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A substructure model for water-solid interaction under obliquely incident earthquake in canyon site SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Structures crossing irregular topography features such as canyons and mountains may suffer from spatially varying ground motions due to topographic effect. In this paper, a two-dimensional substructure model of water -solid interaction in canyon site is proposed to study the effect of canyon topography on the seismic responses of water-canyon system, in which the wave radiation effect of infinite solid domains is simulated by the combined zigzag-paraxial boundary and the solid-water interaction is considered by interface conditions. Moreover, to verify the proposed substructure model, it is used to calculate the seismic responses of a V-shaped water-canyon system and a semi-circular water-canyon system under obliquely incident P-SV waves in homogeneous half space. Afterwards, we conduct the seismic analysis of water-canyon system. The results indicate that the amplification and reduction of ground motion is affected by geometric shape of canyons and water depth, and the maximum amplification of V-shaped water-canyon system can beyond an order of 200%, and the maximum amplification of semi-circular water-canyon system is less than 200%.

关键词 :

Finiteelementmethod Finiteelementmethod Substructuremodel Substructuremodel Canyontopography Canyontopography Water-solidinteraction Water-solidinteraction Obliquelyincidentearthquake Obliquelyincidentearthquake



GB/T 7714 Zhao, Mi , Liu, Mindong , Wang, Piguang et al. A substructure model for water-solid interaction under obliquely incident earthquake in canyon site [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2022 , 161 .
MLA Zhao, Mi et al. "A substructure model for water-solid interaction under obliquely incident earthquake in canyon site" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 161 (2022) .
APA Zhao, Mi , Liu, Mindong , Wang, Piguang , Su, Chengkun , Zhang, Guoliang , Du, Xiuli . A substructure model for water-solid interaction under obliquely incident earthquake in canyon site . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2022 , 161 .
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Experimental simulation study on dynamic response of offshore wind power pile foundation under complex marine loadings SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Offshore wind power structures are subjected to complex dynamic loads in marine environment during their service. At present, the real sea conditions can be simulated to the maximum extent by the mixed test technology of boundary layer wind tunnels, wave pools and shaking tables. However, due to the high cost of test and the lack of a complete and mature combined simulation laboratory which can be operated for wind, wave and seismic loads, it is difficult to carry out such joint tests. It is advantageous to use self-developed mechanical devices to simulate marine environmental loads within the controllable errors and which is in simple operation. A series of dynamic model tests were carried out on saturated sand foundation in order to explore the feasibility of studying dynamic response of offshore wind power pile foundations through simulating marine environmental loads by simplified methods. Based on Stokes second-order wave theory and harmonic superposition method, the time history of wind, wave and current load is derived and programmed, then the wind, wave and current load on offshore fan model structure is simulated by using self-developed complex dynamic loading system. Finally, the dynamic response of single pile foundation in saturated sand under complex load is analyzed according to the test results. The test results show that the load displacement curve of single pile foundation in saturated sand is of work hardening type. The maximum pile bending moment at the peak of dynamic load increases with the increase of loading times, but the cumulative effect of bending moment caused by the change of load amplitude should be considered. The dynamic load in marine environment will cause the increase of pore pressure around the pile, but the increase of pore pressure on loading side is not obvious in comparison to that on the opposite side. The displacement change of pile body is basically in accordance with the fluctuation trend of test load and increases with load. The cumulative rate of displacement of single pile decreases with the increase of number of cycles under the long-term cyclic wind wave load. In this study, the method combining theoretical calculation of wind, wave and current load with model test of complex loading system can consider the characteristics of dynamic loads of marine environment more accurately, compared with the empirically determined cyclic load waveforms in conventional tests, the obtained response law is more in accord with actual sea conditions.

关键词 :

Dynamic response Dynamic response Marine environment loading Marine environment loading Model test Model test Single pile foundation Single pile foundation



GB/T 7714 Xiao-ling, Zhang , Cheng-rui, Liu , Pi-guang, Wang et al. Experimental simulation study on dynamic response of offshore wind power pile foundation under complex marine loadings [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2022 , 156 .
MLA Xiao-ling, Zhang et al. "Experimental simulation study on dynamic response of offshore wind power pile foundation under complex marine loadings" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 156 (2022) .
APA Xiao-ling, Zhang , Cheng-rui, Liu , Pi-guang, Wang , Guo-liang, Zhang . Experimental simulation study on dynamic response of offshore wind power pile foundation under complex marine loadings . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2022 , 156 .
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The u-p analytical solution for impedances of saturated soil to a laterally vibrating pile considering radial inhomogeneity SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 7
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Neglecting the inertial forces associated with the relative acceleration of pore fluid, this paper presents a u-p analytical solution of the dynamic impedances of a horizontally vibrating pile embedded in a saturated soil layer whose boundary region is radially inhomogeneous. To facilitate the analysis, we further divided the inhomogeneous boundary region into a set of concentric annular sub-region, and the material properties of each subregion are assumed to be constant. The impedances of radially inhomogeneous saturated soil are calculated by making use of transfer matrix method. The present solutions are compared with the existing u-w analytical solution. The influence of the shear modulus, permeability coefficient, soil porosity, pile radius and radial inhomogeneity on the errors between u-p form and u-w form are investigated. Then, the applicable range of the u-p approximation is given.

