摘要 :
Despite the rapid growth in the uptake of renewable energy technologies, the educational profile and the skills gained at University level do not always comply with the practical needs of the organisations working in the field. Furthermore, even though the residential sector has very high potential in curbing its CO2 emissions worldwide thus meeting the challenging goals set out by the international agreements, such reduction has been limited so far. Within this context, the 'Skybelt' project, co-funded by the EU under the framework of the Erasmus + programme aims at enhancing in several Universities of Asia and Europe the engineering skills of students of all level for application of sustainable renewable energy solutions in the built environment. With the target of increasing the employability of graduates and the impact of the project, a survey on the labour market needs for specialists with enhanced knowledge and skills in the topic of the project has been conducted in the related Asian countries. Hence, relevant industries, labour market organisations and other stakeholders have been interviewed and the main results of this analysis is reported in the present paper. As first outcome of this activity, the obtained results have been considered in the selection of the modules to be improved according to a student centred study approach. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021.
关键词 :
Employment Employment Students Students Sustainable development Sustainable development Commerce Commerce
GB/T 7714 | Cioccolanti, Luca , Moglie, Matteo , Mahkamov, Khamid et al. Analysis of labour market needs for engineers with enhanced knowledge in sustainable renewable energy solutions in the built environment in some Asian countries [C] . 2021 . |
MLA | Cioccolanti, Luca et al. "Analysis of labour market needs for engineers with enhanced knowledge in sustainable renewable energy solutions in the built environment in some Asian countries" . (2021) . |
APA | Cioccolanti, Luca , Moglie, Matteo , Mahkamov, Khamid , Paksoy, Halime , Chen, Chao , Lin, Jie et al. Analysis of labour market needs for engineers with enhanced knowledge in sustainable renewable energy solutions in the built environment in some Asian countries . (2021) . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
北京地区 北京地区 实测 实测 教室 教室 浓度 浓度 粒径分布 粒径分布 细菌气溶胶 细菌气溶胶
GB/T 7714 | 苗豆豆 , 陈超 , 赵晨 et al. 北京地区某高校教室细菌气溶胶浓度随季节变化特性实测调研 [J]. | 苗豆豆 , 2021 , 51 (2) : 12-19 . |
MLA | 苗豆豆 et al. "北京地区某高校教室细菌气溶胶浓度随季节变化特性实测调研" . | 苗豆豆 51 . 2 (2021) : 12-19 . |
APA | 苗豆豆 , 陈超 , 赵晨 , 暖通空调 . 北京地区某高校教室细菌气溶胶浓度随季节变化特性实测调研 . | 苗豆豆 , 2021 , 51 (2) , 12-19 . |
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摘要 :
预制混凝土(PC)构件蒸汽养护工艺以消耗大量化石能源为代价。本研究结合本文作者课题组研制的复合相变材料热特性以及预制混凝土构件蒸汽养护工艺特点,基于被动式太阳能相变蓄热PC构件升温养护建筑一体化设计理念,将复合相变材料应用于升温养护建筑主朝阳墙体内表面,结合Energy Plus能耗模拟软件及试验研究的方法,开展了关于不同热物性复合相变材料对新型升温养护建筑热工性能影响的研究。研究结果表明:较GH-33复合相变材料,主朝阳墙体内表面采用GH-37复合相变材料,墙体内表面温度夜间平均提高3.4℃;PC构件上部表面温度夜间平均提高1.4℃;实验期间复合相变材料的蓄放热速率较前者平均提高62%。研究...
