摘要 :
The Mo-10Si-(0, 5, 10, 15)B (at.%) alloys located in Moss (Mo solid solution) +Mo3Si +T2 (Mo5SiB2) region were prepared by arc melting. The effect of B content on the microstructure, microhardness, fracture toughness and oxidation resistance of the alloys was studied. In the Mo-10Si alloy, there are primary Mo-ss and peritectic Mo3Si phases. With the addition of B, (Mo-ss + T2) binary and (Mo-ss + T2 + Mo3Si) ternary eutectics emerge in Mo-10Si-(5, 10)B alloys. For Mo-10Si-15B alloy, primary Moss disappears and the mi-crostructure is only composed of binary and ternary eutectics. With the increase of B content, the proportion and grain size of Mo-ss decrease. The microhardness of alloys increases with the increase of B content due to the increasing intermetallics. The fracture toughness of alloys decreases obviously in single-edge notched three-point bending testing (SENB) and the fracture mode transforms from transgranular fracture to intergranular fracture because of the refinement of Mo-ss. In the high-temperature oxidation test at 1250 degrees C, the oxidation weight loss of the alloys decreases with the addition of B due to the densification of the borosilicate layer. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
关键词 :
Microstructure Microstructure Oxidation resistance Oxidation resistance B content B content Mo-Si-B alloys Mo-Si-B alloys Fracture toughness Fracture toughness
GB/T 7714 | Jin, Ming , He, Dingyong , Shao, Wei et al. Influence of B contents on the microstructure, fracture toughness and oxidation resistance of Mo-Si-B alloys [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 890 . |
MLA | Jin, Ming et al. "Influence of B contents on the microstructure, fracture toughness and oxidation resistance of Mo-Si-B alloys" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 890 (2022) . |
APA | Jin, Ming , He, Dingyong , Shao, Wei , Tan, Zhen , Guo, Xingye , Zhou, Zheng et al. Influence of B contents on the microstructure, fracture toughness and oxidation resistance of Mo-Si-B alloys . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 890 . |
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摘要 :
为满足马氏体不锈钢熔覆层的高效制备需求,在合金成分优化基础上,采用激光熔覆技术制备了单层厚度超过2 mm的FeCrNiMo合金熔覆层,并对其微观组织结构与摩擦磨损行为进行了研究。结果表明,熔覆层厚度均匀,无明显裂纹等缺陷,组织从表面沿厚度方向依次为等轴晶、树枝晶、胞状晶,枝晶内为马氏体,晶间为富Cr、Mo元素的铁素体。在环-块摩擦磨损形式下,随着施加载荷加大,摩擦系数和磨损量逐渐增加;熔覆层以磨粒磨损和氧化磨损机制为主,但在高载荷下黏着磨损倾向增大。在球盘往复摩擦磨损形式下,随温度升高,摩擦系数下降,熔覆层发生热软化,磨损量增加;熔覆层以氧化磨损和疲劳磨损机制为主。
关键词 :
激光熔覆 激光熔覆 微观组织 微观组织 FeCrNiMo不锈钢 FeCrNiMo不锈钢 摩擦磨损 摩擦磨损
GB/T 7714 | 赵万新 , 周正 , 黄杰 et al. FeCrNiMo激光熔覆层组织与摩擦磨损行为 [J]. | 金属学报 , 2021 , 57 (10) : 1291-1298 . |
MLA | 赵万新 et al. "FeCrNiMo激光熔覆层组织与摩擦磨损行为" . | 金属学报 57 . 10 (2021) : 1291-1298 . |
APA | 赵万新 , 周正 , 黄杰 , 杨延格 , 杜开平 , 贺定勇 . FeCrNiMo激光熔覆层组织与摩擦磨损行为 . | 金属学报 , 2021 , 57 (10) , 1291-1298 . |
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摘要 :
对具有重要工程应用价值的Cu-5%Sn合金进行激光选区熔化(SLM)成形,在激光功率160 W、扫描速度300 mm·s-1、扫描间距0.07 mm条件下,合金样品相对密度可达99.2%,熔池层与层堆积密实,表面质量良好.研究发现所获合金具有非平衡凝固组织特征,其中以α-Cu(Sn)固溶体相为主,且涉及具有超结构的γ相、δ相.显微形貌主要由柱状晶与富锡网状组织构成,伴随有不同尺度界面Sn元素偏析及晶界、晶内纳米尺寸超结构合金相颗粒析出.所获合金的力学性能与同成分铸态合金或较低Sn含量SLM合金相比得到显著强化,表面硬度可达HV 133.83,屈服强度326 MPa,抗拉强度387 MPa及断裂...
