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一种无监督领域自适应语义分割方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-01-08 | CN202110026447.6
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 王立春 , 高宁 , 王少帆 et al. 一种无监督领域自适应语义分割方法 : CN202110026447.6[P]. | 2021-01-08 .
MLA 王立春 et al. "一种无监督领域自适应语义分割方法" : CN202110026447.6. | 2021-01-08 .
APA 王立春 , 高宁 , 王少帆 , 孔德慧 , 李敬华 , 尹宝才 . 一种无监督领域自适应语义分割方法 : CN202110026447.6. | 2021-01-08 .
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一种基于深度学习的多视角立体视觉三维场景重建方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-01-19 | CN202110072362.1
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摘要 :




GB/T 7714 孔德慧 , 林瑞 , 王少帆 et al. 一种基于深度学习的多视角立体视觉三维场景重建方法 : CN202110072362.1[P]. | 2021-01-19 .
MLA 孔德慧 et al. "一种基于深度学习的多视角立体视觉三维场景重建方法" : CN202110072362.1. | 2021-01-19 .
APA 孔德慧 , 林瑞 , 王少帆 , 李敬华 , 王立春 . 一种基于深度学习的多视角立体视觉三维场景重建方法 : CN202110072362.1. | 2021-01-19 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (09) , 15-18 | 计算机教育
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

内涵与外延 内涵与外延 理工科课程思政建设 理工科课程思政建设 科学方法论 科学方法论 计算机图形学 计算机图形学 课程思政 课程思政



GB/T 7714 孔德慧 , 李敬华 , 王立春 et al. 基于计算机图形学教学实践的理工科课程思政建设研究 [J]. | 计算机教育 , 2021 , (09) : 15-18 .
MLA 孔德慧 et al. "基于计算机图形学教学实践的理工科课程思政建设研究" . | 计算机教育 09 (2021) : 15-18 .
APA 孔德慧 , 李敬华 , 王立春 , 张勇 , 孙艳丰 . 基于计算机图形学教学实践的理工科课程思政建设研究 . | 计算机教育 , 2021 , (09) , 15-18 .
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基于出租车OD数据的非常态居民出行模式挖掘方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-01-28 | CN202110120448.7
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摘要 :




GB/T 7714 王立春 , 张彬 , 王少帆 et al. 基于出租车OD数据的非常态居民出行模式挖掘方法 : CN202110120448.7[P]. | 2021-01-28 .
MLA 王立春 et al. "基于出租车OD数据的非常态居民出行模式挖掘方法" : CN202110120448.7. | 2021-01-28 .
APA 王立春 , 张彬 , 王少帆 , 孔德慧 , 尹宝才 . 基于出租车OD数据的非常态居民出行模式挖掘方法 : CN202110120448.7. | 2021-01-28 .
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Joint Transferable Dictionary Learning and View Adaptation for Multi-view Human Action Recognition SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 6
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摘要 :

Multi-view human action recognition remains a challenging problem due to large view changes. In this article, we propose a transfer learning-based framework called transferable dictionary learning and view adaptation (TDVA) model for multi-view human action recognition. In the transferable dictionary learning phase, TDVA learns a set of view-specific transferable dictionaries enabling the same actions from different views to share the same sparse representations, which can transfer features of actions from different views to an intermediate domain. In the view adaptation phase, TDVA comprehensively analyzes global, local, and individual characteristics of samples, and jointly learns balanced distribution adaptation, locality preservation, and discrimination preservation, aiming at transferring sparse features of actions of different views from the intermediate domain to a common domain. In other words, TDVA progressively bridges the distribution gap among actions from various views by these two phases. Experimental results on IXMAS, ACT4(2), and NUCLA action datasets demonstrate that TDVA outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

关键词 :

Action recognition Action recognition multi-view multi-view sparse representation sparse representation transfer learning transfer learning



GB/T 7714 Sun, Bin , Kong, Dehui , Wang, Shaofan et al. Joint Transferable Dictionary Learning and View Adaptation for Multi-view Human Action Recognition [J]. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM DATA , 2021 , 15 (2) .
MLA Sun, Bin et al. "Joint Transferable Dictionary Learning and View Adaptation for Multi-view Human Action Recognition" . | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM DATA 15 . 2 (2021) .
APA Sun, Bin , Kong, Dehui , Wang, Shaofan , Wang, Lichun , Yin, Baocai . Joint Transferable Dictionary Learning and View Adaptation for Multi-view Human Action Recognition . | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM DATA , 2021 , 15 (2) .
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Hardness-Aware Dictionary Learning: Boosting Dictionary for Recognition SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 23 , 2857-2867 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Sparse representation is a powerful tool in many visual applications since images can be represented effectively and efficiently with a dictionary. Conventional dictionary learning methods usually treat each training sample equally, which would lead to the degradation of recognition performance when the samples from same category distribute dispersedly. This is because the dictionary focuses more on easy samples (known as highly clustered samples), and those hard samples (known as widely distributed samples) are easily ignored. As a result, the test samples which exhibit high dissimilarities to most of intra-category samples tend to be misclassified. To circumvent this issue, this paper proposes a simple and effective hardness-aware dictionary learning (HADL) method, which considers training samples discriminatively based on the AdaBoost mechanism. Different from learning one optimal dictionary, HADL learns a set of dictionaries and corresponding sub-classifiers jointly in an iterative fashion. In each iteration, HADL learns a dictionary and a sub-classifier, and updates the weights based on the classification errors given by current sub-classifier. Those correctly classified samples are assigned with small weights while those incorrectly classified samples are assigned with large weights. Through the iterated learning procedure, the hard samples are associated with different dictionaries. Finally, HADL combines the learned sub-classifiers linearly to form a strong classifier, which improves the overall recognition accuracy effectively. Experiments on well-known benchmarks show that HADL achieves promising classification results.

