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基于绿色住区评价标准的居住用地控规生态指标构建 CSCD CSSCI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 28 (3) , 中插14-中插19 | 城市发展研究
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

通过规划管控手段推进住区绿色发展是实施生态城市建设、促进城市可持续发展的重要途径.我国现行居住用地控制性详细规划指标中尚缺乏生态管控指标,致使住区项目在土地出让和建设开发的规划许可中缺乏绿色生态方面约束.对此,通过分析美国LEED-ND、英国BREEAM COMMUNITIES、日本CASBEE FOR CITIES和我国《绿色住区标准》四大代表性绿色(生态)住区评价标准,结合我国部分绿色生态城区的前沿探索,发掘住区生态建设的核心要素及其对规划管控的启发,研究构建居住用地控制性详细规划生态指标,以期对城市住区生态建设的管控和引导提供指导.

关键词 :

居住用地 居住用地 控制性详细规划 控制性详细规划 生态指标 生态指标 绿色住区 绿色住区 评价标准 评价标准



GB/T 7714 汪坚强 , 管力 , 李海龙 et al. 基于绿色住区评价标准的居住用地控规生态指标构建 [J]. | 城市发展研究 , 2021 , 28 (3) : 中插14-中插19 .
MLA 汪坚强 et al. "基于绿色住区评价标准的居住用地控规生态指标构建" . | 城市发展研究 28 . 3 (2021) : 中插14-中插19 .
APA 汪坚强 , 管力 , 李海龙 , 郑善文 , 戎卿文 . 基于绿色住区评价标准的居住用地控规生态指标构建 . | 城市发展研究 , 2021 , 28 (3) , 中插14-中插19 .
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Analysis of Factors Influencing Energy Efficiency Based on Spatial Quantile Autoregression: Evidence from the Panel Data in China SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 14 (2) | ENERGIES
WoS核心集被引次数: 9
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

This research mainly studies the factors influencing the efficiency of energy utilization. Firstly, by calculating Moran'sI and local indicators of spatial association (LISA) of energy efficiency of regions in mainland China, we found that energy efficiency shows obvious spatial autocorrelation and spatial clustering phenomena. Secondly, we established the spatial quantile autoregression (SQAR) model, in which the energy efficiency is the response variable with seven influence factors. The seven factors include industrial structure, resource endowment, level of economic development etc. Based on the provincial panel data (1998-2016) of mainland China (data source: China Statistical Yearbook, Statistical Yearbook of provinces), the findings indicate that level of economic development and industrial structure have a significant role in promoting energy efficient. Resource endowment, government intervention and energy efficiency show a negative correlation. However, the negative effect of government intervention is weakened with the increase of energy efficiency. Lastly, we compare the results of SQAR with that of ordinary spatial autoregression (SAR). The empirical result shows that the SQAR model is superior to SAR model in influencing factors analysis of energy efficiency.

关键词 :

energy efficiency energy efficiency instrumental variable instrumental variable Moran's I Moran's I spatial quantile autoregression (SQAR) spatial quantile autoregression (SQAR)



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Jinping , Lu, Qiuru , Guan, Li et al. Analysis of Factors Influencing Energy Efficiency Based on Spatial Quantile Autoregression: Evidence from the Panel Data in China [J]. | ENERGIES , 2021 , 14 (2) .
MLA Zhang, Jinping et al. "Analysis of Factors Influencing Energy Efficiency Based on Spatial Quantile Autoregression: Evidence from the Panel Data in China" . | ENERGIES 14 . 2 (2021) .
APA Zhang, Jinping , Lu, Qiuru , Guan, Li , Wang, Xiaoying . Analysis of Factors Influencing Energy Efficiency Based on Spatial Quantile Autoregression: Evidence from the Panel Data in China . | ENERGIES , 2021 , 14 (2) .
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The Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Set-Valued Random Variables in Fuzzy Metric Space SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 9 (11) | MATHEMATICS
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this paper, we firstly introduce the definition of the fuzzy metric of sets, and discuss the properties of fuzzy metric induced by the Hausdorff metric. Then we prove the limit theorems for set-valued random variables in fuzzy metric space; the convergence is about fuzzy metric induced by the Hausdorff metric. The work is an extension from the classical results for set-valued random variables to fuzzy metric space.

