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Benefits or harms? The effect of online review manipulation on sales SCIE SSCI
WoS核心集被引次数: 13
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In recent years, there has been an increase in online review manipulation on the platforms of electronic commerce. Previous studies clarify the benefits and harms of online review manipulation for firms, and they provide mixed conclusions on the influence of online review manipulation. However, the effect of online review manipulation on product sales has not yet been thoroughly studied due to the covert nature of review manipulation. To fill this research gap, this paper examines the different effects of review manipulation in three dimensions: quantity manipulation, quality manipulation, and relation manipulation. Drawing on the Information Manipulation Theory, which reveals the manipulation behaviors of different dimensions, it is proposed that the influence of online review manipulation differs significantly among different information manipulation dimensions. The results of the empirical experiments show that the effect of review quantity manipulation on product sales exhibits an inverted U-shape. In addition, review quality manipulation positively affects product sales, but review relation manipulation exerts a negative effect. Moreover, the magnitude of the effect of review manipulation is contingent upon review manipulation duration. The findings shed light on the heterogeneous effect of review manipulation dimensions on product sales from an information manipulation perspective and suggest a need for improvement in online fraudulent review detection in the early stage of review manipulation.

关键词 :

Online review manipulation Online review manipulation Quantity manipulation Quantity manipulation Quality manipulation Quality manipulation Review manipulation duration Review manipulation duration Relation manipulation Relation manipulation



GB/T 7714 Wang, Qiang , Zhang, Wen , Li, Jian et al. Benefits or harms? The effect of online review manipulation on sales [J]. | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS , 2023 , 57 .
MLA Wang, Qiang et al. "Benefits or harms? The effect of online review manipulation on sales" . | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS 57 (2023) .
APA Wang, Qiang , Zhang, Wen , Li, Jian , Ma, Zhenzhong , Chen, Jindong . Benefits or harms? The effect of online review manipulation on sales . | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS , 2023 , 57 .
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A novel approach for fraudulent reviewer detection based on weighted topic modelling and nearest neighbors with asymmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2022 , 157 | DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS
WoS核心集被引次数: 30
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The task of detecting fraudulent reviewers is of great importance to E-commerce platforms. Existing research has invested much effort into developing comprehensive features and advanced techniques to detect fraudulent reviewers. However, most of these studies have ignored the data imbalance problem inherent in fraudulent reviewer detection: non-fraudulent reviewers are the majority, while fraudulent reviewers are the minority in real practice. To fill this gap, we propose a novel approach called ImDetector to detect fraudulent reviewers while handling data imbalance based on weighted latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence. Specifically, we develop a weighted LDA model to extract the latent topics of reviewers distributed on the review features. Asymmetric KL divergence is adopted to make the similarity measure between reviewers biased toward the fraudulent minority when using the K-nearest-neighbor for classification. By mapping the reviewers to the latent topics of features derived from the weighted LDA model and measuring the similarities between reviewers using asymmetric KL divergence, the data imbalance problem in fraudulent reviewer detection is alleviated. Extensive experiments on the Yelp.com dataset demonstrate that the proposed ImDetector approach is superior to the state-of-the-art techniques used for fraudulent reviewer detection. We also explain the experimental results and present the managerial implications of this paper.

关键词 :

Kullback-Leibler divergence Kullback-Leibler divergence Imbalanced data Imbalanced data Weighted LDA Weighted LDA Fraudulent reviewer detection Fraudulent reviewer detection E-commerce E-commerce



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Wen , Xie, Rui , Wang, Qiang et al. A novel approach for fraudulent reviewer detection based on weighted topic modelling and nearest neighbors with asymmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence [J]. | DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS , 2022 , 157 .
MLA Zhang, Wen et al. "A novel approach for fraudulent reviewer detection based on weighted topic modelling and nearest neighbors with asymmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence" . | DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS 157 (2022) .
APA Zhang, Wen , Xie, Rui , Wang, Qiang , Yang, Ye , Li, Jian . A novel approach for fraudulent reviewer detection based on weighted topic modelling and nearest neighbors with asymmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence . | DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS , 2022 , 157 .
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A 2020 perspective on "DeRec: A data-driven approach to accurate recommendation with deep learning and weighted loss function" SCIE SSCI
WoS核心集被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The development of Internet comes up with the prosperity of E-commerce all over the world. In order to promote sales and save consumers' labor in commodity browsing, recommender systems are proposed by E-commerce platforms to provide online consumers with products and services of their potential interests. The primary challenge in recommendation roots in the intricacy in quantifying users' preferences on items with the reality of data sparsity and the computation complexity. Hence, more and more researchers are attempting deep learning techniques to deal with the challenge with the hope of using advanced algorithms to alleviate the intricacy. Word embedding is used to learn the association of items in a space of low dimensionality. Multi-layer perception is used to learn users' preferences on items in a data-driven manner with a customized loss function. The future work of recommender systems includes three folds. The one is to make use of multi-source data to combine implicit and explicit user behavior data to address the problem of data sparsity. The second is dynamic recommendation with the changing users' preferences on items and make recommender systems light-weight and useable in complex scenarios. The third is to provide effective and verifiable recommendation under the premise of user privacy protection

