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Deformation Responses and Mechanical Mechanism of Existing Tunnel due to New Building Construction SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 1
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摘要 :

This study mainly investigated the variation law and mechanical mechanism of surrounding earth pressure and deformation of an existing tunnel, caused by dewatering, foundation excavation, building loading, and groundwater recovery. According to different dewatering schemes, two modes were established: nonisolated dewatering unloading-loading mode and isolated dewatering unloading-loading mode. Through large-scale similar materials model test, the variation law of deformation and surrounding earth pressure of adjacent tunnel under complex unloading-loading conditions was preliminarily revealed. Based on the size of the prototype project, the test results were further verified by the numerical simulation. The mechanical mechanism of tunnel deformation in different construction stages was analyzed after the comparative study. The results show that the tunnel structure deformation, vertical and horizontal displacement, and torsion occur in the process of building construction. In the nonisolated dewatering unloading-loading mode, the decrease or rise of the groundwater level significantly reduces (maximum 27.85%) or increases (maximum 35.19%) the surrounding earth pressure of the tunnel. The decrease or increase of the horizontal total stress was much greater than that of the vertical total stress, which leads to the deformation of tunnel structure. The vertical displacement of the tunnel is generally settlement, which mainly occurs in the stage of dewatering and building loading, accounting for 83.21%100.00% and 25.11%-40.34% of the total settlement, respectively. In the stage of foundation pit excavation and groundwater recovery, the tunnel rises. In the horizontal direction, the tunnel moves towards the foundation pit, mainly in the excavation stage, accounting for 82.77%-86.30% of the maximum value. Due to the uneven change of displacement field and stress field of soil outside the foundation pit, the tunnel torsion occurs. In the isolated dewatering unloading-Loading mode, the change of groundwater has little effect on the tunnel. In the stage of excavation and construction load, the variation law of tunnel surrounding earth pressure and deformation is similar in the two modes.



GB/T 7714 Guo, Haifeng , Ma, Dong , Yao, Aijun . Deformation Responses and Mechanical Mechanism of Existing Tunnel due to New Building Construction [J]. | ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING , 2021 , 2021 .
MLA Guo, Haifeng 等. "Deformation Responses and Mechanical Mechanism of Existing Tunnel due to New Building Construction" . | ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 2021 (2021) .
APA Guo, Haifeng , Ma, Dong , Yao, Aijun . Deformation Responses and Mechanical Mechanism of Existing Tunnel due to New Building Construction . | ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING , 2021 , 2021 .
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Research on Search Method of Potential Sliding Surface of Rock Slope with Embedded Structural Plane SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 1
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摘要 :

Slope stability has been a key issue in the field of geotechnical engineering. Determining the potential sliding surface of a slope is an important link in evaluating the stability of the slope. For rock slope with embedded structural plane, the potential sliding surface is greatly affected by the embedded structural plane. When determining the potential sliding surface, the influence of the position of the embedded structural plane should be considered. According to the distribution characteristics of the embedded structural plane of the rock slope, the structural plane in rock slope is divided into two types: (1) front embedded and (2) rear embedded structural plane. Considering the influence of two types of structural planes, a search method for potential sliding surfaces of rock slope is proposed combined with the finite random tracking method. The location of the sliding surface is controlled through the cut-in point, cut-out point, and arc height so that the range of search variables does not need empirical assumption. An engineering example is used to verify the search method. The results show that the method could accurately obtain the potential sliding surface of the rock slope with embedded structural plane, which proves the effectiveness of the search method.



GB/T 7714 Yao, Aijun , Lu, Jian , Tian, Zhizhou et al. Research on Search Method of Potential Sliding Surface of Rock Slope with Embedded Structural Plane [J]. | ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING , 2021 , 2021 .
MLA Yao, Aijun et al. "Research on Search Method of Potential Sliding Surface of Rock Slope with Embedded Structural Plane" . | ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 2021 (2021) .
APA Yao, Aijun , Lu, Jian , Tian, Zhizhou , Li, Yanyan . Research on Search Method of Potential Sliding Surface of Rock Slope with Embedded Structural Plane . | ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING , 2021 , 2021 .
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A massive ancient river-damming landslide triggered by buckling failure in the upper Jinsha River, SE Tibetan Plateau SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 13
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摘要 :

Large-scale landsliding is an extremely important geological process in shaping landscapes in the Tibetan Plateau. In this research, an ancient river-damming landslide with an estimated debris volume of 4.9 x 10(7) m(3), located in the upper Jinsha River, SE Tibetan Plateau, was studied. The landslide once formed a dam over 60 m high and blocked the river. Lacustrine sediments, composed of silty clay with particle sizes of 0.002-0.25 mm, are intermittently distributed along both banks, extending about 6.5 km upstream. The OSL dating indicates that the lacustrine sediments have an age of 2.6 +/- 0.2 ka. Detailed field investigation and theoretical analysis was performed to investigate the characteristics, potential cause and mechanism of the landslide. The results suggest that the landslide was most likely triggered by buckling of planar rock slabs under gravity. It may start as a translational sliding along the weak interlayer composed of mica schist at the upper part of the slope and then formed buckles by curving amphibolite rock beds near the slope toe. The hillslope has still been affected by gravitational deformations, with geomorphology characterized by tension cracks, buckle folds, and small landslide scars distributed on the slope surface, suggesting that the evolution of the river valley caused by buckling deformation has not achieved equilibrium.

