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Extended short-range airborne transmission of respiratory infections SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 24
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Debate and scientific inquiries regarding airborne transmission of respiratory infections such as COVID-19 and influenza continue. Health authorities including the WHO and the US CDC have recognized the airborne transmission of COVID-19 in specific settings, although the ventilation requirements remain to be determined. In this work we consider the long-range airborne transmission as an extended short-range airborne route, which reconciles the link between short- and long-range airborne routes. The effective short-range distance is defined as the distance in short range at which long-range route has the same volumetric exposure value as that due to short-range route. Our data show that a decrease in ventilation rate or room volume per person, or an increase in the ratio of the number of infected to susceptible people reduces the effective short-range distance. In a normal breathing scenario with one out of five people infected and a room volume of 12 m3 per person to ensure an effective short-range distance of 1.5 m, a ventilation rate of 10 L/s per person is needed for a duration of 2 h. Our results suggest that effective environmental prevention strategies for respiratory infections require appropriate increases in the ventilation rate while maintaining a sufficiently low occupancy. Practical implications: Demonstration of the long-range airborne route as an extended short-range airborne route suggests the significant role played by building ventilation in respiratory infection exposure. The reconciliation of short- and long-range airborne transmission suggests that the commonly observed dominance of close-contact transmission is a probable evidence of short-range airborne transmission, following a separate earlier study that revealed the relative insignificance of large droplet transmission in comparison with the short-range airborneroute. Existing ventilation standards do not account for respiratory infection control, and this study presents a possible approach to account for infection under new ventilation standards.

关键词 :

Airborne transmission Airborne transmission COVID-19 COVID-19 Crowding Crowding Indoor environment Indoor environment Ventilation rate Ventilation rate



GB/T 7714 Chen, Wenzhao , Qian, Hua , Zhang, Nan et al. Extended short-range airborne transmission of respiratory infections [J]. | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2022 , 422 .
MLA Chen, Wenzhao et al. "Extended short-range airborne transmission of respiratory infections" . | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 422 (2022) .
APA Chen, Wenzhao , Qian, Hua , Zhang, Nan , Liu, Fan , Liu, Li , Li, Yuguo . Extended short-range airborne transmission of respiratory infections . | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2022 , 422 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 39 (09) , 78-86 | 科技导报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

通过构建数学模型,定量研究了1个3人家庭环境中飞沫传播、接触传播和气溶胶传播在COVID-19传播中的作用。研究表明,飞沫传播和接触传播在COVID-19传播中起着最重要的作用。和患者交流时保持1.5~2 m的空间距离对控制飞沫传播至关重要,洗手和保护环境表面清洁是控制接触传播的最有效手段。虽然通过气溶胶途径传播风险相对较小,但当患者呼出飞沫中病原体浓度较高时(患者可能为超级感染者),在家庭环境中24 h暴露下,气溶胶传播风险依然可以高达26%。

关键词 :

接触传播 接触传播 数学模型 数学模型 新型冠状病毒 新型冠状病毒 气溶胶传播 气溶胶传播 相对重要性 相对重要性 飞沫传播 飞沫传播



GB/T 7714 雷浩 , 肖胜蓝 , 张楠 et al. 新型冠状病毒在家庭环境中的主要传播途径 [J]. | 科技导报 , 2021 , 39 (09) : 78-86 .
MLA 雷浩 et al. "新型冠状病毒在家庭环境中的主要传播途径" . | 科技导报 39 . 09 (2021) : 78-86 .
APA 雷浩 , 肖胜蓝 , 张楠 , 魏健健 , 金滔 . 新型冠状病毒在家庭环境中的主要传播途径 . | 科技导报 , 2021 , 39 (09) , 78-86 .
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Surface touch network structure determines bacterial contamination spread on surfaces and occupant exposure SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 5
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摘要 :