关键词 :

Data sparsity Data sparsity Deep learning Deep learning Privacy protection Privacy protection Recommendation algorithm Recommendation algorithm Recommender systems Recommender systems User preference User preference



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Wen , Wang, Qiang , Yang, Ye et al. A 2020 perspective on "DeRec: A data-driven approach to accurate recommendation with deep learning and weighted loss function" [J]. | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS , 2021 , 48 .
MLA Zhang, Wen et al. "A 2020 perspective on "DeRec: A data-driven approach to accurate recommendation with deep learning and weighted loss function"" . | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS 48 (2021) .
APA Zhang, Wen , Wang, Qiang , Yang, Ye , Yoshida, Taketoshi . A 2020 perspective on "DeRec: A data-driven approach to accurate recommendation with deep learning and weighted loss function" . | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS , 2021 , 48 .
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Leasing or selling? The channel choice of durable goods manufacturer considering consumers' capital constraint SCIE SSCI
WoS核心集被引次数: 7
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this paper, we explore how a monopoly manufacturer chooses the market strategies and decides the optimal price to obtain maximum profit. We divide the market into the C-type market and the N-type market, and analyze the profitability of the monopoly manufacturer who takes the pure-selling, pure-leasing and hybrid strategy respectively, considering consumers' capital constraint and the life span of the durable goods in an indefinite time horizon model. (1) We find that a larger proportion of the consumers with capital constraint has a more significant impact on the prices and it could slow down the development of the rental market. When the scale of the group attains up to a threshold level, it would greatly influence the customers' demand and their marketing strategy, and encourages more manufacturers to take the leasing strategy. (2) In the Hybrid Strategy, we see explicit growth in the overall profit with both the leasing channel and the selling channel working together, although the former outperforms the latter. The suppressed selling channel, in fact, has to lower the price to keep the market coverage, with an independent market structure. (3) Finally, we find that a leasing agent may help the manufacturer at first and then become a tough competitor. These findings provide new insights for the operation of large construction machinery manufacturing companies. subject classification numbers as needed.

关键词 :

Selling channel Selling channel Capital constraint Capital constraint Leasing channel Leasing channel Durable goods Durable goods



GB/T 7714 Li, Jian , Wang, Huan , Deng, Zhiwen et al. Leasing or selling? The channel choice of durable goods manufacturer considering consumers' capital constraint [J]. | FLEXIBLE SERVICES AND MANUFACTURING JOURNAL , 2021 , 34 (2) : 317-350 .
MLA Li, Jian et al. "Leasing or selling? The channel choice of durable goods manufacturer considering consumers' capital constraint" . | FLEXIBLE SERVICES AND MANUFACTURING JOURNAL 34 . 2 (2021) : 317-350 .
APA Li, Jian , Wang, Huan , Deng, Zhiwen , Zhang, Wen , Zhang, Guoqing . Leasing or selling? The channel choice of durable goods manufacturer considering consumers' capital constraint . | FLEXIBLE SERVICES AND MANUFACTURING JOURNAL , 2021 , 34 (2) , 317-350 .
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RP-LGMC: Rating prediction based on local and global information with matrix clustering SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Recommendation system has attracted large amount of attention in the field of E-commerce research. Traditional MF (Matrix Factorization) methods take a global view on the user-item rating matrix to derive latent user vectors and latent item vectors for rating prediction. However, there is an inherent structure in the user-item rating matrix and a local correspondence between user clusters and item clusters as the users induce the items and the items imply the users in a recommendation system. Motivated by this observation, this paper proposes a novel rating prediction approach called RP-LGMC (Rating Prediction based on Local and Global information with Matrix Clustering) based on matrix factorization by making use of the local correspondence between user clusters and item clusters. The RP-LGMC approach consists of three components. The first component is to partition the user-item rating matrix into small blocks by the sparse subspace clustering (SCC) algorithm with co-clustering its rows (users) and columns (items) simultaneously. The second component is local distillation to extract those dense and stable blocks by thresholding block density and standard deviation. The third component is to predict the ratings with residual approximation on the local blocks and SVD++ on the global blocks of the original user-item matrixR. The RP-LGMC approach can not only reduce the data sparsity but also increase the computation scalability. Experiments on the MovieLens-25 M dataset demonstrate that the proposed RP-LGMC approach performs better than most state-of-the-art methods in terms of recommendation accuracy and has lower computation complexity than the SVD++ algorithm. (C) 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