关键词 :
升温养护建筑 升温养护建筑 复合相变材料 复合相变材料 太阳能相变蓄热 太阳能相变蓄热 热物性 热物性 预制混凝土(PC)构件 预制混凝土(PC)构件
GB/T 7714 | 于楠 , 陈超 , 蔺洁 et al. 应用于太阳能相变蓄热PC构件升温养护建筑的复合相变材料热物性 [J]. | 化工进展 , 2021 , 40 (01) : 297-304 . |
MLA | 于楠 et al. "应用于太阳能相变蓄热PC构件升温养护建筑的复合相变材料热物性" . | 化工进展 40 . 01 (2021) : 297-304 . |
APA | 于楠 , 陈超 , 蔺洁 , 韩枫涛 , 邹平 , 贺祎鹏 et al. 应用于太阳能相变蓄热PC构件升温养护建筑的复合相变材料热物性 . | 化工进展 , 2021 , 40 (01) , 297-304 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
升温养护建筑 升温养护建筑 复合相变材料 复合相变材料 太阳能相变蓄热 太阳能相变蓄热 热物性 热物性 预制混凝土(PC)构件 预制混凝土(PC)构件
GB/T 7714 | 于楠 , 陈超 , 蔺洁 et al. 应用于太阳能相变蓄热PC构件升温养护建筑的复合相变材料热物性 [J]. | 于楠 , 2021 , 40 (1) : 297-304 . |
MLA | 于楠 et al. "应用于太阳能相变蓄热PC构件升温养护建筑的复合相变材料热物性" . | 于楠 40 . 1 (2021) : 297-304 . |
APA | 于楠 , 陈超 , 蔺洁 , 韩枫涛 , 邹平 , 贺祎鹏 et al. 应用于太阳能相变蓄热PC构件升温养护建筑的复合相变材料热物性 . | 于楠 , 2021 , 40 (1) , 297-304 . |
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摘要 :
Prefabricated concrete (PC) components need to be maintained after pouring to guarantee that concrete can harden well in a certain period. Currently, steam maintaining is one of the commonly adopted methods for this purpose. However, it is a bit costly and consumes a large amount of fossil energy. Based on the characteristics of maintaining process of PC components and the thermal characteristics of GH series phase change materials (PCMs) developed by our team, this paper presents an integrated design principle of passive solar energy and phase change heat experiments. Further, the selecting principle of PCMs on the inner surface of the main sun-facing wall of curing buildings wasput forward. The application results of Hebei province, China showed that, the 50mm-thick GH-37 PCM (temperature range of phase transformation: 37.4-43.5 and phase change enthalpy: 227.5kJ/kg) was suitable for the main sun-facing wall. Compared with GH-33 PCM, GH-37 PCM allowed the inner surface temperature of the main sun-facing wall to increase by 3.4 on average at night, the upper surface temperature of PC components to increase by 1.4, and the heat storage and release rate of PCM wall to increase by 62%. This research suggests a new method for renewable energy utilization and low-carbon based environmental protection in PC component curing process. © 2021, Chemical Industry Press Co., Ltd. All right reserved.
关键词 :
Energy utilization Energy utilization Walls (structural partitions) Walls (structural partitions) Facings Facings Precast concrete Precast concrete Surface properties Surface properties Phase change materials Phase change materials Passive solar buildings Passive solar buildings Solar energy Solar energy Curing Curing Atmospheric temperature Atmospheric temperature Heat storage Heat storage
GB/T 7714 | Yu, Nan , Chen, Chao , Lin, Jie et al. Thermal properties of phase change materials used in buildings for solar- phase change thermal storage curing of precast concrete components [J]. | Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress , 2021 , 40 (1) : 297-304 . |
MLA | Yu, Nan et al. "Thermal properties of phase change materials used in buildings for solar- phase change thermal storage curing of precast concrete components" . | Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress 40 . 1 (2021) : 297-304 . |
APA | Yu, Nan , Chen, Chao , Lin, Jie , Han, Fengtao , Zou, Ping , He, Yipeng et al. Thermal properties of phase change materials used in buildings for solar- phase change thermal storage curing of precast concrete components . | Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress , 2021 , 40 (1) , 297-304 . |
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摘要 :
为探究高校教室细菌气溶胶浓度水平与粒径分布特性随季节的变化规律,对北京地区某高校教室室内外环境中的细菌气溶胶浓度、环境参数(温度、湿度、颗粒物浓度)进行了实测调研。结果表明:室外细菌气溶胶浓度为7~1 237 cfu/m~3,平均最高浓度出现在秋季,最低浓度出现在夏季;教室无人时,室内细菌气溶胶主要源自室外,通过门窗缝隙进入室内,浓度为57~664 cfu/m~3,季节变化不明显;教室有人时,室内细菌气溶胶主要来自人体,其浓度为230~1 484 cfu/m~3,夏季明显高于其他季节;人均可培养细菌气溶胶浓度夏季为3 526 cfu/人,秋季为2 374 cfu/人,春季为1 994 cfu/...
