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Ag元素对Ni-7at.%W合金基带织构形成的影响 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (1) , 5-10 | 高忙忙
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

Ni7W合金基带 Ni7W合金基带 涂层导体 涂层导体 Ag元素 Ag元素 织构 织构



GB/T 7714 高忙忙 , 苏圣尧 , 张方圆 et al. Ag元素对Ni-7at.%W合金基带织构形成的影响 [J]. | 高忙忙 , 2021 , 47 (1) : 5-10 .
MLA 高忙忙 et al. "Ag元素对Ni-7at.%W合金基带织构形成的影响" . | 高忙忙 47 . 1 (2021) : 5-10 .
APA 高忙忙 , 苏圣尧 , 张方圆 , 赵旭 , 马麟 , 索红莉 et al. Ag元素对Ni-7at.%W合金基带织构形成的影响 . | 高忙忙 , 2021 , 47 (1) , 5-10 .
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用扩散法制备MgB_2块材的研究进展 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 35 (06) , 411-418 | 材料研究学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

评述 评述 特种功能无机非金属材料 特种功能无机非金属材料 扩散合成法 扩散合成法 强电应用 强电应用 MgB_2超导体 MgB_2超导体



GB/T 7714 赵万里 , 索红莉 , 刘敏 et al. 用扩散法制备MgB_2块材的研究进展 [J]. | 材料研究学报 , 2021 , 35 (06) : 411-418 .
MLA 赵万里 et al. "用扩散法制备MgB_2块材的研究进展" . | 材料研究学报 35 . 06 (2021) : 411-418 .
APA 赵万里 , 索红莉 , 刘敏 , 马麟 , 戴银明 , 张子立 . 用扩散法制备MgB_2块材的研究进展 . | 材料研究学报 , 2021 , 35 (06) , 411-418 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (01) , 5-10 | 兰州理工大学学报
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Ag元素能够使Ni和Ni-5at.%W合金基带中的晶粒形貌呈细长状,从而提升超导层电流的传输能力.研究了Ag在高W含量的NiW合金基带(>5at.%W)中对织构的影响机制,为后续调控晶粒形貌打下基础.研究表明:Ag使基带中S取向的体积分数降低,进而影响了再结晶后基带中立方晶体型织构的形成.通过在轧制变形量为90%时引入550℃保温2 h的中间热处理,可以使冷轧基带的形变因子R由0.72提升至1.05,从而增加铜型织构的体积分数,并使得基带中形变后的立方晶体的取向增大65%.最终,经过再结晶热处理获得了表面立方晶体型织构的体积分数为96.8%的Ni-7at.%W-0.01at.%Ag合金基带.

关键词 :

Ag元素 Ag元素 Ni7W合金基带 Ni7W合金基带 涂层导体 涂层导体 织构 织构



GB/T 7714 高忙忙 , 苏圣尧 , 张方圆 et al. Ag元素对Ni-7at.%W合金基带织构形成的影响 [J]. | 兰州理工大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (01) : 5-10 .
MLA 高忙忙 et al. "Ag元素对Ni-7at.%W合金基带织构形成的影响" . | 兰州理工大学学报 47 . 01 (2021) : 5-10 .
APA 高忙忙 , 苏圣尧 , 张方圆 , 赵旭 , 马麟 , 索红莉 . Ag元素对Ni-7at.%W合金基带织构形成的影响 . | 兰州理工大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (01) , 5-10 .
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SDP法制备非晶Y_2O_3薄膜用于哈氏(Hastelloy C-276)合金基带表面精修 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (09) , 1029-1035 | 北京工业大学学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

为了解决哈氏(Hastelloy C-276)合金基带表面粗糙度过大造成不平整的问题,采用溶液沉积平整化技术在哈氏合金表面制备Y_2O_3非晶薄膜来满足使用要求.通过研究前驱液的稳定性和浓度、热处理温度和涂覆次数对表面粗糙度的影响规律,同时采用高低浓度相结合的方法涂覆非晶薄膜来提高涂覆效率,结果表明:先使用高浓度0.40 mol/L涂覆6次,再使用低浓度0.10 mol/L涂覆6次,获得了表面平均粗糙度R_a值为0.65 nm(5μm×5μm)高表面质量的带材,涂覆效率相比使用单一溶度提高了近30%.前驱液浓度越高,溶液粒径越大,前期涂覆效果更佳,后改用低浓度粒径小的前驱液进行表面精修,可以大...