关键词 :

Local information Local information Sparse subspace clustering Sparse subspace clustering Rating prediction Rating prediction Global information Global information Residual approximation Residual approximation



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Wen , Wang, Qiang , Yoshida, Taketoshi et al. RP-LGMC: Rating prediction based on local and global information with matrix clustering [J]. | COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH , 2021 , 129 .
MLA Zhang, Wen et al. "RP-LGMC: Rating prediction based on local and global information with matrix clustering" . | COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH 129 (2021) .
APA Zhang, Wen , Wang, Qiang , Yoshida, Taketoshi , Li, Jian . RP-LGMC: Rating prediction based on local and global information with matrix clustering . | COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH , 2021 , 129 .
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A Two-Stage Rating Prediction Approach Based on Matrix Clustering on Implicit Information EI
期刊论文 | 2020 , 7 (2) , 517-535 | IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Traditional matrix factorization (MF) methods take a global view on the user-item rating matrix to conduct matrix decomposition for rating approximation. However, there is an inherent structure in the user-item rating matrix and a local correspondence between user clusters and item clusters as the users induce the items and the items imply the users in a recommendation system. This article proposes a novel approach called two-stage rating prediction (TS-RP) to matrix clustering with implicit information. In the first stage, implicit feedback is used to discover the inherent structure of the user-item rating matrix by spectral clustering. In the second stage, we conduct rating prediction on the dense blocks of explicit information of user-item clusters discovered in the first stage. The proposed TS-RP approach can not only alleviate the data sparsity problem in recommendation but also increase the computation scalability. Experiments on the MovieLens-100K data set demonstrate that the proposed TS-RP approach performs better than most state-of-the-art methods of rating prediction based on MF in terms of recommendation accuracy and computation complexity. © 2014 IEEE.

关键词 :

Clustering algorithms Clustering algorithms Factorization Factorization Forecasting Forecasting Matrix algebra Matrix algebra



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Wen , Li, Xiang , Li, Jian et al. A Two-Stage Rating Prediction Approach Based on Matrix Clustering on Implicit Information [J]. | IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems , 2020 , 7 (2) : 517-535 .
MLA Zhang, Wen et al. "A Two-Stage Rating Prediction Approach Based on Matrix Clustering on Implicit Information" . | IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 7 . 2 (2020) : 517-535 .
APA Zhang, Wen , Li, Xiang , Li, Jian , Yang, Ye , Yoshida, Taketoshi . A Two-Stage Rating Prediction Approach Based on Matrix Clustering on Implicit Information . | IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems , 2020 , 7 (2) , 517-535 .
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DCWord: A Novel Deep Learning Approach to Deceptive Review Identification by Word Vectors SCIE CSCD
WoS核心集被引次数: 9
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Due to the anonymous and free-for-all characteristics of online forums, it is very hard for human beings to differentiate deceptive reviews from truthful reviews. This paper proposes a deep learning approach for text representation called DC Word (Deep Context representation by Word vectors) to deceptive review identification. The basic idea is that since deceptive reviews and truthful reviews are composed by writers without and with real experience on using the online purchased goods or services, there should be different contextual information of words between them. Unlike state-of-the-art techniques in seeking best linguistic features for representation, we use word vectors to characterize contextual information of words in deceptive and truthful reviews automatically. The average-pooling strategy (called DC Word-A) and max-pooling strategy (called DC Word-M) are used to produce review vectors from word vectors. Experimental results on the Spam dataset and the Deception dataset demonstrate that the DCWord-M representation with LR (Logistic Regression) produces the best performances and outperforms state-of-the-art techniques on deceptive reviewidentification. Moreover, the DC Word-M strategy outperforms the DC Word-A strategy in review representation for deceptive review identification. The outcome of this study provides potential implications for online review management and business intelligence of deceptive review identification.

关键词 :

deceptive review identification deceptive review identification Online business intelligence Online business intelligence deep learning deep learning skip-gram model skip-gram model DC Word representation DC Word representation