Fomites are known to spread infectious diseases, but their role in determining transmission risk remains unclear. The association of surface touch networks (STNs), proposed to explain this risk, with real-life surface contamination has not yet been demonstrated. To construct STNs, we collected surface touch data from 23 to 26 scholars through 2 independent experiments conducted in office spaces for 13 h each. In parallel, a tracer bacterium (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) was spread by a designated carrier in each experiment during normal activities; the subsequent extent of surface contamination was assessed using qPCR. The touch data were also analyzed using an agent-based model that predicted the observed contamination. Touching public (door handles) and hidden public (desks, chair seatbacks) surfaces that connected occupants, sparse hand-to-hand contact, and active carriers contributed significantly to contamination spread, which was also correlated with the size of the social group containing carriers. The natural and unsupervised experiments reflected realistic exposure levels of mouths (1-10 ppm of total contamination spread by one root carrier), nostrils (-1 ppm), and eyes (-0.1 ppm). We conclude that the contamination degree of known and hidden public surfaces can indicate fomite exposure risk. The social group effect could trigger superspreading events through fomite transmission.

关键词 :

Fomite exposure Fomite exposure Infection control Infection control Surface hygiene Surface hygiene Surface touch network Surface touch network Surrogate tracer Surrogate tracer



GB/T 7714 Wang, Peihua , Zhang, Nan , Miao, Te et al. Surface touch network structure determines bacterial contamination spread on surfaces and occupant exposure [J]. | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2021 , 416 .
MLA Wang, Peihua et al. "Surface touch network structure determines bacterial contamination spread on surfaces and occupant exposure" . | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 416 (2021) .
APA Wang, Peihua , Zhang, Nan , Miao, Te , Chan, Jack P. T. , Huang, Hong , Lee, Patrick K. H. et al. Surface touch network structure determines bacterial contamination spread on surfaces and occupant exposure . | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2021 , 416 .
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Investigation of outdoor pedestrian shading preference under several thermal environment using remote sensing images EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 200 | Building and Environment
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Following advancement in urbanization, outdoor thermal comfort is receiving increasing attention, with radiation being an influencing factor. To determine the shading preference, instead of a subjective questionnaire survey, an objective foot vote approach was proposed using remote sensing images. Subsequently, the meteorological data of cities were obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology. From the results, the foot vote was approximately consistent with the PMV, and pedestrians tended to move to the shaded area if it was hot and to the non-shaded area if it was cold. However, people do not move if the foot vote value ranges from 1 to 2, and the thermal acceptance range of PET is 19.2–29 °C in Beijing when using the definitions of foot vote. The outdoor thermal acceptance differs significantly with the types of outdoor sites and climates, and pedestrians in Beijing are significantly more sensitive than those in Wuhan if the outdoor thermal environment changes. Compared to transportation hubs and shopping malls, pedestrians in public buildings are less sensitive, whereas those in scenic spots are more sensitive. Results from this study will be beneficial to policymakers in urban designing to renovate and improve thermally comfortable urban environments at the pedestrian level. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd

关键词 :

Meteorology Meteorology Remote sensing Remote sensing Surveys Surveys Thermal comfort Thermal comfort



GB/T 7714 Xue, Peng , Jia, Xiaoyu , Lai, Dayi et al. Investigation of outdoor pedestrian shading preference under several thermal environment using remote sensing images [J]. | Building and Environment , 2021 , 200 .
MLA Xue, Peng et al. "Investigation of outdoor pedestrian shading preference under several thermal environment using remote sensing images" . | Building and Environment 200 (2021) .
APA Xue, Peng , Jia, Xiaoyu , Lai, Dayi , Zhang, Xiaojing , Fan, Cheng , Zhang, Weirong et al. Investigation of outdoor pedestrian shading preference under several thermal environment using remote sensing images . | Building and Environment , 2021 , 200 .
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Increased urbanization reduced the effectiveness of school closures on seasonal influenza epidemics in China SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Background: School closure is a common mitigation strategy during severe influenza epidemics and pandemics. However, the effectiveness of this strategy remains controversial. In this study, we aimed to explore the effectiveness of school closure on seasonal influenza epidemics in provincial-level administrative divisions (PLADs) with varying urbanization rates in China. Methods: This study analyzed influenza surveillance data between 2010 and 2019 provided by the Chinese National Influenza Center. Taking into consideration the climate, this study included a region with 3 adjacent PLADs in Northern China and another region with 4 adjacent PLADs in Southern China. The effect of school closure on influenza transmission was evaluated by the reduction of the effective reproductive number of seasonal influenza during school winter breaks compared with that before school winter breaks. An age-structured Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Susceptible (SIRS) model was built to model influenza transmission in different levels of urbanization. Parameters were determined using the surveillance data via robust Bayesian method. Results: Between 2010 and 2019, in the less urbanized provinces: Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui, during school winter breaks, the effective reproductive number of seasonal influenza epidemics reduced 14.6% [95% confidential interval (CI): 6.2-22.9%], 9.6% (95% CI: 2.5-16.6%), 7.3% (95% CI: 0.1-14.4%) and 8.2% (95% CI: 1.1-15.3%) respectively. However, in the highly urbanized cities: Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, it reduced only 5.2% (95% CI: -0.7-11.2%), 4.1% (95% CI: -0.9-9.1%) and 3.9% (95% CI: -1.6-9.4%) respectively. In China, urbanization is associated with decreased proportion of children and increased social contact. According to the SIRS model, both factors could reduce the impact of school closure on seasonal influenza epidemics, and the proportion of children in the population is thought to be the dominant influencing factor. Conclusions: Effectiveness of school closure on the epidemics varies with the age structure in the population and social contact patterns. School closure should be recommended in the low urbanized regions in China in the influenza seasons.

