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Nd-Fe-B: From sludge waste to powders via purification and modified Ca-reduction reaction process SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 13
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摘要 :

The oil-based Nd-Fe-B sludge waste was directly recycled to single-phase Nd2Fe14B powders via the combination of purification and modified Ca-reduction reaction method. The impurities and organics in the purified Nd-Fe-B sludge waste were greatly reduced, reducing calcium consumption in the subsequent reduction and diffusion (RD) process, thereby reducing the cost. By further optimizing the Ca-reduction diffusion parameters, especially the mass ratio of CaCl2 and KCl, where the liquid CaCl2, along with the gaseous KCl provide conditions for sufficient and uniform Ca-reduction reaction, high-property Nd-Fe-B magnetic powders with good dispersion, uniform particle sizes, and excellent orientation, were successfully obtained. Using the mixed diffusion medium of CaCl2 and KCl with a mass ratio of 1:1, the room-temperature magnetization of the recycled Nd-Fe-B powders was increased to 157 emu/g at 3 T-magnetic field, which was about 28 % higher than that of the original sludge. The contents of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the recycled magnetic powders were significantly reduced from 6.8, 1.8, and 5.9 wt% to 0.1, 0.19, and 0.56 wt%, respectively. In addition, the uniform grain size with X-50 = 3.6 mu m and good distribution greatly improved the orientation, which can be beneficial to the preparation of the bonded or sintered Nd-Fe-B based magnets. The reasons that CaCl2-KCl mixed diffusion medium can lead to well-dispersed, uniform recycled powder with high magnetization arise from a combination of factors for improving the liquid phase reaction environment and the gaseous KCl to prevent agglomeration and inhibit particles merging or growth.

关键词 :

Recycling Recycling Purification Purification Nd-Fe-B sludge waste Nd-Fe-B sludge waste Ca-reduction reaction Ca-reduction reaction



GB/T 7714 Xu, Haibo , Wang, Feng , Lu, Qingmei et al. Nd-Fe-B: From sludge waste to powders via purification and modified Ca-reduction reaction process [J]. | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS , 2022 , 543 .
MLA Xu, Haibo et al. "Nd-Fe-B: From sludge waste to powders via purification and modified Ca-reduction reaction process" . | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 543 (2022) .
APA Xu, Haibo , Wang, Feng , Lu, Qingmei , Qiu, Yubing , Liu, Weiqiang , Chen, Jingwu et al. Nd-Fe-B: From sludge waste to powders via purification and modified Ca-reduction reaction process . | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS , 2022 , 543 .
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Calcium hydride reduced high-quality Nd-Fe-B powder from Nd-Fe-B sintered magnet sludge SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 40 (12) , 1905-1912 | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS
WoS核心集被引次数: 11
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摘要 :

The structural and magnetic properties were studied for recycling Nd-Fe-B powders from Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets sludge via reduction diffusion (RD) with calcium hydride (CaH2) particles. For comparison, traditional reducing agent calcium granules were applied to prepare recycled Nd-Fe-B powders. Finer particle size and better size distribution as well as lower impurity content are achieved by using CaH2 instead of Ca. In detail, the average particle size of the recycled Nd-Fe-BB powder is reduced from 4.66 to 3.43 mm, and the bimodal distribution disappears. Moreover, the residual calcium content and oxygen content are reduced to about 0.080 wt% and 0.32 wt%. As a consequence, the room-temperature magnetization of the CaH2-recycled Nd-Fe-B powder is increased to 146.30 emu/g, 6.8% and 33%, respectively, higher than that of Ca-reduced powder and the initial sludge. Further analysis indicates that CaH2 is able to reduce the sludge at lower temperature to fabricate well-dispersed, uniform recycled powder with high magnetization arising from a combination factors of its low melting point, low thermodynamic behavior, and the release of hydrogen during the reaction. (c) 2021 Chinese Society of Rare Earths. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Magnetic properties Magnetic properties Reduction diffusion Reduction diffusion Rare earths Rare earths Recycled Nd-Fe-B powders Recycled Nd-Fe-B powders Microstructure Microstructure Reducing agent Reducing agent



GB/T 7714 Xu, Haibo , Lu, Qingmei , Cong, Liying et al. Calcium hydride reduced high-quality Nd-Fe-B powder from Nd-Fe-B sintered magnet sludge [J]. | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS , 2022 , 40 (12) : 1905-1912 .
MLA Xu, Haibo et al. "Calcium hydride reduced high-quality Nd-Fe-B powder from Nd-Fe-B sintered magnet sludge" . | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS 40 . 12 (2022) : 1905-1912 .
APA Xu, Haibo , Lu, Qingmei , Cong, Liying , Tian, Haowen , Liu, Weiqiang , Liu, Youhao et al. Calcium hydride reduced high-quality Nd-Fe-B powder from Nd-Fe-B sintered magnet sludge . | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS , 2022 , 40 (12) , 1905-1912 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 51 (06) , 127-134 | 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学
CNKI被引次数: 2
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摘要 :

