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Effect of stirrup ratio on impact response of BFRP-reinforced concrete beams under different energy levels SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 17
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摘要 :

Fiber-reinforced-polymer (FRP) reinforced concrete structures are gradually applied in building, bridge, dam engineering, etc. Compared with the extensively-studied static mechanical properties, the research on the impact resistance of FRP-reinforced concrete beams is minimal. This study established and validated the 3D modeling approach of Basalt FRP (BFRP) reinforced concrete beams with different stirrup ratios. Numerical simulations were performed under different impact energy. The effects of the stirrup ratio and impact energy on the me-chanical response of concrete beams were presented and analyzed. It can be concluded that the increasing stirrup ratio can restrict the development of bending-shear cracks and thus preclude shear plug failure. Under the given impact energy, as the stirrup ratio increases, the midspan peak and residual displacement are reduced. More stirrups are activated while stirrup peak strains decrease in the shear region. The increasing stirrup ratio en-hances the integrity and overall rigidity of the beams, which is more effective at higher velocities. Moreover, a nominal equal-damage analysis on the beams was performed according to energy dissipation, which provides a reference for in-depth research and design. Finally, considering the relationship between the static load-carrying capacity and dynamic input energy of the beam, a semi-empirical simplified method for predicting the peak impact deflection of concrete beams was suggested and initially verified. The simplified prediction method provides new insights for impact mechanical response investigation and engineering structure design for BFRP-reinforced concrete beams.

关键词 :

Simplified method Simplified method Stirrup ratio Stirrup ratio Impact energy Impact energy Impact response Impact response Basalt FRP concrete beam Basalt FRP concrete beam



GB/T 7714 Li, Jian , Zhang, Renbo , Jin, Liu et al. Effect of stirrup ratio on impact response of BFRP-reinforced concrete beams under different energy levels [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING , 2023 , 173 .
MLA Li, Jian et al. "Effect of stirrup ratio on impact response of BFRP-reinforced concrete beams under different energy levels" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING 173 (2023) .
APA Li, Jian , Zhang, Renbo , Jin, Liu , Lan, Dongqiu , Zheng, Min , Du, Xiuli . Effect of stirrup ratio on impact response of BFRP-reinforced concrete beams under different energy levels . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING , 2023 , 173 .
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Numerical investigations on the viscoelastic-damage behaviors of RIVE-induced concrete SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 13
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摘要 :

Due to the remarkable influence of aggregate characteristics on the mechanical behaviors of concrete materials, and in particular the microcracking development, complex aggregates shapes instead of widely used spherical -shape need to be considered in advanced numerical approaches. Apart from that, in numerical simulations, an extra consideration of the influences of concrete's heterogeneity on its softening behaviors is strongly recommended by the scientific community. In this context, the softening behaviors of concrete materials undergoing heterogeneous expansion in the aggregates due to fast neutron radiation were investigated in the present paper, and the influences of both aggregate shape and the heterogeneity of aggregate expansion were considered. According to the real shapes of aggregates, polygon-shaped aggregates with random orientation were placed into a 3D numerical concrete specimen, and a two-stage finite element (FE) approach allowing a coupled thermal-mechanical analysis was proposed. In the first stage, the temperature field evolves in time and the 3D concrete specimen was estimated. In the second stage, the temperature-and neutron fluence-dependent heterogeneous expansion in the aggregates was calculated and introduced into the 3D mesoscopic model, and the development of microcracks in the concrete, the resulting mechanical responses, the loss in mechanical properties of the radiation-induced concrete was evaluated. Surmounting the limitations due to the spherical-shape of aggregate and the homogeneous assumption of the aggregate expansion in the concrete, the present paper developed a new methodology in which the combined effects of aggregate's shape and the heterogeneous distribution of aggregate expansion on the mechanical properties of radiation-induced concrete were considered, permitting evaluating the changes in the dimensional and mechanical properties of radiation -induced concrete. The proposed model provides a reference to assess the long-term durability and the structural integrity of nuclear power plants.

关键词 :

Residual mechanical properties Residual mechanical properties Concrete material Concrete material 3D mesoscale numerical model 3D mesoscale numerical model Fast neutron Fast neutron Radiation-induced volumetric expansion Radiation-induced volumetric expansion



GB/T 7714 Chen, F. , Gao, C. , Jin, L. et al. Numerical investigations on the viscoelastic-damage behaviors of RIVE-induced concrete [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES , 2023 , 239 .
MLA Chen, F. et al. "Numerical investigations on the viscoelastic-damage behaviors of RIVE-induced concrete" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES 239 (2023) .
APA Chen, F. , Gao, C. , Jin, L. , Du, X. , Bary, B. , Le Pape, Y. et al. Numerical investigations on the viscoelastic-damage behaviors of RIVE-induced concrete . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES , 2023 , 239 .
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Experimental Investigation of the Bond Performance between Nonuniformly Corroded Reinforcing Bar and Concrete SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 7
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摘要 :

In this study, bond failure tests were carried out on eight beam anchorage specimens after accelerated corrosion, and the crack widths on the concrete surface and the nonuniform corrosion characteristics of the reinforcing bars were analyzed. The testing results show that the pitting volume and maximum crack width on the concrete surface both increase exponentially as the mass loss rate increases. According to the testing results, the pitting coefficient and uniform coefficient are introduced to reflect the effect of the pitting corrosion and uniform corrosion, respectively, on the bond strength, and as these two coefficients increase, the bond strength greatly decreases. In addition, based on the maximum crack width on the concrete surface, bond strength and peak slip models are developed, and a bond stress-slip model of the nonuniformly corroded reinforcing bar is proposed, combined with that of uncorroded reinforcing bar. It is proved that the proposed models provide good predictions.