关键词 :

China China Contact Contact Influenza epidemics Influenza epidemics School closure School closure Urbanization Urbanization



GB/T 7714 Lei, Hao , Jiang, Hangjin , Zhang, Nan et al. Increased urbanization reduced the effectiveness of school closures on seasonal influenza epidemics in China [J]. | INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF POVERTY , 2021 , 10 (1) .
MLA Lei, Hao et al. "Increased urbanization reduced the effectiveness of school closures on seasonal influenza epidemics in China" . | INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF POVERTY 10 . 1 (2021) .
APA Lei, Hao , Jiang, Hangjin , Zhang, Nan , Duan, Xiaoli , Chen, Tao , Yang, Lei et al. Increased urbanization reduced the effectiveness of school closures on seasonal influenza epidemics in China . | INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF POVERTY , 2021 , 10 (1) .
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Changes in local travel behaviour before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong. PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 112 , 103139 | Cities
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

COVID-19 threatens the world. Social distancing is a significant factor in determining the spread of this disease, and social distancing is strongly affected by the local travel behaviour of people in large cities. In this study, we analysed the changes in the local travel behaviour of various population groups in Hong Kong, between 1 January and 31 March 2020, by using second-by-second smartcard data obtained from the Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) system. Due to the pandemic, local travel volume decreased by 43%, 49% and 59% during weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays, respectively. The local travel volumes of adults, children, students and senior citizens decreased by 42%, 86%, 73% and 48%, respectively. The local travel behaviour changes for adults and seniors between non-pandemic and pandemic times were greater than those between weekdays and weekends. The opposite was true for children and students. During the pandemic, the daily commute flow decreased by 42%. Local trips to shopping areas, amusement areas and borders decreased by 42%, 81% and 99%, respectively. The effective reproduction number (R t ) of COVID-19 had the strongest association with daily population use of the MTR 7-8 days earlier.

关键词 :

COVID-19 COVID-19 Effective reproduction number Effective reproduction number Human behaviour Human behaviour Local travel behaviour Local travel behaviour Public transport Public transport Subway Subway



