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Nitrogen and phosphorus removal performance comparison between A2O and A2O+BCO system [A2O工艺和A2O+BCO工艺的脱氮除磷性能比较] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 39 (3) , 994-999 | China Environmental Science
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

A2O and A2O+BCO process were employed to treat domestic wastewater with low carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N=3.96) to compare their nutrient removal performance, respectively. The influent loading and operation condition were kept consistent for 134 days, A2O+BCO system achieved a higher nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency than A2O system because of the application of denitrifying phosphorus removal technology and two-sludge theory, which could use carbon resource more efficiently and solve the SRT contradiction between nitrifiers and PAOs. PAOs accounts for 22% in the stable A2O+BCO system higher than 7% in the A2O system, which explain the mechanism for the superior nutrient removal performance. © 2019, Editorial Board of China Environmental Science. All right reserved.

关键词 :

A2O process; A2O+BCO process; Denitrifying phosphorus removal; Low C/N ratio; Two sludge A2O process; A2O+BCO process; Denitrifying phosphorus removal; Low C/N ratio; Two sludge



GB/T 7714 Zhao, W.-H. , Wang, M.-X. , Li, J.-W. et al. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal performance comparison between A2O and A2O+BCO system [A2O工艺和A2O+BCO工艺的脱氮除磷性能比较] [J]. | China Environmental Science , 2019 , 39 (3) : 994-999 .
MLA Zhao, W.-H. et al. "Nitrogen and phosphorus removal performance comparison between A2O and A2O+BCO system [A2O工艺和A2O+BCO工艺的脱氮除磷性能比较]" . | China Environmental Science 39 . 3 (2019) : 994-999 .
APA Zhao, W.-H. , Wang, M.-X. , Li, J.-W. , Feng, Y. , Liu, B. , Li, X.-Y. et al. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal performance comparison between A2O and A2O+BCO system [A2O工艺和A2O+BCO工艺的脱氮除磷性能比较] . | China Environmental Science , 2019 , 39 (3) , 994-999 .
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In-situ restoring demostic wastewater partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A) process by addition of hydroxylamine [投加羟胺原位恢复城市污水短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化工艺] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 39 (7) , 2789-2795 | China Environmental Science
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The effective inhibition or wash-out of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) is the key challenge for the application of partial nitritation/anammox (PA/N) process in domestic wastewater treatment. The deteriorated domestic wastewater PN/A system was used to investigate the recovery effect of hydroxylamine (NH2OH) concentration and dosing mode on it. The nitrate (NO3 --N) production ratio of the PN/A system was 0.90, which was due to the overgrowth of NOB. The results showed that when the initial NH2OH concentration was 10mg/L in the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and NH2OH was added once a day, the ratio of NO3 --Nproducted/NH4 +-Nconsumed was decreased from 0.90 to 0.11 after adding NH2OH for 20d. It indicated that NH2OH (10mg/L) addition could restore PN/A process in-situ. The ratio of NO3 --Nproducted/NH4 +-Nconsumed increased to 0.15 again after stopping NH2OH addition for 59d. When continued to add NH2OH into reactor for 5d, the PN/A process operated well. Therefore, the intermittent addition of NH2OH strategy could maintain the stable performance of the PN/A process. The real-time quantitative PCR results showed that the NOB abundance was decreased continuously from (4.52±0.44)×1010copies/g VSS (Day 6) to (2.30±0.80)×109copies/g VSS (Day 157) after NH2OH (10mg/L) addition. It indicated that NH2OH addition was beneficial to inhibit and wash out NOB. © 2019, Editorial Board of China Environmental Science. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Demostic wastewater; Hydroxylamin (NH2OH); NOB; Partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A) Demostic wastewater; Hydroxylamin (NH2OH); NOB; Partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A)



