摘要 :
在半导体激光器的光纤耦合系统中,bar条的各发光点指向偏差(偏向角)会恶化光束整形效果,显著降低光纤耦合效率。针对该现象提出利用引入修正角的楔形整形镜补偿发光点的指向偏差,改善激光束的指向性和光束整形效果。通过ZEMAX软件模拟与实验验证,在光纤耦合系统中使用引入修正角后的楔形整形镜片,其整形效果显著改善,测量的光束参数积(BPPs)在快轴和慢轴方向分别为7.25 mm·mrad和5.05 mm·mrad,聚焦光斑为148μm×135μm(包含90%能量)。该系统将单个bar条耦合进芯径200μm、数值孔径(NA)0.2的光纤中,在注入电流60 A时,获得稳定输出功率53 W,对应电-光转换效...
关键词 :
楔形整形镜 楔形整形镜 半导体激光器 半导体激光器 光束整形 光束整形 光纤耦合 光纤耦合
GB/T 7714 | 郭照师 , 秦文斌 , 李景 et al. 基于楔形整形镜对半导体激光的光纤耦合 [J]. | 发光学报 , 2021 , 42 (01) : 98-103 . |
MLA | 郭照师 et al. "基于楔形整形镜对半导体激光的光纤耦合" . | 发光学报 42 . 01 (2021) : 98-103 . |
APA | 郭照师 , 秦文斌 , 李景 , 刘友强 , 曹银花 , 孟娇 et al. 基于楔形整形镜对半导体激光的光纤耦合 . | 发光学报 , 2021 , 42 (01) , 98-103 . |
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摘要 :
针对半导体激光阵列的发光单元指向性偏差导致快轴光束质量显著劣化的现象,研究了发光单元指向性偏差对快轴光束质量的影响,提出了一种利用微光学元件补偿发光单元指向性偏差的方法,设计了一种楔形微透镜阵列,可实现单个bar条的光束耦合进芯径200μm、NA=0.2的光纤.模拟计算结果表明,楔形微透镜阵列的补偿作用可使半导体激光阵列快轴方向的光参数积由64.24 mm·mrad下降到58.14 mm·mrad,光纤耦合效率达到95.6%,相比补偿前提高了10.4%.为降低工艺难度,采用分类补偿的方法,模拟光纤耦合效率达到91.5%.考虑到工业应用,采用由三片楔形透镜组成的透镜组对分类后的发光单元光束分别进行补偿,测量得到的光纤耦合效率为90.4%,比补偿光束指向性之前的耦合效率提高了约7%.
GB/T 7714 | 孟娇 , 曹银花 , 秦文斌 et al. 基于楔形微透镜补偿半导体激光阵列指向偏差 [J]. | 激光与红外 , 2021 , 51 (6) : 760-765 . |
MLA | 孟娇 et al. "基于楔形微透镜补偿半导体激光阵列指向偏差" . | 激光与红外 51 . 6 (2021) : 760-765 . |
APA | 孟娇 , 曹银花 , 秦文斌 , 刘友强 , 李景 , 郭照师 et al. 基于楔形微透镜补偿半导体激光阵列指向偏差 . | 激光与红外 , 2021 , 51 (6) , 760-765 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 王智勇 , 李颖 , 兰天 . VCSEL相干阵列与MZI阵列片上集成的光芯片结构及制备方法 : CN202110114647.7[P]. | 2021-01-26 . |
MLA | 王智勇 et al. "VCSEL相干阵列与MZI阵列片上集成的光芯片结构及制备方法" : CN202110114647.7. | 2021-01-26 . |
APA | 王智勇 , 李颖 , 兰天 . VCSEL相干阵列与MZI阵列片上集成的光芯片结构及制备方法 : CN202110114647.7. | 2021-01-26 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 李尉 , 温丛阳 , 代京京 et al. 相干阵激光光束普适性传输因子的研究 [J]. | 光电技术应用 , 2021 , 36 (4) : 28-32 . |
MLA | 李尉 et al. "相干阵激光光束普适性传输因子的研究" . | 光电技术应用 36 . 4 (2021) : 28-32 . |
APA | 李尉 , 温丛阳 , 代京京 , 兰天 , 马淑芳 , 许并社 et al. 相干阵激光光束普适性传输因子的研究 . | 光电技术应用 , 2021 , 36 (4) , 28-32 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
光束整形 光束整形 光纤耦合 光纤耦合 半导体激光器 半导体激光器 楔形整形镜 楔形整形镜
GB/T 7714 | 郭照师 , 秦文斌 , 李景 et al. 基于楔形整形镜对半导体激光的光纤耦合 [J]. | 郭照师 , 2021 , 42 (1) : 98-103 . |
MLA | 郭照师 et al. "基于楔形整形镜对半导体激光的光纤耦合" . | 郭照师 42 . 1 (2021) : 98-103 . |
APA | 郭照师 , 秦文斌 , 李景 , 刘友强 , 曹银花 , 孟娇 et al. 基于楔形整形镜对半导体激光的光纤耦合 . | 郭照师 , 2021 , 42 (1) , 98-103 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
光束质量 光束质量 相干合成 相干合成 相干阵激光器 相干阵激光器
GB/T 7714 | 李尉 , 温丛阳 , 叶征宇 et al. 两维相干阵激光器光束质量的计算 [J]. | 光电技术应用 , 2021 , 36 (05) : 77-80 . |
MLA | 李尉 et al. "两维相干阵激光器光束质量的计算" . | 光电技术应用 36 . 05 (2021) : 77-80 . |
APA | 李尉 , 温丛阳 , 叶征宇 , 代京京 , 兰天 , 王智勇 . 两维相干阵激光器光束质量的计算 . | 光电技术应用 , 2021 , 36 (05) , 77-80 . |
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摘要 :
The cross-sectional morphology of GaAs/Si3N4/SiO2 composite wafer after He+ implantation has been systematically observed. Experiment sample is prepared by focused ion beam system to meet the observation requirements of transmission electron microscope. The results show that implantation of 300 keV, 5 x 10(16)/cm(2) He+ gives rise to formation of bubbles and dislocations in GaAs material, but no cracks are observed. In addition, after annealing, interface separation and micro-gap appear at the interface between GaAs layer and Si3N4 layer. Finally, the mechanisms of bond fracture and blisters formation at the interface are explained by density function theory calculation.
关键词 :
Bubbles and dislocations Bubbles and dislocations Density function theory Density function theory GaAs GaAs Interface separation Interface separation
GB/T 7714 | Huang, Rui , Li, Chong , Lan, Tian et al. Investigation of interface states between GaAs and Si3N4 after He+ implantation [J]. | JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY , 2021 , 327 (2) : 905-911 . |