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Wen , Wang, Qiang , Li, Xiangjun et al. DCWord: A Novel Deep Learning Approach to Deceptive Review Identification by Word Vectors [J]. | JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING , 2019 , 28 (6) : 731-746 .
MLA Zhang, Wen et al. "DCWord: A Novel Deep Learning Approach to Deceptive Review Identification by Word Vectors" . | JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 28 . 6 (2019) : 731-746 .
APA Zhang, Wen , Wang, Qiang , Li, Xiangjun , Yoshida, Taketoshi , Li, Jian . DCWord: A Novel Deep Learning Approach to Deceptive Review Identification by Word Vectors . | JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING , 2019 , 28 (6) , 731-746 .
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DeepRec: A deep neural network approach to recommendation with item embedding and weighted loss function SCIE
期刊论文 | 2019 , 470 , 121-140 | INFORMATION SCIENCES
WoS核心集被引次数: 37
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Traditional collaborative filtering techniques suffer from the data sparsity problem in practice. That is, only a small proportion of all items in the recommender system occur in a user's rated item list. However, in order to retrieve items meeting a user's interest, all possible candidate items should be investigated. To address this problem, this paper proposes a recommendation approach called DeepRec, based on feedforward deep neural network learning with item embedding and weighted loss function. Specifically, item embedding learns numerical vectors for item representation, and weighted loss function balances popularity and novelty of recommended items. Moreover, it introduces two strategies, i.e. sampling by random (Ran-Strategy) and sampling by distribution (Pro-Strategy), to leave one item as output and the remaining as input from each user's historically rated item list. Max-pooling and average-pooling are employed to combine individual item vectors to derive users' input vectors for feedforward deep neural network learning. Experiments on the App dataset and the Last.fm dataset demonstrate that the proposed DeepRec approach is superior to state-of-the-art techniques in recommending Apps and songs in terms of accuracy and diversity as well as complexity. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Deep neural network Deep neural network DeepRec DeepRec Item embedding Item embedding Recommender system Recommender system Weighted loss function Weighted loss function



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Wen , Du, Yuhang , Yoshida, Taketoshi et al. DeepRec: A deep neural network approach to recommendation with item embedding and weighted loss function [J]. | INFORMATION SCIENCES , 2019 , 470 : 121-140 .
MLA Zhang, Wen et al. "DeepRec: A deep neural network approach to recommendation with item embedding and weighted loss function" . | INFORMATION SCIENCES 470 (2019) : 121-140 .
APA Zhang, Wen , Du, Yuhang , Yoshida, Taketoshi , Yang, Ye . DeepRec: A deep neural network approach to recommendation with item embedding and weighted loss function . | INFORMATION SCIENCES , 2019 , 470 , 121-140 .
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间歇曝气模式下短程硝化厌氧氨氧化同时除磷的一体化生物处理工艺 incoPat
专利 | 2018-03-13 | CN201810203285.7
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 彭永臻 , 张文 , 苗圆圆 et al. 间歇曝气模式下短程硝化厌氧氨氧化同时除磷的一体化生物处理工艺 : CN201810203285.7[P]. | 2018-03-13 .
MLA 彭永臻 et al. "间歇曝气模式下短程硝化厌氧氨氧化同时除磷的一体化生物处理工艺" : CN201810203285.7. | 2018-03-13 .
APA 彭永臻 , 张文 , 苗圆圆 , 王思萌 , 李夕耀 . 间歇曝气模式下短程硝化厌氧氨氧化同时除磷的一体化生物处理工艺 : CN201810203285.7. | 2018-03-13 .
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DeRec: A data-driven approach to accurate recommendation with deep learning and weighted loss function SCIE SSCI
WoS核心集被引次数: 19
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Traditional recommendation techniques present various methods to measure similarity of users and items to characterize the preferences. However, different similarity measure focus on different aspects of user-item rating list and, this may cause incomplete information leveraged by similarity measure in users' preference characterization leading to low accuracy on recommendation. This paper proposes a deep learning approach, i.e. DeRec, to learn the latent item association from user-item rating list directly for predictive recommendation without employing a similarity measure. The loss of each item is weighted by its historical probability rated by users' past preferences, in which a deep learning neural network is adopted to predict a user's potential interest on the items using the user's historical items as input. We also develop two strategies to produce input vectors and output vectors as sampling by random (Ran-Strategy) and sampling by distribution (Pro-Strategy) to train the deep neural network with considering the sequential characteristics of items rated by users. Experiments on the App dataset and the MovieLens dataset demonstrate that the proposed DeRec approach outperforms traditional collaborative filtering methods in recommending Apps and movies in both MAP and MRR measures.

关键词 :

Recommender system Recommender system Weighted loss function Weighted loss function DeRec DeRec Data-driven approach Data-driven approach Deep neural network Deep neural network



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Wen , Du, Yuhang , Yang, Ye et al. DeRec: A data-driven approach to accurate recommendation with deep learning and weighted loss function [J]. | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS , 2018 , 31 : 12-23 .
MLA Zhang, Wen et al. "DeRec: A data-driven approach to accurate recommendation with deep learning and weighted loss function" . | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS 31 (2018) : 12-23 .
APA Zhang, Wen , Du, Yuhang , Yang, Ye , Yoshida, Taketoshi . DeRec: A data-driven approach to accurate recommendation with deep learning and weighted loss function . | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS , 2018 , 31 , 12-23 .
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