GB/T 7714 Li, J. , Li, X.-Y. , Zhang, Q. et al. In-situ restoring demostic wastewater partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A) process by addition of hydroxylamine [投加羟胺原位恢复城市污水短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化工艺] [J]. | China Environmental Science , 2019 , 39 (7) : 2789-2795 .
MLA Li, J. et al. "In-situ restoring demostic wastewater partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A) process by addition of hydroxylamine [投加羟胺原位恢复城市污水短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化工艺]" . | China Environmental Science 39 . 7 (2019) : 2789-2795 .
APA Li, J. , Li, X.-Y. , Zhang, Q. , Peng, Y.-Z. . In-situ restoring demostic wastewater partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A) process by addition of hydroxylamine [投加羟胺原位恢复城市污水短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化工艺] . | China Environmental Science , 2019 , 39 (7) , 2789-2795 .
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Nitrification and denitrifying phosphorus removal performance in the pre-A2 NSBR system [前置A2NSBR系统硝化和反硝化除磷的特性] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 39 (11) , 4660-4665 | China Environmental Science
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Biofilm nitrification and activated sludge denitrifying phosphorus removal performance were investigated in the pre-A2 NSBR system, which treated real low carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio domestic sewage. The effect of organic substance and NO2 --N concentration on the biofilm nitrification performance, and different electronic acceptors on the denitrifying phosphorus uptake rate were studied. Results indicated that nitrification rate was 11.3 mgNH4 +-N/(L•h), the ammonia volume loading was 0.27 kgNH4 +-N/(m³•d) under the filling rate of 40%, the nitrification performance was inhibited by organic substance, but the system showed a good nitrification rate of 9.72 mg NH4 +-N/(L•h) when organics presented. NO2 --N treatment exhibited little effect on the AOB activity but obvious effect on the NOB activity, the NOB activity was almost completely inhibited (only 1.63%) when NO2 --N concentration was 400mg/L. According to the phosphorus uptake rate experiment under different electronic acceptors, the phosphorus uptake rate under oxygen and NO3 --N was 17.62mg P/(g VSS•h) and 12.94mg P/(g VSS•h), respectively, anoxic phosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) occupied 73.4% of the total PAOs, phosphorus uptake performance was inhibited when the NO2 --N concentration was 30mg/L, and phosphorus uptake performance was inhibited when the NO2 --N concentration was 15mg/L under the condition of NO2 --N and NO3 --N coexisted. © 2019, Editorial Board of China Environmental Science. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Denitrifying phosphorus removal; Low C/N ratio; Nitrification; NO2 --N inhibition; Pre-A2NSBR process Denitrifying phosphorus removal; Low C/N ratio; Nitrification; NO2 --N inhibition; Pre-A2NSBR process



GB/T 7714 Zhao, W.-H. , Li, J.-W. , Wang, M.-X. et al. Nitrification and denitrifying phosphorus removal performance in the pre-A2 NSBR system [前置A2NSBR系统硝化和反硝化除磷的特性] [J]. | China Environmental Science , 2019 , 39 (11) : 4660-4665 .
MLA Zhao, W.-H. et al. "Nitrification and denitrifying phosphorus removal performance in the pre-A2 NSBR system [前置A2NSBR系统硝化和反硝化除磷的特性]" . | China Environmental Science 39 . 11 (2019) : 4660-4665 .
APA Zhao, W.-H. , Li, J.-W. , Wang, M.-X. , Huang, Y. , Feng, Y. , Li, X.-Y. et al. Nitrification and denitrifying phosphorus removal performance in the pre-A2 NSBR system [前置A2NSBR系统硝化和反硝化除磷的特性] . | China Environmental Science , 2019 , 39 (11) , 4660-4665 .
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Effects of alkalinity type and concentration on mesophilic anaerobic digestion of excess sludge [碱度类型及浓度对剩余污泥中温厌氧消化的影响] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 39 (5) , 1954-1960 | China Environmental Science
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

To explore the effects of different alkalinity substances (Na2CO3, KHCO3, NaHCO3) and concentration ranges (2000, 3000, 4000mg/L (as CaCO3)) on the middle-temperature anaerobic digestion system, a static batch semi-continuous stirred tank was used in the experiment. The comprehensive reactor operation and microbial high-throughput sequencing analysis showed that Na2CO3 could promote the hydrolysis and acidification process in three different types of alkalinity, while NaHCO3 was more prominent in gas production and reduction. It indicated that Na2CO3 was more likely to promote hydrolysis and acidification in the limiting stage compared to other samples, when the alkalinity of the system was adjusted. Under different concentrations, the hydrolysis capacity was enhanced by increasing the concentration of added basicity, which led to the deterioration of the dehydration performance, while the Volatile Fatty Acids changed little, and the excess basicity will reduce the gas production and reduction of the system. © 2019, Editorial Board of China Environmental Science. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Alkalinity; Hydrolysis acidizing bacteria; Methanogens; Moderate-temperature anaerobic digestion; Waste activated sludge Alkalinity; Hydrolysis acidizing bacteria; Methanogens; Moderate-temperature anaerobic digestion; Waste activated sludge



