摘要 :
In this paper, a new life assessment framework is proposed based on the elastic-viscoplastic modeling and the damage behavior for the structural component under multiaxial nonproportional loading at high temperature. The viscoplastic constitutive model with the ability to capture the non-proportional hardening effect is used to obtain the stress-strain fields, in which a new method based on the rotation of strain axis is proposed to evaluate the notch rotation factor. The damage model, which can comprehensively capture the multiaxial fatigue-oxidationcreep behaviors, is used to assess the failure life. In addition, the proposed framework is evaluated by the life results under proportional and non-proportional fatigue loadings at 650 degrees C, and the errors are found to be within a factor of 2.
关键词 :
Elastic-viscoplastic Elastic-viscoplastic Fatigue-oxidation-creep damage Fatigue-oxidation-creep damage Multiaxial loading Multiaxial loading Non-proportional hardening Non-proportional hardening Notch Notch
GB/T 7714 | Li, Dao-Hang , Shang, De-Guang , Yin, Xiang et al. A novel fatigue-oxidation-creep life prediction method under non-proportional loading [J]. | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS , 2022 , 131 . |
MLA | Li, Dao-Hang et al. "A novel fatigue-oxidation-creep life prediction method under non-proportional loading" . | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS 131 (2022) . |
APA | Li, Dao-Hang , Shang, De-Guang , Yin, Xiang , Li, Ming , Chen, Feng , Sun, Guo-Qin et al. A novel fatigue-oxidation-creep life prediction method under non-proportional loading . | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS , 2022 , 131 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
时效初期结构 时效初期结构 结构演变 结构演变 MG-GD-Y合金 MG-GD-Y合金 析出 析出 高角环形暗场扫描透射电镜成像 高角环形暗场扫描透射电镜成像
GB/T 7714 | 刘林林 , 孙威 , 电子显微学报 . Mg-Gd-Y合金时效初期析出结构的形成和演变 [J]. | 刘林林 , 2021 , 40 (1) : 18-26 . |
MLA | 刘林林 et al. "Mg-Gd-Y合金时效初期析出结构的形成和演变" . | 刘林林 40 . 1 (2021) : 18-26 . |
APA | 刘林林 , 孙威 , 电子显微学报 . Mg-Gd-Y合金时效初期析出结构的形成和演变 . | 刘林林 , 2021 , 40 (1) , 18-26 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
动态塑性变形 动态塑性变形 动态再结晶 动态再结晶 绝热剪切带 绝热剪切带 钛合金 钛合金
GB/T 7714 | 黄子坤 , 孙威 . 钛合金动态塑性变形过程中绝热剪切带的形成机理 [J]. | 材料导报 , 2021 , 35 (03) : 3122-3128 . |
MLA | 黄子坤 et al. "钛合金动态塑性变形过程中绝热剪切带的形成机理" . | 材料导报 35 . 03 (2021) : 3122-3128 . |
APA | 黄子坤 , 孙威 . 钛合金动态塑性变形过程中绝热剪切带的形成机理 . | 材料导报 , 2021 , 35 (03) , 3122-3128 . |
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摘要 :
A novel Fe-enriched lamella sandwich phase (χ-phase) has been found to precipitate along the basal (0001)Mg planes in the heat-treated Mg-Gd-Fe alloy and its structure is clearly revealed by means of atomic-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The layered χ-phase only has a thickness of mono-unit-cell and consists invariably of ten atomic layers stacking along the [0001]Mg direction, of which the outermost atomic layers had larger in-plane atom-pillar spacing than the inner layers. Fe/Gd atoms are mainly enriched in the outer four atomic layers in the χ-phase, forming two structurally unsymmetrical four-layer shells to sandwich the middle two Mg layers. An atomic model has been proposed for this layered sandwich-structured χ-phase. © 2021, Wuhan University of Technology and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, Part of Springer Nature.