关键词 :

Resistance Resistance Saturated soil Saturated soil Transfer matrix method Transfer matrix method Boundary zone Boundary zone Radially inhomogeneous Radially inhomogeneous



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Xiaoling , Xu, Yingduo , Wang, Piguang et al. The u-p analytical solution for impedances of saturated soil to a laterally vibrating pile considering radial inhomogeneity [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2022 , 155 .
MLA Zhang, Xiaoling et al. "The u-p analytical solution for impedances of saturated soil to a laterally vibrating pile considering radial inhomogeneity" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 155 (2022) .
APA Zhang, Xiaoling , Xu, Yingduo , Wang, Piguang , Xu, Haibin , Du, Xiuli . The u-p analytical solution for impedances of saturated soil to a laterally vibrating pile considering radial inhomogeneity . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2022 , 155 .
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Dynamic response of sea-crossing bridge under combined seismic and wave-current action SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 40 , 317-327 | STRUCTURES
WoS核心集被引次数: 15
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Offshore structures in earthquake-prone areas are threatened by seismic and wave currents. The dynamic response of a cross-sea bridge with rectangular pier under the action of earthquake and wave is analyzed in this paper. Firstly, the main girder structure and pier structure of the sea-crossing bridge are discretized as Euler beam element and fiber element (nonlinear) by finite element method, respectively. Moreover, the waterstructure interaction is replaced by additional mass, and the soil-structure interaction is replaced by horizontal spring, horizontal damping, rotating spring and rotating damping. After that, based on the analysis of the natural vibration frequency of the structure, the influence of the interaction between the water-structure and the soil-structure stiffness on the natural vibration frequency of the structure is discussed. The effects of structure nonlinearity, soil foundation spring, soil foundation damping, hydrodynamic pressure, travelling wave and wave force on sea-crossing bridge are studied based on dynamic response analysis.

关键词 :

Sea-crossing bridge Sea-crossing bridge Wave force Wave force Traveling wave effect Traveling wave effect Seismic analysis Seismic analysis Added mass Added mass



GB/T 7714 Huang, Yiming , Wang, Piguang , Zhao, Mi et al. Dynamic response of sea-crossing bridge under combined seismic and wave-current action [J]. | STRUCTURES , 2022 , 40 : 317-327 .
MLA Huang, Yiming et al. "Dynamic response of sea-crossing bridge under combined seismic and wave-current action" . | STRUCTURES 40 (2022) : 317-327 .
APA Huang, Yiming , Wang, Piguang , Zhao, Mi , Zhang, Chao , Du, Xiuli . Dynamic response of sea-crossing bridge under combined seismic and wave-current action . | STRUCTURES , 2022 , 40 , 317-327 .
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地震作用下水-轴对称柱体相互作用的子结构分析方法 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 38 (02) , 27-35 | 工程力学
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

地震 地震 水-轴对称结构相互作用 水-轴对称结构相互作用 有限元 有限元 比例边界有限元 比例边界有限元 轴对称柱体 轴对称柱体



GB/T 7714 王晓静 , 赵密 , 王丕光 et al. 地震作用下水-轴对称柱体相互作用的子结构分析方法 [J]. | 工程力学 , 2021 , 38 (02) : 27-35 .
MLA 王晓静 et al. "地震作用下水-轴对称柱体相互作用的子结构分析方法" . | 工程力学 38 . 02 (2021) : 27-35 .
APA 王晓静 , 赵密 , 王丕光 , 杜修力 , 程星磊 . 地震作用下水-轴对称柱体相互作用的子结构分析方法 . | 工程力学 , 2021 , 38 (02) , 27-35 .
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单桩式海上风力机整体化地震反应 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 55 (4) , 757-766 | 席仁强
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

单桩式海上风机 单桩式海上风机 风-波浪统计关系 风-波浪统计关系 地震响应 地震响应 土-结相互作用 土-结相互作用 风-波浪-地震共同作用 风-波浪-地震共同作用



GB/T 7714 席仁强 , 杜修力 , 王丕光 et al. 单桩式海上风力机整体化地震反应 [J]. | 席仁强 , 2021 , 55 (4) : 757-766 .
MLA 席仁强 et al. "单桩式海上风力机整体化地震反应" . | 席仁强 55 . 4 (2021) : 757-766 .
APA 席仁强 , 杜修力 , 王丕光 , 许成顺 , 许坤 , 浙江大学学报:工学版 . 单桩式海上风力机整体化地震反应 . | 席仁强 , 2021 , 55 (4) , 757-766 .
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单桩式海上风力机整体化地震反应 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 55 (04) , 757-766 | 浙江大学学报(工学版)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

为了探讨风-波浪-地震共同作用下单桩式海上风机(OWTs)的动力行为,以National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL)5 MW风力发电机为研究对象,将风、地震作为独立事件,根据风-波浪统计关系确定波浪谱参数.改进FAST软件以模拟土-结相互作用,考虑停机、运行和应急停机3种工况,采用气动-伺服-水动-弹性耦合方法分析海上风机地震响应.算例表明,工作状态显著影响海上风机支撑结构的运动和内力,规律与地震强弱有关;地震动显著影响叶片挥舞振动速度;在风-波浪-地震的共同作用下,海上风机支撑结构危险截面剪力和弯矩峰值超过极端风-波浪作用效应.

