燃烧 燃气催化燃烧 新冠疫情 新冠疫情 传染病房 传染病房 应急取暖器 应急取暖器 红外辐射 红外辐射



GB/T 7714 秦铭远 , 王春青 , 韩晓飞 et al. 应急供热背景下燃气催化燃烧辐射供暖器研发 [J]. | 建筑节能(中英文) , 2021 , 49 (04) : 54-59 .
MLA 秦铭远 et al. "应急供热背景下燃气催化燃烧辐射供暖器研发" . | 建筑节能(中英文) 49 . 04 (2021) : 54-59 .
APA 秦铭远 , 王春青 , 韩晓飞 , 王新如 , 司俊鸿 , 吴金顺 et al. 应急供热背景下燃气催化燃烧辐射供暖器研发 . | 建筑节能(中英文) , 2021 , 49 (04) , 54-59 .
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应急供热背景下燃气催化燃烧辐射供暖器研发 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (4) , 54-59 | 秦铭远
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

红外辐射 红外辐射 燃气催化燃烧 燃气催化燃烧 新冠疫情 新冠疫情 应急取暖器 应急取暖器 传染病房 传染病房



GB/T 7714 秦铭远 , 王春青 , 韩晓飞 et al. 应急供热背景下燃气催化燃烧辐射供暖器研发 [J]. | 秦铭远 , 2021 , 49 (4) : 54-59 .
MLA 秦铭远 et al. "应急供热背景下燃气催化燃烧辐射供暖器研发" . | 秦铭远 49 . 4 (2021) : 54-59 .
APA 秦铭远 , 王春青 , 韩晓飞 , 王新如 , 司俊鸿 , 吴金顺 et al. 应急供热背景下燃气催化燃烧辐射供暖器研发 . | 秦铭远 , 2021 , 49 (4) , 54-59 .
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Transcriptional regulation of human abraxas brother protein 1 expression by yin yang 1 SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 99 (2) , 223-230 | BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Abraxas brother protein 1 (ABRO1) is a subunit of the deubiquitinating enzyme BRCC36-containing isopeptidase complex and plays important roles in cellular responses to stress by interacting with its binding partners, such as ubiquitin-specific peptidase 7, p53, activating transcription factor 4, THAP-domain containing 5, and serine hydroxymethyltransferase. However, the transcriptional regulation of ABRO1 remains unexplored. In this study, we identified and characterized the core regulatory elements of the human ABRO1 gene and mapped them to the ABRO1 promoter region. Additionally, 50 rapid amplification of cDNA ends revealed that the transcriptional start site ( TSS) was located -13 bp upstream from the start codon. Reporter gene, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays demonstrated that ABRO1 transcription was regulated through cis-acting elements located in the region -89 to -59 bp upstream of the ABRO1 TSS and that these elements were targeted by yin yang 1 transcription factor (YY1). Moreover, YY1 overexpression increased human ABRO1 mRNA and protein expression, and small-interfering RNA-mediated downregulation of YY1 attenuated ABRO1 expression. These results suggested that YY1 positively regulated human ABRO1 expression by binding to cis- acting elements located in the ABRO1 TSS.

关键词 :

yin yang 1 transcription factor yin yang 1 transcription factor transcriptional regulation transcriptional regulation DNA damage repair DNA damage repair BRCC36-containing isopeptidase complex BRCC36-containing isopeptidase complex abraxas brother protein 1 abraxas brother protein 1



GB/T 7714 Song, Pan , Hong, Jian , Wang, Yuan et al. Transcriptional regulation of human abraxas brother protein 1 expression by yin yang 1 [J]. | BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY , 2021 , 99 (2) : 223-230 .
MLA Song, Pan et al. "Transcriptional regulation of human abraxas brother protein 1 expression by yin yang 1" . | BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY 99 . 2 (2021) : 223-230 .
APA Song, Pan , Hong, Jian , Wang, Yuan , Yao, Xuelian , Zhan, Yiqun , Yin, Ronghua et al. Transcriptional regulation of human abraxas brother protein 1 expression by yin yang 1 . | BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY , 2021 , 99 (2) , 223-230 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 51 (S2) , 311-316 | 暖通空调
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

轨道交通系统正处于快速发展阶段,地铁车站的能耗问题日益突出。给出了地铁站环控系统的耗电量,并对数据进行统计和分析。结果表明,通风季单位建筑面积能耗为0.82 kW·h/m~2,空调季单位建筑面积能耗为17.00 kW·h/m~2。在空调季能耗中,冷水机组占59.1%、冷却水泵占14.4%、冷水泵占9.2%、送风机占9.2%、排风机占4.1%、冷却塔占4%。对通风季和空调季环控系统能耗的可控影响因素进行了回归分析,发现对通风季和空调季能耗影响最大的因素分别是送风温度和公共区域温度。

关键词 :

回归分析 回归分析 空调季 空调季 通风季 通风季 影响因素 影响因素 环控系统 环控系统 能耗 能耗



GB/T 7714 李超 , 王春青 , 齐洁 et al. 基于实测数据对地铁站环控系统能耗及其影响因素的分析 [J]. | 暖通空调 , 2021 , 51 (S2) : 311-316 .
MLA 李超 et al. "基于实测数据对地铁站环控系统能耗及其影响因素的分析" . | 暖通空调 51 . S2 (2021) : 311-316 .
APA 李超 , 王春青 , 齐洁 , 鲜杭键 , 潘嵩 . 基于实测数据对地铁站环控系统能耗及其影响因素的分析 . | 暖通空调 , 2021 , 51 (S2) , 311-316 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 38 (03) , 51-56 | 吉林建筑大学学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

