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期刊论文 | 2021 , 51 (10) , 120-124 | 暖通空调
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

基于全国热舒适调研数据集,研究了寒冷地区3种气候类型典型城市自然通风环境的人体热适应性,分别以西安市、大连市和吐鲁番市为温带大陆性季风气侯、温带海洋性季风气侯与温带大陆性荒漠气候的代表性城市,得到了3种气候类型的人体热中性温度和可接受温度区间.结果 表明,温带海洋性季风气候居民对热环境的敏感性较弱,温带大陆性荒漠气候居民人体热中性温度与可接受温度上限均较高,这为人体对气候的适应性提供了证据.通过多元线性分析,得到了西安市、吐鲁番市夏季自然通风建筑人体热感觉的多因素预测模型.



GB/T 7714 尹佳星 , 王昭俊 , 苏小文 et al. 寒冷地区不同气候类型自然通风环境的人体热适应研究 [J]. | 暖通空调 , 2021 , 51 (10) : 120-124 .
MLA 尹佳星 et al. "寒冷地区不同气候类型自然通风环境的人体热适应研究" . | 暖通空调 51 . 10 (2021) : 120-124 .
APA 尹佳星 , 王昭俊 , 苏小文 , 杨宇鑫 , 翟永超 , 曹彬 et al. 寒冷地区不同气候类型自然通风环境的人体热适应研究 . | 暖通空调 , 2021 , 51 (10) , 120-124 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 48 (07) , 6-10 | 新型建筑材料
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

通过实验研究了在不同的相变材料和石膏配比下相变构件表面涂刷黑、白2种颜料对构件蓄热过程的影响。结果表明:相同表面吸收率、不同相变材料用量的相变构件中,相变材料用量为20%的白色相变构件的传热衰减度最大,为4.09;对比相同相变材料用量、不同表面吸收率,吸收率较小的白色相变构件的传热衰减度是黑色相变构件的1.4倍。相变材料用量为20%的相变构件蓄热开始时间比石膏构件早0.5 h。相变材料用量为20%黑色相变构件最大蓄热量为2160 k J/m2,是石膏构件的3倍,是相变材料用量为20%白色相变构件的2.5倍。

关键词 :

表面吸收率 表面吸收率 延迟时间 延迟时间 蓄热量 蓄热量 相变构件 相变构件 传热衰减度 传热衰减度



GB/T 7714 李庆平 , 王浩宇 , 谢静超 et al. 相变构件表面吸收率及配比对蓄热过程影响的研究 [J]. | 新型建筑材料 , 2021 , 48 (07) : 6-10 .
MLA 李庆平 et al. "相变构件表面吸收率及配比对蓄热过程影响的研究" . | 新型建筑材料 48 . 07 (2021) : 6-10 .
APA 李庆平 , 王浩宇 , 谢静超 , 高洋 , 苏磊 , 丁雯 et al. 相变构件表面吸收率及配比对蓄热过程影响的研究 . | 新型建筑材料 , 2021 , 48 (07) , 6-10 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (1) , 42-46 | 建筑节能
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

极端热湿气候区 极端热湿气候区 热舒适 热舒适 标准有效温度 标准有效温度 自然通风潜力 自然通风潜力



GB/T 7714 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 . 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 [J]. | 建筑节能 , 2021 , 49 (1) : 42-46 .
MLA 李宝龙 et al. "极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价" . | 建筑节能 49 . 1 (2021) : 42-46 .
APA 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 . 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 . | 建筑节能 , 2021 , 49 (1) , 42-46 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (01) , 42-46 | 建筑节能(中英文)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

标准有效温度 标准有效温度 热舒适 热舒适 自然通风潜力 自然通风潜力 极端热湿气候区 极端热湿气候区



GB/T 7714 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 . 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 [J]. | 建筑节能(中英文) , 2021 , 49 (01) : 42-46 .
MLA 李宝龙 et al. "极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价" . | 建筑节能(中英文) 49 . 01 (2021) : 42-46 .
APA 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 . 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 . | 建筑节能(中英文) , 2021 , 49 (01) , 42-46 .
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建筑节能设计基础参数的研究进展 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 37 (06) , 155-163,205 | 建筑科学
CNKI被引次数: 7
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

基础参数 基础参数 建筑节能 建筑节能 绿色建筑 绿色建筑



GB/T 7714 杨柳 , 刘衍 , 端木琳 et al. 建筑节能设计基础参数的研究进展 [J]. | 建筑科学 , 2021 , 37 (06) : 155-163,205 .
MLA 杨柳 et al. "建筑节能设计基础参数的研究进展" . | 建筑科学 37 . 06 (2021) : 155-163,205 .
APA 杨柳 , 刘衍 , 端木琳 , 董宏 , 连之伟 , 李红莲 et al. 建筑节能设计基础参数的研究进展 . | 建筑科学 , 2021 , 37 (06) , 155-163,205 .
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极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (1) , 42-46 | 李宝龙
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

