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Experimental study and operation optimization of a parallel-loop heat pump for exhaust air recovery in residential buildings SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 10
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The indoor space of residential building is limited, especially in building retrofit, to improve the indoor space utilization and the performance of exhaust air heat recovery system, a novel dual-cylinder rotary compressor with independent suction and discharge ports was designed to drive an inverter parallel-loop exhaust air heat pump. Through the experiments and analyzing the parallel-loop exhaust air heat pump system working characteristics under variable compressor frequency and different fresh air volume flow rate, the optimized method is proposed and verified experimentally. Finally, the annual energy efficient operation plan was proposed, and the seasonal performance factor and seasonal average input power under this operation plan in three typical countries/organization were calculated. Results show that the system COP can be greatly improved by applying a mixed air supply method during winter. When the fresh-air-to-return-air ratio is 1:1 and the outdoor temperature is -5 degrees C, the system COP reached 10.18, which is the highest comparing with the related studies. In summer, the system COP is increased by increasing the ventilation volume flow rate. When the operation of the parallel-loop exhaust air heat pump system follows the energy efficient operation plan to ensure the temperature effectiveness over 100% and the outdoor working condition complies with GB 21455-2013, the heating season performance factor, heating season average input power, cooling season performance factor, and cooling season average input power are 7.22, 0.6909 kW, 2.83, and 0.8167 kW, respectively. The work would provide guidance for the development of exhaust air heat recovery system in residential building.

关键词 :

Air supply method Air supply method COP COP Exhaust air heat pump Exhaust air heat pump Parallel-loop Parallel-loop Seasonal performance factor Seasonal performance factor



GB/T 7714 Jia, Xiaoya , Ma, Guoyuan , Zhou, Feng et al. Experimental study and operation optimization of a parallel-loop heat pump for exhaust air recovery in residential buildings [J]. | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , 2022 , 45 .
MLA Jia, Xiaoya et al. "Experimental study and operation optimization of a parallel-loop heat pump for exhaust air recovery in residential buildings" . | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING 45 (2022) .
APA Jia, Xiaoya , Ma, Guoyuan , Zhou, Feng , Liu, Shuailing , Wu, Guoqiang , Sui, Qiuyu . Experimental study and operation optimization of a parallel-loop heat pump for exhaust air recovery in residential buildings . | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , 2022 , 45 .
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The applicability and energy consumption of a parallel-loop exhaust air heat pump for environment control in ultra-low energy building SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 7
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

A novel dual-cylinder rotary compressor was designed to improve the indoor space utilization, and it was used to drive a parallel-loop exhaust air heat pump (PEAHP) which integrates the functions of heating, cooling, ventilation and heat recovery. The operation characteristics of the system in different compressor frequencies and different fresh-air-to-return-air ratios (FRRs) were studied and analyzed experimentally. Through the simulation of the ultra-low energy buildings (ULEBs) in 12 cold zone cities, the hourly (8760 h) building thermal loads in the whole year are calculated. On the basis of the matching of the hourly system working characteristics and the thermal loads of ULEB, the energy efficient working strategy is proposed. Finally, the applicability and energy consumption of the PEAHP system applying in ULEBs were analyzed. The results show that, the system heating/ cooling capacity and COP can be considerably improved by increasing return air volume flow rate. In winter, under the working condition of 50 Hz-FRR 1:1, the peak heating capacity and COP are 8.94 kW and 9.63, respectively, which are 77.38% and 64.05% higher than those when FRR is 1:0. In summer, when the outdoor temperature ranges from 26 ?to 40 ?, the system temperature effectiveness is higher than 1 in all working modes. The PEAHP system has great applicability for ULEBs in cold zone of China during winter, and the system can meet the year-round use demands of the ULEBs in Taiyuan, Dalian, Lanzhou, Yinchuan and Lhasa, with the unsatisfied heating/cooling time ratio of 1.61%, 0.09%, 0.006%, 2.45% and 0.02%, respectively.