关键词 :

地震响应 地震响应 风-波浪统计关系 风-波浪统计关系 单桩式海上风机 单桩式海上风机 土-结相互作用 土-结相互作用 风-波浪-地震共同作用 风-波浪-地震共同作用



GB/T 7714 席仁强 , 杜修力 , 王丕光 et al. 单桩式海上风力机整体化地震反应 [J]. | 浙江大学学报(工学版) , 2021 , 55 (04) : 757-766 .
MLA 席仁强 et al. "单桩式海上风力机整体化地震反应" . | 浙江大学学报(工学版) 55 . 04 (2021) : 757-766 .
APA 席仁强 , 杜修力 , 王丕光 , 许成顺 , 许坤 . 单桩式海上风力机整体化地震反应 . | 浙江大学学报(工学版) , 2021 , 55 (04) , 757-766 .
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运行状态下海上单桩风机系统自振频率分析 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 43 (03) , 704-709 | 地震工程学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

单桩基础 单桩基础 桩-土相互作用 桩-土相互作用 自振频率 自振频率 海上风机 海上风机



GB/T 7714 王丕光 , 刘晶波 , 赵密 . 运行状态下海上单桩风机系统自振频率分析 [J]. | 地震工程学报 , 2021 , 43 (03) : 704-709 .
MLA 王丕光 et al. "运行状态下海上单桩风机系统自振频率分析" . | 地震工程学报 43 . 03 (2021) : 704-709 .
APA 王丕光 , 刘晶波 , 赵密 . 运行状态下海上单桩风机系统自振频率分析 . | 地震工程学报 , 2021 , 43 (03) , 704-709 .
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地震作用下水-轴对称柱体相互作用的子结构分析方法 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 38 (2) , 27-35 | 王晓静
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

地震 地震 有限元 有限元 比例边界有限元 比例边界有限元 水-轴对称结构相互作用 水-轴对称结构相互作用 轴对称柱体 轴对称柱体



GB/T 7714 王晓静 , 赵密 , 王丕光 et al. 地震作用下水-轴对称柱体相互作用的子结构分析方法 [J]. | 王晓静 , 2021 , 38 (2) : 27-35 .
MLA 王晓静 et al. "地震作用下水-轴对称柱体相互作用的子结构分析方法" . | 王晓静 38 . 2 (2021) : 27-35 .
APA 王晓静 , 赵密 , 王丕光 , 杜修力 , 程星磊 , 工程力学 . 地震作用下水-轴对称柱体相互作用的子结构分析方法 . | 王晓静 , 2021 , 38 (2) , 27-35 .
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Numerical investigation of inclined plate anchors in clay with linearly increasing undrained shear strength SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 236 | OCEAN ENGINEERING
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Plate anchors have been increasingly used to provide a mooring system for offshore floating facilities due to their relatively high efficiency and low costs. The analysis of anchor behaviour can be usually divided into two categories "immediate breakaway" and "no breakaway", which correspond to the "vented anchors" and "attached anchors". Most of the previous literatures focus on these two extreme cases: vented anchors in clays without weight and attached anchors. However, the vented anchors in clays with weight, as a most common state, are in the intermediate state of the two extreme cases. At the cases, the change law of the pullout capacity of plate anchors with embedment depth, inclination angles and overburden pressure is relatively complex and needs further study. This paper investigates the pullout behaviour of inclined strip plate anchors in clays with linearly increasing shear strength by performing a series of finite element analysis, and clarify the change law of the pullout capacity and the failure mechanism of plate anchor in the intermediate state. Two new formulas are proposed to predict the pullout factor for inclined vented and attached anchors. Related research results can provide a reference for the engineering design of inclined plate anchors in undrained clay.

关键词 :

Inclined loading Inclined loading Finite element analysis Finite element analysis Offshore geotechnics Offshore geotechnics Pullout capacity Pullout capacity Clays Clays Plate anchors Plate anchors



GB/T 7714 Cheng, Xinglei , Jiang, Ziqiang , Zhang, Jianxin et al. Numerical investigation of inclined plate anchors in clay with linearly increasing undrained shear strength [J]. | OCEAN ENGINEERING , 2021 , 236 .
MLA Cheng, Xinglei et al. "Numerical investigation of inclined plate anchors in clay with linearly increasing undrained shear strength" . | OCEAN ENGINEERING 236 (2021) .
APA Cheng, Xinglei , Jiang, Ziqiang , Zhang, Jianxin , Wang, Piguang , Zhao, Yanbing . Numerical investigation of inclined plate anchors in clay with linearly increasing undrained shear strength . | OCEAN ENGINEERING , 2021 , 236 .
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