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3D printing of hollow lattice structures of ZrO2(3Y)/Al2O3 ceramics by vat photopolymerization: Process optimization, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 83 , 756-767 | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES
WoS核心集被引次数: 21
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

3D printing technology was introduced into the manufacturing of ceramic components. To obtain a new light-weight multifunctional structure with novel structure and excellent performance, and promote the deep com-bination of additive manufacturing and optimization design, ZrO2(3Y)/Al2O3 hollow lattice structure ceramics with two kinds of high precision and different porosity were prepared by vat photopolymerization in this paper, and the process optimization, microstructure evolution, and performance were studied. The hollow lattice structure with good molding accuracy and porosity of 35 %-55 % was prepared by component design, opti-mization of slurry, degreasing, and sintering process, which effectively avoided the ceramic cracking and collapse caused by resin volatilization. When the Al2O3 content was 6 wt%, dense ZrO2(3Y)/Al2O3 ceramics with grain refinement, excellent microhardness, and fracture toughness were obtained. The relationship between lattice structure and compressive strength was analyzed by simulation and compressive test. The results show that the compressive strength of the two hollow lattice structures decreases with the increase of porosity. The maximum compressive strength of 35 %-face-centered cubic (FCC) hollow lattice structure is 326 MPa, which is significantly higher than that of body-centered cubic (BCC) structure (240 MPa) with the same porosity. The hollow lattice ceramic structure with good comprehensive performance and lightweight will lay a foundation for the application of industrial heat insulation, high temperature catalysis, and purification carrier in the future.

关键词 :

Mechanical properties Mechanical properties 3D printing 3D printing Analogue simulation Analogue simulation Lattice structure Lattice structure



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Lizheng , Liu, Hao , Yao, Haihua et al. 3D printing of hollow lattice structures of ZrO2(3Y)/Al2O3 ceramics by vat photopolymerization: Process optimization, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties [J]. | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES , 2022 , 83 : 756-767 .
MLA Zhang, Lizheng et al. "3D printing of hollow lattice structures of ZrO2(3Y)/Al2O3 ceramics by vat photopolymerization: Process optimization, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties" . | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 83 (2022) : 756-767 .
APA Zhang, Lizheng , Liu, Hao , Yao, Haihua , Zeng, Yong , Chen, Jimin . 3D printing of hollow lattice structures of ZrO2(3Y)/Al2O3 ceramics by vat photopolymerization: Process optimization, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties . | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES , 2022 , 83 , 756-767 .
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Preparation of porous SnO2-based ceramics with lattice structure by DLP SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 48 (10) , 14568-14577 | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
WoS核心集被引次数: 15
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Porous tin oxide-based (SnO2-based) ceramics with lattice structures were prepared by digital light processing (DLP) 3D printing technology. A 57 wt% SnO2-based DLP slurry was prepared by rheological experiments. By optimizing the exposure time, the DLP process for preparing SnO2 based ceramics had better molding accuracy. The printing size error could be controlled at about 1.8%. The degreasing and sintering curves were obtained by thermogravimetric-differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) analysis, and the SnO2-based porous ceramics with porosity of 50%-71% were prepared. The SnO2-based ceramics with high densification could be obtained by sintering at 1300 degrees C for 2 h. The relative density of printed SnO2-based ceramics was about 92%. In this paper, zinc oxide (ZnO) was selected as a sintering additive to promote the densification of SnO2 ceramics. According to the characterization methods of scanning electron microscopy(SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), Energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and relative density, the optimum doping amount of ZnO was 9 wt%. The influence of pore structure on compressive strength was analyzed by finite element simulation and compressive test. The compressive strength of porous ceramics could be reduced from 1.56 MPa to 0.27 MPa by controlling the porosity of the porous lattice from 50% to 71%. The compressive strength of the solid block was 160 MPa. In this study, the porous SnO2-based ceramics prepared can be used in porous electrodes, lithium-ion batteries, super capacitors, catalysts, sensors and other fields in the future.