关键词 :

Energy consumption Energy consumption Heat recovery Heat recovery COP COP Ultra-low energy building Ultra-low energy building Exhaust air heat pump Exhaust air heat pump



GB/T 7714 Jia, Xiaoya , Ma, Guoyuan , Zhou, Feng et al. The applicability and energy consumption of a parallel-loop exhaust air heat pump for environment control in ultra-low energy building [J]. | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2022 , 210 .
MLA Jia, Xiaoya et al. "The applicability and energy consumption of a parallel-loop exhaust air heat pump for environment control in ultra-low energy building" . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING 210 (2022) .
APA Jia, Xiaoya , Ma, Guoyuan , Zhou, Feng , Liu, Shuailing , Wu, Guoqiang , Sui, Qiuyu . The applicability and energy consumption of a parallel-loop exhaust air heat pump for environment control in ultra-low energy building . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2022 , 210 .
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Performance of a mechanically-driven loop heat pipe heat recovery system SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 17
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摘要 :

A mechanically-driven loop heat pipe heat rec?overy system by booster and refrigerant pump was proposed to match the all-year fresh air load varying greatly with ambient temperature in an energy recovery ventilation unit and enhance its energy-saving potentials. The system prototype was developed and the experimental setup established in which the booster and pump can operate together or separately. Namely, the prototype could be running in pump-driven loop heat pipe (PLHP) mode, booster-driven loop heat pipe (BLHP) mode or booster combining with pump-driven loop heat pipe (CLHP) mode. The heat transfer characteristics of the prototype running in these three modes under winter and summer conditions were studied, respectively. The results showed that the temperature effectiveness of CLHP was greater than that of PLHP or BLHP under all-year conditions. When outdoor temperature is -15 ?degrees C, the temperature effectiveness of CLHP is 78.0% and 52.5% higher than that of PLHP and BLHP, respectively, and the heating EER of CLHP is 29.6% higher than that of BLHP. When outdoor temperature is 40 ?degrees C, the CLHP has 19.5% higher of temperature effectiveness and 21.7% higher of cooling EER comparing with the BLHP, respectively. In winter, BLHP performs better when outdoor temperature is greater than 7.5 ?degrees C while CLHP performs better when outdoor temperature is lower than 7.5 ?degrees C. And BLHP has better performance when outdoor temperature is lower than 35 ?degrees C in summer while CLHP performs better when outdoor temperature is higher than 35 ?degrees C. The composite system can switch its operating mode according to the fresh air load, which can improve effectively the year-round performance of the system to recover heat in building ventilation.

关键词 :

Heat pipe Heat pipe Heat recovery Heat recovery Refrigerant pump Refrigerant pump Ventilation Ventilation Booster Booster



GB/T 7714 Liu, Shuailing , Ma, Guoyuan , Jia, Xiaoya et al. Performance of a mechanically-driven loop heat pipe heat recovery system [J]. | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2022 , 207 .
MLA Liu, Shuailing et al. "Performance of a mechanically-driven loop heat pipe heat recovery system" . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING 207 (2022) .
APA Liu, Shuailing , Ma, Guoyuan , Jia, Xiaoya , Xu, Shuxue , Wu, Guoqiang . Performance of a mechanically-driven loop heat pipe heat recovery system . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2022 , 207 .
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高适应性空气源热泵技术研究及应用(2020年度《家电科技》优秀创新团队项目) CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , (1) , 15-15 | 马国远
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

制热性能 制热性能 创新团队 创新团队 温度变化范围 温度变化范围 提升品位 提升品位 能源效率 能源效率 项目背景 项目背景 建筑节能 建筑节能 空气源热泵 空气源热泵



GB/T 7714 马国远 , 周峰 , 许树学 et al. 高适应性空气源热泵技术研究及应用(2020年度《家电科技》优秀创新团队项目) [J]. | 马国远 , 2021 , (1) : 15-15 .
MLA 马国远 et al. "高适应性空气源热泵技术研究及应用(2020年度《家电科技》优秀创新团队项目)" . | 马国远 1 (2021) : 15-15 .
APA 马国远 , 周峰 , 许树学 , 李富平 , 孙晗 , 姜明健 et al. 高适应性空气源热泵技术研究及应用(2020年度《家电科技》优秀创新团队项目) . | 马国远 , 2021 , (1) , 15-15 .
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泵驱动回路热管式能量回收系统的模拟分析与研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , (2) , 37-39,42 | 宋文博
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

能量回收装置 能量回收装置 建筑节能 建筑节能 模拟 模拟 热工性能 热工性能



GB/T 7714 宋文博 , 马国远 , 刘帅领 et al. 泵驱动回路热管式能量回收系统的模拟分析与研究 [J]. | 宋文博 , 2021 , (2) : 37-39,42 .
MLA 宋文博 et al. "泵驱动回路热管式能量回收系统的模拟分析与研究" . | 宋文博 2 (2021) : 37-39,42 .
APA 宋文博 , 马国远 , 刘帅领 , 机电信息 . 泵驱动回路热管式能量回收系统的模拟分析与研究 . | 宋文博 , 2021 , (2) , 37-39,42 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 35 (03) , 321-327 | 制冷与空调(四川)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