关键词 :
北京地区 北京地区 实测 实测 教室 教室 浓度 浓度 粒径分布 粒径分布 细菌气溶胶 细菌气溶胶
GB/T 7714 | 苗豆豆 , 陈超 , 赵晨 . 北京地区某高校教室细菌气溶胶浓度随季节变化特性实测调研 [J]. | 暖通空调 , 2021 , 51 (02) : 12-19 . |
MLA | 苗豆豆 et al. "北京地区某高校教室细菌气溶胶浓度随季节变化特性实测调研" . | 暖通空调 51 . 02 (2021) : 12-19 . |
APA | 苗豆豆 , 陈超 , 赵晨 . 北京地区某高校教室细菌气溶胶浓度随季节变化特性实测调研 . | 暖通空调 , 2021 , 51 (02) , 12-19 . |
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摘要 :
Steam is used to provide heating and moisture in the curing process for the production of precast concrete (PC) construction elements. The generation of steam requires large amounts of fossil fuels. This study considers the incorporation of solar thermal energy into the steam curing of PC construction elements for reducing the need for fossil fuels and associated CO2 emissions. For this purpose, the board made of composite phase change material covers the inner surface of the main sun-facing wall in the heating & curing building. The PCM board is heated by sun rays and accumulates thermal energy during the PCM's phase transition, and this energy then is released to the indoor environment of the building, reducing the amount of steam required to maintain a certain level of temperature during the curing process. The energy consumption simulation software, EnergyPlus, and two physical models (built on the scale of 1:3) were used to study the effects of two different PCMs on the thermal performance of such new type of heating & curing buildings. Composite PCMs considered were GH-33 and GH-37 with 33 and 37 degrees C melting temperatures developed by the research team. The theoretical and experimental results are in good agreement and demonstrate that, compared to the GH-33, GH-37 PCM increases the temperature of the inner surface of the main sun-facing wall and the upper surface temperature of the PC construction element by 3.4 and 1.4 degrees C, respectively. The heat accumulation and discharge rates also were greater by 62%. For the investigated design of the building and given location in China, the deployment of studied PCM wall panels results in a reduction in the annual energy consumption and CO2 emissions by 58.6 GJ and 5 tons, respectively. The method developed for applying solar energy and selecting PCMs for augmenting steam curing of PC construction elements can be deployed in different geographical regions.
关键词 :
Composite phase change materials Composite phase change materials Heating & curing building Heating & curing building Latent heat thermal storage Latent heat thermal storage Precast concrete (PC) construction elements Precast concrete (PC) construction elements Solar energy Solar energy
GB/T 7714 | Yu, Nan , Chen, Chao , Mahkamov, Khamid et al. Selection and testing of phase change materials in the physical models of buildings for heating and curing of construction elements made of precast concrete [J]. | SOLAR ENERGY , 2021 , 226 : 309-318 . |
MLA | Yu, Nan et al. "Selection and testing of phase change materials in the physical models of buildings for heating and curing of construction elements made of precast concrete" . | SOLAR ENERGY 226 (2021) : 309-318 . |
APA | Yu, Nan , Chen, Chao , Mahkamov, Khamid , Makhkamova, Irina , Li, Qiong , Ma, Jing . Selection and testing of phase change materials in the physical models of buildings for heating and curing of construction elements made of precast concrete . | SOLAR ENERGY , 2021 , 226 , 309-318 . |
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摘要 :
Active-passive phase change heat storage technologies have been obtained extensive application to decrease greenhouse's demands for fossil energy during off-seasons. To develop the utilization ratio of solar energy in solar greenhouses during winter, the active-passive ventilation wall with latent heat storage (APVW-L) was introduced and could be integrated into greenhouse's back-wall. However, system design and operation parameters are subjected to numerous factors, including its structure, material performance and outdoor meteorological parameters. To achieve optimization in the energy performance of this system, this study used finite element analysis and lumped parameter analysis to establish coupled energy balance equations of the APVW-L and the air inside vertical air passages, and the cubic spline interpolation was used to calculate the continuous relationship between phase change material's equivalent specific heat capacity and temperature. This modeling method of the APVW-L was accurately validated against the measured data, and then used in the optimization design and operation strategy of the APVW-L in the greenhouses. This study demonstrated that the optimized APVW-L could store 5.36 MJ/(m(2).day) of solar energy in Beijing. Compared to the identical conventional greenhouses, after midnight, the experimental greenhouse having APVW-L increased the back-wall's interior surface temperature by 2.2-3.4 degrees C, and the average indoor air temperature by 0.8-1.4 degrees C. This study provides methods for the APVW-L's optimization design and its operation strategy, even for the rationalization of the near-zero energy consumption of the solar greenhouse during winter. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