关键词 :

set-valued random variables set-valued random variables fuzzy metric space fuzzy metric space laws of large numbers laws of large numbers



GB/T 7714 Guan, Li , Wei, Juan , Min, Hui et al. The Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Set-Valued Random Variables in Fuzzy Metric Space [J]. | MATHEMATICS , 2021 , 9 (11) .
MLA Guan, Li et al. "The Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Set-Valued Random Variables in Fuzzy Metric Space" . | MATHEMATICS 9 . 11 (2021) .
APA Guan, Li , Wei, Juan , Min, Hui , Zhang, Junfei . The Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Set-Valued Random Variables in Fuzzy Metric Space . | MATHEMATICS , 2021 , 9 (11) .
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Standing-Posture Recognition in Human-Robot Collaboration Based on Deep Learning and the Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 20 (4) | SENSORS
WoS核心集被引次数: 24
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

During human-robot collaborations (HRC), robot systems must accurately perceive the actions and intentions of humans. The present study proposes the classification of standing postures from standing-pressure images, by which a robot system can predict the intended actions of human workers in an HRC environment. To this end, it explores deep learning based on standing-posture recognition and a multi-recognition algorithm fusion method for HRC. To acquire the pressure-distribution data, ten experimental participants stood on a pressure-sensing floor embedded with thin-film pressure sensors. The pressure data of nine standing postures were obtained from each participant. The human standing postures were discriminated by seven classification algorithms. The results of the best three algorithms were fused using the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory to improve the accuracy and robustness. In a cross-validation test, the best method achieved an average accuracy of 99.96%. The convolutional neural network classifier and data-fusion algorithm can feasibly classify the standing postures of human workers.

关键词 :

convolutional neural network convolutional neural network data fusion data fusion HRC HRC machine learning machine learning standing-posture recognition standing-posture recognition



GB/T 7714 Li, Guan , Liu, Zhifeng , Cai, Ligang et al. Standing-Posture Recognition in Human-Robot Collaboration Based on Deep Learning and the Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory [J]. | SENSORS , 2020 , 20 (4) .
MLA Li, Guan et al. "Standing-Posture Recognition in Human-Robot Collaboration Based on Deep Learning and the Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory" . | SENSORS 20 . 4 (2020) .
APA Li, Guan , Liu, Zhifeng , Cai, Ligang , Yan, Jun . Standing-Posture Recognition in Human-Robot Collaboration Based on Deep Learning and the Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory . | SENSORS , 2020 , 20 (4) .
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Human standing posture recognition based on CNN and pressure floor EI
期刊论文 | 2020 , 20 (2) , 489-498 | Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The goal of this study was to recognize human standing postures in human-robot collaborations such that the robot can serve the human operator better. An intelligent sensing floor was developed based on a thin-film pressure sensor and a human standing posture dataset was obtained by transforming the pressure data into a pressure image. A human standing posture recognition method based on an improved convolutional neural network is proposed. The results of the experiments demonstrate that a convolutional neural network can be used in the field of pressure images. The proposed method returned a recognition rate of 96.6%. Compared to the traditional neural network, the improved convolutional neural network model has better performance. The study results are expected to be used in standing posture monitoring to provide additional data for a robot in a human-robot collaboration system. © 2020 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Convolution Convolution Convolutional neural networks Convolutional neural networks Floors Floors Metadata Metadata Social robots Social robots



GB/T 7714 Li, Guan , Liu, Zhifeng , Cai, Ligang et al. Human standing posture recognition based on CNN and pressure floor [J]. | Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering , 2020 , 20 (2) : 489-498 .
MLA Li, Guan et al. "Human standing posture recognition based on CNN and pressure floor" . | Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 20 . 2 (2020) : 489-498 .
APA Li, Guan , Liu, Zhifeng , Cai, Ligang , Yan, Jun . Human standing posture recognition based on CNN and pressure floor . | Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering , 2020 , 20 (2) , 489-498 .
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站城一体化轨道交通枢纽及周边设计实践 ——以北京东站为例
期刊论文 | 2019 , 16 (7) , 109-114 | 城市建筑
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

场所文脉 场所文脉 城市设计 城市设计 公共空间 公共空间 轨道交通枢纽 轨道交通枢纽 站城一体化 站城一体化



GB/T 7714 鹿益 , 汪坚强 , 翁阳 et al. 站城一体化轨道交通枢纽及周边设计实践 ——以北京东站为例 [J]. | 城市建筑 , 2019 , 16 (7) : 109-114 .
MLA 鹿益 et al. "站城一体化轨道交通枢纽及周边设计实践 ——以北京东站为例" . | 城市建筑 16 . 7 (2019) : 109-114 .
APA 鹿益 , 汪坚强 , 翁阳 , 马宁 , 管力 , 王议 . 站城一体化轨道交通枢纽及周边设计实践 ——以北京东站为例 . | 城市建筑 , 2019 , 16 (7) , 109-114 .
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An Upper Bound Estimation About the Sample Average of Interval-Valued Random Sets CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2017 , 456 , 519-524 | 8th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics (SMPS)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this paper, we give an upper bound estimation about the probability of the event that the sample average of i.i.d. interval-valued random sets is included in a closed set. The main tool is Cramer theorem in the classic theory of large deviation principle about real-valued random variables.



