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Transverse seismic response of diamond-shaped pylon in cable-stayed bridge: Experiment and analysis SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 250 | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES
WoS核心集被引次数: 14
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The diamond-shaped pylons have been widely used in engineering practice, due to their cost effectiveness and appealing aesthetics, particularly for the cable-stayed bridges with large clearance. However, the diamondshaped pylons have both inward and outward inclinations, which may result in complicated seismic behavior when subjected to earthquake excitations. To this end, the seismic performance of a typical diamond-shaped pylon in the transverse direction is investigated in this paper. A reduced-scale specimen of the diamondshaped pylon was tested under cyclic quasi-static load to evaluate the damage patterns and the hysteretic responses. The numerical models of the diamond-shaped pylon were developed and then verified against the experimental results. The effects of the geometric configurations, loading protocols, and stiffness of crossbeam on the seismic performance of the diamond-shaped pylon are assessed based on the numerical results of parametric studies. The test results indicate that the plastic hinges were formed at the diamond-shaped pylon legs near the middle intersections. The following parametric analyses imply that the failure modes and damage regions would be changed with the pylon shapes, stiffness of lower and middle crossbeams, and loading protocols.

关键词 :

Diamond-shaped pylon Diamond-shaped pylon Quasi-static test Quasi-static test Numerical analysis Numerical analysis Seismic performance Seismic performance Cable-stayed bridge Cable-stayed bridge



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Chao , Wen, Jianian , Han, Qiang et al. Transverse seismic response of diamond-shaped pylon in cable-stayed bridge: Experiment and analysis [J]. | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2022 , 250 .
MLA Zhang, Chao et al. "Transverse seismic response of diamond-shaped pylon in cable-stayed bridge: Experiment and analysis" . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 250 (2022) .
APA Zhang, Chao , Wen, Jianian , Han, Qiang , Du, Xiuli , Lai, Zhichao , Fu, Guanghui . Transverse seismic response of diamond-shaped pylon in cable-stayed bridge: Experiment and analysis . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2022 , 250 .
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Cyclic behavior of SMA slip friction damper SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 250 | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES
WoS核心集被引次数: 64
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

This paper proposes a new type of self-centering (SC) damper which exploits the shape memory alloy (SMA) bolts and variable friction mechanism, termed the SMA slip friction damper (SMASFD). The theoretical equations governing the force-displacement relationship, the equivalent stiffness and the equivalent viscous damping are first derived. Then, the application potential of such damper is briefly discussed. In the experimental study, the results of the experimental validations of the SMA bolts and the friction mechanism are presented, followed by the results of proof-of-concept test on the fabricated SMASFDs. According to the testing results, the damper exhibited a symmetric tension-compression flag-shaped hysteresis characterized by excellent SC capacity and good damping capability. The prestrain treatment was applied to the SMA bolts in one test, which was found effectively increased the initial stiffness of the damper. To provide a further understanding on the damper and examine the stress and strain demands of the components, high-fidelity finite element models were established for numerical simulations. Both the analytical method and numerical simulation were validated by the experimental data.

关键词 :

Damper Damper Experimental study Experimental study Self-centering Self-centering SMA SMA Variable friction Variable friction



GB/T 7714 Qiu, Canxing , Liu, Jiawang , Du, Xiuli . Cyclic behavior of SMA slip friction damper [J]. | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2022 , 250 .
MLA Qiu, Canxing et al. "Cyclic behavior of SMA slip friction damper" . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 250 (2022) .
APA Qiu, Canxing , Liu, Jiawang , Du, Xiuli . Cyclic behavior of SMA slip friction damper . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2022 , 250 .
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Bayesian model updating of civil structures with likelihood-free inference approach and response reconstruction technique SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 40
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Bayesian inference methods typically require a considerable amount of computation time in the calculation of forward models. This limitation restricts the application of Bayesian inference methods for the parameter identification of complex engineering problems. We propose a novel likelihood-free Bayesian inference method for structural parameter identification. An adaptive Gaussian surrogate model (GSM) was integrated with the transitional Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for Bayesian inference. The log-likelihood function was approximated with GSM and the transitional MCMC method was used to generate the posterior distribution samples. A response reconstruction technique was combined with the likelihood-free Bayesian inference method for the parameter identification. Both numerical studies and experimental studies were conducted to verify the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method. The results showed that the proposed method could be used to estimate the posterior probabilities of unknown structural parameters. Additionally, the proposed method was more efficient than the delayed rejection adaptive Metropolis and Gibbs sampling methods.