热舒适 热舒适 极端热湿气候区 极端热湿气候区 自然通风潜力 自然通风潜力 标准有效温度 标准有效温度



GB/T 7714 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 et al. 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 [J]. | 李宝龙 , 2021 , 49 (1) : 42-46 .
MLA 李宝龙 et al. "极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价" . | 李宝龙 49 . 1 (2021) : 42-46 .
APA 李宝龙 , 杨红 , 谢静超 , 建筑节能(中英文) . 极端热湿气候区建筑自然通风潜力评价 . | 李宝龙 , 2021 , 49 (1) , 42-46 .
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Effect of moisture on the thermal performance of exterior walls in the tropical islands of the South China Sea SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 6
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Accurate evaluation of the moisture effect on the thermal performance of building envelopes is essential to facilitate energy-saving building design in hot and humid climate areas. However, in extremely hot and humid climate areas, the coupled effect between the heat and moisture transfer is mostly neglected and a method to evaluate the moisture effect on the thermal performance has never been proposed. Thus, in this paper, a model is developed to simulate the coupled heat and moisture transfer inside an exterior wall subjected to extremely hot and humid climate. This model is validated using three benchmark tests and shows high accuracy. Based on the model, the effect of the moisture on the thermal performance of exterior walls in the tropical islands is firstly investigated quantitatively. The results show that moisture can substantially affect the thermal performance of an exterior wall. Neglecting the moisture effect, the total load is underestimated by 6.04-7.33%. Considering the moisture effect, the decrement factor is improved from 26.27-38.28 to 79.40-114.41 and the time lag is prolonged by 71-79 min. Finally, to clarify the spatiotemporal dynamic pattern of the moisture effect, a comparison between the four tropical islands and the continental city is performed.

关键词 :

Conduction load Conduction load Coupled heat and moisture transfer Coupled heat and moisture transfer Dynamic thermal response Dynamic thermal response Extremely hot and humid climate Extremely hot and humid climate Thermal performance Thermal performance



GB/T 7714 Li, Fuxiang , Li, Qiong , Meng, Qinglin et al. Effect of moisture on the thermal performance of exterior walls in the tropical islands of the South China Sea [J]. | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2021 , 186 .
MLA Li, Fuxiang et al. "Effect of moisture on the thermal performance of exterior walls in the tropical islands of the South China Sea" . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING 186 (2021) .
APA Li, Fuxiang , Li, Qiong , Meng, Qinglin , Liu, Jingyi , Mao, Huijun , Xie, Jingchao et al. Effect of moisture on the thermal performance of exterior walls in the tropical islands of the South China Sea . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2021 , 186 .
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Environmental perceptions, mental performance, and physiological responses of people with respiratory allergies exposed to reduced Indoor Air Quality. PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 | Indoor air
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

To investigate the need of allergic population for indoor environment quality, exposure effects of poor air quality on subjects with respiratory allergies were compared with those on healthy people, including perceptual responses, health symptoms, mental performance, and physiological responses. The experimental intervention was with and without ventilation at thermally neutral rooms, creating two exposure conditions indicated by CO2 concentration ranges of 502 to 3297 ppm (2438 ± 1527 ppm) and 517 to 5687 ppm (3615 ± 1527 ppm). 63 subjects (32 allergic subjects and 31 non-allergic subjects) were exposed to both conditions for 3 hours. The main results suggested that, compared with healthy people, people with respiratory allergy seem to be more sensitive or less acceptable to reduced air quality polluted by occupants during instantaneous exposure. Besides, the allergic group performed worse in cognitive tests than non-allergic group. After 3 hours of continuous exposure, people with respiratory allergy reported stronger intensity of respiratory irritations and seemed to suffer more inflammation indicated by a higher level of interleukin 1L-1β.

关键词 :

CO2 concentration CO2 concentration human bioeffluents human bioeffluents mental performance mental performance odor perception odor perception physiological responses physiological responses respiratory allergic people respiratory allergic people



