摘要 :
To take advantage of various types of dynamic measurement data for structural damage detection, an identification strategy based on cross-correlation function with data fusion of various dynamic measurements was proposed to improve the accuracy of damage identification in the present study. First of all, the cross-correlation functions among the easily acquired strain, acceleration, and displacement responses were theoretically derived when the structure was subjected to ambient excitations. Furthermore, an identification strategy was proposed for structural damage detection with the objective function of minimizing the difference between the measured and computed cross-correlation function under multiple unknown ambient excitations. In the proposed strategy, four optimization methods, namely, gradient search, genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, and the hybrid method of particle optimization method and gradient search were applied as the search engine to identify structural unknown damage index. Moreover, the performance of the proposed identification strategy was examined by the numerical studies on a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional truss as well as the experimental study on a cantilever beam. These results showed that the cross-correlation function among different types of vibration measurements could significantly improve the accuracy of the identification results, meanwhile, the proposed strategy exhibited excellent robustness to the measurement noise. In addition, the performance of the proposed strategy with different combinations of vibration data and the influence of reference data on the accuracy of damage identification results were further investigated.
关键词 :
Multiple unknown ambient excitations Multiple unknown ambient excitations Data fusion Data fusion Structural damage detection Structural damage detection Intelligent optimization algorithm Intelligent optimization algorithm Cross -correlation function Cross -correlation function
GB/T 7714 | Wang, Xiaojuan , Chen, Feng , Zhou, Hongyuan et al. Structural damage detection based on cross-correlation function with data fusion of various dynamic measurements [J]. | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION , 2022 , 541 . |
MLA | Wang, Xiaojuan et al. "Structural damage detection based on cross-correlation function with data fusion of various dynamic measurements" . | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION 541 (2022) . |
APA | Wang, Xiaojuan , Chen, Feng , Zhou, Hongyuan , Ni, Pinghe , Wang, Lihui , Zhang, Jian . Structural damage detection based on cross-correlation function with data fusion of various dynamic measurements . | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION , 2022 , 541 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
破坏模式 破坏模式 压实应变 压实应变 强度匹配 强度匹配 陶粒泡沫混凝土 陶粒泡沫混凝土 能量吸收 能量吸收 抗压强度 抗压强度
GB/T 7714 | 王小娟 , 刘路 , 贾昆程 et al. 陶粒泡沫混凝土的力学性能及吸能特性 [J]. | 王小娟 , 2021 , 24 (1) : 207-215 . |
MLA | 王小娟 et al. "陶粒泡沫混凝土的力学性能及吸能特性" . | 王小娟 24 . 1 (2021) : 207-215 . |
APA | 王小娟 , 刘路 , 贾昆程 , 周宏元 , 建筑材料学报 . 陶粒泡沫混凝土的力学性能及吸能特性 . | 王小娟 , 2021 , 24 (1) , 207-215 . |
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摘要 :
为研究挂板对桥墩在爆炸荷载作用下的防护性能,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA建立钢筋混凝土板爆炸数值模型并验证其有效性,对有无挂板防护空心截面桥墩数值模型在爆炸下的响应与破坏进行分析比较,通过观察应力波的传播过程、桥墩的破坏形态以及背爆面位移,进一步讨论挂板面板厚度、芯层密度及芯层厚度等关键参数对挂板爆炸防护效果的影响。研究表明:安装挂板可显著减轻桥墩在爆炸荷载下的损伤;当挂板面板厚度从1 cm增加到3 cm、芯层厚度从10 cm增加到30 cm,桥墩背爆面位移显著降低;在一定范围内,挂板防护性能随芯层密度的增大而提高,对轻质挂板应用于桥墩爆炸防护具有一定指导意义。
关键词 :
桥墩 桥墩 挂板 挂板 抗爆性能 抗爆性能 爆炸荷载 爆炸荷载
GB/T 7714 | 周宏元 , 张雪健 , 王小娟 et al. 爆炸荷载下桥墩挂板防护性能研究 [J]. | 爆破 , 2021 , 38 (02) : 175-183 . |
MLA | 周宏元 et al. "爆炸荷载下桥墩挂板防护性能研究" . | 爆破 38 . 02 (2021) : 175-183 . |
APA | 周宏元 , 张雪健 , 王小娟 , 周后湛 . 爆炸荷载下桥墩挂板防护性能研究 . | 爆破 , 2021 , 38 (02) , 175-183 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
结构损伤识别 结构损伤识别 互相关函数 互相关函数 k均值聚类 k均值聚类 随机激励 随机激励 聚类蝴蝶优化算法 聚类蝴蝶优化算法
GB/T 7714 | 周宏元 , 张广才 , 王小娟 et al. 基于互相关函数的聚类蝴蝶优化算法的结构损伤识别 [J]. | 振动与冲击 , 2021 , 40 (17) : 189-196 . |
MLA | 周宏元 et al. "基于互相关函数的聚类蝴蝶优化算法的结构损伤识别" . | 振动与冲击 40 . 17 (2021) : 189-196 . |
APA | 周宏元 , 张广才 , 王小娟 , 陈凤晨 , 倪萍禾 . 基于互相关函数的聚类蝴蝶优化算法的结构损伤识别 . | 振动与冲击 , 2021 , 40 (17) , 189-196 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
强度匹配 强度匹配 能量吸收 能量吸收 破坏模式 破坏模式 抗压强度 抗压强度 陶粒泡沫混凝土 陶粒泡沫混凝土 压实应变 压实应变
GB/T 7714 | 王小娟 , 刘路 , 贾昆程 et al. 陶粒泡沫混凝土的力学性能及吸能特性 [J]. | 建筑材料学报 , 2021 , 24 (01) : 207-215 . |
MLA | 王小娟 et al. "陶粒泡沫混凝土的力学性能及吸能特性" . | 建筑材料学报 24 . 01 (2021) : 207-215 . |