关键词 :

Bayesian inference Bayesian inference Condition assessment Condition assessment Damage detection Damage detection Gaussian surrogate model Gaussian surrogate model Likelihood-free inference Likelihood-free inference Response reconstruction Response reconstruction



GB/T 7714 Ni, Pinghe , Han, Qiang , Du, Xiuli et al. Bayesian model updating of civil structures with likelihood-free inference approach and response reconstruction technique [J]. | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2022 , 164 .
MLA Ni, Pinghe et al. "Bayesian model updating of civil structures with likelihood-free inference approach and response reconstruction technique" . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 164 (2022) .
APA Ni, Pinghe , Han, Qiang , Du, Xiuli , Cheng, Xiaowei . Bayesian model updating of civil structures with likelihood-free inference approach and response reconstruction technique . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2022 , 164 .
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A cohesion-friction combined hardening plastic model of concrete with the nonorthogonal flow rule: Theory and numerical implementation SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 14
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摘要 :

A cohesion-friction combined hardening model of concrete was developed. Combined with the Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion, the yield curve is determined directly by the test data of concrete. Then, a method to deter-mine the hardening law from the evolutionary process of the yield curve is elaborated. To consider the influence of the multiaxial stress state on the ductility of concrete, a stress dependent plastic internal variable is proposed. Based on the nonorthogonal flow rule implemented by fractional order derivative, the direction of plastic strain increment is directly determined by the nonorthogonal gradient of the yield function without the need for plastic potential function. The comparison with the test data shows that the proposed model can capture the strength and defor-mation characteristics of concrete reasonably. Finally, the model is implemented into ABAQUS via an open-source user defined material subroutine UMAT (https://github.com/zhouxin615/CFCH_model.git) based on the implicit return mapping algorithm. In particular, the integral-type nonlocal approach was adopted to regularise FE solution. Moreover, through the structural analysis of reinforced concrete columns, the operation process of the friction and cohesion mechanism of concrete materials is well reproduced.

关键词 :

Plasticity Plasticity Nonorthogonal flow rule Nonorthogonal flow rule Concrete Concrete Constitutive model Constitutive model Mohr-Coulomb criterion Mohr-Coulomb criterion Cohesion-friction combined hardening Cohesion-friction combined hardening



GB/T 7714 Lu, Dechun , Su, Cancan , Zhou, Xin et al. A cohesion-friction combined hardening plastic model of concrete with the nonorthogonal flow rule: Theory and numerical implementation [J]. | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , 2022 , 325 .
MLA Lu, Dechun et al. "A cohesion-friction combined hardening plastic model of concrete with the nonorthogonal flow rule: Theory and numerical implementation" . | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 325 (2022) .
APA Lu, Dechun , Su, Cancan , Zhou, Xin , Wang, Guosheng , Du, Xiuli . A cohesion-friction combined hardening plastic model of concrete with the nonorthogonal flow rule: Theory and numerical implementation . | CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , 2022 , 325 .
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Life cycle assessment of building demolition waste based on building information modeling SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 36
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摘要 :

