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Influence of non-associated flow rule on passive face instability for shallow shield tunnels SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 68
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

This paper aims at analyzing the influence of non-associated flow rule on passive face instability for shallow shield tunnels. The influence exerted by dilation angle on the limit support pressures, the failure zones and partial failure ratios is investigated by numerical simulations. Based on the failure zone obtained from numerical simulation, a log-spiral mechanism is proposed. The upper-bound theorem is employed to acquire the limit support pressures, failure zones and partial failure ratios. The analytical results indicate that dilation angle has a significant influence on the limit support pressure and failure mechanisms. Finally, by comparison with the numerical models and existing analytical models, the results indicate that the proposed log-spiral model has a certain accuracy in analyzing the face instability of blow-out.

关键词 :

Limit analysis Limit analysis Blow-out Blow-out Shallow tunnels Shallow tunnels Numerical simulations Numerical simulations Non-associated flow rule Non-associated flow rule



GB/T 7714 Li, Pengfei , Wei, Yingjie , Zhang, Mingju et al. Influence of non-associated flow rule on passive face instability for shallow shield tunnels [J]. | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 119 .
MLA Li, Pengfei et al. "Influence of non-associated flow rule on passive face instability for shallow shield tunnels" . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 119 (2022) .
APA Li, Pengfei , Wei, Yingjie , Zhang, Mingju , Huang, Qingfei , Wang, Fan . Influence of non-associated flow rule on passive face instability for shallow shield tunnels . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 119 .
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Experiments on the seismic performance of Y-shape joints of subway stations built by enlarging two parallel shield tunnels SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 6
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

To improve the seismic performance of subway stations built by enlarging two parallel shield tunnels, joints of special structures between prefabricated open-loop segments and cast-in-site main station structures were proposed. Experiments on the low-frequency cyclic loading of full-scale models of joints under different structural configurations were carried out. The seismic performance, such as the load-displacement hysteresis curves, skeleton curves, structural ductility, strength degradation, energy dissipation, strain of the cable-stayed bars and failure modes, were studied. The results showed that compared with the pre-embedded connector joint, the preembedded steel plate joint had advantages in terms of the mechanical stability, intensity, stiffness, energy dissipation capacity and ductility performance. However, the relative displacement between the segment and wall column of the pre-embedded steel plate joint was larger than that of the pre-embedded connector joint. Both types of joints had a full hysteretic circle, good ductility nature, energy dissipation ability, and stable elastic and elastic-plastic deformation. The cable-stayed bars did not yield in the stretch area when the joints failed. Both of the joints could meet the performance requirements of strong joints and weak components.

关键词 :

Enlarging subway station on a shield tunnel Enlarging subway station on a shield tunnel Joints of special structures Joints of special structures Load-displacement hysteresis curves Load-displacement hysteresis curves Low frequency cyclic load Low frequency cyclic load Seismic performance Seismic performance



GB/T 7714 Liu, Yi , Zhang, Mingju , Li, Pengfei et al. Experiments on the seismic performance of Y-shape joints of subway stations built by enlarging two parallel shield tunnels [J]. | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 115 .
MLA Liu, Yi et al. "Experiments on the seismic performance of Y-shape joints of subway stations built by enlarging two parallel shield tunnels" . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 115 (2021) .
APA Liu, Yi , Zhang, Mingju , Li, Pengfei , Wang, Binghui , Wang, Liyan , Yuan, Pingping . Experiments on the seismic performance of Y-shape joints of subway stations built by enlarging two parallel shield tunnels . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 115 .
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基于有限元分析的基坑工程钢支撑活络端偏心受压性能研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 54 (10) , 106-116 | 土木工程学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