关键词 :
有色金属 有色金属 激光选区熔化 激光选区熔化 析出 析出 凝固组织 凝固组织 铜合金 铜合金 力学性能 力学性能
GB/T 7714 | 李小璇 , 王曾洁 , 贺定勇 et al. 铜锡合金激光选区熔化非平衡凝固组织与性能 [J]. | 工程科学学报 , 2021 , 43 (08) : 1100-1106 . |
MLA | 李小璇 et al. "铜锡合金激光选区熔化非平衡凝固组织与性能" . | 工程科学学报 43 . 08 (2021) : 1100-1106 . |
APA | 李小璇 , 王曾洁 , 贺定勇 , 刘轩 , 薛济来 . 铜锡合金激光选区熔化非平衡凝固组织与性能 . | 工程科学学报 , 2021 , 43 (08) , 1100-1106 . |
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摘要 :
优化激光选区熔化(SLM)功率、扫速、扫描间距参数调控策略,使Cu-5% Sn、Cu-15% Sn和Cu-24.6%Sn(质量分数)合金成形致密度分别达99.2%、99.7%和99.7%.发现该SLM成形凝固相转变行为与显微组织均有非平衡凝固特征,α相Cu-5%Sn合金中主要为α-Cu(Sn)固溶体相,α相Cu-15%Sn合金中为α-Cu(Sn)与δ-Cu41Sn11两相,β相Cu-24.6%Sn合金中β相不完全分解而析出y与δ相.Sn含量由5%增至15%,抗拉强度由384 MPa增至695 MPa,但断裂总延伸率由22.7%降至12%,α相中未见明显择优取向,β相Cu-24.6%Sn合金中有织构与SLM堆积方向平行,拉伸性能呈现强各向异性.
关键词 :
铜合金 铜合金 力学性能 力学性能 有色金属 有色金属 冶金熔池 冶金熔池 激光选区熔化 激光选区熔化
GB/T 7714 | 李小璇 , 王曾洁 , 贺定勇 et al. Sn对铜合金激光选区熔化微熔池组织及性能的影响 [J]. | 有色金属(冶炼部分) , 2021 , (5) : 92-96,111 . |
MLA | 李小璇 et al. "Sn对铜合金激光选区熔化微熔池组织及性能的影响" . | 有色金属(冶炼部分) 5 (2021) : 92-96,111 . |
APA | 李小璇 , 王曾洁 , 贺定勇 , 潘润蓬 , 刘轩 , 薛济来 . Sn对铜合金激光选区熔化微熔池组织及性能的影响 . | 有色金属(冶炼部分) , 2021 , (5) , 92-96,111 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 谈震 , 李锦涛 , 贺定勇 et al. 一种利用激光增材制备点阵结构非晶-纳米晶合金的方法 : CN202110018514.X[P]. | 2021-01-07 . |
MLA | 谈震 et al. "一种利用激光增材制备点阵结构非晶-纳米晶合金的方法" : CN202110018514.X. | 2021-01-07 . |
APA | 谈震 , 李锦涛 , 贺定勇 , 周正 , 郭星晔 , 崔丽 et al. 一种利用激光增材制备点阵结构非晶-纳米晶合金的方法 : CN202110018514.X. | 2021-01-07 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
力学性能 力学性能 冶金熔池 冶金熔池 激光选区熔化 激光选区熔化 铜合金 铜合金 有色金属 有色金属
GB/T 7714 | 李小璇 , 王曾洁 , 贺定勇 et al. Sn对铜合金激光选区熔化微熔池组织及性能的影响 [J]. | 李小璇 , 2021 , (5) : 92-96,111 . |
MLA | 李小璇 et al. "Sn对铜合金激光选区熔化微熔池组织及性能的影响" . | 李小璇 5 (2021) : 92-96,111 . |
APA | 李小璇 , 王曾洁 , 贺定勇 , 潘润蓬 , 刘轩 , 薛济来 et al. Sn对铜合金激光选区熔化微熔池组织及性能的影响 . | 李小璇 , 2021 , (5) , 92-96,111 . |
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摘要 :
In this work, the creep behaviors of the graphitic and graphite-TiB2 composite as cathode materials have been investigated at high temperature aluminum electrolysis for discussing the role of TiB2 particles in creep resistance and mechanical properties connected with the microstructural evolution involving electrolyte penetration and cracking. The graphite-TiB2 composite has superior creep resistance over the graphitic sample. The corresponding creep strain can be as low as -0.2% after the high temperature electrolysis. The addition of TiB2 particles greatly densifies the prepared composite with low porosity, resulting in the reduction of penetrating channels. The well-wetted TiB2 particles by liquid Al generate a protective dense Al layer on the surface of composite, greatly blocking the electrolyte penetration. In turn, liquid Al may slowly penetrate into the composite via the cracks formed channels. The fracture strength of the graphite-TiB2 composite increases from 41.6 MPa to 48.9 MPa after creep test at high temperature loading. Such improved properties should be attributed to the combined mechanism with reduced micro-cracks, decreased penetrating channels and the reinforcement due to addition of TiB2 particles.