Sustainable building-demolition-waste management has become an important practice. Normally, three different methods of disposing of demolition waste should be considered: landfill, reuse, and recycling. The use of traditional documentation techniques for assessing the environmental impact of different disposal methods during the end-of-life (EOL) stage results in hundreds of detailed instruction sheets that need to be stored. In this study, a life-cycle assessment (LCA) framework is proposed for the evaluation and comparison of the environmental impacts of the three disposal strategies mentioned above in terms of factors such as the extraction of resources, loss of biodiversity, and effect on human health by using the information obtained with typical building information modeling (BIM). In the LCA framework, four environmental-impact-allocation types (namely, no, equal, mass, and economic allocations) are used to calculate the final impacts of the products to be shared by more than one product system. The results reveal that a particular disposal strategy should be investigated by considering an entire building to assess the effective reuse/recycling potential. In addition, a BIM-based plug-in (BIM-EF) is developed for the automatic appraisal of the environmental impact of buildings at the EOL stage by using Revit Add-in Manager. Two data libraries (the engineering quantity data library and environmental impact factor library) are created, and a coding system is established to connect the information stored in the BIM model and the two data libraries. Finally, the results of a case study are presented to illustrate the potential applications of the proposed method.

关键词 :

Building information modeling Building information modeling Environmental impact Environmental impact Recycling Recycling End-of-life End-of-life Reuse Reuse Building demolition waste Building demolition waste



GB/T 7714 Wang, Jingjing , Wei, Jiajia , Liu, Zhansheng et al. Life cycle assessment of building demolition waste based on building information modeling [J]. | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING , 2022 , 178 .
MLA Wang, Jingjing et al. "Life cycle assessment of building demolition waste based on building information modeling" . | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING 178 (2022) .
APA Wang, Jingjing , Wei, Jiajia , Liu, Zhansheng , Huang, Chun , Du, Xiuli . Life cycle assessment of building demolition waste based on building information modeling . | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING , 2022 , 178 .
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Size effect of axially-loaded CFRP ring-confined circular concrete columns: 3D mesoscale simulation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 288 | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES
WoS核心集被引次数: 6
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Most of the available experimental research on Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) confined concrete columns focus on the fully-confined and small-sized ones, while there are few studies on the axial compression behavior and size effect of FRP ring-confined concrete columns. In this study, a three-dimensional mesoscopic numerical model of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) ring-confined concrete in a circular column was established, taking into account the heterogeneity of concrete and the interaction between CFRP and concrete. Based on the meso-scale simulation method, the failure of a total of 36 columns with different structural sizes (the maximum crosssectional width is 1000 mm) were simulated, and the influences of FRP volumetric ratio and vertical confinement effectiveness coefficient on axial compression behavior and size effect was explored. Moreover, considering the influence of FRP volumetric ratio and vertical confinement effectiveness coefficient, a semi-empirical and semi-theoretical formula for describing the size effect on compressive strength was established by modifying Baz?ant's size effect law for concrete materials, and it is suitable for fully-confined and partially-confined concrete columns. The accuracy and applicability of the proposed formula was verified by comparing with the test results and the predicted results.

关键词 :

Strips constraint Strips constraint Meso-scale simulation Meso-scale simulation Size effect Size effect FRP ring-confined concrete FRP ring-confined concrete Axial compression strength Axial compression strength



GB/T 7714 Jin, Liu , Zhu, Huajie , Li, Ping et al. Size effect of axially-loaded CFRP ring-confined circular concrete columns: 3D mesoscale simulation [J]. | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 2022 , 288 .
MLA Jin, Liu et al. "Size effect of axially-loaded CFRP ring-confined circular concrete columns: 3D mesoscale simulation" . | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 288 (2022) .
APA Jin, Liu , Zhu, Huajie , Li, Ping , Du, Xiuli . Size effect of axially-loaded CFRP ring-confined circular concrete columns: 3D mesoscale simulation . | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 2022 , 288 .
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Upgrading seismic performance of underground frame structures based on potential failure modes SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 11
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Most subway stations in China have been constructed recently and their seismic performance and potential failure modes are not well characterized. This paper is dedicated to identifying potential failure modes of underground frame structures through numerical simulations, and developing an optimized method for upgrading the seismic performance of deficient structures via controlling the potential failure modes. The dynamic response of an unequal-span subway station structure was calculated considering different ground motions with increasing peak horizontal acceleration, and the structural seismic performance characteristics were evaluated. Seismic performance evaluation indexes, including interlaminar deformation risk factor of columns and sidewalls and deflection risk factor of slabs, were established to identify the most critical structural component under strong earthquake excitations. The structure failure mechanism was analyzed, and consequently, the corresponding retrofitting scheme for upgrading its seismic performance was proposed. Finally, the structural responses before and after retrofit were calculated and compared to demonstrate the effectiveness of the retrofitting scheme. The results can improve the understanding of the failure modes of underground frame structures and provide references for their seismic design.