参数分析 参数分析 钢支撑 钢支撑 基坑工程 基坑工程 有限元分析 有限元分析 活络端 活络端 偏心受压 偏心受压



GB/T 7714 张明聚 , 谢治天 , 李鹏飞 et al. 基于有限元分析的基坑工程钢支撑活络端偏心受压性能研究 [J]. | 土木工程学报 , 2021 , 54 (10) : 106-116 .
MLA 张明聚 et al. "基于有限元分析的基坑工程钢支撑活络端偏心受压性能研究" . | 土木工程学报 54 . 10 (2021) : 106-116 .
APA 张明聚 , 谢治天 , 李鹏飞 , 郭彩霞 . 基于有限元分析的基坑工程钢支撑活络端偏心受压性能研究 . | 土木工程学报 , 2021 , 54 (10) , 106-116 .
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Analytical solutions to ground settlement induced by ground loss and construction loadings during curved shield tunneling SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 22 (4) , 296-313 | JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A
WoS核心集被引次数: 41
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

This paper focuses on the ground settlement induced by the construction of a curved shield tunnel. Ground loss and construction loadings are the two factors causing ground settlement, and two corresponding analytical models were developed. First, the ground settlement due to ground loss was analyzed based on 3D image theory. The "integrative gap at shield tail" (IGST) and overcutting gap of a curved tunnel were considered. Second, the ground settlement due to construction loadings was analyzed by modifying Mindlin's solutions. The additional thrust, frictional force, and grouting pressure were considered. Subsequently, a case study and a parameter analysis were conducted. Finally, the obtained solutions were compared with a classical analytical solution, numerical simulations, and monitored results. The proposed model could effectively predict the ground settlement induced during curved shield tunneling.

关键词 :

U455 U455 TU744 TU744 Curved tunnel Curved tunnel Ground loss Ground loss Image theory Image theory 43 43 Ground settlement Ground settlement s solution s solution Mindlin&#8217 Mindlin&#8217



GB/T 7714 Li, Shao-hua , Zhang, Ming-ju , Li, Peng-fei . Analytical solutions to ground settlement induced by ground loss and construction loadings during curved shield tunneling [J]. | JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A , 2021 , 22 (4) : 296-313 .
MLA Li, Shao-hua et al. "Analytical solutions to ground settlement induced by ground loss and construction loadings during curved shield tunneling" . | JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A 22 . 4 (2021) : 296-313 .
APA Li, Shao-hua , Zhang, Ming-ju , Li, Peng-fei . Analytical solutions to ground settlement induced by ground loss and construction loadings during curved shield tunneling . | JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A , 2021 , 22 (4) , 296-313 .
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Stability of a 3D unsaturated vertical cut slope subjected to variable rainfall infiltration SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 18
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摘要 :

Rainfall infiltration is one of the main triggers of slope failure. Based on the upper bound theorem of limit analysis, this work presents an analytical stability analysis of a 3D vertical cut slope subjected to rainfall infiltration. An analytical model that can directly provide pore water pressure change at any depth and time is adopted to calculate the time-dependent matric suction and shear strength of unsaturated soil during the rainfall infiltration process. Thereafter, based on a 3D rotational failure mechanism of a slope, the energy balance equation is built, and the factor of safety (FoS) of the slope is consequently determined in conjunction with the strength reduction technique. The influences of the 3D characteristics of the slope and rainfall patterns on both FoS and failure pattern of the slope are investigated. It is found that the 3D characteristic of slope is a key factor which determines the FoS of slope. Different rainfall infiltration patterns lead to diverse variation rules of both the FoS solutions and the critical failure patterns of slope. However, these rainfall patterns with a same accumulated rainfall result in the same FoS solution of slope at the end of rainfall infiltration. The present work may provide guidance on the stability analysis and preliminary design of slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration.

