摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 陈阳舟 , 袁新利 , 师泽宇 . 一种基于神经网络的车辆通过交叉口行程时间的预测方法 : CN202110058781.X[P]. | 2021-01-16 . |
MLA | 陈阳舟 等. "一种基于神经网络的车辆通过交叉口行程时间的预测方法" : CN202110058781.X. | 2021-01-16 . |
APA | 陈阳舟 , 袁新利 , 师泽宇 . 一种基于神经网络的车辆通过交叉口行程时间的预测方法 : CN202110058781.X. | 2021-01-16 . |
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摘要 :
This study presents a distributed observer-based H infinity consensus control for general linear multi-agent systems under measurement noises and external disturbances. By using the state linear transformation with the matrix constructed from the incidence matrix of a virtual chained directed spanning tree, we transform the observer-based consensus problem into an asymptotic stability problem of a corresponding augmented linear system. The augmented linear system consists of the reduced-order system deduced from dynamic equations of the agents and state estimation error system. Based on asymptotic stability of the augmented linear system, we present some sufficient conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities for the existence of the distributed observer-based H infinity consensus controller. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by a numerical example.
关键词 :
consensus protocol consensus protocol LMI LMI multi-agent systems multi-agent systems robust observer robust observer stability stability
GB/T 7714 | Huang, Xiaolong , Chen, Yangzhou , Zhan, Jingyuan . Observer-based H infinity consensus control for multi-agent systems with measurement noises and external disturbances [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL , 2021 . |
MLA | Huang, Xiaolong 等. "Observer-based H infinity consensus control for multi-agent systems with measurement noises and external disturbances" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL (2021) . |
APA | Huang, Xiaolong , Chen, Yangzhou , Zhan, Jingyuan . Observer-based H infinity consensus control for multi-agent systems with measurement noises and external disturbances . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL , 2021 . |
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摘要 :
This study deals with the problem of gain-scheduled robust control for multi-agent linear parameter varying (LPV) systems with or without communication delays. The system matrices are assumed to depend on the scheduling parameters, which are supposed to be time-varying within a priori known bounds. First, a linear transformation matrix is constructed from the directed spanning tree of the communication topology of the agents, which equivalently transforms the robust consensus control problem of multi-agent LPV systems into the robust stability problem of a set of parameter-dependent systems. What's more, the effect of the time-varying communication delays is considered, and consensus condition in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) is derived by using the parameter-dependent Lyapunov-Krasovskii approach. Then, the control gain matrices are obtained through solving a convex optimization problem. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
关键词 :
communication delay communication delay consensus consensus gain-scheduled robust control gain-scheduled robust control linear parameter-varying system linear parameter-varying system multi-agent systems multi-agent systems
GB/T 7714 | Chen, Yangzhou , Huang, Xiaolong , Zhan, Jingyuan . Gain-scheduled robust control for multi-agent linear parameter-varying systems with communication delays [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL , 2021 . |
MLA | Chen, Yangzhou 等. "Gain-scheduled robust control for multi-agent linear parameter-varying systems with communication delays" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL (2021) . |
APA | Chen, Yangzhou , Huang, Xiaolong , Zhan, Jingyuan . Gain-scheduled robust control for multi-agent linear parameter-varying systems with communication delays . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL , 2021 . |
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摘要 :
This paper focuses on the consensus control and fault estimation problems for a class of time-delayed multi-agent systems with Markov switching topologies. Two different event-triggered mechanisms are adopted with hope to reduce burden of shared network and improve energy efficiency. Under Markov process, by establishing the consensus control protocol and designing a novel adaptive fault estimation observer, the consensus control and fault estimation problems are transformed into two stochastic stability problems in different forms. Then, according to the switching Lyapunov function method and free-weighting matrix technique, two delay-dependent stability criteria on the consensus control and fault estimation are derived, respectively. However, the two criteria containing nonlinear coupling terms are not standard linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and cannot be solved directly with the LMI toolbox. In order to eliminate the coupling terms, two improved path-following algorithms are presented. These algorithms depend on the initial conditions, so it is very crucial to choose the appropriate preset parameters. The computational complexity is increasing with the number of iterations, system size and matrix dimension, which is a fully new challenge for the study of consensus control and fault estimation of multi-agent systems. Based on the algorithms, the switching consensus controller gains and model gain matrices of fault estimation can be efficiently solved out. Finally, a simulation example of tailless fighter airplanes is given to illustrate the practicality and validity of the theoretical results. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
关键词 :