关键词 :
Iron alloys Iron alloys Magnesium alloys Magnesium alloys Precipitation (chemical) Precipitation (chemical) Iron metallography Iron metallography High resolution transmission electron microscopy High resolution transmission electron microscopy Ternary alloys Ternary alloys Atoms Atoms Gadolinium alloys Gadolinium alloys Magnesium metallography Magnesium metallography
GB/T 7714 | Liu, Linlin , Zheng, Yang , Liu, Cuixiu et al. A Novel Fe-enriched Lamella Sandwich Precipitate Formed in A Mg-Gd-Fe Alloy [J]. | Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition , 2021 , 36 (1) : 111-115 . |
MLA | Liu, Linlin et al. "A Novel Fe-enriched Lamella Sandwich Precipitate Formed in A Mg-Gd-Fe Alloy" . | Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition 36 . 1 (2021) : 111-115 . |
APA | Liu, Linlin , Zheng, Yang , Liu, Cuixiu , Sun, Wei . A Novel Fe-enriched Lamella Sandwich Precipitate Formed in A Mg-Gd-Fe Alloy . | Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition , 2021 , 36 (1) , 111-115 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
绝热剪切带 绝热剪切带 动态塑性变形 动态塑性变形 钛合金 钛合金 动态再结晶 动态再结晶
GB/T 7714 | 黄子坤 , 孙威 , 材料导报 . 钛合金动态塑性变形过程中绝热剪切带的形成机理 [J]. | 黄子坤 , 2021 , 35 (3) : 3122-3128 . |
MLA | 黄子坤 et al. "钛合金动态塑性变形过程中绝热剪切带的形成机理" . | 黄子坤 35 . 3 (2021) : 3122-3128 . |
APA | 黄子坤 , 孙威 , 材料导报 . 钛合金动态塑性变形过程中绝热剪切带的形成机理 . | 黄子坤 , 2021 , 35 (3) , 3122-3128 . |
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摘要 :
本文利用TEM、HRTEM、STEM-HAADF、FFT等多种表征技术,对室温轧制Mg-6Zn (wt.%)时效合金中β_1′析出相结构予以表征与研究。结果表明:(1)合金中存在三种析出相,都与孪晶有交互作用;(2)首次从原子尺度上直接观察到β_1′相在■孪晶内界面处的结构变化,显示该析出相在经过基体■孪生剪切作用后,在宏观形貌上产生了3.6°的偏转。这些结果为进一步研究、设计新的镁锌合金提供借鉴与参考。
关键词 :
■孪晶 ■孪晶 镁合金 镁合金 电子显微术 电子显微术 析出相 析出相 剪切相互作用 剪切相互作用
GB/T 7714 | 孙鹏阳 , 刘林林 , 孙威 et al. Mg-Zn合金中■孪生剪切与析出相相互作用结构的电子显微研究 [J]. | 电子显微学报 , 2021 , 40 (05) : 537-542 . |
MLA | 孙鹏阳 et al. "Mg-Zn合金中■孪生剪切与析出相相互作用结构的电子显微研究" . | 电子显微学报 40 . 05 (2021) : 537-542 . |
APA | 孙鹏阳 , 刘林林 , 孙威 , 刘翠秀 . Mg-Zn合金中■孪生剪切与析出相相互作用结构的电子显微研究 . | 电子显微学报 , 2021 , 40 (05) , 537-542 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 孙鹏阳 , 刘林林 , 孙威 et al. Mg-Zn合金中{10(1)2}孪生剪切与析出相相互作用结构的电子显微研究 [J]. | 电子显微学报 , 2021 , 40 (5) : 537-542 . |
MLA | 孙鹏阳 et al. "Mg-Zn合金中{10(1)2}孪生剪切与析出相相互作用结构的电子显微研究" . | 电子显微学报 40 . 5 (2021) : 537-542 . |
APA | 孙鹏阳 , 刘林林 , 孙威 , 刘翠秀 . Mg-Zn合金中{10(1)2}孪生剪切与析出相相互作用结构的电子显微研究 . | 电子显微学报 , 2021 , 40 (5) , 537-542 . |
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摘要 :
本文利用原子分辨的高角环形暗场扫描透射电镜(HADDF-STEM)成像技术并结合第一性原理计算的方法研究了Mg97 Gd2 Y1(at.%)合金200℃时效初期结构的形成和演变过程.结果表明,合金时效初期优先形成与富稀土原子柱近邻组合关联的各种纳米级细小富稀土团簇.这些由富稀土原子柱构建的团簇可以通过分解、重组而转变成β''''型局域网格状析出以及"之"字形G.P.区,进而形成β''相晶核.通过对具有典型构型的析出团簇形成能和结合能的计算,进一步验证了合金时效初期结构演变过程的合理性.