GB/T 7714 Zhao, M.-M. , Li, X.-Y. , Li, L.-K. et al. Effects of alkalinity type and concentration on mesophilic anaerobic digestion of excess sludge [碱度类型及浓度对剩余污泥中温厌氧消化的影响] [J]. | China Environmental Science , 2019 , 39 (5) : 1954-1960 .
MLA Zhao, M.-M. et al. "Effects of alkalinity type and concentration on mesophilic anaerobic digestion of excess sludge [碱度类型及浓度对剩余污泥中温厌氧消化的影响]" . | China Environmental Science 39 . 5 (2019) : 1954-1960 .
APA Zhao, M.-M. , Li, X.-Y. , Li, L.-K. , Peng, Y.-Z. , Zhang, Q. . Effects of alkalinity type and concentration on mesophilic anaerobic digestion of excess sludge [碱度类型及浓度对剩余污泥中温厌氧消化的影响] . | China Environmental Science , 2019 , 39 (5) , 1954-1960 .
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Evidence of GaN HEMT Schottky Gate Degradation After Gamma Irradiation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2019 , 66 (9) , 3784-3788 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES
WoS核心集被引次数: 10
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Theeffects of gamma rays on two kinds of GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) have been investigated in this paper. We have identified a gate degradation using a combination of optical and electrical measurements. We have demonstrated that the channel current under the degradation position is outside of the gate's control. This degradation prevents the gate from fully pinching off the channel, creating a current concentration region when applying a reverse gate voltage. An integrated analysis, including I-V characterization, the emission microscope (EMMI) technique, and temperature-dependent measurements, was applied to study its mechanism. It is attributed to an irradiation-induced degradation in the Schottky contact.

关键词 :

gate degradation gate degradation high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) subthreshold current subthreshold current GaN GaN Gamma irradiation Gamma irradiation



GB/T 7714 Zheng, Xiang , Feng, Shiwei , Peng, Chao et al. Evidence of GaN HEMT Schottky Gate Degradation After Gamma Irradiation [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES , 2019 , 66 (9) : 3784-3788 .
MLA Zheng, Xiang et al. "Evidence of GaN HEMT Schottky Gate Degradation After Gamma Irradiation" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 66 . 9 (2019) : 3784-3788 .
APA Zheng, Xiang , Feng, Shiwei , Peng, Chao , Lin, Gang , Bai, Lin , Li, Xuan et al. Evidence of GaN HEMT Schottky Gate Degradation After Gamma Irradiation . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES , 2019 , 66 (9) , 3784-3788 .
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Effect of DO concentration on the combination of EBPR and SND for low C/N sewage treatment [DO浓度对EBPR耦合SND处理低C/N污水的影响] Scopus CSCD CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 38 (1) , 120-128 | China Environmental Science
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

This study focused on investigating the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus removal characteristics of a combined enhanced phosphorus removal (EBPR) with simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) process. An anaerobic/aerobic operated sequencing batch reactor (SBR), fed with actual domestic sewage at a low carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N, around 3.5), was studied firstly for the start-up of EBPR and the enrichment of phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) by adjusting the influent C/N, and lately for the nutrient removal performance, SND efficiency, and carbon sources conversion by adjusting the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations at the aerobic stage. Results showed that at DO concentration of around 2.0mg/L and influent C/N increased from 3.2 to 7.5and then recovered to 3.8, effluent PO 4 3- -P concentration gradually decreased from 3.9mg/L to below 0.5mg/L accompanied by the increase of anaerobic phosphorus release amount (PRA) from 3.3mg/L to approximately 30mg/L. Hereafter, when DO concentration gradually decreased to about 1.0mg/L, SND became obvious, and its coupling with EBPR increased the total nitrogen (TN) and PO 4 3- -P removal efficiencies to 85% and 94%, respectively. But when the DO concentration was continued decreased to about 0.5mg/L, nitrification became incomplete and nitrite accumulation became obvious, indicating the existence of simultaneous partial nitrification and denitrification. The results indicated that the combined system has the highest nitrogen and phosphorus removal performance at DO concentration of about 1.0mg/L. In addition, when DO concentration decreased from 2.0mg/L to 0.5mg/L, the contribution of PAOs to the storage of anaerobic intracellular carbon sources (P PAO, An ) gradually reduced from 30.3% to 20.2%, resulted in a decrease of PRA for about 7mg/L. DO concentration of 1.0~1.5mg/L was the most conducive to the synthesis of carbon source PHA in the anaerobic stage of the combined system. © 2018, Editorial Board of China Environmental Science. All right reserved.

