摘要 :
As the world's largest coal consumer, China's coal consumption in 2021 was 2934.4 million tons of standard coal. Thermal coal occupies an important position in the coal market and industry system, as an important raw material in the power industry, steel industry and other industries. The price of thermal coal in 2021 was at its highest level in a decade, and reached a historical level of about 2587.5 yuan per ton in October 2021. In the same month, the government intervened in the thermal coal price, which fell 51.9% by the end of the year under the influence of the policy. In previous studies, there has been little research on thermal coal and the impact of the variable "policy" on the thermal coal price. Thus, this paper analyzed the factors that affect the price fluctuation of thermal coal, and the impact of economic policy uncertainty on the thermal coal price. The cointegration test and forecast-error variance decomposition (FEVD) are adopted in this study. Our results show that the impact of policy uncertainty on the thermal coal price gradually increases over time, but the impact of policy uncertainty on price is negative and not as strong as expected. On the contrary, inventory and other energy prices have a greater positive impact on the price of thermal coal. The results of this study are of significance for the prediction of thermal coal prices in the future.
关键词 :
variance decomposition variance decomposition cointegration test cointegration test thermal coal price thermal coal price
GB/T 7714 | Zhu, Shiqiu , Chi, Yuanying , Gao, Kaiye et al. Analysis of Influencing Factors of Thermal Coal Price [J]. | ENERGIES , 2022 , 15 (15) . |
MLA | Zhu, Shiqiu et al. "Analysis of Influencing Factors of Thermal Coal Price" . | ENERGIES 15 . 15 (2022) . |
APA | Zhu, Shiqiu , Chi, Yuanying , Gao, Kaiye , Chen, Yahui , Peng, Rui . Analysis of Influencing Factors of Thermal Coal Price . | ENERGIES , 2022 , 15 (15) . |
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摘要 :
With the emergence of the industrial internet of things, distributed data storage systems have become widely used to store the monitoring data of power generation systems. Malicious hackers often try to destroy or steal these confidential data by illegally invading the systems. In addition to hackers' illegal intrusions, the availability of the data stored is also affected by the internal failures of the system. In this research, two reliability models are formulated to study the reliability of a phased-mission distributed data storage system considering internal failures and illegal intrusion. The first model considers internal failures and data destruction, whereas the second model further considers data theft. Furthermore, the allocation of the data partitions is optimized so that system reliability can be maximized. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models and algorithms.
关键词 :
Buffer storage Buffer storage Computer hacking Computer hacking Computer security Computer security Reliability Reliability dynamic reliability assessment dynamic reliability assessment multistate system multistate system phased-mission system (PMS) phased-mission system (PMS) external impacts external impacts Data security Data security Computational modeling Computational modeling Numerical models Numerical models Distributed databases Distributed databases
GB/T 7714 | Kou, Gang , Yi, Kunxiang , Xiao, Hui et al. Reliability of a Distributed Data Storage System Considering the External Impacts [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY , 2022 , 72 (1) : 3-14 . |
MLA | Kou, Gang et al. "Reliability of a Distributed Data Storage System Considering the External Impacts" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY 72 . 1 (2022) : 3-14 . |
APA | Kou, Gang , Yi, Kunxiang , Xiao, Hui , Peng, Rui . Reliability of a Distributed Data Storage System Considering the External Impacts . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY , 2022 , 72 (1) , 3-14 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
多阶段任务系统(PMS) 多阶段任务系统(PMS) 温备份元件 温备份元件 多值决策图 多值决策图 系统可靠性 系统可靠性
GB/T 7714 | 邱慧 , 闫相斌 , 翟庆庆 et al. 具有多阶段任务需求的温备份系统可靠性分析 [J]. | 中国管理科学 , 2021 , 29 (2) : 99-107 . |
MLA | 邱慧 et al. "具有多阶段任务需求的温备份系统可靠性分析" . | 中国管理科学 29 . 2 (2021) : 99-107 . |
APA | 邱慧 , 闫相斌 , 翟庆庆 , 彭锐 . 具有多阶段任务需求的温备份系统可靠性分析 . | 中国管理科学 , 2021 , 29 (2) , 99-107 . |
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GB/T 7714 | Peng, Rui . Cutting edge researches on reliability evaluation and risk management [J]. | Recent Patents on Engineering , 2021 , 15 (1) : 2 . |
MLA | Peng, Rui . "Cutting edge researches on reliability evaluation and risk management" . | Recent Patents on Engineering 15 . 1 (2021) : 2 . |
APA | Peng, Rui . Cutting edge researches on reliability evaluation and risk management . | Recent Patents on Engineering , 2021 , 15 (1) , 2 . |
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摘要 :
Background: With the rapid development of computer and Internet technologies, the measurement of software reliability has become a key point. Software reliability modeling is an important way to measure software reliability. However, there are many disadvantages in the classic model. Therefore, this paper reviews current researches in software reliability and discusses ways to improve the model from a new perspective. Objective: This paper reviews the current researches on software reliability, analyzes the existing patented technology, and points out some future directions to improve the current models to provide a more accurate and efficient way for software reliability measurement. Methods: This study introduces the general methods of software reliability evaluation, analyzes the disadvantages of these methods in practical application, draws lessons from the patent, and puts forward some new ideas to solve the problems. Results: Disadvantages of current researches are identified based on literature review. In addition, two suggestions are given to improve the current models. Conclusion: Although the software reliability has made great progress, there are still many things to be studied in the future. The problems of software reliability in real life should be gradually solved. © 2021 Bentham Science Publishers.
