摘要 :
关键词 :
高端装备制造业 高端装备制造业 评价体系 评价体系 “VHSD-EM”模型 “VHSD-EM”模型 技术创新能力 技术创新能力
GB/T 7714 | 唐孝文 , 孙悦 , 唐晓彬 . 中国高端装备制造业技术创新能力评价研究 [J]. | 科研管理 , 2021 , 42 (09) : 1-9 . |
MLA | 唐孝文 等. "中国高端装备制造业技术创新能力评价研究" . | 科研管理 42 . 09 (2021) : 1-9 . |
APA | 唐孝文 , 孙悦 , 唐晓彬 . 中国高端装备制造业技术创新能力评价研究 . | 科研管理 , 2021 , 42 (09) , 1-9 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
“VHSD-EM”模型 “VHSD-EM”模型 省域经济 省域经济 经济高质量发展 经济高质量发展 评价体系 评价体系
GB/T 7714 | 唐晓彬 , 王亚男 , 唐孝文 . 中国省域经济高质量发展评价研究 [J]. | 科研管理 , 2020 , 41 (11) : 44-55 . |
MLA | 唐晓彬 等. "中国省域经济高质量发展评价研究" . | 科研管理 41 . 11 (2020) : 44-55 . |
APA | 唐晓彬 , 王亚男 , 唐孝文 . 中国省域经济高质量发展评价研究 . | 科研管理 , 2020 , 41 (11) , 44-55 . |
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摘要 :
随着经济的快速发展,人民日益增长的美好生活需要与能源供求之间的矛盾也愈加显著.电力产业作为能源消耗大户,对其进行合理有效地利用是非常重要的.本文基于规模收益可变假设下的、产出导向的两阶段DEA方法,对我国其中31个省(直辖市、自治区)2016年电力能源利用效率进行评估.其中,第一阶段是电力生产阶段(Electricity Production,EP),第二阶段为电力供应阶段(Electricity Supply,ES).实验结果表明,两阶段DEA方法比传统的BCC方法更能有效地辨别有效决策单元且有更高的排序参考价值.在两阶段过程中,北京、上海、江苏、广东和西藏5个地区表现为DEA有效的,且提高...
关键词 :
两阶段DEA 两阶段DEA 效率 效率 电力 电力 能源利用 能源利用
GB/T 7714 | 王婵 , 邹斌 , 金茜 et al. 基于两阶段DEA方法的中国省际电力能源利用效率评估 [J]. | 数学的实践与认识 , 2020 , 50 (02) : 150-161 . |
MLA | 王婵 et al. "基于两阶段DEA方法的中国省际电力能源利用效率评估" . | 数学的实践与认识 50 . 02 (2020) : 150-161 . |
APA | 王婵 , 邹斌 , 金茜 , 唐孝文 , 谢启伟 , 陈维国 . 基于两阶段DEA方法的中国省际电力能源利用效率评估 . | 数学的实践与认识 , 2020 , 50 (02) , 150-161 . |
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摘要 :
An assembly line is a serial production system that is meant to produce high-quality and usually complex products in mass quantities. Assembly lines play a crucial role in determining the profitability of a company, as they are utilised as the final stage of the system prior to shipping. In an assembly line balancing problem, the assembly tasks are allocated to workstations based on their processing times after considering the precedence relationships between them. There is a massive amount of research in the literature using deterministic task processing times, and many other works consider stochastic task times. This research utilises the uncertainty theory to model uncertain task times and considers incompatible task sets constraints. The problem is solved using a simulated annealing algorithm with problem-specific characteristics. Lower bounds are developed to accelerate the simulated annealing algorithm. A restart mechanism, which can escape the local optimum obtained by neighbourhood generation, is proposed. A repair mechanism is integrated to combine the workstations so as to further improve the quality of solutions. The numerical examples and experimental tests demonstrate the powerful solution-building capacity of the proposed simulated annealing algorithm over teaching-learning-based and genetic algorithms. The methodology proposed in this research is applicable to any industry (including the automotive industry) when the historical data on task processing times is very limited.