关键词 :
Creep behavior Creep behavior Graphite-based composites Graphite-based composites Mechanical properties Mechanical properties Penetration resistance Penetration resistance TiB2 TiB2
GB/T 7714 | Wang, Zengjie , Li, Haipeng , Zhang, Cheng et al. The role of TiB2 particles in the creep and penetrating resistance of graphite-based composite [J]. | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , 2021 , 47 (9) : 12096-12103 . |
MLA | Wang, Zengjie et al. "The role of TiB2 particles in the creep and penetrating resistance of graphite-based composite" . | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 47 . 9 (2021) : 12096-12103 . |
APA | Wang, Zengjie , Li, Haipeng , Zhang, Cheng , Xue, Jilai , Liu, Xuan , Li, Xiang et al. The role of TiB2 particles in the creep and penetrating resistance of graphite-based composite . | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , 2021 , 47 (9) , 12096-12103 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 陈立佳 , 赵力东 , 王旭 et al. NiCrBSi超音速火焰喷涂层在不同温度下的磨损行为 [J]. | 焊接学报 , 2021 , 42 (5) : 65-70 . |
MLA | 陈立佳 et al. "NiCrBSi超音速火焰喷涂层在不同温度下的磨损行为" . | 焊接学报 42 . 5 (2021) : 65-70 . |
APA | 陈立佳 , 赵力东 , 王旭 , 周正 , 郭星晔 , 贺定勇 . NiCrBSi超音速火焰喷涂层在不同温度下的磨损行为 . | 焊接学报 , 2021 , 42 (5) , 65-70 . |
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摘要 :
A dense Cu-10Sn alloy bulk specimen was obtained by optimizing the laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) processing, and the relative density of the specimen reached 99.7%. The grain morphology was mainly the columnar dendrite and inter-dendritic phases generated along the solidification direction. Tensile testing and detailed microstructural characterization were carried out on specimens in the as-built and heat-treated condition. Under the quasi-static tensile condition, the yield strength (sigma(0.2)), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and the elongation of the as-built Cu-10Sn specimen were 392 MPa, 749 MPa and 29%, respectively. After the solution treatment at 800 degrees C for 4 h, and aging treatment at 400 degrees C for 2 hours, the microstructure of the specimen transformed from the columnar grain to equiaxed grain, the dislocation density decrease, and numerous annealing twins were observed in the heat-treated state. Therefore, the quasi-static tensile yield strength (sigma(0.2)) of the specimen was reduced to 245 MPa. However, the UTS and the elongation were increased to 840 MPa and 56%, respectively, due to the interaction between annealing twins and equiaxed grain.