地铁站 地铁站 热环境 热环境 现场测试 现场测试 问卷调查 问卷调查



GB/T 7714 王春青 , 张鸿伟 , 潘嵩 et al. 长春市地铁热环境现状调查研究 [J]. | 吉林建筑大学学报 , 2021 , 38 (03) : 51-56 .
MLA 王春青 et al. "长春市地铁热环境现状调查研究" . | 吉林建筑大学学报 38 . 03 (2021) : 51-56 .
APA 王春青 , 张鸿伟 , 潘嵩 , 韩晓飞 , 刘奕巧 , 谢浪 et al. 长春市地铁热环境现状调查研究 . | 吉林建筑大学学报 , 2021 , 38 (03) , 51-56 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 38 (02) , 41-47 | 吉林建筑大学学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

严寒地区 严寒地区 冬季 冬季 居住建筑 居住建筑 开窗行为 开窗行为 逻辑回归 逻辑回归



GB/T 7714 韩晓飞 , 王春青 , 潘嵩 et al. 严寒地区冬季居住建筑开窗行为实测分析 [J]. | 吉林建筑大学学报 , 2021 , 38 (02) : 41-47 .
MLA 韩晓飞 et al. "严寒地区冬季居住建筑开窗行为实测分析" . | 吉林建筑大学学报 38 . 02 (2021) : 41-47 .
APA 韩晓飞 , 王春青 , 潘嵩 , 秦铭远 , 张鸿伟 , 刘奕巧 et al. 严寒地区冬季居住建筑开窗行为实测分析 . | 吉林建筑大学学报 , 2021 , 38 (02) , 41-47 .
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Recent progress in research on PM2.5 in subways. PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 23 (5) , 642-663 | Environmental science. Processes & impacts
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Nowadays, PM2.5 concentrations greatly influence indoor air quality in subways and threaten passenger and staff health because PM2.5 not only contains heavy metal elements, but can also carry toxic and harmful substances due to its small size and large specific surface area. Exploring the physicochemical and distribution characteristics of PM2.5 in subways is necessary to limit its concentration and remove it. At present, there are numerous studies on PM2.5 in subways around the world, yet, there is no comprehensive and well-organized review available on this topic. This paper reviews the nearly twenty years of research and over 130 published studies on PM2.5 in subway stations, including aspects such as concentration levels and their influencing factors, physicochemical properties, sources, impacts on health, and mitigation measures. Although many determinants of station PM2.5 concentration have been reported in current studies, e.g., the season, outdoor environment, and station depth, their relative influence is uncertain. The sources of subway PM2.5 include those from the exterior (e.g., road traffic and fuel oil) and the interior (e.g., steel wheels and rails and metallic brake pads), but the proportion of these sources is also unknown. Control strategies of PM mainly include adequate ventilation and filtration, but these measures are often inefficient in removing PM2.5. The impacts of PM2.5 from subways on human health are still poorly understood. Further research should focus on long-term data collection, influencing factors, the mechanism of health impacts, and PM2.5 standards or regulations.



GB/T 7714 Chang Li , Chong Wen Tong , Wang Xinru et al. Recent progress in research on PM2.5 in subways. [J]. | Environmental science. Processes & impacts , 2021 , 23 (5) : 642-663 .
MLA Chang Li et al. "Recent progress in research on PM2.5 in subways." . | Environmental science. Processes & impacts 23 . 5 (2021) : 642-663 .
APA Chang Li , Chong Wen Tong , Wang Xinru , Pei Fei , Zhang Xingxing , Wang Tongzhao et al. Recent progress in research on PM2.5 in subways. . | Environmental science. Processes & impacts , 2021 , 23 (5) , 642-663 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 24 (4) , 11-14,26 | 现代涂料与涂装
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

使用燃气催化燃烧红外固化聚酯+TGIC粉末涂料,分析固化时间以及固化温度对粉末涂层的影响;研究了不同固化参数下涂层的性能,由此确定催化红外固化粉末涂料的最优固化工艺.研究表明:用催化红外固化该种粉末涂料时,随着固化温度的提高,涂料完全固化所需时间减少,与热风固化一致,涂料最高红外固化温度为230℃,该温度高于热风最高固化温度(200℃);相同固化温度下,催化红外完全固化涂料时所需时间仅为热风固化时间的一半;综合考虑固化时间及能耗,使用催化红外固化粉末涂料时,粉末涂料230℃保持2 min和220℃保持3 min为最佳固化参数.

关键词 :

催化燃烧 催化燃烧 固化参数 固化参数 粉末涂料 粉末涂料 红外固化 红外固化



GB/T 7714 毛亚东 , 潘嵩 , 刘奕巧 et al. 燃气催化燃烧红外固化粉末涂料的固化参数研究 [J]. | 现代涂料与涂装 , 2021 , 24 (4) : 11-14,26 .
MLA 毛亚东 et al. "燃气催化燃烧红外固化粉末涂料的固化参数研究" . | 现代涂料与涂装 24 . 4 (2021) : 11-14,26 .
APA 毛亚东 , 潘嵩 , 刘奕巧 , 王统照 , 秦铭远 , 王新如 et al. 燃气催化燃烧红外固化粉末涂料的固化参数研究 . | 现代涂料与涂装 , 2021 , 24 (4) , 11-14,26 .
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