关键词 :

Mechanical properties Mechanical properties SnO2-Based ceramics SnO2-Based ceramics Porous lattice structure Porous lattice structure Densification Densification 3D printing 3D printing



GB/T 7714 Qi, Guoan , Zeng, Yong , Chen, Jimin . Preparation of porous SnO2-based ceramics with lattice structure by DLP [J]. | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , 2022 , 48 (10) : 14568-14577 .
MLA Qi, Guoan et al. "Preparation of porous SnO2-based ceramics with lattice structure by DLP" . | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 48 . 10 (2022) : 14568-14577 .
APA Qi, Guoan , Zeng, Yong , Chen, Jimin . Preparation of porous SnO2-based ceramics with lattice structure by DLP . | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , 2022 , 48 (10) , 14568-14577 .
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3D打印空心点阵结构氧化铝陶瓷及其性能 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (09) , 1853-1860 | 硅酸盐学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

多孔氧化铝陶瓷具有耐高温、耐腐蚀、低热导率等众多优异的性能,在工业隔热领域的需求持续增加。采用数字光处理(DLP)3D打印技术制备了实心点阵和空心点阵2种不同构型的氧化铝陶瓷坯体,在1550℃的最佳烧结温度下保温4 h烧结出性能稳定的氧化铝陶瓷。结果表明,实心点阵比空心点阵具有更大的抗压强度,实心点阵的最大抗压强度为4.80 MPa。空心点阵的最大抗压强度为1.59 MPa。力学测试结果与力学模拟仿真结果具有一致性。DLP技术成形的空心点阵结构氧化铝陶瓷将来可用于工业隔热应用领域。

关键词 :

隔热性能 隔热性能 3D打印 3D打印 空心结构 空心结构 多孔氧化铝 多孔氧化铝 力学性能 力学性能



GB/T 7714 孙立君 , 董鹏 , 曾勇 et al. 3D打印空心点阵结构氧化铝陶瓷及其性能 [J]. | 硅酸盐学报 , 2021 , 49 (09) : 1853-1860 .
MLA 孙立君 et al. "3D打印空心点阵结构氧化铝陶瓷及其性能" . | 硅酸盐学报 49 . 09 (2021) : 1853-1860 .
APA 孙立君 , 董鹏 , 曾勇 , 陈继民 . 3D打印空心点阵结构氧化铝陶瓷及其性能 . | 硅酸盐学报 , 2021 , 49 (09) , 1853-1860 .
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Fabrication of trabecular-like beta-tricalcium phosphate biomimetic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (9) , 13187-13198 | Ceramics International
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The introduction of 3D printing into the manufacturing of ceramic components offers new possibilities to fabricate porous bioceramic scaffold with biomimetic morphology, customized-designed shape and suitable mechanical property for bone tissue engineering. However, most of 3D printed porous ceramic scaffolds are prepared from the array of unit cells, which do not exploit the whole potential of additive manufacturing. In this paper, a novel biomimetic porous beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) scaffolds with trabecular-like morphology were obtained based on three dimension (3D) Voronoi tessellation method and generated design. This bionic pore structure is fabricated via photopolymer-based digital light processing (DLP) 3D printing technique, a suitable 30 wt% β-TCP ceramic slurry with the addition of adjuvants was prepared. After optimized debinding-sintering process according the TG-DSC analysis, the β-TCP scaffolds showed fully interconnected trabecular-like pore structure with tailorable pore size (360 μm–1200 μm) and porosity (45%–75%) and compact microstructure. Combining compressive tests and finite element analysis (FEA), the relationship between inputting parameters, pore structure and compressive strength is investigated. Thus, the mechanical strength of the trabecular-like β-TCP scaffolds could be predicted and tuned in the initial generated design stage. In addition, the shrinkage ratio and XRD pattern are also detected. The method proposed in this study may provide an efficient bionic design intended for tissue engineering applications. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.

关键词 :

3D printers 3D printers Bioceramics Bioceramics Biomechanics Biomechanics Biomimetic processes Biomimetic processes Bionics Bionics Bone Bone Ceramics industry Ceramics industry Compressive strength Compressive strength Fabrication Fabrication Morphology Morphology Pore size Pore size Pore structure Pore structure Scaffolds (biology) Scaffolds (biology) Sintering Sintering Tissue Tissue Transmission control protocol Transmission control protocol



GB/T 7714 Liu, Sida , Chen, Jimin , Chen, Tao et al. Fabrication of trabecular-like beta-tricalcium phosphate biomimetic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering [J]. | Ceramics International , 2021 , 47 (9) : 13187-13198 .
MLA Liu, Sida et al. "Fabrication of trabecular-like beta-tricalcium phosphate biomimetic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering" . | Ceramics International 47 . 9 (2021) : 13187-13198 .
APA Liu, Sida , Chen, Jimin , Chen, Tao , Zeng, Yong . Fabrication of trabecular-like beta-tricalcium phosphate biomimetic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering . | Ceramics International , 2021 , 47 (9) , 13187-13198 .
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Investigation on 3D printing ZrO2 implant abutment and its fatigue performance simulation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (1) , 1053-1062 | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
WoS核心集被引次数: 40
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The zirconia (ZrO2) ceramic dental implant abutment was prepared by DLP (Digital Light Processing) 3D printing technology. The effect of different heat treatment parameters on the sintering quality of ZrO2 was studied. According to TG-DSC, XRD, Raman, SEM and other characterization methods, it could be determined that best sintering parameter was set at 1450 degrees C for 1.5 h. The final product has a good morphology without holes and other defects, and the relative density is 99.48%. The ZrO2 samples printed in different directions have obvious anisotropy. The three-point bending strength of the sample in the horizontal direction is better than that in the vertical direction, and the strength is 600 MPa. The fatigue load simulation results show that the smaller the pre angle is, the smaller the maximum stress is and the higher the safety factor is.