Time-delayed multi-agent systems Time-delayed multi-agent systems Event-triggered mechanism Event-triggered mechanism Fault estimation Fault estimation Markov switching topologies Markov switching topologies Consensus control Consensus control
GB/T 7714 | Li, Shanglin , Chen, Yangzhou , Zhan, Jingyuan . Event-triggered consensus control and fault estimation for time-delayed multi-agent systems with Markov switching topologies [J]. | NEUROCOMPUTING , 2021 , 460 : 292-308 . |
MLA | Li, Shanglin 等. "Event-triggered consensus control and fault estimation for time-delayed multi-agent systems with Markov switching topologies" . | NEUROCOMPUTING 460 (2021) : 292-308 . |
APA | Li, Shanglin , Chen, Yangzhou , Zhan, Jingyuan . Event-triggered consensus control and fault estimation for time-delayed multi-agent systems with Markov switching topologies . | NEUROCOMPUTING , 2021 , 460 , 292-308 . |
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摘要 :
This paper is concerned with the problem of fault detection and consensus control via event-triggered scheme for a class of linear multi-agent systems subject to external disturbances. For the network of multi-agent systems with unknown faults and disturbances, the event-triggered consensus protocol and observer-based fault detection filter are designed simultaneously. Through the model transformation and decomposition, the specific design problem can be transformed into a multi-objective optimization problem by using a mixed H∞/H− method. Based on the Lyapunov-Krasovskii Theory and Projection Lemma, some sufficient conditions, which ensure the decomposed system is not only asymptotically stable, but also satisfies the prescribed optimization performance constraints, are derived in the form of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, two simulation examples are provided to verify the practicality and validity of the theoretical results. © 2021 The Franklin Institute
关键词 :
Fault detection Fault detection Linear matrix inequalities Linear matrix inequalities Multi agent systems Multi agent systems Multiobjective optimization Multiobjective optimization
GB/T 7714 | Li, Shanglin , Chen, Yangzhou , Zhan, Jingyuan . Simultaneous observer-based fault detection and event-triggered consensus control for multi-agent systems [J]. | Journal of the Franklin Institute , 2021 , 358 (6) : 3276-3301 . |
MLA | Li, Shanglin 等. "Simultaneous observer-based fault detection and event-triggered consensus control for multi-agent systems" . | Journal of the Franklin Institute 358 . 6 (2021) : 3276-3301 . |
APA | Li, Shanglin , Chen, Yangzhou , Zhan, Jingyuan . Simultaneous observer-based fault detection and event-triggered consensus control for multi-agent systems . | Journal of the Franklin Institute , 2021 , 358 (6) , 3276-3301 . |
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摘要 :
This paper investigates the leader-following consensus problem of multiple single-integrators by using a novel linear transformation method together with the input-to-state stability property. The multi-agent system is assumed to contain a single leader, and we consider the following three cases. 1) The leaders input is pre-given and known by all following agents. 2) The leaders input is unknown. 3) The leaders input is measurable online and transmitted to some of follower agents. By constructing a transformation matrix based on incidence matrix of a virtual leader-rooted spanning tree, we make an equivalent transformation from leader-following consensus problem to an input-to-state stability problem. Then we give a necessary and sufficient condition, which is the Hurwitz stability of a matrix associated with the communication topology, for ensuring the leader-following consensus. In order to efficiently check whether the matrix is Hurwitz stable, especially for large-scale multi-agent systems, we further employ the Hurwitz stability criteria of the matrix based on Metzler matrix theory. Finally, we give numerical examples to validate the theoretical results. © 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
关键词 :
Linear transformations Linear transformations Intelligent agents Intelligent agents Multi agent systems Multi agent systems Intelligent systems Intelligent systems Stability criteria Stability criteria Matrix algebra Matrix algebra Mathematical transformations Mathematical transformations
GB/T 7714 | Zhan, Jingyuan , Chen, Yangzhou . Leader-Following Consensus of Multi-agent Systems: New Results Based on a Linear Transformation Approach [C] . 2021 : 36-47 . |
MLA | Zhan, Jingyuan 等. "Leader-Following Consensus of Multi-agent Systems: New Results Based on a Linear Transformation Approach" . (2021) : 36-47 . |
APA | Zhan, Jingyuan , Chen, Yangzhou . Leader-Following Consensus of Multi-agent Systems: New Results Based on a Linear Transformation Approach . (2021) : 36-47 . |
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摘要 :
This paper studies the distributed consensus problem of general linear multi-agent systems (MASs) based on a novel decentralized output feedback control approach. By introducing the edge state and a directed-spanning-tree-based linear transformation method, we firstly equivalently transform the consensus problem into the decentralized output feedback stabilization control problem. Then we employ the properties of distributed fixed modes in decentralized output feedback stabilization control problem to derive a necessary and sufficient condition for ensuring the asymptotic state consensus of the MAS under the linear state feedback control. We further present a gradient descent iterative algorithm to design the gain matrix in the linear feedback consensus protocol. Finally, we give a numerical example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.
