摘要 :
A novel metamaterial plate with subwavelength lever-type resonators is proposed to obtain low frequency broadband band gaps and good sound insulation performance. The band structure is theoretically derived, and the validity of the theoretical method is verified by the finite element method. The formation mechanisms of the band gaps are illustrated by the analysis of the effective dynamic mass density and group velocity. The effect of the lever ratio on the band gaps is analyzed. The results indicate that as the lever ratio increases, the first band gap shifts to lower frequencies, while the bandwidth is widened. Moreover, the sound insulation performance of the proposed metamaterial plate is evaluated via examining the sound transmission loss (STL). Compared with the metamaterial plates without lever accessories, the proposed metamaterial plates with a suitable lever ratio have better sound insulation performance at low frequencies.
关键词 :
O421(+) O421(+) lever-type resonator lever-type resonator metamaterial plate metamaterial plate O321 O321 low frequency broadband low frequency broadband 5 5 tunable band gap tunable band gap sound transmission loss (STL) sound transmission loss (STL)
GB/T 7714 | Que, Wenzheng , Yang, Xiaodong , Zhang, Wei . Tunable low frequency band gaps and sound transmission loss of a lever-type metamaterial plate [J]. | APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION , 2022 , 43 (8) : 1145-1158 . |
MLA | Que, Wenzheng 等. "Tunable low frequency band gaps and sound transmission loss of a lever-type metamaterial plate" . | APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION 43 . 8 (2022) : 1145-1158 . |
APA | Que, Wenzheng , Yang, Xiaodong , Zhang, Wei . Tunable low frequency band gaps and sound transmission loss of a lever-type metamaterial plate . | APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION , 2022 , 43 (8) , 1145-1158 . |
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摘要 :
This paper presents the dynamic characteristics analysis of a rigid body system with spatial multi-point elastic supports, as well as the sensitivity analysis of support parameters. A rigid object is characterized by six degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) motions and considering the spatial location vector decomposition of elastic supports, a rigid body system dynamic model with spatial multi-point elastic supports is derived via the Lagrangian energy method. The system modal frequencies are calculated, and to be verified by finite element modal analysis results. Next, based on the above-mentioned model, system modal frequencies are obtained under different support locations, where the support stiffness components are different. Interpolate the stiffness components corresponding to each support location, calculate system modal frequencies, and the response surface model (RSM) for system modal frequencies is established. Further, based on the RSM modal analysis results, the allowable support location for the system modal insensitive area can be obtained. At last, a lubricating oil-tank system with four supports is taken as an example, and the effects of support spatial locations and stiffness components on the system inherent characteristics are discussed. This present work can provide a basis for the dynamic design of the spatial location and stiffness for this type of installation structures.
关键词 :
parameter sensitivity analysis parameter sensitivity analysis response surface model response surface model spatial multi-point supports spatial multi-point supports system dynamic model system dynamic model support stiffness decomposition support stiffness decomposition
GB/T 7714 | Zhu, Qingyu , Han, Qingkai , Yang, Xiaodong et al. Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of a Rigid Body System with Spatial Multi-Point Supports [J]. | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2022 , 12 (2) . |
MLA | Zhu, Qingyu et al. "Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of a Rigid Body System with Spatial Multi-Point Supports" . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 12 . 2 (2022) . |
APA | Zhu, Qingyu , Han, Qingkai , Yang, Xiaodong , Lin, Junzhe . Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of a Rigid Body System with Spatial Multi-Point Supports . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2022 , 12 (2) . |
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GB/T 7714 | Qian, Ying-Jing , Zuo, Lian-En , Liu, Zi-Xiao et al. Flutter Mechanism Analysis for Circular Solar Sail [J]. | AIAA JOURNAL , 2022 , 61 (1) : 497-504 . |
MLA | Qian, Ying-Jing et al. "Flutter Mechanism Analysis for Circular Solar Sail" . | AIAA JOURNAL 61 . 1 (2022) : 497-504 . |
APA | Qian, Ying-Jing , Zuo, Lian-En , Liu, Zi-Xiao , Yang, Xiao-Dong , Xu, Lei . Flutter Mechanism Analysis for Circular Solar Sail . | AIAA JOURNAL , 2022 , 61 (1) , 497-504 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
带隙 带隙 陀螺 陀螺 波调控 波调控 声子晶体 声子晶体 振动控制 振动控制
GB/T 7714 | 王伟能 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 . 二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究 [J]. | 动力学与控制学报 , 2021 , 19 (1) : 75-79 . |
MLA | 王伟能 et al. "二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究" . | 动力学与控制学报 19 . 1 (2021) : 75-79 . |