关键词 :

3D printing 3D printing DLP DLP Fatigue performance simulation Fatigue performance simulation Implant abutment Implant abutment Zirconia Zirconia



GB/T 7714 Zhao, Yongtao , Li, Peiran , Dong, Peng et al. Investigation on 3D printing ZrO2 implant abutment and its fatigue performance simulation [J]. | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , 2021 , 47 (1) : 1053-1062 .
MLA Zhao, Yongtao et al. "Investigation on 3D printing ZrO2 implant abutment and its fatigue performance simulation" . | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 47 . 1 (2021) : 1053-1062 .
APA Zhao, Yongtao , Li, Peiran , Dong, Peng , Zeng, Yong , Chen, Jimin . Investigation on 3D printing ZrO2 implant abutment and its fatigue performance simulation . | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , 2021 , 47 (1) , 1053-1062 .
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Adjustment of Subwavelength Rippled Structures on Titanium by Two-Step Fabrication Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 11 (5) | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
WoS核心集被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

An effective approach is proposed to adjust the surface morphology induced by using a femtosecond laser, including the area and period of rippled structures. The effect of the processing steps and laser polarization on the surface morphology of rippled structures on a titanium surface was experimentally investigated in this study. A processing sequence was designed for two series of femtosecond laser pulses that irradiate a titanium surface, for example, N = 50(0 degrees) + 50(90 degrees). The experimental results show that the area and period of rippled structures can be simultaneously adjusted by following a two-step method. Due to the enhancement of energy absorption and SP-laser coupling of the initial rippled structures, large area surface structures with small periods are fabricated using two series of femtosecond laser pulses with the same polarization direction. By changing the polarization direction of the two series of femtosecond laser pulses, the recording, erasing, and rewriting of subwavelength ripples is achieved. During the rewriting process, material removal and the formation of new ripples simultaneously occur.

关键词 :

subwavelength ripples subwavelength ripples femtosecond laser femtosecond laser surface morphology surface morphology two-step method two-step method



GB/T 7714 Yuan, Yanping , Guo, Xinyang , Shang, Yitong et al. Adjustment of Subwavelength Rippled Structures on Titanium by Two-Step Fabrication Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses [J]. | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2021 , 11 (5) .
MLA Yuan, Yanping et al. "Adjustment of Subwavelength Rippled Structures on Titanium by Two-Step Fabrication Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses" . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 11 . 5 (2021) .
APA Yuan, Yanping , Guo, Xinyang , Shang, Yitong , Chen, Jimin . Adjustment of Subwavelength Rippled Structures on Titanium by Two-Step Fabrication Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2021 , 11 (5) .
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Fabrication of hollow lattice alumina ceramic with good mechanical properties by Digital Light Processing 3D printing technology SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (18) , 26519-26527 | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
WoS核心集被引次数: 45
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this study, two configurations of alumina (Al2O3) ceramics (hollow lattice structure and solid lattice structure) were prepared by DLP 3D printing technology. When sintered at 1600 degrees C for 4 h, dense alumina ceramics with an average grain size of 4.38 +/- 1.26 mu m can be obtained. The Al2O3 ceramics prepared by DLP process have good forming precision and shape. The dimension error can be controlled about 0.2 mm. The compressive strength of solid block is 572 MPa. The maximum compressive strength of solid lattice (2.0 mm in diameter and 45% in porosity) is 9.70 MPa. The maximum compressive strength of hollow lattice (2.0 mm in diameter, 0.3 mm in thickness and 70% in porosity) is 4.30 MPa. The thermal simulation results show that the temperature of the hollow lattice (diameter 1.2 mm, porosity 76%) with 500 degrees C upper surface transferring to the lower surface is only 88.6 degrees C, which is lower than 133 degrees C of the solid lattice. Hollow lattice structure can effectively reduce heat loss and improve energy efficiency. The hollow lattice structure Al2O3 ceramics formed by DLP technology is expected to be used in industrial thermal insulation applications.

