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Residential wintry thermal comfort and adaptive behaviors in a cold climate in Beijing, China SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 265 | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
WoS核心集被引次数: 12
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In China, most houses are generally scheduled for municipal central heating systems in mid-November each year. This study aimed to investigate human responses to different residential thermal environment in cold climate. A field study on thermal comfort and adaptive behavioral adjustment was carried out in 34 buildings in six residential communities in Beijing winter from October to December 2019, comprising both transition period before heating and heating period after heating. Indoor environment variables were obtained through self-recording instruments and human thermal responses were collected by subjective questionnaires. The results demonstrated that the mean comfort temperature in transition was 21.8 degrees C, and it was 22.5 degrees C during heating. During the transition and heating periods, there were wide ranges of acceptable temperature, while the preferred temperature was within the range of 23.5- 25.0 degrees C and 22-26 degrees C, respectively. A reasonable explanation behind these differences might be occupants' psychological and physiological acclimation. Moreover, preferred behavioral adjustments of the occupants to improve comfort during two surveys were also investigated. These results will contribute to the design and operation of rational heating temperature in residential buildings. (c) 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.

关键词 :

Behavioral adjustment Behavioral adjustment House House Cold climate Cold climate Thermal response Thermal response Thermal environment Thermal environment



GB/T 7714 Yin, Peng , Ji, Ying , Xie, Jingchao et al. Residential wintry thermal comfort and adaptive behaviors in a cold climate in Beijing, China [J]. | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 2022 , 265 .
MLA Yin, Peng et al. "Residential wintry thermal comfort and adaptive behaviors in a cold climate in Beijing, China" . | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 265 (2022) .
APA Yin, Peng , Ji, Ying , Xie, Jingchao , Liu, Jiaping , Hou, Qixian , Zhao, Shanshan et al. Residential wintry thermal comfort and adaptive behaviors in a cold climate in Beijing, China . | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 2022 , 265 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 51 (10) , 120-124 | 暖通空调
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

基于全国热舒适调研数据集,研究了寒冷地区3种气候类型典型城市自然通风环境的人体热适应性,分别以西安市、大连市和吐鲁番市为温带大陆性季风气侯、温带海洋性季风气侯与温带大陆性荒漠气候的代表性城市,得到了3种气候类型的人体热中性温度和可接受温度区间.结果 表明,温带海洋性季风气候居民对热环境的敏感性较弱,温带大陆性荒漠气候居民人体热中性温度与可接受温度上限均较高,这为人体对气候的适应性提供了证据.通过多元线性分析,得到了西安市、吐鲁番市夏季自然通风建筑人体热感觉的多因素预测模型.



GB/T 7714 尹佳星 , 王昭俊 , 苏小文 et al. 寒冷地区不同气候类型自然通风环境的人体热适应研究 [J]. | 暖通空调 , 2021 , 51 (10) : 120-124 .
MLA 尹佳星 et al. "寒冷地区不同气候类型自然通风环境的人体热适应研究" . | 暖通空调 51 . 10 (2021) : 120-124 .
APA 尹佳星 , 王昭俊 , 苏小文 , 杨宇鑫 , 翟永超 , 曹彬 et al. 寒冷地区不同气候类型自然通风环境的人体热适应研究 . | 暖通空调 , 2021 , 51 (10) , 120-124 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 48 (07) , 6-10 | 新型建筑材料
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

通过实验研究了在不同的相变材料和石膏配比下相变构件表面涂刷黑、白2种颜料对构件蓄热过程的影响。结果表明:相同表面吸收率、不同相变材料用量的相变构件中,相变材料用量为20%的白色相变构件的传热衰减度最大,为4.09;对比相同相变材料用量、不同表面吸收率,吸收率较小的白色相变构件的传热衰减度是黑色相变构件的1.4倍。相变材料用量为20%的相变构件蓄热开始时间比石膏构件早0.5 h。相变材料用量为20%黑色相变构件最大蓄热量为2160 k J/m2,是石膏构件的3倍,是相变材料用量为20%白色相变构件的2.5倍。

关键词 :