APA | 王伟能 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 . 二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究 . | 动力学与控制学报 , 2021 , 19 (1) , 75-79 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
双小行星 双小行星 偶极子模型 偶极子模型 平衡点 平衡点 伪弧长延拓 伪弧长延拓 共振轨道族 共振轨道族
GB/T 7714 | 李旭 , 钱霙婧 , 杨晓东 et al. 基于偶极子模型的双小行星系统平衡点特性研究 [J]. | 工程力学 , 2021 , (12) : 232-248 . |
MLA | 李旭 et al. "基于偶极子模型的双小行星系统平衡点特性研究" . | 工程力学 12 (2021) : 232-248 . |
APA | 李旭 , 钱霙婧 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 . 基于偶极子模型的双小行星系统平衡点特性研究 . | 工程力学 , 2021 , (12) , 232-248 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
振动控制 振动控制 带隙 带隙 声子晶体 声子晶体 波调控 波调控 陀螺 陀螺
GB/T 7714 | 王伟能 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 et al. 二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究 [J]. | 王伟能 , 2021 , 19 (1) : 75-79 . |
MLA | 王伟能 et al. "二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究" . | 王伟能 19 . 1 (2021) : 75-79 . |
APA | 王伟能 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 , 动力学与控制学报 . 二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究 . | 王伟能 , 2021 , 19 (1) , 75-79 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
幅频曲线 幅频曲线 吸振器 吸振器 谐波平衡法 谐波平衡法 非线性 非线性
GB/T 7714 | 代秋雨 , 杨晓东 . 内嵌磁铁的硅凝胶膜吸振器的动力学特性分析 [C] //北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . 2021 . |
MLA | 代秋雨 et al. "内嵌磁铁的硅凝胶膜吸振器的动力学特性分析" 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) . |
APA | 代秋雨 , 杨晓东 . 内嵌磁铁的硅凝胶膜吸振器的动力学特性分析 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
传递率 传递率 准零刚度 准零刚度 动力学方程 动力学方程
GB/T 7714 | 杨盼 , 杨晓东 . 准零刚度隔振器动力学建模及传递率分析 [C] //北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . 2021 . |
MLA | 杨盼 et al. "准零刚度隔振器动力学建模及传递率分析" 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) . |
APA | 杨盼 , 杨晓东 . 准零刚度隔振器动力学建模及传递率分析 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) . |
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摘要 :
Nonlinear science has been an important symbol in the development of modern science, especially the researches in nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear waves have extraordinary significance in solving the complex phenomena and problems encountered in various fields of natural science. In this paper, the nonlinear bending wave propagation of a piezoelectric laminated beam with electrical boundary conditions is studied. Firstly, considering the geometric nonlinear effect and piezoelectric coupling effect, the nonlinear equation of the one-dimensional infinite rectangular piezoelectric laminated beams is established by using Hamiltonian principle. Secondly, the Jacobi elliptic function expansion method is used to treat the nonlinear flexural wave equation, and the corresponding shock wave solution and solitary wave solution of the nonlinear flexural wave equation are obtained in the approximate case. Last, the nonlinear Schrodinger equation is obtained by using the reduced perturbation method, and the bright and dark soliton solutions are further obtained. Moreover, the effects of external voltage and the thickness of the piezoelectric layer on the characteristics of shock wave and solitary wave as well as bright and dark solitons are studied. The results show that when the wave velocity is small, the external voltage has a great influence on the shock wave, and when the wave velocity is large, the external voltage has no effect on the solitary wave. The bright solitons and the dark solitons can be obtained by adjusting the external voltage applied to the piezoelectric laminated beam. It is found that the amplitudes of bright and dark solitons increase with the increase of external voltages. © 2021, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Press. All right reserved.
关键词 :
Acoustic wave velocity Acoustic wave velocity Control nonlinearities Control nonlinearities Laminating Laminating Nonlinear equations Nonlinear equations Perturbation techniques Perturbation techniques Piezoelectricity Piezoelectricity Schrodinger equation Schrodinger equation Shock waves Shock waves Solitons Solitons Wave equations Wave equations Wave propagation Wave propagation
GB/T 7714 | Zhao, Xining , Yang, Xiaodong , Zhang, Wei . Nonlinear bending waves of a piezoelectric laminated beam with electrical boundary [J]. | Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , 2021 , 53 (4) : 1124-1137 . |
MLA | Zhao, Xining et al. "Nonlinear bending waves of a piezoelectric laminated beam with electrical boundary" . | Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 53 . 4 (2021) : 1124-1137 . |
APA | Zhao, Xining , Yang, Xiaodong , Zhang, Wei . Nonlinear bending waves of a piezoelectric laminated beam with electrical boundary . | Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , 2021 , 53 (4) , 1124-1137 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
Jacobi椭圆函数 Jacobi椭圆函数 冲击波 冲击波 孤立波 孤立波 弯曲波 弯曲波 非线性薛定谔方程 非线性薛定谔方程
GB/T 7714 | 赵希宁 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 . 含电学边界的压电层合梁的非线性弯曲波 [J]. | 力学学报 , 2021 , 53 (04) : 1124-1137 . |
MLA | 赵希宁 et al. "含电学边界的压电层合梁的非线性弯曲波" . | 力学学报 53 . 04 (2021) : 1124-1137 . |
APA | 赵希宁 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 . 含电学边界的压电层合梁的非线性弯曲波 . | 力学学报 , 2021 , 53 (04) , 1124-1137 . |
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