关键词 :
mechanical properties mechanical properties heat treatment heat treatment Cu-10Sn alloy Cu-10Sn alloy laser powder bed fusion laser powder bed fusion
GB/T 7714 | Yang, Peng , Guo, Xingye , He, Dingyong et al. Microstructure Twinning and Mechanical Properties of Laser Melted Cu-10Sn Alloy for High Strength and Plasticity [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE , 2021 , 31 (4) : 2624-2632 . |
MLA | Yang, Peng et al. "Microstructure Twinning and Mechanical Properties of Laser Melted Cu-10Sn Alloy for High Strength and Plasticity" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE 31 . 4 (2021) : 2624-2632 . |
APA | Yang, Peng , Guo, Xingye , He, Dingyong , Shao, Wei , Tan, Zhen , Fu, Hanguang et al. Microstructure Twinning and Mechanical Properties of Laser Melted Cu-10Sn Alloy for High Strength and Plasticity . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE , 2021 , 31 (4) , 2624-2632 . |
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摘要 :
Purpose In this research, the highly dense bulk Cu-5Sn alloy specimens were fabricated using selective laser melting (SLM). This study aims to establish the relationship between laser power (LP), scanning speed (SS) and hatch space (HS) with surface roughness (Ra) and density. To obtain Cu-5Sn alloy formed parts with high strength and low surface roughness. The microstructure and mechanical properties of SLMed Cu-5Sn were investigated. Design/methodology/approach The relative density (RD) was optimized using the response surface method (RSM) and analysis of variance. First, the Ra of SLMed formed specimens was studied to optimize the forming process parameters with a good surface. Then, the dense specimens were studied by ANOVA and the RSM to obtain dense specimens for mechanical property analysis. Findings Dense specimens were obtained by RSM and ANOVA. The tensile properties were compared with the casted specimens. The yield and ultimate strengths increased from 71 and 131 MPa for the cast specimens to 334 and 489 MPa for the SLMed specimens, respectively. The ductility increased significantly from 11% to 23%, due to the refined microstructure of the SLMed specimens, as well as the formation of many twin crystals. Originality/value The Ra, RD and mechanical properties of SLM specimens Cu-5Sn were systematically studied, and the influencing factors were analyzed together. This study provides a theoretical and practical example to improve the surface quality and RD.
关键词 :
Response surface method Response surface method Cu-5Sn alloy Cu-5Sn alloy Selective laser melting Selective laser melting Surface roughness Surface roughness Mechanical properties Mechanical properties Densification Densification
GB/T 7714 | Yang, Peng , He, Dingyong , Wang, Zengjie et al. Investigation of selective laser melting process for Cu-5Sn alloy on surface roughness, microstructure and mechanical property [J]. | RAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL , 2021 , 28 (1) : 10-20 . |
MLA | Yang, Peng et al. "Investigation of selective laser melting process for Cu-5Sn alloy on surface roughness, microstructure and mechanical property" . | RAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL 28 . 1 (2021) : 10-20 . |
APA | Yang, Peng , He, Dingyong , Wang, Zengjie , Tan, Zhen , Fu, Hanguang , Shao, Wei et al. Investigation of selective laser melting process for Cu-5Sn alloy on surface roughness, microstructure and mechanical property . | RAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL , 2021 , 28 (1) , 10-20 . |
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