GB/T 7714 Zhang Xiaojing , Li Dandan , Xie Jingchao et al. Environmental perceptions, mental performance, and physiological responses of people with respiratory allergies exposed to reduced Indoor Air Quality. [J]. | Indoor air , 2021 .
MLA Zhang Xiaojing et al. "Environmental perceptions, mental performance, and physiological responses of people with respiratory allergies exposed to reduced Indoor Air Quality." . | Indoor air (2021) .
APA Zhang Xiaojing , Li Dandan , Xie Jingchao , Liu Jiaping . Environmental perceptions, mental performance, and physiological responses of people with respiratory allergies exposed to reduced Indoor Air Quality. . | Indoor air , 2021 .
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Preparation and characterization of composite scallop shell powder-based and diatomite-based hygroscopic coating materials with metal-organic framework for indoor humidity regulation SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Dampness and dryness in buildings have negative effects on occupant's health, building envelope and energy usage. One promising approach is to apply hygroscopic materials with excellent moisture buffering performance in buildings to control the indoor air humidity passively. This paper proposed an innovative application of combination of metal organic frameworks (MOFs) and traditional hygroscopic materials used as passive moisture control coating materials. The scallop shell powder and diatomite, as two kind of substrates, was mixed with 20 wt% zeolite to obtain scallop shell powder-based (SZ) and diatomite-based (DZ) composite inorganic porous mineral materials, respectively. A series of novel composite hygroscopic coating materials (SZ-5, SZ-10 and DZ-5, DZ-10) were prepared by mixing the two composite porous materials with 5 wt% and 10 wt% MIL-100 (Fe) which has excellent performance of water sorption as one kind of MOFs. The microstructures of the produced samples were characterized by nitrogen adsorption/desorption technique and scanning electron microscopy while their hygrothermal properties including the thermal conductivity, the moisture adsorption/desorption performance and the moisture permeability were measured and tested. The results showed that the moisture adsorption amount and moisture adsorption rate for SZ-10 were 0.0121 g/g and 2.29 g/m(2).h, respectively. The diatomite-based sample DZ-10 exhibited greater moisture controlling performance with the moisture adsorption amount of 0.0201 g/g and the moisture adsorption rate of 4.62 g/m(2).h, which were 3 and 3.88 times those of the pure diatomite sample. The moisture buffer value (MBV) of DZ-10 were largest, indicating that this sample was the highest efficiency moisture buffering material.

关键词 :

Humidity Humidity Hygroscopic materials Hygroscopic materials MIL-100 (Fe) MIL-100 (Fe) Moisture buffering value Moisture buffering value



GB/T 7714 Mao, Zhendong , Zhang, Huibo , Li, Yan et al. Preparation and characterization of composite scallop shell powder-based and diatomite-based hygroscopic coating materials with metal-organic framework for indoor humidity regulation [J]. | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , 2021 , 43 .
MLA Mao, Zhendong et al. "Preparation and characterization of composite scallop shell powder-based and diatomite-based hygroscopic coating materials with metal-organic framework for indoor humidity regulation" . | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING 43 (2021) .
APA Mao, Zhendong , Zhang, Huibo , Li, Yan , Wang, Xinxin , Wei, Qiang , Xie, Jingchao . Preparation and characterization of composite scallop shell powder-based and diatomite-based hygroscopic coating materials with metal-organic framework for indoor humidity regulation . | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , 2021 , 43 .
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Y Evidence for lack of transmission by close contact and surface touch in a restaurant outbreak of COVID-19 SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 83 (2) , 207-216 | JOURNAL OF INFECTION
WoS核心集被引次数: 41
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is primarily a respiratory disease that has become a global pandemic. Close contact plays an important role in infection spread, while fomite may also be a possible transmission route. Research during the COVID-19 pandemic has identified long-range airborne transmission as one of the important transmission routes although lack solid evidence. Methods: We examined video data related to a restaurant associated COVID-19 outbreak in Guangzhou. We observed more than 40,000 surface touches and 13,00 0 episodes of close contacts in the restaurant during the entire lunch duration. These data allowed us to analyse infection risk via both the fomite and close contact routes. Results: There is no significant correlation between the infection risk via both fomite and close contact routes among those who were not family members of the index case. We can thus rule out virus transmission via fomite contact and interpersonal close contact routes in the Guangzhou restaurant outbreak. The absence of a fomite route agrees with the COVID-19 literature. Conclusions: These results provide indirect evidence for the long-range airborne route dominating SARSCoV-2 transmission in the restaurant. We note that the restaurant was poorly ventilated, allowing for increasing airborne SARS-CoV-2 concentration. (C) 2021 The British Infection Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Airborne Airborne Close contact Close contact Covid-19 Covid-19 Fomite Fomite Human behavior Human behavior



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Nan , Chen, Xuguang , Jia, Wei et al. Y Evidence for lack of transmission by close contact and surface touch in a restaurant outbreak of COVID-19 [J]. | JOURNAL OF INFECTION , 2021 , 83 (2) : 207-216 .
MLA Zhang, Nan et al. "Y Evidence for lack of transmission by close contact and surface touch in a restaurant outbreak of COVID-19" . | JOURNAL OF INFECTION 83 . 2 (2021) : 207-216 .
APA Zhang, Nan , Chen, Xuguang , Jia, Wei , Jin, Tianyi , Xiao, Shenglan , Chen, Wenzhao et al. Y Evidence for lack of transmission by close contact and surface touch in a restaurant outbreak of COVID-19 . | JOURNAL OF INFECTION , 2021 , 83 (2) , 207-216 .
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