APA | 王小娟 , 刘路 , 贾昆程 , 周宏元 . 陶粒泡沫混凝土的力学性能及吸能特性 . | 建筑材料学报 , 2021 , 24 (01) , 207-215 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
大数据 大数据 实验教学 实验教学 虚拟仿真实验 虚拟仿真实验
GB/T 7714 | 王小娟 , 周宏元 , 李秀杰 et al. 大数据在虚拟仿真实验教学中的应用 [J]. | 高教学刊 , 2021 , 7 (18) : 96-101 . |
MLA | 王小娟 et al. "大数据在虚拟仿真实验教学中的应用" . | 高教学刊 7 . 18 (2021) : 96-101 . |
APA | 王小娟 , 周宏元 , 李秀杰 , 石南南 , 刘元坤 . 大数据在虚拟仿真实验教学中的应用 . | 高教学刊 , 2021 , 7 (18) , 96-101 . |
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摘要 :
Swarm intelligence optimization algorithms have been widely used in structural identification due to its powerful search ability, while an unpleasant identification result is regularly achieved with predefined wide search range. To address this issue, a hybrid strategy, initially reducing search space by adaptive sampling test and then identifying the actual structural parameters with improved butterfly optimization algorithm (IBOA) in the reduced search range by adaptive search space reduction method, is proposed and employed in this paper. In one aspect, the clustering competition learning mechanism and the chaotic elite learning mechanism are introduced to improve the performance of butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA). In the other aspect, adaptive sampling test and search space reduction method are also developed for search space reduction of unknown parameters. Genetic algorithm, BOA, IBOA, and proposed hybrid sampling and IBOA (sampling-IBOA) are evaluated by numerical examples of simply-supported beam and truss structure, as well as an experimental test of steel grid benchmark structure for comparative study. In addition, the effect of the window width, four different sampling methods, hybrid Ham-IBOA and gradient search on application of the proposed sampling-IBOA method are further illustrated. The numerical and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed sampling-IBOA method can significantly improve computational efficiency and identification accuracy, especially for Hammersley sequence sampling among the four sampling methods.
关键词 :
Hammersley sequence sampling Hammersley sequence sampling Improved butterfly optimization algorithm Improved butterfly optimization algorithm Sampling methods Sampling methods Structural identification Structural identification Swarm intelligence methods Swarm intelligence methods
GB/T 7714 | Zhou, Hongyuan , Zhang, Guangcai , Wang, Xiaojuan et al. Structural identification using improved butterfly optimization algorithm with adaptive sampling test and search space reduction method [J]. | STRUCTURES , 2021 , 33 : 2121-2139 . |
MLA | Zhou, Hongyuan et al. "Structural identification using improved butterfly optimization algorithm with adaptive sampling test and search space reduction method" . | STRUCTURES 33 (2021) : 2121-2139 . |
APA | Zhou, Hongyuan , Zhang, Guangcai , Wang, Xiaojuan , Ni, Pinghe , Zhang, Jian . Structural identification using improved butterfly optimization algorithm with adaptive sampling test and search space reduction method . | STRUCTURES , 2021 , 33 , 2121-2139 . |
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摘要 :
This paper presents a reliability-based design optimization method for bridge structures, considering the uncertainties of the material parameters and the effect of bridge-vehicle interaction. The uncertainties of system parameters, such as Young's modulus and mass density, are considered, which are simulated as Gaussian and/or lognormal random fields. The formulas used to represent the random fields of material properties and system matrices are derived. The Gaussian random inputs are approximated with Karhunen-Loeve (KL) expansion, while the lognormal random inputs are approximated with a combination of KL expansion and Polynomial Chaos (PC) expansion. Reliability-based design optimization analysis is conducted to determine the minimum required crosssection area of bridge structures under probability constraints, in which the failure probability is estimated from the Kriging surrogate model and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method. Numerical studies on a simply supported beam under a moving force and a three-dimensional box-section bridge under a moving vehicle are conducted to investigate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approach. The reliability analysis results are compared with those obtained from MCS method, validating the accuracy of the proposed approach. With the proposed method, the minimum value of cross-section area of the bridge under the preset probability constraint can be obtained.