GB/T 7714 Zhang Nan , Jia Wei , Wang Peihua et al. Changes in local travel behaviour before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong. [J]. | Cities , 2021 , 112 : 103139 .
MLA Zhang Nan et al. "Changes in local travel behaviour before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong." . | Cities 112 (2021) : 103139 .
APA Zhang Nan , Jia Wei , Wang Peihua , Dung Chung-Hin , Zhao Pengcheng , Leung Kathy et al. Changes in local travel behaviour before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong. . | Cities , 2021 , 112 , 103139 .
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Phthalates in Chinese vehicular environments: Source emissions, concentrations, and human exposure SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 31 (6) , 2118-2129 | INDOOR AIR
WoS核心集被引次数: 7
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Phthalates are typical air pollutants in vehicular environment since numerous synthetic materials that might contain phthalates are widely used to fabricate vehicle interiors (e.g., seat cushions, floor mats and dashboards). Hitherto, the importance of phthalate pollution in vehicular environment is not well-recognized because people spend only a small portion (around 8%) of their time in vehicles. In this study, the mass fractions of six phthalates in nine materials commonly used in Chinese vehicles (floor mats and seat cushions) were measured. Two phthalates, di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP) and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), were identified in most materials (the other phthalates were not detected). The emission characteristics of DnBP and DEHP from these materials were further investigated. The measured emission parameters were used as input for a mass-transfer model to estimate DnBP and DEHP concentrations in cabin air. Finally, the ratios between human exposures (via inhalation and dermal absorption from the gas phase) in vehicular environment and the total exposures in typical indoor environments (e.g., residences and offices) were estimated to be up to 110% and 20% for DnBP and DEHP, respectively. Based on these results, the vehicular environment might be a considerable site for human exposure to airborne phthalates.

关键词 :

emission emission exposure assessment exposure assessment indoor air quality indoor air quality mass transfer mass transfer phthalates phthalates vehicular environment vehicular environment



GB/T 7714 Bu, Zhongming , Hu, Maochao , Yuan, Fangzhou et al. Phthalates in Chinese vehicular environments: Source emissions, concentrations, and human exposure [J]. | INDOOR AIR , 2021 , 31 (6) : 2118-2129 .
MLA Bu, Zhongming et al. "Phthalates in Chinese vehicular environments: Source emissions, concentrations, and human exposure" . | INDOOR AIR 31 . 6 (2021) : 2118-2129 .
APA Bu, Zhongming , Hu, Maochao , Yuan, Fangzhou , Xu, Yousheng , Dong, Cong , Zhang, Nan et al. Phthalates in Chinese vehicular environments: Source emissions, concentrations, and human exposure . | INDOOR AIR , 2021 , 31 (6) , 2118-2129 .
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Comparative assessment of simplified methods for hydrodynamic force on cylinder under earthquakes SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 234 | OCEAN ENGINEERING
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The effect of hydrodynamic force on the seismic response of structure in water cannot be ignored. Various methods have been developed to describe the effect of incompressible water, but the relative performance of some practical simplified methods is largely unknown. In this paper a comprehensive comparison of three representative simplified methods for assessing cylindrical hydrodynamic force is presented. Relative errors of structural elastic peak responses are constructed to measure the accuracy of the simplified method. The errors are tested on 154 circular cylinders subjected to 100 ground motions. The errors were first obtained by averaging the results of ground motions. Then the comparison between methods and the influence of parameters were studied based on the mean errors. Furthermore, by analyzing the statistical characteristic values of the errors, the kernel density estimation method was adopted to obtain the probability density of the errors. Finally, the probabilities of cylindrical cases and methods were investigated. The results show that if the added mass of hydrodynamic force depends on more structural parameters, the accuracy of the method may higher. The rigid-structure method has the highest accuracy and the most complicated expression. The accuracy and complexity of the method based on approximation of fundamental frequency are moderate. The Morison method has the simplest form and the maximum error. The results indicate that the added mass should relate to several structural parameters, ignoring the change of the added mass along the height will bring error to method and assuming the structure to be rigid is an effective way to simplify the analytical hydrodynamics.

关键词 :

Probability density Probability density Seismic response Seismic response Simplified method Simplified method Water-cylinder interaction Water-cylinder interaction