关键词 :

3D printing 3D printing Mechanical properties Mechanical properties Porous alumina Porous alumina Hollow structure Hollow structure Thermal insulation properties Thermal insulation properties



GB/T 7714 Sun, Lijun , Dong, Peng , Zeng, Yong et al. Fabrication of hollow lattice alumina ceramic with good mechanical properties by Digital Light Processing 3D printing technology [J]. | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , 2021 , 47 (18) : 26519-26527 .
MLA Sun, Lijun et al. "Fabrication of hollow lattice alumina ceramic with good mechanical properties by Digital Light Processing 3D printing technology" . | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 47 . 18 (2021) : 26519-26527 .
APA Sun, Lijun , Dong, Peng , Zeng, Yong , Chen, Jimin . Fabrication of hollow lattice alumina ceramic with good mechanical properties by Digital Light Processing 3D printing technology . | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , 2021 , 47 (18) , 26519-26527 .
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Tunable Optical Response Based on Au@GST Core-Shell Hetero-nanostructures SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 4 (9) , 9123-9131 | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Active control over the optical response has been investigated extensively, which is highly required in next-generation photonic devices. Here, we report a core-shell nanostructure combined with the plasmonic nanostructure with an active phase change material, termed as Au@GST, where the individual Au nanoparticle is wrapped by isolated active Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) tuning medium as the shell. We demonstrate the active control of optical response by the simultaneous control of size and crystallization degree of the phase change shell within each isolated core-shell nanostructure. The hetero-nanostructures are synthesized by direct sputtering of stoichiometric GST on Au nanoparticles with different sizes based on a seeding effect of the metal nanostructures. The tunable optical response is enabled by inducing the GST shell phase states between amorphous and crystalline phases through thermal annealing, accompanied by high optical contrast. We demonstrate the tunable optical response (from 570 to 630 nm) of the hetero-nanostructures by tailoring the GST shell's optical property. The experimental results show that the optical response of the Au@GST core-shell hetero-nanostructures exhibits high sensitivity to the size of the nanoparticles (GST thickness and Au diameter). The simulation results are in good agreement with the experiments. This confirms the dominant role of the phase states on the optical modulation. Furthermore, this study provides a single-step and lithography-free 3D printing process to arrange the hybrid Au@GST core-shell nanostructures in a large area deliberately, giving additional flexibility to control over the architecture and geometry. Such Au@GST core-shell hetero-nanostructures have the potential for active control of nanophotonic devices, such as super-resolution imaging and programmable metasurfaces.

关键词 :

phase change materials phase change materials tunable optical response tunable optical response surface plasmon plasmons surface plasmon plasmons Au@GST core-shell hetero-nanostructures Au@GST core-shell hetero-nanostructures



GB/T 7714 Li, Dongfang , Han, Weina , Yuan, Yanping et al. Tunable Optical Response Based on Au@GST Core-Shell Hetero-nanostructures [J]. | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS , 2021 , 4 (9) : 9123-9131 .
MLA Li, Dongfang et al. "Tunable Optical Response Based on Au@GST Core-Shell Hetero-nanostructures" . | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS 4 . 9 (2021) : 9123-9131 .
APA Li, Dongfang , Han, Weina , Yuan, Yanping , Zhao, Yan , Cheng, Zhaochen , Chen, Jimin . Tunable Optical Response Based on Au@GST Core-Shell Hetero-nanostructures . | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS , 2021 , 4 (9) , 9123-9131 .
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激光器在增材制造中的应用 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , 63 (22) , 42-53 | 航空制造技术
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

选择性激光烧结 选择性激光烧结 选择性激光熔化 选择性激光熔化 增材制造 增材制造 直接金属激光烧结 直接金属激光烧结 3D打印 3D打印 立体光固化 立体光固化



GB/T 7714 陈继民 , 张成宇 . 激光器在增材制造中的应用 [J]. | 航空制造技术 , 2020 , 63 (22) : 42-53 .
MLA 陈继民 et al. "激光器在增材制造中的应用" . | 航空制造技术 63 . 22 (2020) : 42-53 .
APA 陈继民 , 张成宇 . 激光器在增材制造中的应用 . | 航空制造技术 , 2020 , 63 (22) , 42-53 .
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3D打印辅助教学绘板 incoPat
专利 | 2020-08-13 | CN202030460475.5
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 齐国安 , 陈继民 . 3D打印辅助教学绘板 : CN202030460475.5[P]. | 2020-08-13 .
MLA 齐国安 et al. "3D打印辅助教学绘板" : CN202030460475.5. | 2020-08-13 .
APA 齐国安 , 陈继民 . 3D打印辅助教学绘板 : CN202030460475.5. | 2020-08-13 .
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