关键词 :

Buckling Buckling Tibetan Plateau Tibetan Plateau Lacustrine sediments Lacustrine sediments Landslide dam Landslide dam



GB/T 7714 Li, Yanyan , Feng, Xuyang , Yao, Aijun et al. A massive ancient river-damming landslide triggered by buckling failure in the upper Jinsha River, SE Tibetan Plateau [J]. | BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT , 2021 , 80 (7) : 5391-5403 .
MLA Li, Yanyan et al. "A massive ancient river-damming landslide triggered by buckling failure in the upper Jinsha River, SE Tibetan Plateau" . | BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 80 . 7 (2021) : 5391-5403 .
APA Li, Yanyan , Feng, Xuyang , Yao, Aijun , Lin, Shan , Wang, Rui , Guo, Mingzhu . A massive ancient river-damming landslide triggered by buckling failure in the upper Jinsha River, SE Tibetan Plateau . | BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT , 2021 , 80 (7) , 5391-5403 .
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格宾网箱覆绿功能反滤层优化设计研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 31 (05) , 235-239 | 水资源与水工程学报
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

格宾网箱应用于边坡工程时具备护坡、覆绿及材料就地利用等多种特点。为了保证格宾网箱中的植被能够稳定存活,并且防止强降雨条件下植被土颗粒的流失,需对格宾网箱填充物进行反滤层的优化设计,从而实现绿色生态护坡的目的。依托北京冬奥会张家口赛区正在实施的"科技冬奥"项目,在模拟当地最大降雨强度条件下,采用自行设计的试验装置开展了反滤层的防冲刷试验,探究反滤层层数、厚度和反滤料粒径对反滤层防冲刷效果的影响,最终确定了格宾网箱覆绿功能反滤层的优化设计。试验结果表明:反滤层层数设置为两层,上下层厚度均为100 mm且上层碎石粒径小于20 mm、下层碎石粒径为20~100 mm时,反滤层的防冲刷效果最佳。

关键词 :

优化设计 优化设计 冲刷试验 冲刷试验 现场试验 现场试验 生态护坡 生态护坡 反滤层 反滤层 格宾网箱 格宾网箱



GB/T 7714 杨凡 , 张志红 , 吴长路 et al. 格宾网箱覆绿功能反滤层优化设计研究 [J]. | 水资源与水工程学报 , 2020 , 31 (05) : 235-239 .
MLA 杨凡 et al. "格宾网箱覆绿功能反滤层优化设计研究" . | 水资源与水工程学报 31 . 05 (2020) : 235-239 .
APA 杨凡 , 张志红 , 吴长路 , 姚爱军 , 陈祥国 , 李立云 . 格宾网箱覆绿功能反滤层优化设计研究 . | 水资源与水工程学报 , 2020 , 31 (05) , 235-239 .
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隧道密贴下穿既有地铁车站沉降控制研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 16 (z1) , 442-449,464 | 地下空间与工程学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

本文以北京地区冲洪积地层条件下,地铁机场西延线隧道下穿既有5号线北新桥站工程为依托,对地铁隧道采用洞桩法施工密贴下穿既有地铁车站,引起地表及既有地铁车站的沉降规律进行研究,并提出沉降控制方案.结果 表明:下穿施工工程中,地表和既有车站底板沉降主要产生在浇筑二衬扣拱阶段.地表沉降呈现出以既有车站两侧的下穿隧道上方为中心沉降量最大,向周边沉降量逐渐减小的特点.车站底板形成与车站中线平行的沉降带,中间条带沉降量最大,两侧随距离增加逐渐减小.本文对洞桩法施工工序提出优化方案,改变浇筑二衬扣拱前,开挖中导洞的距离,模拟结果表明:中导洞开挖隧道总长的1/4后浇筑相应段的二衬扣拱,相较于中导洞开挖贯通后浇筑二衬扣拱,地表最大沉降量减少25%,既有车站底板降量减少7%.