表面吸收率 表面吸收率 延迟时间 延迟时间 蓄热量 蓄热量 相变构件 相变构件 传热衰减度 传热衰减度



GB/T 7714 李庆平 , 王浩宇 , 谢静超 et al. 相变构件表面吸收率及配比对蓄热过程影响的研究 [J]. | 新型建筑材料 , 2021 , 48 (07) : 6-10 .
MLA 李庆平 et al. "相变构件表面吸收率及配比对蓄热过程影响的研究" . | 新型建筑材料 48 . 07 (2021) : 6-10 .
APA 李庆平 , 王浩宇 , 谢静超 , 高洋 , 苏磊 , 丁雯 et al. 相变构件表面吸收率及配比对蓄热过程影响的研究 . | 新型建筑材料 , 2021 , 48 (07) , 6-10 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (1) , 42-46 | 建筑节能
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

极端热湿气候区 极端热湿气候区 热舒适 热舒适 标准有效温度 标准有效温度 自然通风潜力 自然通风潜力



GB/T 7714 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 . 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 [J]. | 建筑节能 , 2021 , 49 (1) : 42-46 .
MLA 李宝龙 et al. "极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价" . | 建筑节能 49 . 1 (2021) : 42-46 .
APA 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 . 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 . | 建筑节能 , 2021 , 49 (1) , 42-46 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (01) , 42-46 | 建筑节能(中英文)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

标准有效温度 标准有效温度 热舒适 热舒适 自然通风潜力 自然通风潜力 极端热湿气候区 极端热湿气候区



GB/T 7714 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 . 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 [J]. | 建筑节能(中英文) , 2021 , 49 (01) : 42-46 .
MLA 李宝龙 et al. "极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价" . | 建筑节能(中英文) 49 . 01 (2021) : 42-46 .
APA 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 . 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 . | 建筑节能(中英文) , 2021 , 49 (01) , 42-46 .
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建筑节能设计基础参数的研究进展 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 37 (06) , 155-163,205 | 建筑科学
CNKI被引次数: 7
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

基础参数 基础参数 建筑节能 建筑节能 绿色建筑 绿色建筑



GB/T 7714 杨柳 , 刘衍 , 端木琳 et al. 建筑节能设计基础参数的研究进展 [J]. | 建筑科学 , 2021 , 37 (06) : 155-163,205 .
MLA 杨柳 et al. "建筑节能设计基础参数的研究进展" . | 建筑科学 37 . 06 (2021) : 155-163,205 .
APA 杨柳 , 刘衍 , 端木琳 , 董宏 , 连之伟 , 李红莲 et al. 建筑节能设计基础参数的研究进展 . | 建筑科学 , 2021 , 37 (06) , 155-163,205 .
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极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (1) , 42-46 | 李宝龙
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

热舒适 热舒适 极端热湿气候区 极端热湿气候区 自然通风潜力 自然通风潜力 标准有效温度 标准有效温度



GB/T 7714 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 et al. 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 [J]. | 李宝龙 , 2021 , 49 (1) : 42-46 .
MLA 李宝龙 et al. "极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价" . | 李宝龙 49 . 1 (2021) : 42-46 .
APA 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 , 建筑节能(中英文) . 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 . | 李宝龙 , 2021 , 49 (1) , 42-46 .
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Analysis to energy consumption characteristics and influencing factors of terminal building based on airport operating data SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Airport terminals have much higher average energy consumptions than normal public buildings. This is caused by their complicated space features and operation characteristics. In China, large modern airports were built from around 2004, which means our understanding to the real energy performance of these buildings lag behind the design practice and with feedback from operation experience, both design or operation of modern airports shall be improved in terms of energy efficiency. Nanning Airport provided an excellent example for that purpose, with comprehensive operation data collected during 2016-2019. The data were firstly presented in this paper, followed by clustering and correlation analysis to establish the correlation among potential factors. From the analysis, the major factors influencing energy consumption were identified as passenger flow, meteorological parameters and supply fan frequency. Regression analysis was performed based on monthly data and equations were provided for the calculation of the terminal total energy consumption and its three sub components according to the input parameters of passenger flow data and meteorological data. These equations provide guidance on energy supply for the operation of this airport and more importantly can be used as valuable reference when designing airports in similar conditions.