MnCoGe是MM′X型马氏体相变材料体系中最具代表性的研究对象之一.由于其结构相变温度高于自身的磁有序温度,研究者采用了各种调控方法来降低结构相变温度以实现磁共结构耦合.但是,针对稀土元素在这类体系中的掺杂效应较少被报道.因此,本文研究了Mn_(1-x)La_xCoGe (x=0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05)系列化合物的结构与磁性. La的加入引起主相中Mn和Ge元素的成分缺失,使得马氏体转变温度逐渐降低,实现了磁共结构耦合.然而,由于La导致元素成分缺失的能力有限,进一步增加掺杂量导致析出更多的第二相但却没有引起相变温度的持续降低.在微观组织中观察到主相被针状第二相分隔...

关键词 :

稀土元素 稀土元素 磁结构耦合 磁结构耦合 MM′X MM′X 磁热效应 磁热效应 MnCoGe MnCoGe



GB/T 7714 张红国 , 石晋豪 , Hidayah Andi Imam et al. 稀土元素La在MnCoGe体系中的掺杂效应 [J]. | 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学 , 2021 , 51 (06) : 127-134 .
MLA 张红国 et al. "稀土元素La在MnCoGe体系中的掺杂效应" . | 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学 51 . 06 (2021) : 127-134 .
APA 张红国 , 石晋豪 , Hidayah Andi Imam , 吴正 , 乔文静 , 岳明 . 稀土元素La在MnCoGe体系中的掺杂效应 . | 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学 , 2021 , 51 (06) , 127-134 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 28 (04) , 1-12 | 金属功能材料
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

MM′X化合物 MM′X化合物 磁热效应 磁热效应 磁结构耦合 磁结构耦合 磁致冷材料 磁致冷材料 马氏体相变 马氏体相变



GB/T 7714 岳明 , 张红国 . MM′X型磁相变材料的若干研究进展 [J]. | 金属功能材料 , 2021 , 28 (04) : 1-12 .
MLA 岳明 et al. "MM′X型磁相变材料的若干研究进展" . | 金属功能材料 28 . 04 (2021) : 1-12 .
APA 岳明 , 张红国 . MM′X型磁相变材料的若干研究进展 . | 金属功能材料 , 2021 , 28 (04) , 1-12 .
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Texture analysis of ultra-high coercivity Sm2Co7 hot deformation magnets* SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 30 (4) | CHINESE PHYSICS B
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Bulk anisotropic Sm2Co7 nanocrystalline magnets were successfully prepared by hot deformation process using spark plasma sintering technology. The coercivity of the isotropic Sm2Co7 nanocrystalline magnet is 34.76 kOe, further, the ultra-high coercivity of 50.68 kOe is obtained in the anisotropic hot deformed Sm2Co7 magnet when the height reduction is 70%, which is much higher than those of the ordinarily produced hot deformed Sm2Co7 magnet. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that all the samples are Sm2Co7 single phase. The investigation by electron backscatter diffraction indicates that increasing the amount of deformation is beneficial to the improvement of the (00l) texture of Sm2Co7 magnets. The Sm2Co7 nanocrystalline magnet generates a strong c-axis crystallographic texture during large deformation process.

关键词 :

hot deformation hot deformation Sm2Co7 magnet Sm2Co7 magnet spark plasma sintering spark plasma sintering texture texture ultra-high coercivity ultra-high coercivity



GB/T 7714 Ma, Qiang , Jia, Meishuang , Hu, Zhifeng et al. Texture analysis of ultra-high coercivity Sm2Co7 hot deformation magnets* [J]. | CHINESE PHYSICS B , 2021 , 30 (4) .
MLA Ma, Qiang et al. "Texture analysis of ultra-high coercivity Sm2Co7 hot deformation magnets*" . | CHINESE PHYSICS B 30 . 4 (2021) .
APA Ma, Qiang , Jia, Meishuang , Hu, Zhifeng , Yue, Ming , Liu, Yanli , Zhao, Tongyun et al. Texture analysis of ultra-high coercivity Sm2Co7 hot deformation magnets* . | CHINESE PHYSICS B , 2021 , 30 (4) .
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Phase and Texture Evolution of Hot-Deformed Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)zMagnet EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 57 (2) | IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Phase and texture evolution of the hot-deformed Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)z magnet prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) have been investigated. The effects of hot deformation temperature and height reduction on the phase structure and magnetic properties of the magnet were studied. The results show that with 90% height reduction at 900 °C, the hot-deformed magnet with TbCu7 structure obtains an obvious c -axis texture. However, with increasing hot deformation temperature, some 1:7H phases decompose into 2:17R, 1:5H, and Zr-rich particle phases in the hot deformation process. The hot-deformed magnet with 85% height reduction possesses a remanence ( Mr ) of 6.9 kG, which is higher than that of the isotopic precursor. © 1965-2012 IEEE.