关键词 :

原子力显微镜 原子力显微镜 哈氏合金 哈氏合金 溶液沉积平整化 溶液沉积平整化 溶液沉积法 溶液沉积法 表面粗糙度 表面粗糙度 非晶Y_2O_3薄膜 非晶Y_2O_3薄膜



GB/T 7714 王毅 , 闻家成 , 郝善鹏 et al. SDP法制备非晶Y_2O_3薄膜用于哈氏(Hastelloy C-276)合金基带表面精修 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (09) : 1029-1035 .
MLA 王毅 et al. "SDP法制备非晶Y_2O_3薄膜用于哈氏(Hastelloy C-276)合金基带表面精修" . | 北京工业大学学报 47 . 09 (2021) : 1029-1035 .
APA 王毅 , 闻家成 , 郝善鹏 , 李家志 , 索红莉 . SDP法制备非晶Y_2O_3薄膜用于哈氏(Hastelloy C-276)合金基带表面精修 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (09) , 1029-1035 .
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A Study about Ni-8 at % W Alloy Substrates Used for REBCO Coated Conductors SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 1
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摘要 :

Ni-8 at % W alloy ingots were prepared using a spark plasma sintering technique. The evolution of the microstructure, cold-rolling texture, and recrystallization texture of the Ni8W alloy were studied using X-ray diffractometry and electron backscatter diffractometry techniques. The results revealed the strong influence of the initial grain size on the cube texture formation of the annealed substrates. A strong cube texture was obtained in substrates with finer initial grains. A brass-type rolling texture was formed in the final cold-rolled tape after cold rolling. The cold-rolled tape mainly consisted of S, brass, and a weak {110} < 118 & rang; texture. The cube orientation nuclei did not have a nucleation advantage at the early stage of recrystallization. Large-scale twinning was exhibited in the cold-rolled microstructure at a high annealing temperature. The cube orientation and RD (rolling direction)-cube orientation textures, which transformed from the cube twin orientation and random orientation grains, were grown immediately at almost the same rate. The cube orientation and RD-cube orientation grains grew faster than other orientation grains throughout the whole grain growth process. Finally, a strong cube texture was obtained for the Ni-8 at % W substrate after an optimized annealing process.

关键词 :

cube texture cube texture Ni8W substrate Ni8W substrate recrystallization annealing recrystallization annealing rolling rolling spark plasma sintering spark plasma sintering



GB/T 7714 Ji, Yaotang , Suo, Hongli , Meng, Yichen et al. A Study about Ni-8 at % W Alloy Substrates Used for REBCO Coated Conductors [J]. | PHYSICS OF METALS AND METALLOGRAPHY , 2021 .
MLA Ji, Yaotang et al. "A Study about Ni-8 at % W Alloy Substrates Used for REBCO Coated Conductors" . | PHYSICS OF METALS AND METALLOGRAPHY (2021) .
APA Ji, Yaotang , Suo, Hongli , Meng, Yichen , Wu, Xinyu , Shaheen, Kausar , Ma, Lin et al. A Study about Ni-8 at % W Alloy Substrates Used for REBCO Coated Conductors . | PHYSICS OF METALS AND METALLOGRAPHY , 2021 .
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Systematic research on the effect of both positive and negative mismatch dopants in double-doped YBCO superconducting films EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 41 (1) , 480-487 | Journal of the European Ceramic Society
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

We report a novel doping strategy for YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) superconducting films by using a positive mismatch, Ba2YNbO6 (BYNO), and a negative mismatch, LaAlO3 (LAO), simultaneously. Double doping can significantly reduce the c-strain in the YBCO film by canceling the strain between the two dopants. By systematically optimizing the doping amount of both BYNO and LAO, it was found that BYNO and LAO do not act equally. The microstructure and distribution of both BYNO and LAO were investigated with magneto-optic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The effect of BYNO and LAO on pinning was confirmed. The results of this study will help select appropriate positive mismatch and negative mismatch dopants, which is fundamental to the design and fabrication of pinning centers to fit different application scenarios. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd

关键词 :

Aluminum compounds Aluminum compounds Barium compounds Barium compounds Copper compounds Copper compounds Lanthanum compounds Lanthanum compounds Niobium compounds Niobium compounds Scanning electron microscopy Scanning electron microscopy Semiconductor doping Semiconductor doping Superconducting films Superconducting films Yttrium barium copper oxides Yttrium barium copper oxides



GB/T 7714 Xu, Yan , Suo, Hongli , Qureishy, Thomas et al. Systematic research on the effect of both positive and negative mismatch dopants in double-doped YBCO superconducting films [J]. | Journal of the European Ceramic Society , 2021 , 41 (1) : 480-487 .
MLA Xu, Yan et al. "Systematic research on the effect of both positive and negative mismatch dopants in double-doped YBCO superconducting films" . | Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 . 1 (2021) : 480-487 .
APA Xu, Yan , Suo, Hongli , Qureishy, Thomas , Grivel, Jean-Claude , Mikheenko, Pavlo , Liu, Min et al. Systematic research on the effect of both positive and negative mismatch dopants in double-doped YBCO superconducting films . | Journal of the European Ceramic Society , 2021 , 41 (1) , 480-487 .
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Study on electrochemical polishing of TC4 alloy SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 8 (10) | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Using an environmentally friendly acid-alcohol system solution for electrochemical polishing of 3D printed titanium alloy, a typical U-I polarization curve was obtained, and explained the mechanism of electrochemical polishing. In this paper, the influence of electrochemical polishing factors (electrolyte temperature, polishing distance, and polishing time) on the surface roughness of Ti-6Al-4V (TC4) was studied, and optimized the process parameters to obtain a surface roughness of 0.3 mu m (1 mm x 1 mm). Electrochemical polishing can reach the level of mechanical grinding and polishing, meeting the requirements for subsequent assembly and use.

关键词 :

atomic force microscope atomic force microscope electrochemical polishing electrochemical polishing surface roughness surface roughness titanium alloy titanium alloy



GB/T 7714 Wang, Shan-Fei , Wang, Yi , Wen, Jia-Cheng et al. Study on electrochemical polishing of TC4 alloy [J]. | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2021 , 8 (10) .
MLA Wang, Shan-Fei et al. "Study on electrochemical polishing of TC4 alloy" . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 8 . 10 (2021) .
APA Wang, Shan-Fei , Wang, Yi , Wen, Jia-Cheng , Suo, Hong-Li , Liu, Zhuang-Zhuang , Suo, Wen-hua et al. Study on electrochemical polishing of TC4 alloy . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2021 , 8 (10) .
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Ultra-fast growth (up to 100 nm s(-1)) of heavily doped EuBa2Cu3O7 film with highly aligned BaHfO3 nanocolumn structure SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 11
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Ultra-fast growth (up to 100 nm s(-1)) of high temperature superconducting film was demonstrated by using an advanced pulsed laser deposition technique. Highly textured EuBa2Cu3O7-delta (EuBCO) film with 8 mol.% of BaHfO3 (BHO) was deposited on the IBAD-based Hastelloy substrates. Structure characterizations reveal formation of high density of BHO nanocolumns with diameter of similar to 5 nm in the film, which is well beyond the expectation. Comparison study on different amount of BHO in EBCO film confirmed that nanocolumn formation strongly depends on the dopant level. The epitaxial growth process of BHO is dominated by ultra-fast self-assembly associated with enhanced diffusion of high flux element and liquid phase. Due to the correlated pinning landscape, a pronounced broad peak appears at B//c in the J(c)() curves at 30 K 5 T, while a strong pinning force of about 900 GN m(-3) at 4.2 K, 10 T (B//c) are achieved.