关键词 :

Airport terminal Airport terminal Energy consumption Energy consumption Influencing factors Influencing factors Operation data Operation data Passenger Passenger



GB/T 7714 Gu Xianliang , Xie Jingchao , Luo Zhiwen et al. Analysis to energy consumption characteristics and influencing factors of terminal building based on airport operating data [J]. | SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS , 2021 , 44 .
MLA Gu Xianliang et al. "Analysis to energy consumption characteristics and influencing factors of terminal building based on airport operating data" . | SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS 44 (2021) .
APA Gu Xianliang , Xie Jingchao , Luo Zhiwen , Liu Jiaping . Analysis to energy consumption characteristics and influencing factors of terminal building based on airport operating data . | SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS , 2021 , 44 .
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Quantitative effects of PM concentrations on spectral distribution of global normal irradiance EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 220 , 1099-1108 | Solar Energy
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Daylight refers to a free and valuable resource exhibiting photometric and radiometric features, and the physical parameters commonly used to represent its features are irradiance and illuminance. They are both obtained by the spectral power distribution (SPD) of global irradiance, demonstrating that values noticeably affect indoor thermal and luminous environments. Nevertheless, outdoor particulate matter (PM) significantly affects SPD conditions, and two relative spectral notions, i.e., percentage of spectral irradiance (PSIr) and percentage of spectral illuminance (PSIl), were proposed to study the effects of PM10 concentrations in radiometry and photometry with a field measurement, Beijing. As a result, the strong impact of PM10 on PSIr/ PSIl can be noticed in the range (380 to 540 nm) (P-value 10 and PSIr/ PSIl based on regression analysis. With this wavelength, PSIr varies from 0.29 to 0.25%, and PSIl ranges from 0.48 to 0.42% with the increase of PM10 concentrations from 0.01 to 0.098 mg/m3. With the verification of the model, several bands were further analyzed to comprehensively verify the monotonic correlations, and the band ranging 480 ~ 520 nm were reasonably proved that PSIr/PSIl and PM10 can be well indicated by each other. As influenced by the complexity of spectral transmittance through the glazing, the mutual characterization between solar spectrum and particulate matters can contribute to the building energy-efficient design and develop indoor thermal and luminous environment research in the future. © 2020 International Solar Energy Society

关键词 :

Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Iridium compounds Iridium compounds Lighting Lighting Photometry Photometry Radiometry Radiometry Regression analysis Regression analysis



GB/T 7714 Ye, Sheng , Xue, Peng , Fang, Wanying et al. Quantitative effects of PM concentrations on spectral distribution of global normal irradiance [J]. | Solar Energy , 2021 , 220 : 1099-1108 .
MLA Ye, Sheng et al. "Quantitative effects of PM concentrations on spectral distribution of global normal irradiance" . | Solar Energy 220 (2021) : 1099-1108 .
APA Ye, Sheng , Xue, Peng , Fang, Wanying , Dai, Qi , Peng, Jinqing , Sun, Yuying et al. Quantitative effects of PM concentrations on spectral distribution of global normal irradiance . | Solar Energy , 2021 , 220 , 1099-1108 .
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Effect of salt on hygroscopic properties of cement mortar SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

It is widely known that coastal buildings are eroded by salt, and hygroscopic performance of the building materials significantly affects the building energy consumption. Therefore, for buildings in marine atmospheric zones, it is necessary to explore the impact of salt on the hygroscopic properties of cement mortar. In this study, cement mortar specimens with different salt contents were prepared to measure their hygroscopic properties at different humidity levels, and acquire the regulation of equilibrium moisture content with changes in the salt content and relative humidity. In addition, based on a variety of commonly used adsorption formulae, combined with the influencing factors of salt content proposed in this study, a hygroscopic fitting formula for saltcontaining materials was established. The experimental results revealed the following: the higher the salt content, the longer the stability time; the maximum increase in moisture absorption occurred in the early stage of the experiment, which gradually decreased and tended to be stable in the later stage; at any level of relative humidity, the equilibrium moisture content of the specimen increased with an increase in the salt content, and the promoting effect could be enhanced by more than three-fold; furthermore, the maximum moisture content appeared under conditions of high salt and high humidity. In addition, the fitting formula based on the BET formula and salt influence factor had a good fitting effect, and the goodness of fit could reach 0.98.

关键词 :

Cement mortar Cement mortar Fitting formula Fitting formula Hygroscopic properties Hygroscopic properties Salt-containing material Salt-containing material



GB/T 7714 Bai, Lu , Xie, Jingchao , Liu, Jiaping et al. Effect of salt on hygroscopic properties of cement mortar [J]. | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , 2021 , 305 .
MLA Bai, Lu et al. "Effect of salt on hygroscopic properties of cement mortar" . | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 305 (2021) .
APA Bai, Lu , Xie, Jingchao , Liu, Jiaping , Xie, Yue . Effect of salt on hygroscopic properties of cement mortar . | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , 2021 , 305 .
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