关键词 :
Mg-Gd-Y合金 Mg-Gd-Y合金 时效初期结构 时效初期结构 析出 析出 结构演变 结构演变 高角环形暗场扫描透射电镜成像 高角环形暗场扫描透射电镜成像
GB/T 7714 | 刘林林 , 孙威 . Mg-Gd-Y合金时效初期析出结构的形成和演变 [J]. | 电子显微学报 , 2021 , 40 (1) : 18-26 . |
MLA | 刘林林 et al. "Mg-Gd-Y合金时效初期析出结构的形成和演变" . | 电子显微学报 40 . 1 (2021) : 18-26 . |
APA | 刘林林 , 孙威 . Mg-Gd-Y合金时效初期析出结构的形成和演变 . | 电子显微学报 , 2021 , 40 (1) , 18-26 . |
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摘要 :
The influence of B and Y on the microstructure, microsegregation, and tensile behaviour of the Ti45A18Nb0.2W0.25Cr (at%) alloy was investigated. The beta-stabilizer elements in the high-Nb TiAl alloy promote the formation of the gamma phase in the microsegregation region and lead to the formation of large blocky microsegregation areas. The large blocky microsegregation regions with low specific surface areas reduce the nucleation rate of cavities and cracks at the interfaces of the microsegregation, which are harmful to colony boundary strengthening and decrease tensile resistance. The addition of B and Y affords an obvious refinement in the lamellar colony, renders an increasing opportunity for cavity nucleation at the colony boundary, and thus improves the tensile resistance. The tensile mechanisms of the alloys before and after (B, Y) addition were also compared and analysed.
关键词 :
microsegregation microsegregation microstructure microstructure tension tension TiAl TiAl
GB/T 7714 | Gong Ziqi , Wu Jin , Sun Wei et al. Effects of B and Y Additions on the Microstructure and Tensile Behaviour of High-Nb TiAl Alloys [J]. | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING , 2021 , 50 (8) : 2760-2764 . |
MLA | Gong Ziqi et al. "Effects of B and Y Additions on the Microstructure and Tensile Behaviour of High-Nb TiAl Alloys" . | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 50 . 8 (2021) : 2760-2764 . |
APA | Gong Ziqi , Wu Jin , Sun Wei , Chen Ziyong , Nie Zuoren . Effects of B and Y Additions on the Microstructure and Tensile Behaviour of High-Nb TiAl Alloys . | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING , 2021 , 50 (8) , 2760-2764 . |
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摘要 :
A unified viscoplastic constitutive model coupled with a physically-based damage variable, is proposed to capture the cyclic mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of the material at elevated temperature. The mechanical strength can be reduced by the decrease in the dislocation density, the coarsening of the martensitic lath and the loss of the martensitic structure under cyclic loading. The proposed physically-based damage variable is driven by the evolutions of dislocation density and martensitic lath width. The good com-parisons with test results mean that the proposed model can reasonably model the cyclic elastic-viscoplastic constitutive behavior of the material at high temperature.
关键词 :
Dislocation density Dislocation density High temperature fatigue High temperature fatigue Cyclic softening Cyclic softening Martensitic lath Martensitic lath Damage mechanics Damage mechanics
GB/T 7714 | Li, Dao-Hang , Li, Ming , Shang, De-Guang et al. Physically-based modeling of cyclic softening and damage behaviors for a martensitic turbine rotor material at elevated temperature [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE , 2021 , 142 . |
MLA | Li, Dao-Hang et al. "Physically-based modeling of cyclic softening and damage behaviors for a martensitic turbine rotor material at elevated temperature" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE 142 (2021) . |
APA | Li, Dao-Hang , Li, Ming , Shang, De-Guang , Gupta, Alok , Sun, Wei . Physically-based modeling of cyclic softening and damage behaviors for a martensitic turbine rotor material at elevated temperature . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE , 2021 , 142 . |
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