关键词 :

控制 控制 沉降 沉降 冲洪积地层 冲洪积地层 洞桩法 洞桩法



GB/T 7714 杨子璇 , 姚爱军 , 张东 et al. 隧道密贴下穿既有地铁车站沉降控制研究 [J]. | 地下空间与工程学报 , 2020 , 16 (z1) : 442-449,464 .
MLA 杨子璇 et al. "隧道密贴下穿既有地铁车站沉降控制研究" . | 地下空间与工程学报 16 . z1 (2020) : 442-449,464 .
APA 杨子璇 , 姚爱军 , 张东 , 郭耀桢 . 隧道密贴下穿既有地铁车站沉降控制研究 . | 地下空间与工程学报 , 2020 , 16 (z1) , 442-449,464 .
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一种大直径人工挖孔蓄冷换热空心桩 incoPat
专利 | 2020-03-04 | CN202020252756.6
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摘要 :




GB/T 7714 冯姗 , 董磊 , 罗力勤 et al. 一种大直径人工挖孔蓄冷换热空心桩 : CN202020252756.6[P]. | 2020-03-04 .
MLA 冯姗 et al. "一种大直径人工挖孔蓄冷换热空心桩" : CN202020252756.6. | 2020-03-04 .
APA 冯姗 , 董磊 , 罗力勤 , 张丽平 , 王宽 , 姚爱军 et al. 一种大直径人工挖孔蓄冷换热空心桩 : CN202020252756.6. | 2020-03-04 .
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邻近隧道盾构施工的现场实测分析 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 16 (06) , 1809-1817 | 地下空间与工程学报
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

现场实测 现场实测 盾构施工 盾构施工 邻近隧道 邻近隧道



GB/T 7714 邓江雨 , 姚爱军 , 周敬 et al. 邻近隧道盾构施工的现场实测分析 [J]. | 地下空间与工程学报 , 2020 , 16 (06) : 1809-1817 .
MLA 邓江雨 et al. "邻近隧道盾构施工的现场实测分析" . | 地下空间与工程学报 16 . 06 (2020) : 1809-1817 .
APA 邓江雨 , 姚爱军 , 周敬 , 楚培召 . 邻近隧道盾构施工的现场实测分析 . | 地下空间与工程学报 , 2020 , 16 (06) , 1809-1817 .
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会议论文 | 2020 | 第十二届全国边坡工程技术大会
CNKI被引次数: 2
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摘要 :


关键词 :

格宾支护 格宾支护 生态再造 生态再造 受力变形 受力变形 岩质高切坡 岩质高切坡



GB/T 7714 唐福尧 , 姚爱军 , 杨帆 et al. 岩质高切坡生态再造格宾支护结构大型现场试验研究 [C] //第十二届全国边坡工程技术大会论文集 . 2020 .
MLA 唐福尧 et al. "岩质高切坡生态再造格宾支护结构大型现场试验研究" 第十二届全国边坡工程技术大会论文集 . (2020) .
APA 唐福尧 , 姚爱军 , 杨帆 , 李雷 . 岩质高切坡生态再造格宾支护结构大型现场试验研究 第十二届全国边坡工程技术大会论文集 . (2020) .
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会议论文 | 2020 | 第十二届全国边坡工程技术大会
CNKI被引次数: 1
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摘要 :

结合位于北京朝阳区的星火站站房工程实例,利用MIDAS GTS/NX和DL-SLOPE V1.0软件进行了数值模拟和边坡稳定性系数的计算,分析了基坑邻域存在的杂填土边坡与基坑开挖之间的相互作用。计算结果显示在杂填土边坡的作用下,支护桩桩身变形呈勺子状,沿着桩身呈现出先增大后减小的规律。支护结构在水平方向上呈现出阴角处变形量小,越往基坑壁中线靠近,变形量越大的规律,且杂填土边坡的存在加剧了支护结构的变形。通过两种坡形的对比,对边坡坡形进行了优化,为基坑工程的支护设计与施工提供了参考依据。

关键词 :

坡形优化 坡形优化 基坑 基坑 稳定性分析 稳定性分析 邻域边坡 邻域边坡



GB/T 7714 周政 , 姚爱军 . 深基坑邻域杂填土边坡影响及坡形优化 [C] //第十二届全国边坡工程技术大会论文集 . 2020 .
MLA 周政 et al. "深基坑邻域杂填土边坡影响及坡形优化" 第十二届全国边坡工程技术大会论文集 . (2020) .
APA 周政 , 姚爱军 . 深基坑邻域杂填土边坡影响及坡形优化 第十二届全国边坡工程技术大会论文集 . (2020) .
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一种人工挖孔环形基桩C型紧缩组合钢模板体系及施工方法 incoPat
专利 | 2020-12-26 | CN202011569741.3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 董磊 , 姚爱军 , 杨子璇 et al. 一种人工挖孔环形基桩C型紧缩组合钢模板体系及施工方法 : CN202011569741.3[P]. | 2020-12-26 .
MLA 董磊 et al. "一种人工挖孔环形基桩C型紧缩组合钢模板体系及施工方法" : CN202011569741.3. | 2020-12-26 .
APA 董磊 , 姚爱军 , 杨子璇 , 田甜 , 王扩 . 一种人工挖孔环形基桩C型紧缩组合钢模板体系及施工方法 : CN202011569741.3. | 2020-12-26 .
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