关键词 :

Binary alloys Binary alloys Copper alloys Copper alloys Deformation Deformation Grain size and shape Grain size and shape Magnets Magnets Spark plasma sintering Spark plasma sintering Terbium alloys Terbium alloys Textures Textures Zirconium compounds Zirconium compounds



GB/T 7714 Yang, Y.Q. , Zhang, D.T. , Li, Y.Q. et al. Phase and Texture Evolution of Hot-Deformed Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)zMagnet [J]. | IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , 2021 , 57 (2) .
MLA Yang, Y.Q. et al. "Phase and Texture Evolution of Hot-Deformed Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)zMagnet" . | IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 57 . 2 (2021) .
APA Yang, Y.Q. , Zhang, D.T. , Li, Y.Q. , Zhang, H.G. , Liu, W.Q. , Yue, M. . Phase and Texture Evolution of Hot-Deformed Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)zMagnet . | IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , 2021 , 57 (2) .
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一种Pr-Fe-(C, B)稀土永磁材料及其制备方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-02-05 | CN202110166224.X
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

一种Pr‑Fe‑(C, B)稀土永磁材料及其制备方法,涉及永磁材料技术领域,Pr‑Fe‑(C, B)稀土永磁材料,由具有按原子百分比计组成的物质组成Pr15Fe79(C1‑x, Bx)6,0.2<x≤0.8;制备工艺包括配料、熔炼、熔体快淬、退火,其中,熔体快淬是采用铜辊转速30≤V≤40m/s的真空快淬炉在保护气氛下进行,退火是在保护气氛下在600‑950℃的退火炉中进行。在本发明利用Nd2Fe14B相的高稳定性,B原子的原子尺寸与C原子相似的特性,用B原子部分替代Pr2Fe14C中的C原子,大幅提升了Pr2Fe14(C, B)稳定性,提高了Pr2Fe14(C, B)相含量,使矫顽力大大提高。



GB/T 7714 岳明 , 姚辉 , 张红国 et al. 一种Pr-Fe-(C, B)稀土永磁材料及其制备方法 : CN202110166224.X[P]. | 2021-02-05 .
MLA 岳明 et al. "一种Pr-Fe-(C, B)稀土永磁材料及其制备方法" : CN202110166224.X. | 2021-02-05 .
APA 岳明 , 姚辉 , 张红国 , 刘卫强 , 张东涛 , 路清梅 . 一种Pr-Fe-(C, B)稀土永磁材料及其制备方法 : CN202110166224.X. | 2021-02-05 .
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Magnetic property recovery in Nd-Fe-B bonded magnet wastes with chemical reaction and physical dissolution SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 39 (11) , 1396-1401 | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The main difficulty for the recovery of Nd-Fe-B bonded magnet wastes is how to completely remove the epoxy resins. In this study, chemical reaction and physical dissolution were combined to remove the epoxy resins by adding ammonia-water and mixed organic solvents. Ammonia-water can react with the epoxy functional group of epoxy resin to generate polyols. Mixed organic solvents of alcohol, dimethyl formamide (DMF), and tetrahydrofuran (THF) can dissolve the generated polyols and residual epoxy resins. Under the optimum processing conditions, the epoxy resins in the waste magnetic powders are substantially removed. The oxygen and carbon contents in the recycled magnetic powder are reduced from 13500 x 10(-6) to 1600 x 10(-6) and from 19500 x 10(-6) to 2100 x 10(-6) with the reduction ratio of 88.1% and 89.2%, respectively. The recycled magnetic powder presents improved magnetic properties with Ms of 1.306 x 10(-1) A.m(2)/g, Mr of 0.926 x 10(-1) A.m(2)/g, Hcj of 1.170 T, and (BH) max of 125.732 kJ/m(3), which reach 99.8%, 99.4%, 95.9%, and 96.9% of the original magnetic powders, respectively. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

关键词 :

Epoxy resin Epoxy resin Nd-Fe-B bonded magnet wastes Nd-Fe-B bonded magnet wastes Open-loop reaction Open-loop reaction Physical dissolution Physical dissolution Rare earths Rare earths Recycled magnetic powders Recycled magnetic powders