关键词 :

3D slope stability 3D slope stability Pore water pressure change Pore water pressure change Rainfall infiltration Rainfall infiltration Unsaturated soil Unsaturated soil



GB/T 7714 Xu, Jingshu , Zhao, Xu , Li, Pengfei et al. Stability of a 3D unsaturated vertical cut slope subjected to variable rainfall infiltration [J]. | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS , 2021 , 134 .
MLA Xu, Jingshu et al. "Stability of a 3D unsaturated vertical cut slope subjected to variable rainfall infiltration" . | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 134 (2021) .
APA Xu, Jingshu , Zhao, Xu , Li, Pengfei , Zhang, Mingju . Stability of a 3D unsaturated vertical cut slope subjected to variable rainfall infiltration . | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS , 2021 , 134 .
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Analysis of additional stress for a curved shield tunnel EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 107 | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

This paper focuses on analytical solutions of additional stresses for a curved shield tunnel. General equations of additional stress caused by construction loadings were deduced by rewritten Mindlin solutions, and additional thrust and friction force were considered. In addition, theoretical formulae of additional stress caused by soil loss were deduced based on the three-dimensional image theory, and the actual processes of synchronous grouting and over-excavation were considered. Then, by using a curved tunnel in Zhuhai City, China as a case study, the distribution laws of additional stress along the directions of advancement and circumference were investigated. Under the coaction of construction loadings and soil loss, it was found that the distributions of σx and σy along the advancement direction for curved tunnels are similar to those for straight-line tunnels. However, the soil around a curved tunnel is more likely to yield because the difference between the normal stresses in two directions is greater than that for soil around a straight-line tunnel. Additional stresses caused by soil loss along the circumferential direction for a curved tunnel were found to no longer have the characteristics of strictly axial symmetry. The values of compressive stress σx and σy at the outer side of the curved tunnel were found to be greater and smaller than those at the inner side, respectively. As the curvature radius decreases, the maximum tensile stresses σx and σy for curved tunnels were found to decrease and increase, respectively. Furthermore, an insufficient quantity of injection grouting will trigger detrimental effects to nearby structures during the approaching excavation. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd

关键词 :

Soils Soils Shielding Shielding Mortar Mortar Compressive stress Compressive stress Concrete construction Concrete construction Friction Friction Grouting Grouting Excavation Excavation



GB/T 7714 Li, Shaohua , Li, Pengfei , Zhang, Mingju . Analysis of additional stress for a curved shield tunnel [J]. | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology , 2021 , 107 .
MLA Li, Shaohua et al. "Analysis of additional stress for a curved shield tunnel" . | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 107 (2021) .
APA Li, Shaohua , Li, Pengfei , Zhang, Mingju . Analysis of additional stress for a curved shield tunnel . | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology , 2021 , 107 .
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期刊论文 | 2020 , 46 (13) , 1-3 | 山西建筑
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

针对城市中停车困难区域,提出了高层建筑式立体停车方案,并对立体车库进行结构设计.运用PKPM-STS建立了该立体车库的三维模型,使用SATWE计算了该模型在风荷载和地震荷载作用下的楼层位移、层间位移角和层间位移比,分析了该车库结构的变形特性和受力特点.运用MIDAS GEN对该立体车库结构进行了静力弹塑性分析,分析了立体车库结构塑性铰发展的过程、速度以及分布位置,找出结构中薄弱层的位置,来指导设计和施工,以对薄弱层进行加固处理.

关键词 :

立体车库 立体车库 塑性铰 塑性铰 结构设计 结构设计 静力弹塑性分析 静力弹塑性分析



GB/T 7714 张明聚 , 张奇朋 . 高层建筑式立体车库方案设计与静力弹塑性分析 [J]. | 山西建筑 , 2020 , 46 (13) : 1-3 .
MLA 张明聚 et al. "高层建筑式立体车库方案设计与静力弹塑性分析" . | 山西建筑 46 . 13 (2020) : 1-3 .
APA 张明聚 , 张奇朋 . 高层建筑式立体车库方案设计与静力弹塑性分析 . | 山西建筑 , 2020 , 46 (13) , 1-3 .
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期刊论文 | 2020 , 46 (06) , 131-136 | 兰州理工大学学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