关键词 :

defect engineering defect engineering diffusion diffusion high-temperature superconductor high-temperature superconductor pulse laser deposition pulse laser deposition



GB/T 7714 Wu, Yue , Jiang, Guangyu , Zhu, Jiamin et al. Ultra-fast growth (up to 100 nm s(-1)) of heavily doped EuBa2Cu3O7 film with highly aligned BaHfO3 nanocolumn structure [J]. | SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 34 (5) .
MLA Wu, Yue et al. "Ultra-fast growth (up to 100 nm s(-1)) of heavily doped EuBa2Cu3O7 film with highly aligned BaHfO3 nanocolumn structure" . | SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 34 . 5 (2021) .
APA Wu, Yue , Jiang, Guangyu , Zhu, Jiamin , Wu, Donghong , Quan, Xueling , Shi, Jiangtao et al. Ultra-fast growth (up to 100 nm s(-1)) of heavily doped EuBa2Cu3O7 film with highly aligned BaHfO3 nanocolumn structure . | SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 34 (5) .
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Effect of the Cu stabilisation layer on the turn-to-turn contact resistance of a non-insulated REBCO winding SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 11
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Although all the commercial REBCO tapes claim the stabilizer layer is pure Cu, the turn-to-turn contact resistance of coils wound from conductors sourced from different manufacturers may have a difference of more than an order of magnitude. The Cu layer in the REBCO tape with high contact resistance has a less dense microstructure and a higher impurity chemical compound such as oxide and carbide after systematically investigating. Such a phenomenon can reveal a possible new partial insulation strategy that the contact resistance could be increased without further co-winded with other materials by adjusting the microstructure and chemical composition in the Cu layer. Increasing the contact resistance with no co-winded with other materials will decrease the charging decay rate and not sacrifice the Je value, which has application potential in the extremely high field superconducting magnets.

关键词 :

Chemical composition Chemical composition Contact resistance Contact resistance Cu layer Cu layer Non-insulated coils Non-insulated coils REBCO coil REBCO coil



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Zili , Wang, Kangshuai , Wang, Xufeng et al. Effect of the Cu stabilisation layer on the turn-to-turn contact resistance of a non-insulated REBCO winding [J]. | PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2021 , 590 .
MLA Zhang, Zili et al. "Effect of the Cu stabilisation layer on the turn-to-turn contact resistance of a non-insulated REBCO winding" . | PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 590 (2021) .
APA Zhang, Zili , Wang, Kangshuai , Wang, Xufeng , Chen, Shunzhong , Suo, Hongli , Ma, Lin et al. Effect of the Cu stabilisation layer on the turn-to-turn contact resistance of a non-insulated REBCO winding . | PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2021 , 590 .
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Exploration of the Effect of Oxygen on Superconductivity in MgB2 Bulk by Using Boron Powder with Different Particle and Purification SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 11 (3) | CRYSTALS
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this study, boron powder with different particle sizes was purified by both chemical and heat treatment methods. The reduction in the particle size can improve the chemical purification with no effort on the heat treatment. The superconducting properties of the powder drastically changed even with only a partial elimination of oxygen. On the one hand, less oxygen content resulted in high T-c and J(c) values under the low magnetic field, and most importantly, a significant improvement in the superconducting connectivity (A(f) value). On the other hand, the degradation of J(c) under a high field and a change in the pinning mechanism were also found, along with decreasing oxygen. This result indicated that oxygen, probably MgO, might act as the pinning center and as an obstacle for the supercurrent in MgB2 at the same time. This work paves the way for obtaining pure oxygen-free MgB2 and understanding the real effect of oxygen in MgB2.

关键词 :

boron powder boron powder MgB2 MgB2 particle size particle size purification purification superconducting connectivity superconducting connectivity



GB/T 7714 Yang, Liangqun , Suo, Hongli , Ma, Lin et al. Exploration of the Effect of Oxygen on Superconductivity in MgB2 Bulk by Using Boron Powder with Different Particle and Purification [J]. | CRYSTALS , 2021 , 11 (3) .
MLA Yang, Liangqun et al. "Exploration of the Effect of Oxygen on Superconductivity in MgB2 Bulk by Using Boron Powder with Different Particle and Purification" . | CRYSTALS 11 . 3 (2021) .
APA Yang, Liangqun , Suo, Hongli , Ma, Lin , Liu, Min , Zhao, Wanli , Liu, Jianhua et al. Exploration of the Effect of Oxygen on Superconductivity in MgB2 Bulk by Using Boron Powder with Different Particle and Purification . | CRYSTALS , 2021 , 11 (3) .
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