关键词 :
Application programs Application programs Software reliability Software reliability Patents and inventions Patents and inventions
GB/T 7714 | Li, Yingchun , Gao, Kaiye , Peng, Rui . Recent researches and technologies on software reliability evaluation [J]. | Recent Patents on Engineering , 2021 , 15 (1) : 92-100 . |
MLA | Li, Yingchun et al. "Recent researches and technologies on software reliability evaluation" . | Recent Patents on Engineering 15 . 1 (2021) : 92-100 . |
APA | Li, Yingchun , Gao, Kaiye , Peng, Rui . Recent researches and technologies on software reliability evaluation . | Recent Patents on Engineering , 2021 , 15 (1) , 92-100 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
多值决策图 多值决策图 温备份元件 温备份元件 系统可靠性 系统可靠性 多阶段任务系统(PMS) 多阶段任务系统(PMS)
GB/T 7714 | 邱慧 , 闫相斌 , 翟庆庆 et al. 具有多阶段任务需求的温备份系统可靠性分析 [J]. | 邱慧 , 2021 , 29 (2) : 99-107 . |
MLA | 邱慧 et al. "具有多阶段任务需求的温备份系统可靠性分析" . | 邱慧 29 . 2 (2021) : 99-107 . |
APA | 邱慧 , 闫相斌 , 翟庆庆 , 彭锐 , 中国管理科学 . 具有多阶段任务需求的温备份系统可靠性分析 . | 邱慧 , 2021 , 29 (2) , 99-107 . |
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摘要 :
控制棒驱动机构钩爪组件是核反应堆中重要的运动部件,其可靠性直接影响反应堆的正常运行。基于ANSYS workbench软件,对承载工况下的钩爪组件进行了静力学仿真,在仿真的基础上,赋予了输入变量的分散性,对钩爪的应力应变进行不确定性分析,并对其进行可靠性分析。分析计算结果显示,承载工况下的钩爪组件应力最大值出现在钩爪齿,3根销轴中钩爪轴所受应力最大;当前钩爪齿的强度可靠性较高,可以安全可靠的工作,后期需要重点关注钩爪齿的疲劳失效状态。
关键词 :
不确定性分析 不确定性分析 静力学仿真 静力学仿真 钩爪组件 钩爪组件 可靠性分析 可靠性分析
GB/T 7714 | 薛冰 , 米洁 , 高凯烨 et al. 控制棒驱动机构钩爪组件的静力学仿真及可靠性分析 [J]. | 质量与可靠性 , 2021 , (02) : 26-30 . |
MLA | 薛冰 et al. "控制棒驱动机构钩爪组件的静力学仿真及可靠性分析" . | 质量与可靠性 02 (2021) : 26-30 . |
APA | 薛冰 , 米洁 , 高凯烨 , 彭锐 , 张进强 . 控制棒驱动机构钩爪组件的静力学仿真及可靠性分析 . | 质量与可靠性 , 2021 , (02) , 26-30 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
知识图谱 知识图谱 知识查询系统 知识查询系统 质量工程技术 质量工程技术 质量管理 质量管理
GB/T 7714 | 韩晨静 , 王天时 , 高凯烨 et al. 基于Neo4j图数据库的质量工程技术知识图谱的构建及实现 [J]. | 质量与可靠性 , 2021 , (02) : 50-55 . |
MLA | 韩晨静 et al. "基于Neo4j图数据库的质量工程技术知识图谱的构建及实现" . | 质量与可靠性 02 (2021) : 50-55 . |
APA | 韩晨静 , 王天时 , 高凯烨 , 彭锐 , 谢金浩 . 基于Neo4j图数据库的质量工程技术知识图谱的构建及实现 . | 质量与可靠性 , 2021 , (02) , 50-55 . |
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摘要 :
To formulate efficient emission reduction policies, we explore the driving forces of CO2 emissions from the transport sector of four municipalities in China during 2000-2017 based on the temporal-spatial decomposition analysis model. The key factors causing the differences in CO2 emissions will be investigated in important years (i.e., 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2017). Two main results are found: (1) Energy intensity, as well as transportation intensity, is the dominant restraining factor confronting the transport sector's CO2 emissions, while the income effect is reversed. (2) The results of the analysis further show what drives different emission levels (e.g., income effect, energy structure, and transportation structure) and four municipalities have greater potential in the reduction of CO2 emissions. We further discuss the root causes of the spatial-temporal differences in carbon emissions in the transport sector and analyse their future trends in detail. Based on this, we propose to pay attention to strengthen coordinated emission reduction, optimize the transportation mode, adjust the energy consumption structure, and select emission reduction strategies according to local conditions. In addition, emission reductions in the transportation sector are also affected by various factors such as social systems and transformation costs, and further research is needed in the future.