关键词 :

Dictionaries Dictionaries Training Training classification classification Boosting Boosting Visualization Visualization AdaBoost AdaBoost dictionary learning dictionary learning Task analysis Task analysis Face recognition Face recognition Sparse representation Sparse representation



GB/T 7714 Wang, Lichun , Li, Shuang , Wang, Shaofan et al. Hardness-Aware Dictionary Learning: Boosting Dictionary for Recognition [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA , 2021 , 23 : 2857-2867 .
MLA Wang, Lichun et al. "Hardness-Aware Dictionary Learning: Boosting Dictionary for Recognition" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA 23 (2021) : 2857-2867 .
APA Wang, Lichun , Li, Shuang , Wang, Shaofan , Kong, Dehui , Yin, Baocai . Hardness-Aware Dictionary Learning: Boosting Dictionary for Recognition . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA , 2021 , 23 , 2857-2867 .
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一种融合多尺度邻域信息的三维几何模型形状映射方法 incoPat
专利 | 2020-03-09 | CN202010155747.X
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 孔德慧 , 孙文胜 , 王少帆 et al. 一种融合多尺度邻域信息的三维几何模型形状映射方法 : CN202010155747.X[P]. | 2020-03-09 .
MLA 孔德慧 et al. "一种融合多尺度邻域信息的三维几何模型形状映射方法" : CN202010155747.X. | 2020-03-09 .
APA 孔德慧 , 孙文胜 , 王少帆 , 王立春 , 尹宝才 . 一种融合多尺度邻域信息的三维几何模型形状映射方法 : CN202010155747.X. | 2020-03-09 .
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一种基于RGB数据的单视角和多视角三维重建方法及装置 incoPat
专利 | 2020-11-17 | CN202011281969.2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 孔德慧 , 高俊娜 , 王少帆 et al. 一种基于RGB数据的单视角和多视角三维重建方法及装置 : CN202011281969.2[P]. | 2020-11-17 .
MLA 孔德慧 et al. "一种基于RGB数据的单视角和多视角三维重建方法及装置" : CN202011281969.2. | 2020-11-17 .
APA 孔德慧 , 高俊娜 , 王少帆 , 李敬华 , 王立春 . 一种基于RGB数据的单视角和多视角三维重建方法及装置 : CN202011281969.2. | 2020-11-17 .
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Discriminative matrix-variate restricted Boltzmann machine classification model SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 27 (5) , 3621-3633 | WIRELESS NETWORKS
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Matrix-variate Restricted Boltzmann Machine (MVRBM), a variant of Restricted Boltzmann Machine, has demonstrated excellent capacity of modelling matrix variable. However, MVRBM is still an unsupervised generative model, and is usually used to feature extraction or initialization of deep neural network. When MVRBM is used to classify, additional classifiers must be added. In order to make the MVRBM itself be supervised, in this paper, we propose improved MVRBMs for classification, which can be used to classify 2D data directly and accurately. To this end, on one hand, classification constraint is added to MVRBM to get Matrix-variate Restricted Boltzmann Machine Classification Model (ClassMVRBM). On the other hand, fisher discriminant analysis criterion for matrix-style variable is proposed and applied to the hidden variable, therefore, the extracted feature is more discriminative so as to enhance the classification performance of ClassMVRBM. We call the novel model Matrix-variate Restricted Boltzmann Machine Classification Model with Fisher discriminant analysis (ClassMVRBM-MVFDA). Experimental results on some publicly available databases demonstrate the superiority of the proposed models. Of which, the image classification accuracy of ClassMVRBM is higher than conventional unsupervised RBM, its variants and supervised Restricted Boltzmann Machine Classification Model (ClassRBM) for vector variable. Especially, the image classification accuracy of the proposed ClassMVRBM-MVFDA performs better than supervised ClassMVRBM and vectorial RBM-FDA.

关键词 :




GB/T 7714 Li, Jinghua , Tian, Pengyu , Kong, Dehui et al. Discriminative matrix-variate restricted Boltzmann machine classification model [J]. | WIRELESS NETWORKS , 2020 , 27 (5) : 3621-3633 .
MLA Li, Jinghua et al. "Discriminative matrix-variate restricted Boltzmann machine classification model" . | WIRELESS NETWORKS 27 . 5 (2020) : 3621-3633 .
APA Li, Jinghua , Tian, Pengyu , Kong, Dehui , Wang, Lichun , Wang, Shaofan , Yin, Baocai . Discriminative matrix-variate restricted Boltzmann machine classification model . | WIRELESS NETWORKS , 2020 , 27 (5) , 3621-3633 .
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一种基于注意力机制的多视角图像三维重建方法 incoPat
专利 | 2020-03-23 | CN202010205875.0
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 孔德慧 , 虞义兰 , 王少帆 et al. 一种基于注意力机制的多视角图像三维重建方法 : CN202010205875.0[P]. | 2020-03-23 .
MLA 孔德慧 et al. "一种基于注意力机制的多视角图像三维重建方法" : CN202010205875.0. | 2020-03-23 .
APA 孔德慧 , 虞义兰 , 王少帆 , 李敬华 , 王立春 . 一种基于注意力机制的多视角图像三维重建方法 : CN202010205875.0. | 2020-03-23 .
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