钢管混凝土 钢管混凝土 盾构竖井基坑工程 盾构竖井基坑工程 基坑内支撑 基坑内支撑 装配式结构 装配式结构



GB/T 7714 郭雪源 , 张明聚 , 武立伟 et al. 装配式钢管混凝土内支撑在盾构竖井深基坑工程中的应用 [J]. | 兰州理工大学学报 , 2020 , 46 (06) : 131-136 .
MLA 郭雪源 et al. "装配式钢管混凝土内支撑在盾构竖井深基坑工程中的应用" . | 兰州理工大学学报 46 . 06 (2020) : 131-136 .
APA 郭雪源 , 张明聚 , 武立伟 , 韩流涛 . 装配式钢管混凝土内支撑在盾构竖井深基坑工程中的应用 . | 兰州理工大学学报 , 2020 , 46 (06) , 131-136 .
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基于性能的地铁施工风险分析方法 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 46 (3) , 267-274 | 北京工业大学学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

为建立更为灵活实用的地铁工程风险分析过程,利用基于性能的地震工程(performance-based earthquake engineering,PBEE)理念提出了基于性能的风险分析(performance-based risk analysis,PBRA)方法.该方法的分析流程主要包括性能风险损失等级确定、力学响应分析、风险损失等级分析、性能风险分析4个主要部分,分析结果以性能风险等级矩阵的形式表示.与以往分析方法相比,PBRA方法具备以下优势:1)PBRA方法紧密结合风险演化的物理过程,实现了风险的全阶段量化分析;2)PBRA方法将性能水平与风险损失相对应,从而降低了确定风险损失的难度,并且使得分析结果更符合工程需求;3)PBRA方法集成了土木、交通、环境、经济、社会等众多学科的经验、理论与技术成果,为风险分析智能化创造了必要条件.

关键词 :

基于性能的风险分析(PBRA)方法 基于性能的风险分析(PBRA)方法 性能水平 性能水平 基于性能的地震(PBEE)理念 基于性能的地震(PBEE)理念 地铁工程 地铁工程



GB/T 7714 王熠琛 , 郑宏 , 张明聚 et al. 基于性能的地铁施工风险分析方法 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2020 , 46 (3) : 267-274 .
MLA 王熠琛 et al. "基于性能的地铁施工风险分析方法" . | 北京工业大学学报 46 . 3 (2020) : 267-274 .
APA 王熠琛 , 郑宏 , 张明聚 , 兰景岩 . 基于性能的地铁施工风险分析方法 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2020 , 46 (3) , 267-274 .
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基于高精度GPS的盾构隧道下穿河道河床变形监测 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 46 (05) , 490-499 | 北京工业大学学报
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

为了解决盾构隧道下穿河流施工过程中河床变形难以采用水准仪、全站仪等传统方法监测的问题,作者以石家庄地铁1号线双线盾构隧道下穿滹沱河工程为例,介绍了高精度全球定位系统(global positioning system,GPS)静态观测方法在河床变形长期监测中的应用.首先,布置目标区域监测网,包括1台参考站和6台监测站;然后,对基准站稳定性进行评估,并解算各监测站位移时间序列;最后,根据监测站位移时间序列分析盾构施工影响下河床的变形规律.观测结果表明,该监测方法精度可达到亚毫米级,河床沉降开始于掌子面到达前3~4D(隧道外径),盾尾脱出时沉降速率达到最大值,后行线对地表横向水平位移的影响比先行线...

关键词 :

季节性变形模型 季节性变形模型 稳定参考框架 稳定参考框架 盾构 盾构 河床变形监测 河床变形监测 高精度全球定位系统 高精度全球定位系统 穿河隧道 穿河隧道



GB/T 7714 郭稳 , 李鹏飞 , 鲍艳 et al. 基于高精度GPS的盾构隧道下穿河道河床变形监测 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2020 , 46 (05) : 490-499 .
MLA 郭稳 et al. "基于高精度GPS的盾构隧道下穿河道河床变形监测" . | 北京工业大学学报 46 . 05 (2020) : 490-499 .
APA 郭稳 , 李鹏飞 , 鲍艳 , 张明聚 , 高阳 , 王国权 et al. 基于高精度GPS的盾构隧道下穿河道河床变形监测 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2020 , 46 (05) , 490-499 .
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