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粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC应变硬化性能的影响 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (04) , 321-327 | 北京工业大学学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

水泥基复合材料 水泥基复合材料 初裂强度 初裂强度 应变硬化 应变硬化 拉伸应力指数 拉伸应力指数 粉煤灰 粉煤灰 极限拉应变 极限拉应变



GB/T 7714 王秋生 , 温唯 , 罗昊 et al. 粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC应变硬化性能的影响 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (04) : 321-327 .
MLA 王秋生 et al. "粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC应变硬化性能的影响" . | 北京工业大学学报 47 . 04 (2021) : 321-327 .
APA 王秋生 , 温唯 , 罗昊 , 易勇 . 粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC应变硬化性能的影响 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (04) , 321-327 .
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粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC应变硬化性能的影响 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (4) , 321-327 | 王秋生
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

极限拉应变 极限拉应变 应变硬化 应变硬化 粉煤灰 粉煤灰 初裂强度 初裂强度 拉伸应力指数 拉伸应力指数 水泥基复合材料 水泥基复合材料



GB/T 7714 王秋生 , 温唯 , 罗昊 et al. 粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC应变硬化性能的影响 [J]. | 王秋生 , 2021 , 47 (4) : 321-327 .
MLA 王秋生 et al. "粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC应变硬化性能的影响" . | 王秋生 47 . 4 (2021) : 321-327 .
APA 王秋生 , 温唯 , 罗昊 , 易勇 , 北京工业大学学报 . 粉煤灰掺量对PVA-ECC应变硬化性能的影响 . | 王秋生 , 2021 , 47 (4) , 321-327 .
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重塑粗粒土-黏性土混合物冲刷特性研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 52 (03) , 323-332 | 水利学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

冲刷黏性度 冲刷黏性度 冲刷 冲刷 混合土体 混合土体 临界黏性颗粒含量 临界黏性颗粒含量 起动切应力 起动切应力 黏粒含量 黏粒含量



GB/T 7714 高晓静 , 王秋生 , 李勇 et al. 重塑粗粒土-黏性土混合物冲刷特性研究 [J]. | 水利学报 , 2021 , 52 (03) : 323-332 .
MLA 高晓静 et al. "重塑粗粒土-黏性土混合物冲刷特性研究" . | 水利学报 52 . 03 (2021) : 323-332 .
APA 高晓静 , 王秋生 , 李勇 , 邹福林 . 重塑粗粒土-黏性土混合物冲刷特性研究 . | 水利学报 , 2021 , 52 (03) , 323-332 .
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基于重塑黏性土冲刷试验的冲刷模型参数研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 38 (4) , 118-123,131 | 长江科学院院报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

Wilson模型 Wilson模型 冲刷参数 冲刷参数 参数相关关系 参数相关关系 过剪应力模型 过剪应力模型 黏性土 黏性土



GB/T 7714 樊俊杰 , 王秋生 . 基于重塑黏性土冲刷试验的冲刷模型参数研究 [J]. | 长江科学院院报 , 2021 , 38 (4) : 118-123,131 .
MLA 樊俊杰 et al. "基于重塑黏性土冲刷试验的冲刷模型参数研究" . | 长江科学院院报 38 . 4 (2021) : 118-123,131 .
APA 樊俊杰 , 王秋生 . 基于重塑黏性土冲刷试验的冲刷模型参数研究 . | 长江科学院院报 , 2021 , 38 (4) , 118-123,131 .
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重塑粗粒土-黏性土混合物冲刷特性研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 52 (3) , 323-332 | 高晓静
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

临界黏性颗粒含量 临界黏性颗粒含量 冲刷 冲刷 冲刷黏性度 冲刷黏性度 混合土体 混合土体 起动切应力 起动切应力 黏粒含量 黏粒含量



GB/T 7714 高晓静 , 王秋生 , 李勇 et al. 重塑粗粒土-黏性土混合物冲刷特性研究 [J]. | 高晓静 , 2021 , 52 (3) : 323-332 .
MLA 高晓静 et al. "重塑粗粒土-黏性土混合物冲刷特性研究" . | 高晓静 52 . 3 (2021) : 323-332 .
APA 高晓静 , 王秋生 , 李勇 , 邹福林 , 水利学报 . 重塑粗粒土-黏性土混合物冲刷特性研究 . | 高晓静 , 2021 , 52 (3) , 323-332 .
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弹塑性有限元分析中几个难点问题的一揽子方案 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (02) , 301-314 | 岩土力学
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

拉裂缝 拉裂缝 边坡稳定性 边坡稳定性 位移控制法 位移控制法 Mohr-Coulomb屈服面 Mohr-Coulomb屈服面 塑性本构积分 塑性本构积分



GB/T 7714 郑宏 , 张谭 , 王秋生 . 弹塑性有限元分析中几个难点问题的一揽子方案 [J]. | 岩土力学 , 2021 , 42 (02) : 301-314 .
MLA 郑宏 et al. "弹塑性有限元分析中几个难点问题的一揽子方案" . | 岩土力学 42 . 02 (2021) : 301-314 .
APA 郑宏 , 张谭 , 王秋生 . 弹塑性有限元分析中几个难点问题的一揽子方案 . | 岩土力学 , 2021 , 42 (02) , 301-314 .
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基于重塑黏性土冲刷试验的冲刷模型参数研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 38 (4) , 118-123,131 | 樊俊杰
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