关键词 :
multi-agent system multi-agent system Consensus Consensus distributed fixed mode distributed fixed mode decentralized output feedback control decentralized output feedback control
GB/T 7714 | Chen, Yangzhou , Zhan, Jingyuan , Huang, Xiaolong . Distributed consensus of linear multi-agent systems via decentralized output feedback control approach [J]. | PROCEEDINGS OF THE 33RD CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2021) , 2021 : 5297-5302 . |
MLA | Chen, Yangzhou 等. "Distributed consensus of linear multi-agent systems via decentralized output feedback control approach" . | PROCEEDINGS OF THE 33RD CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2021) (2021) : 5297-5302 . |
APA | Chen, Yangzhou , Zhan, Jingyuan , Huang, Xiaolong . Distributed consensus of linear multi-agent systems via decentralized output feedback control approach . | PROCEEDINGS OF THE 33RD CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (CCDC 2021) , 2021 , 5297-5302 . |
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摘要 :
This paper investigates a robust guaranteed cost formation problem for a class of continuous-time linear high-order multi-agent systems with uncertain communication topology which is modeled by directed graph. Firstly, the robust guaranteed cost formation problem is transformed into a robust guaranteed cost control problem of an auxiliary uncertain system by a linear transformation. Secondly, a sufficient condition for the robust guaranteed cost formation control problem is presented in terms of linear matrix inequality techniques, and an upper bound of the guaranteed cost function is given. Finally, a numerical example is shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. © 2020 Technical Committee on Control Theory, Chinese Association of Automation.
关键词 :
Linear transformations Linear transformations Multi agent systems Multi agent systems Linear matrix inequalities Linear matrix inequalities Continuous time systems Continuous time systems Directed graphs Directed graphs Cost functions Cost functions Topology Topology Mathematical transformations Mathematical transformations
GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Yaxiao , Tong, Shiwen , Chen, Yangzhou et al. Robust Guaranteed Cost Formation Control for Multi-agent Systems with Uncertain Topologies [C] . 2020 : 4995-5000 . |
MLA | Zhang, Yaxiao et al. "Robust Guaranteed Cost Formation Control for Multi-agent Systems with Uncertain Topologies" . (2020) : 4995-5000 . |
APA | Zhang, Yaxiao , Tong, Shiwen , Chen, Yangzhou , Huang, Ning . Robust Guaranteed Cost Formation Control for Multi-agent Systems with Uncertain Topologies . (2020) : 4995-5000 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
降维状态量 降维状态量 输入时滞 输入时滞 半车主动悬架系统 半车主动悬架系统 补偿控制 补偿控制 多目标协同控制 多目标协同控制
GB/T 7714 | 段建民 , 黄小龙 , 陈阳舟 . 具有输入时滞的主动悬架鲁棒补偿控制 [J]. | 振动与冲击 , 2020 , 39 (24) : 254-263,277 . |
MLA | 段建民 et al. "具有输入时滞的主动悬架鲁棒补偿控制" . | 振动与冲击 39 . 24 (2020) : 254-263,277 . |
APA | 段建民 , 黄小龙 , 陈阳舟 . 具有输入时滞的主动悬架鲁棒补偿控制 . | 振动与冲击 , 2020 , 39 (24) , 254-263,277 . |
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摘要 :
为降低城市轨道交通的牵引能耗,结合列车牵引特性、速度限制和坡道阻力等影响,确定一条速度曲线使列车站间运行的牵引能耗最小.以位置为自变量、牵引力/制动力的系数为控制变量构建列车节能速度曲线优化模型,根据线路条件将位置进行离散化,把速度曲线优化问题转换为多阶段决策过程,并利用 ·状态空间缩减策略对其缩减,利用离散动态规划求解得到列车站间最优速度曲线和最优控制输入.仿真验证表明:动态规划且状态空间缩减方案可以显著提高搜索效率,有效降低列车的牵引能耗,为列车司机节能驾驶提供参考.
关键词 :
城市轨道交通 城市轨道交通 速度曲线优化 速度曲线优化 状态空间缩减 状态空间缩减 节能 节能 离散动态规划 离散动态规划
GB/T 7714 | 孔繁鑫 , 陈阳舟 , 詹璟原 et al. 基于离散动态规划的列车节能速度曲线优化 [J]. | 铁道运输与经济 , 2020 , 42 (8) : 113-118 . |
MLA | 孔繁鑫 et al. "基于离散动态规划的列车节能速度曲线优化" . | 铁道运输与经济 42 . 8 (2020) : 113-118 . |
APA | 孔繁鑫 , 陈阳舟 , 詹璟原 , 尚飞 . 基于离散动态规划的列车节能速度曲线优化 . | 铁道运输与经济 , 2020 , 42 (8) , 113-118 . |
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