关键词 :

EBPR; GAOs; PAOs; Partial nitrification; SND EBPR; GAOs; PAOs; Partial nitrification; SND



GB/T 7714 Zhao, J. , Wang, X.-X. , Li, X.-Y. et al. Effect of DO concentration on the combination of EBPR and SND for low C/N sewage treatment [DO浓度对EBPR耦合SND处理低C/N污水的影响] [J]. | China Environmental Science , 2018 , 38 (1) : 120-128 .
MLA Zhao, J. et al. "Effect of DO concentration on the combination of EBPR and SND for low C/N sewage treatment [DO浓度对EBPR耦合SND处理低C/N污水的影响]" . | China Environmental Science 38 . 1 (2018) : 120-128 .
APA Zhao, J. , Wang, X.-X. , Li, X.-Y. , Peng, Y.-Z. , Jia, S.-Y. . Effect of DO concentration on the combination of EBPR and SND for low C/N sewage treatment [DO浓度对EBPR耦合SND处理低C/N污水的影响] . | China Environmental Science , 2018 , 38 (1) , 120-128 .
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Mechanic parameters analysis of spot welded low carbon steel structure EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 39 (3) , 107-111 | Transactions of the China Welding Institution
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The stress-strain state of spot welded low carbon steel structure was studied by three methods including extensometer measurement, tensile test and numerical simulation based on ANSYS software. The relationship between angle distortion and load was obtained. The results proved the reliability of simulated mechanics model of spot welding structure including weld and plastic ring and base metal. The relationship between angle distortion and load was achieved by analyzing simulation results of the spot welding structure mechanical model. The yield limit and plastic modulus were adjusted during simulation to make the simulation result of deformation consistent with that of the test result. The test results indicated that the yield limit and plastic modulus of plastic ring were measurable by finite element simulation method which could provide references for relative research. © 2018, Editorial Board of Transactions of the China Welding Institution, Magazine Agency Welding. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Low carbon steel Low carbon steel Numerical methods Numerical methods Software testing Software testing Spot welding Spot welding Steel structures Steel structures Tensile testing Tensile testing



GB/T 7714 Wang, Xiaoguang , Li, Xiaoyang , Chen, Shujun et al. Mechanic parameters analysis of spot welded low carbon steel structure [J]. | Transactions of the China Welding Institution , 2018 , 39 (3) : 107-111 .
MLA Wang, Xiaoguang et al. "Mechanic parameters analysis of spot welded low carbon steel structure" . | Transactions of the China Welding Institution 39 . 3 (2018) : 107-111 .
APA Wang, Xiaoguang , Li, Xiaoyang , Chen, Shujun , Yu, Huiping , Li, Xiang . Mechanic parameters analysis of spot welded low carbon steel structure . | Transactions of the China Welding Institution , 2018 , 39 (3) , 107-111 .
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Numerical Study on Dynamic Stiffness hydrostatic bearing CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2017 , 123 , 1255-1260 | 2nd International Conference on Materials Science, Machinery and Energy Engineering (MSMEE)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The numerical simulation of the hydrostatic bearing of the fluctuating load is carried out by Ansys cfx. The variation law of the oil film thickness with the load is obtained and compared with the static formula. It reveals the influence of periodic variation of the load displacement interface table. The results show that under the fluctuating load, the oil film thickness, the bearing capacity and the dynamic stiffness are changed to some extent, which also provides the important basis for the reliability design of the hydrostatic bearing.