关键词 :
Thermal performance Thermal performance Mathematical model Mathematical model Latent heat storage Latent heat storage Solar greenhouse Solar greenhouse Engineering application Engineering application Active-passive ventilation wall Active-passive ventilation wall
GB/T 7714 | Han, Fengtao , Chen, Chao , Hu, Qingling et al. Modeling method of an active-passive ventilation wall with latent heat storage for evaluating its thermal properties in the solar greenhouse [J]. | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 2021 , 238 . |
MLA | Han, Fengtao et al. "Modeling method of an active-passive ventilation wall with latent heat storage for evaluating its thermal properties in the solar greenhouse" . | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 238 (2021) . |
APA | Han, Fengtao , Chen, Chao , Hu, Qingling , He, Yipeng , Wei, Shen , Li, Caiyun . Modeling method of an active-passive ventilation wall with latent heat storage for evaluating its thermal properties in the solar greenhouse . | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 2021 , 238 . |
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摘要 :
高校教室人员密度大和流动性强的特点会大幅度增加室内人员交叉感染疾病的风险.为探究高校教室室内细菌气溶胶来源特点及其影响因素,2018年12月至2019年12月,在正常教学活动期间,对北京某高校7间典型教室在关闭门窗且无机械通风条件下的室内和室外细菌气溶胶浓度、空气温度、相对湿度以及颗粒物浓度等参数进行了实测分析.结果 表明:秋季室外细菌气溶胶平均浓度最高,春季和冬季次之,夏季最低;在室内长时间无人且关闭门窗的条件下,室内细菌气溶胶浓度主要受室外影响(R2 =0.72);有人工况较无人工况,教室内细菌气溶胶浓度增加了2.5倍,人员对室内细菌气溶胶的贡献显著;室外细菌气溶胶浓度与空气温度呈显著负相关(P<0.01),而与颗粒物浓度(PM1、PM22和PM10)呈显著正相关(P<0.01);室内细菌气溶胶浓度与室内空气相对湿度及PM10质量浓度呈显著正相关(P<0.05).
关键词 :
高校教室 高校教室 细菌气溶胶 细菌气溶胶 人员 人员 浓度分布 浓度分布 室外 室外
GB/T 7714 | 赵晨 , 陈超 , 苗豆豆 et al. 高校教室细菌气溶胶来源及其影响因素分析 [J]. | 建筑科学 , 2020 , 36 (10) : 20-26 . |
MLA | 赵晨 et al. "高校教室细菌气溶胶来源及其影响因素分析" . | 建筑科学 36 . 10 (2020) : 20-26 . |
APA | 赵晨 , 陈超 , 苗豆豆 , 曹国庆 , 陈紫光 . 高校教室细菌气溶胶来源及其影响因素分析 . | 建筑科学 , 2020 , 36 (10) , 20-26 . |
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摘要 :
Air filters are one effective way of removing indoor fine particulate matter (generally known as PM2.5). An accurate evaluation of indoor PM2.5 filtration load will provide great help in designing efficient air filtration systems. In order to make the existing indoor PM2.5 filtration load calculation model more available by considering the availability of some important parameters, such as air infiltration volume through a unit length of external window (ql), particle penetration factor (P), and deposition rate (k), this study introduces a determination method of those key design parameters for various external window airtightness levels under infiltration conditions. Furthermore, the indoor PM2.5 filtration loads were quantified based on a longitudinal field measurement from five unoccupied offices located in the central area of Beijing, China. Results revealed that higher airtightness level windows can help to significantly decrease the indoor PM2.5 filtration load. The proposed method in this study can help in the calculation of indoor PM2.5 filtration load through infiltration and the design of indoor air filtration systems. © 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
关键词 :
Deposition rates Deposition rates Air conditioning Air conditioning Air filters Air filters
GB/T 7714 | Chen, Ziguang , Chen, Chao , Cao, Guoqing et al. Determination of the Three Key Parameters Estimating Indoor Air Filtration Load Regarding PM2.5 Penetration Through Infiltration [C] . 2020 : 153-161 . |
MLA | Chen, Ziguang et al. "Determination of the Three Key Parameters Estimating Indoor Air Filtration Load Regarding PM2.5 Penetration Through Infiltration" . (2020) : 153-161 . |
APA | Chen, Ziguang , Chen, Chao , Cao, Guoqing , Li, Zixi , Wu, Yan , Cao, Guanpeng et al. Determination of the Three Key Parameters Estimating Indoor Air Filtration Load Regarding PM2.5 Penetration Through Infiltration . (2020) : 153-161 . |
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