泵驱动两相回路 泵驱动两相回路 旋涡泵 旋涡泵 工作特性 工作特性 制冷剂 制冷剂 空化 空化



GB/T 7714 刘鹏 , 杭晨哲 , 李准 et al. 泵驱动制冷剂两相回路中旋涡泵内部工作特性分析 [J]. | 制冷与空调(四川) , 2021 , 35 (03) : 321-327 .
MLA 刘鹏 et al. "泵驱动制冷剂两相回路中旋涡泵内部工作特性分析" . | 制冷与空调(四川) 35 . 03 (2021) : 321-327 .
APA 刘鹏 , 杭晨哲 , 李准 , 周峰 , 李翠翠 , 马国远 et al. 泵驱动制冷剂两相回路中旋涡泵内部工作特性分析 . | 制冷与空调(四川) , 2021 , 35 (03) , 321-327 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (5) , 1-6 | 压缩机技术
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

补气可以降低压缩机排气温度,增加制热量,提高系统的制热COP.R290制冷剂环保高效,在家用空调领域具有良好的前景.建立了R290双缸压缩机中间补气热泵系统的模型,分析了冬季制热工况下补气压力、补气过热度和相对补气量等参数对系统性能的影响.结果表明:补气压力对制热量无明显影响,最佳补气压力为6.94~10.83 bar;补气过热度在0~10℃范围内对系统制热量和COP的影响在1%以内;制热工况下最佳高低压缸容积比为0.33~0.53;相对补气量每增加10%,系统的平均COP和制热量分别增加了3.5%和8.9%,功耗增加4.7%.



GB/T 7714 吴国强 , 许树学 , 马国远 . 以R290为工质的双缸压缩机中间补气热泵系统的性能分析 [J]. | 压缩机技术 , 2021 , (5) : 1-6 .
MLA 吴国强 et al. "以R290为工质的双缸压缩机中间补气热泵系统的性能分析" . | 压缩机技术 5 (2021) : 1-6 .
APA 吴国强 , 许树学 , 马国远 . 以R290为工质的双缸压缩机中间补气热泵系统的性能分析 . | 压缩机技术 , 2021 , (5) , 1-6 .
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一种模块式室内自然对流换热单元的热泵系统 incoPat
专利 | 2021-01-08 | CN202110026427.9
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 马国远 , 刘帅领 , 许树学 et al. 一种模块式室内自然对流换热单元的热泵系统 : CN202110026427.9[P]. | 2021-01-08 .
MLA 马国远 et al. "一种模块式室内自然对流换热单元的热泵系统" : CN202110026427.9. | 2021-01-08 .
APA 马国远 , 刘帅领 , 许树学 , 李富平 . 一种模块式室内自然对流换热单元的热泵系统 : CN202110026427.9. | 2021-01-08 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 35 (3) , 444-450 | 制冷与空调(四川)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 刘帅领 , 马国远 , 张海云 et al. 空气制冷技术原理及发展现状 [J]. | 制冷与空调(四川) , 2021 , 35 (3) : 444-450 .
MLA 刘帅领 et al. "空气制冷技术原理及发展现状" . | 制冷与空调(四川) 35 . 3 (2021) : 444-450 .
APA 刘帅领 , 马国远 , 张海云 , 戴晗 , 许树学 . 空气制冷技术原理及发展现状 . | 制冷与空调(四川) , 2021 , 35 (3) , 444-450 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (01) , 15 | 家电科技
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

创新团队 创新团队 制热能效比 制热能效比 《家电科技》 《家电科技》 热泵系统 热泵系统 研究及应用 研究及应用 空气源热泵 空气源热泵 高适应性 高适应性



GB/T 7714 马国远 , 周峰 , 许树学 et al. 高适应性空气源热泵技术研究及应用(2020年度《家电科技》优秀创新团队项目) [J]. | 家电科技 , 2021 , (01) : 15 .
MLA 马国远 et al. "高适应性空气源热泵技术研究及应用(2020年度《家电科技》优秀创新团队项目)" . | 家电科技 01 (2021) : 15 .
APA 马国远 , 周峰 , 许树学 , 李富平 , 孙晗 , 姜明健 et al. 高适应性空气源热泵技术研究及应用(2020年度《家电科技》优秀创新团队项目) . | 家电科技 , 2021 , (01) , 15 .
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