关键词 :
CO2 emissions CO2 emissions Driving forces Driving forces Municipalities Municipalities Spatial decomposition analysis Spatial decomposition analysis Temporal decomposition analysis Temporal decomposition analysis Transport sector Transport sector
GB/T 7714 | Liu, Xianmei , Peng, Rui , Zhong, Chao et al. What drives the temporal and spatial differences of CO2 emissions in the transport sector? Empirical evidence from municipalities in China [J]. | ENERGY POLICY , 2021 , 159 . |
MLA | Liu, Xianmei et al. "What drives the temporal and spatial differences of CO2 emissions in the transport sector? Empirical evidence from municipalities in China" . | ENERGY POLICY 159 (2021) . |
APA | Liu, Xianmei , Peng, Rui , Zhong, Chao , Wang, Mingyue , Guo, Pibin . What drives the temporal and spatial differences of CO2 emissions in the transport sector? Empirical evidence from municipalities in China . | ENERGY POLICY , 2021 , 159 . |
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摘要 :
In practical engineering, the presence of dependent evidence is not rare due to various imperfections. Misuse of such information in reliability analysis will lead to conflicting or even erroneous results. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian reliability approach for complex systems with dependent life metrics. Notions such as explicit evidence and implicit evidence are established based on an identification of different roles of multiple dependent evidence in the likelihood construction. A likelihood decomposition method is developed to convert the overall likelihood into a product of Explicit Evidence-based Likelihood (EEL) function and Implicit Evidence-based Likelihood (IEL) function. An inferential diagram is developed to intuitively generate the required implicit evidence taking both outer-source information and the system configuration into consideration. An algorithm is then presented for implementation. The contribution of our work is a systematic investigation of the role of dependent evidence in system reliability evaluation and a full Bayesian approach that is applied to various system reliability models. Extensive numerical cases and a practical engineering case are demonstrated for validation and to illustrate the benefits of our approach. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd
关键词 :
Bayesian networks Bayesian networks Reliability analysis Reliability analysis
GB/T 7714 | Yang, Lechang , Wang, Pidong , Wang, Qiang et al. Reliability analysis of a complex system with hybrid structures and multi-level dependent life metrics [J]. | Reliability Engineering and System Safety , 2021 , 209 . |
MLA | Yang, Lechang et al. "Reliability analysis of a complex system with hybrid structures and multi-level dependent life metrics" . | Reliability Engineering and System Safety 209 (2021) . |
APA | Yang, Lechang , Wang, Pidong , Wang, Qiang , Bi, Sifeng , Peng, Rui , Behrensdorf, Jasper et al. Reliability analysis of a complex system with hybrid structures and multi-level dependent life metrics . | Reliability Engineering and System Safety , 2021 , 209 . |
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