关键词 :

Ansys cfx Ansys cfx Dynamic stiffness Dynamic stiffness Hydrostatic bearing Hydrostatic bearing Numerical simulation Numerical simulation



GB/T 7714 Wang Yong-xie , Li Xiao-yang , Wen Jun-wu . Numerical Study on Dynamic Stiffness hydrostatic bearing [C] . 2017 : 1255-1260 .
MLA Wang Yong-xie et al. "Numerical Study on Dynamic Stiffness hydrostatic bearing" . (2017) : 1255-1260 .
APA Wang Yong-xie , Li Xiao-yang , Wen Jun-wu . Numerical Study on Dynamic Stiffness hydrostatic bearing . (2017) : 1255-1260 .
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The start-up and performance of denitrifying phosphorus removal process in a post-anoxic SBR system Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2016 , 36 (5) , 1376-1383 | China Environmental Science
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In order to realize efficient simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal in domestic wastewater, a post-anoxic SBR system was used. The results showed that the denitrifying phosphorus removal process was launched in 39 days by firstly shortening the SRT to enrich phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs), and then extending the SRT and introducing the anoxic phase. COD, TP, NH4+-N and TN removal efficiency were 92.9%, 98.4%, 100% and 98.4%, respectively. The effect of influent carbon-nitrogen ratio (C/N) was also investigated. There was no obvious change on nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency when the decrease of C/N was below 17.65% in a short term. When it exceeded 33.3%, the system had a bad performance on both nitrogen and phosphorus removal, but in the long run, the effluent COD concentration fell, and the proportion of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms (DPAOs) in PAOs increased, which supplemented the removal efficiency of decline to some extent. The cycle test indicated that pH and DO can be the real-time control parameters which decided whether the anaerobic phosphorus release and the cycle ended or not. The reaction time and energy consumption of aeration could be reduced significantly. © 2016, Editorial Board of China Environmental Science. All right reserved.

关键词 :

C/N; Denitrifying phosphorus removal; Post-anoxic; Real-time control; SBR; Startup C/N; Denitrifying phosphorus removal; Post-anoxic; Real-time control; SBR; Startup



GB/T 7714 Yang, J. , Li, D. , Luo, Y.-H. et al. The start-up and performance of denitrifying phosphorus removal process in a post-anoxic SBR system [J]. | China Environmental Science , 2016 , 36 (5) : 1376-1383 .
MLA Yang, J. et al. "The start-up and performance of denitrifying phosphorus removal process in a post-anoxic SBR system" . | China Environmental Science 36 . 5 (2016) : 1376-1383 .
APA Yang, J. , Li, D. , Luo, Y.-H. , Li, X.-Y. , Zeng, H.-P. , Zhang, J. . The start-up and performance of denitrifying phosphorus removal process in a post-anoxic SBR system . | China Environmental Science , 2016 , 36 (5) , 1376-1383 .
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Numerical research on ten-needle inline nozzle structure EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2016 , 52 (22) , 205-212 | Journal of Mechanical Engineering
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摘要 :

Electrostatic spinning is one of the main methods of producing nanofiber, the structure of the nozzle and assembly decides the spinning quality and production, and the reasonable design of size can effectively improve the spinning efficiency. The selection research on ten-needle inline nozzle is performed by using numerical simulation method. Combing the actual requirement of engineering, total 180 orthonormal models including six groups of needle diameters, six groups of needle lengths and five groups of inlet flux are calculated. Then the partial flow and drift rate in nozzle structure are obtained under the conditions of different inlet flow, different needle diameters and different needle lengths. The influence of nozzle diameter and length on exit drift rate is analyzed, and according to different working conditions, the reasonable size selection scheme of nozzle structure is given. © 2016 Journal of Mechanical Engineering.

关键词 :

Computer simulation Computer simulation Ion beams Ion beams Needles Needles Nozzle design Nozzle design Nozzles Nozzles Numerical methods Numerical methods Numerical models Numerical models



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Linlin , Yuan, Hongjin , Li, Xiaoyang . Numerical research on ten-needle inline nozzle structure [J]. | Journal of Mechanical Engineering , 2016 , 52 (22) : 205-212 .
MLA Zhang, Linlin et al. "Numerical research on ten-needle inline nozzle structure" . | Journal of Mechanical Engineering 52 . 22 (2016) : 205-212 .
APA Zhang, Linlin , Yuan, Hongjin , Li, Xiaoyang . Numerical research on ten-needle inline nozzle structure . | Journal of Mechanical Engineering , 2016 , 52 (22) , 205-212 .
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