GB/T 7714 Liu, Min , Cui, Haiyuan , Li, Qingyan et al. Magnetic property recovery in Nd-Fe-B bonded magnet wastes with chemical reaction and physical dissolution [J]. | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS , 2021 , 39 (11) : 1396-1401 .
MLA Liu, Min et al. "Magnetic property recovery in Nd-Fe-B bonded magnet wastes with chemical reaction and physical dissolution" . | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS 39 . 11 (2021) : 1396-1401 .
APA Liu, Min , Cui, Haiyuan , Li, Qingyan , Zhu, Peihong , Liu, Weiqiang , Lu, Qingmei et al. Magnetic property recovery in Nd-Fe-B bonded magnet wastes with chemical reaction and physical dissolution . | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS , 2021 , 39 (11) , 1396-1401 .
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The evaluation of high-temperature oxidation for the original and recycled Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 6
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摘要 :

The high-temperature oxidation resistance is a critical evaluation index for the practical applications of Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets. In this paper, the high temperature (> 523 K) oxidation behavior of the recycled Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets was investigated and compared with the original magnets. The results show that both magnets exhibit similar high-temperature oxidation characteristics. The recycled magnets oxidized after 300 h at 673 K possesses remanence (B-r) of 1.189 T, coercivity (H-ci) of 1688 kA/m, and maximum energy product [(BH)(max)] of 268 kJ/m(3). Compared with the recycled magnet before oxidizing, the oxidized recycled magnets retain 96.0% of B-r, 85.2% of H-ci, and 92.2% of (BH)(max), respectively. The recycled magnets negatively influence the high-temperature oxidation resistance compared with the original magnets, demonstrating the recycled magnets' applicability. (C) 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V.

关键词 :

High-temperature oxidation High-temperature oxidation Oxidation mechanism Oxidation mechanism Oxidation rate Oxidation rate Recycled Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets Recycled Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets



GB/T 7714 Li, X. T. , Liu, W. Q. , Yue, M. et al. The evaluation of high-temperature oxidation for the original and recycled Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2021 , 884 .
MLA Li, X. T. et al. "The evaluation of high-temperature oxidation for the original and recycled Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 884 (2021) .
APA Li, X. T. , Liu, W. Q. , Yue, M. , Liu, Y. H. , Zha, S. S. , Yi, X. F. et al. The evaluation of high-temperature oxidation for the original and recycled Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2021 , 884 .
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Tip Interface Exchange-Coupling Based on "Bi-Anisotropic" Nanocomposites with Low Rare-Earth Content. PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 13 (11) , 13548-13555 | ACS applied materials & interfaces
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Specially designed SmCo5/Co magnetic nanocomposites have been fabricated by a "bottom up" process. SmCo5 nanochips were first prepared by solution-phase chemical synthesis combined with reductive annealing and then coated by chemical deposition of Co nanorods. Both the SmCo5 nanochips and Co nanorods are anisotropic and could be simultaneously aligned under the external magnetic field. Magnetic measurements applied on these "bi-anisotropic" SmCo5/Co composites show high magnetic performance with the Co phase content in a wide range from 10 to 80 wt %. For the first time ever, the applicable exchange-coupled nanocomposites with a rare-earth content lower than 7 wt % was realized, which exhibits the coercivity close to 10 kOe and remanence 31% larger than that of single phase SmCo5. 3-D micromagnetic simulations were performed to reveal that the reversal mechanism in the Co phase was transferred from the incoherent mode to the coherent mode under a tip interface exchange-coupling with a SmCo5 surface.

关键词 :

anisotropy anisotropy low rare-earth content low rare-earth content nanocomposite nanocomposite OOMMF OOMMF permanent magnet permanent magnet SmCo5/Co SmCo5/Co



GB/T 7714 Wu Qiong , Ma Xiangyu , Yue Ming et al. Tip Interface Exchange-Coupling Based on "Bi-Anisotropic" Nanocomposites with Low Rare-Earth Content. [J]. | ACS applied materials & interfaces , 2021 , 13 (11) : 13548-13555 .
MLA Wu Qiong et al. "Tip Interface Exchange-Coupling Based on "Bi-Anisotropic" Nanocomposites with Low Rare-Earth Content." . | ACS applied materials & interfaces 13 . 11 (2021) : 13548-13555 .
APA Wu Qiong , Ma Xiangyu , Yue Ming , Cong Liying , Ma Zhenhui , Zhang Dongtao et al. Tip Interface Exchange-Coupling Based on "Bi-Anisotropic" Nanocomposites with Low Rare-Earth Content. . | ACS applied materials & interfaces , 2021 , 13 (11) , 13548-13555 .
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