MLA | Huang, Rui et al. "Investigation of interface states between GaAs and Si3N4 after He+ implantation" . | JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 327 . 2 (2021) : 905-911 . |
APA | Huang, Rui , Li, Chong , Lan, Tian , Li, Jing , Wang, Zhiyong . Investigation of interface states between GaAs and Si3N4 after He+ implantation . | JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY , 2021 , 327 (2) , 905-911 . |
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摘要 :
Determining the amine molecules behaviors in the nanochannels enables the interpretation of the microstructure and macroscopic properties of amines modified cement based materials. In this study, quantitative analysis were performed on the behaviors of amine molecules (TEPAs, PAMs and TEAs) by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in the nanochannels of C–S–H gel. According to the interaction of amine molecules with C–S–H gel substrates or water molecules, research works revealed that amine molecules with special spatial structures illustrate different aggregation behaviors. TEPAs with linear structures tend to aggregate in a regular sequence at the center of the C–S–H gel nanochannels. Instead, PAMs and TEAs with branched structures prefer dispersing in the aqueous solution in the C–S–H gel nanochannels. Such different aggregation behaviors allow amine molecules to have various penetration depth and residence time in the interfacial regions. It was found that oxygen atoms and active hydrogen atoms in PAMs and TEAs can form stable interaction with calcium ions and oxygen atoms of C–S–H gel substrates, respectively. The oxygen involved bonds are stronger than nitrogen involved ones for all the molecules due to great electronegativity. There is no formation of hydrogen bonds in TEPAs, but polar atoms in PAMs and TEAs can interact through hydrogen bonding. Moreover, TEPAs cannot form strong hydrogen bonding with water molecules due to their aggregation behavior, whereas PAMs and TEAs formed strong hydrogen bonding with surrounding water molecules. In addition, formation of more hydrogen bonding with amine molecules leads to a lower diffusion coefficient of water molecules. Breakage of hydrogen bonds of water molecules causes the final failure of C–S–H/amine molecules nanocomposites subjected to tensile loads. © 2021
关键词 :
Amines Amines Atoms Atoms Calcium silicate Calcium silicate Electronegativity Electronegativity Hydration Hydration Hydrogen bonds Hydrogen bonds Molecular dynamics Molecular dynamics Molecules Molecules Oxygen Oxygen Silicate minerals Silicate minerals
GB/T 7714 | Sun, Dawei , Yan, Jianhua , Ma, Xiaoyu et al. On the characterization of amine molecules behaviors in the nanochannels forming in calcium silicate hydrate gel [J]. | Applied Surface Science , 2021 , 560 . |
MLA | Sun, Dawei et al. "On the characterization of amine molecules behaviors in the nanochannels forming in calcium silicate hydrate gel" . | Applied Surface Science 560 (2021) . |
APA | Sun, Dawei , Yan, Jianhua , Ma, Xiaoyu , Lan, Mingzhang , Wang, Ziming , Chen, Zherui et al. On the characterization of amine molecules behaviors in the nanochannels forming in calcium silicate hydrate gel . | Applied Surface Science , 2021 , 560 . |
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摘要 :