关键词 :
Bridge-vehicle interaction Bridge-vehicle interaction Karhunen-Loeve expansion Karhunen-Loeve expansion Kriging method Kriging method Reliability based design optimization Reliability based design optimization Uncertainty Uncertainty
GB/T 7714 | Ni, Pinghe , Li, Jun , Hao, Hong et al. Reliability based design optimization of bridges considering bridge-vehicle interaction by Kriging surrogate model [J]. | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2021 , 246 . |
MLA | Ni, Pinghe et al. "Reliability based design optimization of bridges considering bridge-vehicle interaction by Kriging surrogate model" . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 246 (2021) . |
APA | Ni, Pinghe , Li, Jun , Hao, Hong , Zhou, Hongyuan . Reliability based design optimization of bridges considering bridge-vehicle interaction by Kriging surrogate model . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2021 , 246 . |
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摘要 :
Ceramsite foam concrete was produced by mixing fast-hardening sulphoaluminate cement with precast foam and ceramsite. The effects of foam concrete density and ceramsite particle size on the failure mode, compressive strength(peak stress), densification strain and energy absorption of ceramsite foam concrete subjected to static uniaxial compression was investigated. The experiment results indicate that remarkable non-interfacial failure is observed with higher density of foam concrete and larger particle size of ceramsite, from which the density range of foam concrete with matched strength of the three corresponding ceramsite is determined. With increasing density of foam concrete, the compressive strength and energy absorption of ceramsite foam concrete are remarkably improved, while the densification strain decreases. In addition, with increasing ceramsite particle size, the densification strain decreases first then increases, the compressive strength increases first then decreases, and the energy absorption capacity gradually increases. © 2021, Editorial Department of Journal of Building Materials. All right reserved.
关键词 :
Autoclaved aerated concrete Autoclaved aerated concrete Compressive strength Compressive strength Concrete mixing Concrete mixing Concrete mixtures Concrete mixtures Densification Densification Energy absorption Energy absorption Failure (mechanical) Failure (mechanical) Particle size Particle size
GB/T 7714 | Wang, Xiaojuan , Liu, Lu , Jia, Kuncheng et al. Mechanical Properties and Energy Absorption Characteristics of Ceramsite Foam Concrete [J]. | Journal of Building Materials , 2021 , 24 (1) : 207-215 . |
MLA | Wang, Xiaojuan et al. "Mechanical Properties and Energy Absorption Characteristics of Ceramsite Foam Concrete" . | Journal of Building Materials 24 . 1 (2021) : 207-215 . |
APA | Wang, Xiaojuan , Liu, Lu , Jia, Kuncheng , Zhou, Hongyuan . Mechanical Properties and Energy Absorption Characteristics of Ceramsite Foam Concrete . | Journal of Building Materials , 2021 , 24 (1) , 207-215 . |
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摘要 :
通过对不同密度(450 kg/m3、750 kg/m3、1050 kg/m3和1350 kg/m3)和尺寸(50 mm×50 mm×50 mm、100 mm×100 mm×100 mm、150 mm×150 mm×150 mm和200 mm×200 mm×200 mm)的泡沫混凝土试块进行准静态压缩试验,研究了泡沫混凝土密度对其尺寸效应的影响.首先,通过观察泡沫混凝土裂纹的开展发现随着试块尺寸的增大,首条裂缝倾向于从试块中部逐渐变为从试块四周出现.其次,试验数据表明泡沫混凝土内存在尺寸效应,且随着密度的增加,尺寸效应逐渐显著;基于试验数据研究了泡沫混凝土抗压强度、压实应变、比吸能与试块尺寸的关系.再者,将三种常见泡沫混凝土唯象本构模型(分别为Avalle模型、Wang模型、李广良模型)与试验数据对比后,发现Wang模型的预测结果较好.最后,在Wang模型的基础上,引入损伤因子和Ba?ant尺寸效应律研究了平台应力与试块尺寸的关系,建立了基于泡沫混凝土密度和尺寸的一维损伤唯象本构模型.
关键词 :
比吸能 比吸能 裂缝开展 裂缝开展 唯象本构模型 唯象本构模型 尺寸效应 尺寸效应 抗压强度 抗压强度 泡沫混凝土 泡沫混凝土
GB/T 7714 | 周宏元 , 王业斌 , 王小娟 et al. 泡沫混凝土压缩性能尺寸效应研究 [J]. | 材料导报 , 2021 , 35 (18) : 18076-18082,18095 . |
MLA | 周宏元 et al. "泡沫混凝土压缩性能尺寸效应研究" . | 材料导报 35 . 18 (2021) : 18076-18082,18095 . |
APA | 周宏元 , 王业斌 , 王小娟 , 石南南 . 泡沫混凝土压缩性能尺寸效应研究 . | 材料导报 , 2021 , 35 (18) , 18076-18082,18095 . |
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