关键词 :
incompatible task sets incompatible task sets simulated annealing simulated annealing metaheuristics metaheuristics uncertainty theory uncertainty theory two-sided assembly line balancing two-sided assembly line balancing
GB/T 7714 | Li, Yuchen , Kucukkoc, Ibrahim , Tang, Xiaowen . Two-sided assembly line balancing that considers uncertain task time attributes and incompatible task sets [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2020 , 59 (6) : 1736-1756 . |
MLA | Li, Yuchen et al. "Two-sided assembly line balancing that considers uncertain task time attributes and incompatible task sets" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH 59 . 6 (2020) : 1736-1756 . |
APA | Li, Yuchen , Kucukkoc, Ibrahim , Tang, Xiaowen . Two-sided assembly line balancing that considers uncertain task time attributes and incompatible task sets . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2020 , 59 (6) , 1736-1756 . |
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摘要 :
An assembly line is an industrial arrangement of machines, equipments and operators for continuous flow of work-pieces in mass-production operations. Recently, the reliability of assembly production has been investigated by taking into account task time uncertainties. This paper provides a new reliability metric which encompasses two types of task time uncertainties. A multi-objective mathematical model was developed to maximize the reliability and efficiency of assembly lines. Neighborhood search methods with two restart mechanisms are devised to solve the model and they are compared in a numerical study. Further, the results show some managerial implications for the production planners. The methodology proposed in this research can be applied to many industries when some historical data of uncertain inputs are available and some are not.
关键词 :
Uncertain task times Uncertain task times Belief reliability Belief reliability Neighborhood search Neighborhood search Assembly line balancing Assembly line balancing
GB/T 7714 | Li, Yuchen , Peng, Rui , Kucukkoc, Ibrahim et al. System reliability optimization for an assembly line under uncertain random environment [J]. | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING , 2020 , 146 . |
MLA | Li, Yuchen et al. "System reliability optimization for an assembly line under uncertain random environment" . | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 146 (2020) . |
APA | Li, Yuchen , Peng, Rui , Kucukkoc, Ibrahim , Tang, Xiaowen , Wei, Fang . System reliability optimization for an assembly line under uncertain random environment . | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING , 2020 , 146 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
影响因素 影响因素 创新能力 创新能力 现代制造业 现代制造业 低碳经济 低碳经济
GB/T 7714 | 唐孝文 , 相楠 , 李雨辰 . 低碳经济下北京现代制造业创新能力影响因素研究 [J]. | 科研管理 , 2019 , 40 (07) : 87-96 . |
MLA | 唐孝文 et al. "低碳经济下北京现代制造业创新能力影响因素研究" . | 科研管理 40 . 07 (2019) : 87-96 . |
APA | 唐孝文 , 相楠 , 李雨辰 . 低碳经济下北京现代制造业创新能力影响因素研究 . | 科研管理 , 2019 , 40 (07) , 87-96 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
关联分析 关联分析 内容分析 内容分析 电影需求 电影需求 短生命周期体验品 短生命周期体验品 需求特征模式 需求特征模式
GB/T 7714 | 唐中君 , 崔骏夫 , 唐孝文 et al. 融合内容分析和关联分析的短生命周期体验品需求特征模式挖掘方法研究 [J]. | 中国管理科学 , 2019 , 27 (11) : 166-175 . |
MLA | 唐中君 et al. "融合内容分析和关联分析的短生命周期体验品需求特征模式挖掘方法研究" . | 中国管理科学 27 . 11 (2019) : 166-175 . |
APA | 唐中君 , 崔骏夫 , 唐孝文 , 朱慧珂 . 融合内容分析和关联分析的短生命周期体验品需求特征模式挖掘方法研究 . | 中国管理科学 , 2019 , 27 (11) , 166-175 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
弱可处置性 弱可处置性 数据包络分析 数据包络分析 能源与环境效率 能源与环境效率 非均匀比例减少 非均匀比例减少
GB/T 7714 | 邹炎平 , 于瑛英 , 唐孝文 et al. 基于DEA模型的中国区域能源与环境效率评估 [J]. | 数学的实践与认识 , 2019 , 49 (18) : 98-109 . |