GB/T 7714 Guo, Jie , Zhao, Mi , Wang, Piguang et al. Comparative assessment of simplified methods for hydrodynamic force on cylinder under earthquakes [J]. | OCEAN ENGINEERING , 2021 , 234 .
MLA Guo, Jie et al. "Comparative assessment of simplified methods for hydrodynamic force on cylinder under earthquakes" . | OCEAN ENGINEERING 234 (2021) .
APA Guo, Jie , Zhao, Mi , Wang, Piguang , Zhang, Nan . Comparative assessment of simplified methods for hydrodynamic force on cylinder under earthquakes . | OCEAN ENGINEERING , 2021 , 234 .
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Y Evidence for lack of transmission by close contact and surface touch in a restaurant outbreak of COVID-19 SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 83 (2) , 207-216 | JOURNAL OF INFECTION
WoS核心集被引次数: 41
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is primarily a respiratory disease that has become a global pandemic. Close contact plays an important role in infection spread, while fomite may also be a possible transmission route. Research during the COVID-19 pandemic has identified long-range airborne transmission as one of the important transmission routes although lack solid evidence. Methods: We examined video data related to a restaurant associated COVID-19 outbreak in Guangzhou. We observed more than 40,000 surface touches and 13,00 0 episodes of close contacts in the restaurant during the entire lunch duration. These data allowed us to analyse infection risk via both the fomite and close contact routes. Results: There is no significant correlation between the infection risk via both fomite and close contact routes among those who were not family members of the index case. We can thus rule out virus transmission via fomite contact and interpersonal close contact routes in the Guangzhou restaurant outbreak. The absence of a fomite route agrees with the COVID-19 literature. Conclusions: These results provide indirect evidence for the long-range airborne route dominating SARSCoV-2 transmission in the restaurant. We note that the restaurant was poorly ventilated, allowing for increasing airborne SARS-CoV-2 concentration. (C) 2021 The British Infection Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Airborne Airborne Close contact Close contact Covid-19 Covid-19 Fomite Fomite Human behavior Human behavior



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Nan , Chen, Xuguang , Jia, Wei et al. Y Evidence for lack of transmission by close contact and surface touch in a restaurant outbreak of COVID-19 [J]. | JOURNAL OF INFECTION , 2021 , 83 (2) : 207-216 .
MLA Zhang, Nan et al. "Y Evidence for lack of transmission by close contact and surface touch in a restaurant outbreak of COVID-19" . | JOURNAL OF INFECTION 83 . 2 (2021) : 207-216 .
APA Zhang, Nan , Chen, Xuguang , Jia, Wei , Jin, Tianyi , Xiao, Shenglan , Chen, Wenzhao et al. Y Evidence for lack of transmission by close contact and surface touch in a restaurant outbreak of COVID-19 . | JOURNAL OF INFECTION , 2021 , 83 (2) , 207-216 .
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Real human surface touch behavior based quantitative analysis on infection spread via fomite route in an office SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 191 | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT
WoS核心集被引次数: 13
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Fomites can transmit some infectious diseases. Human touch behaviors are known to affect virus transmission in buildings. Using video cameras in a graduate student office, we collected more than 98,000 touch actions from 14 h of high-resolution video data of surfaces touched by fingers, palms, and backs of hands. Based on the collected data, we simulated infection spread via the fomite route. 90% of touches to mucous membranes are by fingers (70% by fingers of the nondominant hand; 20% by fingers of the dominant hand). 3% of the virus released into the atmosphere by those infected was transmitted to other students' hands, personal-use surfaces, and public surfaces. Public surfaces are responsible for 53% of virus transmission due to surface touch to susceptible students. 65% of the virus transmitted to the mucous membranes, is by nondominant hands. 93% of virus intake via mucous membranes of the susceptible was from fingers. Door handles and mobile phones transferred the most viral loads to hands of the susceptible. Total virus exposure due to touching has no significant relationship with the duration of being indoors, but human behavior does. Behavior-related intervention strategies are much more efficient than other strategies such as public surface disinfection. If we never touch other's personal surfaces, we would reduce our exposure to the virus by 80%.

关键词 :

Fomite Fomite Human behavior Human behavior Infection spread Infection spread Mucous membrane Mucous membrane Pathogen Pathogen Public surface Public surface



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Nan , Wang, Peihua , Miao, Te et al. Real human surface touch behavior based quantitative analysis on infection spread via fomite route in an office [J]. | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 2021 , 191 .
MLA Zhang, Nan et al. "Real human surface touch behavior based quantitative analysis on infection spread via fomite route in an office" . | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 191 (2021) .
APA Zhang, Nan , Wang, Peihua , Miao, Te , Chan, Pak-To , Jia, Wei , Zhao, Pengcheng et al. Real human surface touch behavior based quantitative analysis on infection spread via fomite route in an office . | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 2021 , 191 .
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