Wilson模型 Wilson模型 冲刷参数 冲刷参数 参数相关关系 参数相关关系 过剪应力模型 过剪应力模型 黏性土 黏性土



GB/T 7714 樊俊杰 , 王秋生 , 长江科学院院报 . 基于重塑黏性土冲刷试验的冲刷模型参数研究 [J]. | 樊俊杰 , 2021 , 38 (4) : 118-123,131 .
MLA 樊俊杰 et al. "基于重塑黏性土冲刷试验的冲刷模型参数研究" . | 樊俊杰 38 . 4 (2021) : 118-123,131 .
APA 樊俊杰 , 王秋生 , 长江科学院院报 . 基于重塑黏性土冲刷试验的冲刷模型参数研究 . | 樊俊杰 , 2021 , 38 (4) , 118-123,131 .
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One package of schemes for some difficult issues in finite element plasticity analysis EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (2) , 301-314 | Rock and Soil Mechanics
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion takes on the simplest form in the Mohr stress space, which has thus been most extensively applied in limit analysis and limit equilibrium methods because of its accuracy. However, the Mohr-Coulomb yield surface in the stress space is non-smooth, causing huge troubles to the constitutive integration in the deformation based finite element plasticity analysis. In addressing strength problems, meanwhile, solvers based on the load controlled method (LCM) are hard to bring the finite element model to the limit equilibrium state. Aiming at these issues, the solution schemes are proposed as follows. First, an algorithm named GSPC is designed for the constitutive integration for plasticity with non-smooth yield surfaces. GSPC is always convergent for arbitrary large strain increments, with far more excellent numerical properties than the return-mapping methods available. A solver based on the displacement controlled method (DCM) is developed for the finite element plasticity analysis. The DCM solver is able to bring easily the finite element model into the limit equilibrium state, with no convergence issue, and far more efficient and robust than any LCM solvers. At last, combined with the strength reduction method, the secant method for the factor of safety of slopes is developed, and the location and depth of tension cracks at the slope top are proposed. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Displacement control Displacement control Finite element method Finite element method Numerical methods Numerical methods Plasticity Plasticity Safety factor Safety factor Yield stress Yield stress



GB/T 7714 Zheng, Hong , Zhang, Tan , Wang, Qiu-Sheng . One package of schemes for some difficult issues in finite element plasticity analysis [J]. | Rock and Soil Mechanics , 2021 , 42 (2) : 301-314 .
MLA Zheng, Hong et al. "One package of schemes for some difficult issues in finite element plasticity analysis" . | Rock and Soil Mechanics 42 . 2 (2021) : 301-314 .
APA Zheng, Hong , Zhang, Tan , Wang, Qiu-Sheng . One package of schemes for some difficult issues in finite element plasticity analysis . | Rock and Soil Mechanics , 2021 , 42 (2) , 301-314 .
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An examination of creep failure criterion based on a strain threshold identified with a power law model SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The debate on whether the creep failure is induced by a stress threshold or a strain threshold is studied on several soils in this paper with a power law model and a normalization curve. The analysis indicates: (a) the creep failure is based on a critical strain, which is obtained with a normalization curve; (b) the time to the creep failure is very long for a low stress level or a low creep exponent; (c) for a given time to the creep failure, the strain threshold could be converted to a stress threshold, and variable stress thresholds will be calculated for different times given to the creep failure; (d) the creep behavior of various materials could be compared with the normalization curve and the power law model.

关键词 :

Creep failure Creep failure Normalization Normalization Power law model Power law model Strain threshold Strain threshold



GB/T 7714 Bi, Gang , Li, Zhaohua , Wang, Qiusheng et al. An examination of creep failure criterion based on a strain threshold identified with a power law model [J]. | MECHANICS OF TIME-DEPENDENT MATERIALS , 2021 .
MLA Bi, Gang et al. "An examination of creep failure criterion based on a strain threshold identified with a power law model" . | MECHANICS OF TIME-DEPENDENT MATERIALS (2021) .
APA Bi, Gang , Li, Zhaohua , Wang, Qiusheng , Jiang, Dongqi . An examination of creep failure criterion based on a strain threshold identified with a power law model . | MECHANICS OF TIME-DEPENDENT MATERIALS , 2021 .
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Study on the erodibility of reconstituted cohesive and non-cohesive soil mixtures EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 52 (3) , 323-332 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The erodibility of cohesive and non-cohesive soil mixtures is different from that of cohesive soils and non-cohesive soils. In this paper, erosion tests were conducted to investigate the erodibility of three different non-cohesive soil and silty clay mixtures using an erosion function apparatus. The variations of mixtures' erosion rate and critical shear stress were analyzed according to the experimental data. The critical mud content of the three mixtures were obtained by analyzing the data of erosion rate and critical shear stress. Erosion experiments have clearly demonstrated that the erosion characteristics of mixtures can change dramatically when the mud content changes. Considering the variation of mixture erosion behavior, the concept of degree of cohesive erosion behavior were proposed for cohesive and non-cohesive soil mixtures, which can be used to estimate if the mixture exhibits cohesive erosion behavior. A formula was developed for the degree of cohesive erosion behavior for mixtures. The formula was expressed as a function of the grain size of non-cohesive coarse particles and cohesive soil, and clay content. The final form of the developed formula was tested using the experimental data from the present study and the literature. © 2021, China Water Power Press. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Erosion Erosion Mixtures Mixtures Shear stress Shear stress Soils Soils



GB/T 7714 Gao, Xiaojing , Wang, Qiusheng , Li, Yong et al. Study on the erodibility of reconstituted cohesive and non-cohesive soil mixtures [J]. | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering , 2021 , 52 (3) : 323-332 .
MLA Gao, Xiaojing et al. "Study on the erodibility of reconstituted cohesive and non-cohesive soil mixtures" . | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 52 . 3 (2021) : 323-332 .
APA Gao, Xiaojing , Wang, Qiusheng , Li, Yong , Zou, Fulin . Study on the erodibility of reconstituted cohesive and non-cohesive soil mixtures . | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering , 2021 , 52 (3) , 323-332 .
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