In this study, fully dense tungsten samples were additively manufactured and the micro-structure behavior was studied. A crack network with a spacing of 20µm up to 100µm was found in the designed samples. It was noticed that the laser scanning approach, which could customize the microstructure, affected the crack behavior in manufactured tungsten[1]. Different additive parameters were adopted to study the microstructure properties, but it was revealed that cracking is practicallyirresistible in AM (additive manufacturing). It might be achieved that cracking chain assembled because the cracks appeared in each laser fused path and then analogous in the surface-by-surface structure course. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
关键词 :
3D printers 3D printers Additives Additives Microstructure Microstructure Surface structure Surface structure Sustainable development Sustainable development Tungsten Tungsten
GB/T 7714 | Abbas, Mirza Atif , Anru, Yan , Wang, Zhi Yong . Micro-Structural characteristics of Additively Manufactured Pure Tungsten [C] . 2021 . |
MLA | Abbas, Mirza Atif et al. "Micro-Structural characteristics of Additively Manufactured Pure Tungsten" . (2021) . |
APA | Abbas, Mirza Atif , Anru, Yan , Wang, Zhi Yong . Micro-Structural characteristics of Additively Manufactured Pure Tungsten . (2021) . |
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摘要 :
Collector storage solar water heater systems that use phase change materials as heat storage media have attracted increasing attention because of their clean, pollution-free properties and high energy storage density. The design and application of these systems require efficient and optimized phase change thermal storage units (TSUs). This study aims to optimize a TSU by using theoretical analysis methods and to fill the research gaps attributed to the lack of theoretical analysis. The TSU in this work comprises a multichannel flat tube and rectangular fins as heat exchange elements. The performance levels of this TSU, including its effectiveness, compactness factor, gravimetric specific power, and fin efficiency, under different structures are compared. The economic viability and energy efficiency of the proposed solar collector phase change thermal storage system are preliminarily evaluated. Results indicate that the structure of the multichannel flat tube TSU is relatively reasonable when the fin aspect ratio (Hfins/x) and thickness are 8.60 and 0.001 m, respectively. The effectiveness of the optimized TSU during charge and discharge processes respectively increases by 52.0% and 16.3% relative to the original multichannel flat tube TSU. The corresponding recommendation for the use of multichannel flat tube TSUs in household baths is four groups/person. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
关键词 :
Aspect ratio Aspect ratio Collector efficiency Collector efficiency Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Fins (heat exchange) Fins (heat exchange) Heating Heating Heat storage Heat storage Phase change materials Phase change materials Storage (materials) Storage (materials) Structure (composition) Structure (composition) Tubes (components) Tubes (components) Water pollution Water pollution
GB/T 7714 | Chen, C.Q. , Diao, Y.H. , Zhao, Y.H. et al. Optimization of phase change thermal storage units/devices with multichannel flat tubes: A theoretical study [J]. | Renewable Energy , 2021 , 167 : 700-717 . |
MLA | Chen, C.Q. et al. "Optimization of phase change thermal storage units/devices with multichannel flat tubes: A theoretical study" . | Renewable Energy 167 (2021) : 700-717 . |
APA | Chen, C.Q. , Diao, Y.H. , Zhao, Y.H. , Wang, Z.Y. , Liang, L. , Wang, T.Y. et al. Optimization of phase change thermal storage units/devices with multichannel flat tubes: A theoretical study . | Renewable Energy , 2021 , 167 , 700-717 . |
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