MLA | 邹炎平 et al. "基于DEA模型的中国区域能源与环境效率评估" . | 数学的实践与认识 49 . 18 (2019) : 98-109 . |
APA | 邹炎平 , 于瑛英 , 唐孝文 , 唐亮 . 基于DEA模型的中国区域能源与环境效率评估 . | 数学的实践与认识 , 2019 , 49 (18) , 98-109 . |
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摘要 :
An assembly line is an industrial arrangement of machines, equipment, and operators for continuous flow of workpieces in mass-production operations. In an assembly line balancing problem, tasks are allocated to workstations according to their processing times and precedence relationships amongst tasks. Nowadays, some research investigated the reliability of assembly production by taking account of task time uncertainties. Our research utilizes uncertainty theory to model task time uncertainties and introduces the belief reliability measure to the assembly line production for the first time. We proposed a multi-objective optimization model that aimed at maximizing the belief reliability and minimizing the cycle time. The problem is solved using a newly developed restart neighborhood search method. The numerical experiments are conducted to verify its efficiency. The methodology proposed in this paper is applicable to any industry (including the automotive industry) when the historical data on task processing times are very scarce.
关键词 :
Assembly line balancing Assembly line balancing belief reliability belief reliability neighborhood search neighborhood search uncertain task times uncertain task times
GB/T 7714 | Li, Yuchen , Fu, Yao , Tang, Xiaowen et al. Optimizing the Reliability and Efficiency for an Assembly Line That Considers Uncertain Task Time Attributes [J]. | IEEE ACCESS , 2019 , 7 : 34121-34130 . |
MLA | Li, Yuchen et al. "Optimizing the Reliability and Efficiency for an Assembly Line That Considers Uncertain Task Time Attributes" . | IEEE ACCESS 7 (2019) : 34121-34130 . |
APA | Li, Yuchen , Fu, Yao , Tang, Xiaowen , Hu, Xiaofeng . Optimizing the Reliability and Efficiency for an Assembly Line That Considers Uncertain Task Time Attributes . | IEEE ACCESS , 2019 , 7 , 34121-34130 . |
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摘要 :
Recently, assembly line balancing problem with uncertain task time gains more and more attention in the literature. Task time uncertainty may overload workstations. Uncertain task time attributes were studied in the frameworks of the probability theory. In this paper, we use a new method, which is the uncertainty theory, to model the uncertain task time as the historical task time information is unavailable. We incorporate the uncertainty into the constraints of the type-1 U-shaped assembly line balancing problem. We derive some useful theorems related to the optimal solutions. Further, we develop an algorithm based on the branch and bound remember algorithm to solve the proposed problem. Finally, numerical studies are conducted to illustrate our model. (C) 2019, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
关键词 :
Assembly line balancing Assembly line balancing Branch and bound remember Branch and bound remember Uncertain Programming Uncertain Programming Uncertain task time attribute Uncertain task time attribute Uncertainty theory Uncertainty theory
GB/T 7714 | Li, Yuchen , Hu, Xiaofeng , Tang, Xiaowen et al. Type-1 U-shaped Assembly Line Balancing under uncertain task time [C] . 2019 : 992-997 . |
MLA | Li, Yuchen et al. "Type-1 U-shaped Assembly Line Balancing under uncertain task time" . (2019) : 992-997 . |
APA | Li, Yuchen , Hu, Xiaofeng , Tang, Xiaowen , Kucukkoc, Ibrahim . Type-1 U-shaped Assembly Line Balancing under uncertain task time . (2019) : 992-997 . |
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