GB/T 7714 Wang, Xia , Guan, Li . An Upper Bound Estimation About the Sample Average of Interval-Valued Random Sets [C] . 2017 : 519-524 .
MLA Wang, Xia et al. "An Upper Bound Estimation About the Sample Average of Interval-Valued Random Sets" . (2017) : 519-524 .
APA Wang, Xia , Guan, Li . An Upper Bound Estimation About the Sample Average of Interval-Valued Random Sets . (2017) : 519-524 .
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三维街景数据在特大城市街区道路环境现状评估中的应用——以北京市为例 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2017 , (12) , 122-126 | 测绘通报
CNKI被引次数: 6
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

三维街景数据 三维街景数据 城市现状评估 城市现状评估 街区单元 街区单元 道路环境 道路环境



GB/T 7714 关丽 , 丁燕杰 , 陈品祥 et al. 三维街景数据在特大城市街区道路环境现状评估中的应用——以北京市为例 [J]. | 测绘通报 , 2017 , (12) : 122-126 .
MLA 关丽 et al. "三维街景数据在特大城市街区道路环境现状评估中的应用——以北京市为例" . | 测绘通报 12 (2017) : 122-126 .
APA 关丽 , 丁燕杰 , 陈品祥 , 熊文 , 刘璇 , 冯学兵 . 三维街景数据在特大城市街区道路环境现状评估中的应用——以北京市为例 . | 测绘通报 , 2017 , (12) , 122-126 .
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Design of Data Acquisition System for Surface Pressure Perception Matrix CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2017 , 491-495 | 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In last few years, with the rapid development of robot technology, human-machine interaction technology has increasingly become the focus of many researchers. The security of human-computer interaction is becoming more and more important. As an important part of human-machine interaction, robot active sensing has also become an important field of human-machine interaction. Aiming at the requirement of active sensing technology in the field of human computer interaction, a low-cost data acquisition system for surface pressure sensing is designed by using STM32 microcontroller and film pressure sensor matrix. The system architecture, acquisition circuit and high-speed communication circuit are discussed detailly in this paper. The experimental results show that the system can collect all sensors' data of the pressure matrix, data acquisition frequency is 50Hz. The real-time display of the host computer is realized, and the network expansion interface is reserved to facilitate the expansion of the system. The linear fitting method is used to correct the sensors, and the perception accuracy of the pressure matrix sensors is improved. The pressure sensing surface can be used to create the perception of the floor, the cushion or desktop perceived perception and so on. It is a useful supplement to the field of active perception in the field of human computer interaction.

关键词 :

film pressure sensor film pressure sensor human computer interaction human computer interaction STM32 STM32 surface pressure perception surface pressure perception



GB/T 7714 Li Guan , Cai Ligang , Liu Zhifeng et al. Design of Data Acquisition System for Surface Pressure Perception Matrix [C] . 2017 : 491-495 .
MLA Li Guan et al. "Design of Data Acquisition System for Surface Pressure Perception Matrix" . (2017) : 491-495 .
APA Li Guan , Cai Ligang , Liu Zhifeng , Yan Jun . Design of Data Acquisition System for Surface Pressure Perception Matrix . (2017) : 491-495 .
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期刊论文 | 2017 , (01) , 62-72 | 上海城市规划
CNKI被引次数: 19
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

步行易达性 步行易达性 步行质点 步行质点 街区 街区 评价 评价



GB/T 7714 熊文 , 刘璇 , 阎伟标 et al. 街区步行易达性评价:方法综述与案例研究 [J]. | 上海城市规划 , 2017 , (01) : 62-72 .
MLA 熊文 et al. "街区步行易达性评价:方法综述与案例研究" . | 上海城市规划 01 (2017) : 62-72 .
APA 熊文 , 刘璇 , 阎伟标 , 关丽 . 街区步行易达性评价:方法综述与案例研究 . | 上海城市规划 , 2017 , (01) , 62-72 .
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