关键词 :

Failure mechanism Failure mechanism Potential failure mode Potential failure mode Upgrading seismic performance Upgrading seismic performance Retrofitting scheme Retrofitting scheme Underground frame structures Underground frame structures



GB/T 7714 Wu, Chunyu , Lu, Dechun , El Naggar, M. Hesham et al. Upgrading seismic performance of underground frame structures based on potential failure modes [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2022 , 153 .
MLA Wu, Chunyu et al. "Upgrading seismic performance of underground frame structures based on potential failure modes" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 153 (2022) .
APA Wu, Chunyu , Lu, Dechun , El Naggar, M. Hesham , Ma, Chao , Li, Qiang , Du, Xiuli . Upgrading seismic performance of underground frame structures based on potential failure modes . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2022 , 153 .
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对称地下结构抗震分析的边界强制反应位移法 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 38 (5) , 50-60 | 韩润波
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

地下结构 地下结构 简化分析方法 简化分析方法 侧边界强制位移 侧边界强制位移 拟静力试验 拟静力试验 抗震分析 抗震分析



GB/T 7714 韩润波 , 许成顺 , 许紫刚 et al. 对称地下结构抗震分析的边界强制反应位移法 [J]. | 韩润波 , 2021 , 38 (5) : 50-60 .
MLA 韩润波 et al. "对称地下结构抗震分析的边界强制反应位移法" . | 韩润波 38 . 5 (2021) : 50-60 .
APA 韩润波 , 许成顺 , 许紫刚 , 蒋家卫 , 杜修力 , 工程力学 . 对称地下结构抗震分析的边界强制反应位移法 . | 韩润波 , 2021 , 38 (5) , 50-60 .
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混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (3) , 260-268 | 金浏
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

强度预测模型 强度预测模型 BP神经网络 BP神经网络 抗压强度 抗压强度 细观结构 细观结构 混凝土 混凝土 尺寸效应 尺寸效应



GB/T 7714 金浏 , 赵瑞 , 杜修力 et al. 混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型 [J]. | 金浏 , 2021 , 47 (3) : 260-268 .
MLA 金浏 et al. "混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型" . | 金浏 47 . 3 (2021) : 260-268 .
APA 金浏 , 赵瑞 , 杜修力 , 北京工业大学学报 . 混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型 . | 金浏 , 2021 , 47 (3) , 260-268 .
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地震作用下土-深埋地下结构相互作用的高效时程分析方法 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 41 (1) , 39-45,54 | 防灾减灾工程学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

土-结构相互作用 土-结构相互作用 地震动输入 地震动输入 参数分析 参数分析 人工边界条件 人工边界条件 场地反应 场地反应 深埋地下结构 深埋地下结构



GB/T 7714 赵密 , 李旭东 , 高志懂 et al. 地震作用下土-深埋地下结构相互作用的高效时程分析方法 [J]. | 防灾减灾工程学报 , 2021 , 41 (1) : 39-45,54 .
MLA 赵密 et al. "地震作用下土-深埋地下结构相互作用的高效时程分析方法" . | 防灾减灾工程学报 41 . 1 (2021) : 39-45,54 .
APA 赵密 , 李旭东 , 高志懂 , 杜修力 . 地震作用下土-深埋地下结构相互作用的高效时程分析方法 . | 防灾减灾工程学报 , 2021 , 41 (1) , 39-45,54 .
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