关键词 :

Crack width Crack width Nonuniform corrosion Nonuniform corrosion Beam anchorage test Beam anchorage test Bond performance Bond performance Concrete Concrete



GB/T 7714 Wu, Jieqiong , Guo, Li , Jin, Liu et al. Experimental Investigation of the Bond Performance between Nonuniformly Corroded Reinforcing Bar and Concrete [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING , 2022 , 34 (12) .
MLA Wu, Jieqiong et al. "Experimental Investigation of the Bond Performance between Nonuniformly Corroded Reinforcing Bar and Concrete" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 34 . 12 (2022) .
APA Wu, Jieqiong , Guo, Li , Jin, Liu , Du, Xiuli . Experimental Investigation of the Bond Performance between Nonuniformly Corroded Reinforcing Bar and Concrete . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING , 2022 , 34 (12) .
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Effect of shear-span ratio and vertical reinforcement ratio on the failure of geometrical-similar RC shear walls SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 21
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摘要 :

The purpose of this study is to investigate the size effect on reinforcement concrete (RC) shear walls having different shear span ratios and vertical reinforcement ratios by the two-dimensional (2D) meso-scale simulation method. Firstly, the meso-scale simulation method was verified by the existing test data. Then, the effects of shear span ratio and vertical reinforcement ratio on the mechanical properties of RC shear walls with different structure sizes were studied by using this method. The results show that: 1) The failure mode of shear walls changes from shear failure to bending failure with the increase of the shear span ratio. 2) With the increase of the shear span ratio, the shear capacity of the shear wall decreases and the ductility increases, which leads to the weakening of the size effect. 3) The increase of the vertical reinforcement ratio has a slight increase in the shear capacity of the shear wall, but has almost no effect on the ductility and size effect. In addition, based on the established size effect law which can reflect the quantitative effect of horizontal reinforcement ratio and axial compression ratio, a new size effect law for RC shear wall was proposed considering the quantitative effect of shear span ratio.

关键词 :

Vertical reinforcement ratio Vertical reinforcement ratio Shear span ratio Shear span ratio Size effect Size effect RC shear wall RC shear wall Meso-scale numerical simulation Meso-scale numerical simulation



GB/T 7714 Miao, Liyue , Jin, Liu , Li, Dong et al. Effect of shear-span ratio and vertical reinforcement ratio on the failure of geometrical-similar RC shear walls [J]. | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS , 2022 , 139 .
MLA Miao, Liyue et al. "Effect of shear-span ratio and vertical reinforcement ratio on the failure of geometrical-similar RC shear walls" . | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS 139 (2022) .
APA Miao, Liyue , Jin, Liu , Li, Dong , Du, Xiuli , Zhang, Binlin . Effect of shear-span ratio and vertical reinforcement ratio on the failure of geometrical-similar RC shear walls . | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS , 2022 , 139 .
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Refined modeling of the interfacial behavior between FRP bars and concrete under different loading rates SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 291 | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES
WoS核心集被引次数: 20
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bar can be served as a promising alternative to steel rebars due to its lightweight, high corrosion resistance and wider working temperatures, etc., especially for the structure sensitive to weight or in aggressive environments. In order to lay the foundation for a more scientific design of structures reinforced with FRP bars, the bond behavior of FRP bars to surrounding concrete subjected to pull-out loadings with different loading rates was investigated with a refined numerical model in the present study. In the model, the surface features of FRP bars and the heterogeneity of concrete were explicitly reflected. The interaction between the two materials was modeled with a surface-to-surface contact strategy. The effectiveness of the model was verified by the good agreement between the simulation results and the available experimental observations. With the help of the numerical model, taking basalt FRP (BFRP) bars as an instance, the cracking process and failure patterns, bond-slip curves, bond strength and peak slip at the FRP bar to the concrete interface were simulated and analyzed. The influences of fiber types and surface characteristics of FRP bars were discussed. Based on the simulation results, an empirical formula was given to predict the dynamic bond-slip relationships of FRP bars in concrete. It was indicated that the failure patterns of the FRP bar to concrete interface under various strain rates do not show much difference within the scope of the present study. The elastic modulus of FRP bars mainly affects the bond stiffness and peak slip instead of bond strength. The density of FRP bars has a slight influence on the bond strength and peak slip while ignorable on bond stiffness. The variation in rib height of FRP bars changes the bond strength and the descending part of bond-slip curves, showing no regularity on bond stiffness and peak slip. The influence of rib spacing on bond performance is irregular. As the strain rate increases, the bond strength of FRP bars to concrete is increased continuously while the peak slip is reduced firstly and then increased. The empirical formula in the form of two power functions, considering the strain rate effect of bond strength and peak slip, can reasonably reproduce the dynamic bond-slip relationships between FRP bars and concrete to a certain degree

关键词 :

Concrete Concrete Loading rate Loading rate FRP bar FRP bar Pull-out loading Pull-out loading Refined modeling approach Refined modeling approach Bond-slip behavior Bond-slip behavior



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Renbo , Jin, Liu , Liu, Mengjia et al. Refined modeling of the interfacial behavior between FRP bars and concrete under different loading rates [J]. | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 2022 , 291 .
MLA Zhang, Renbo et al. "Refined modeling of the interfacial behavior between FRP bars and concrete under different loading rates" . | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 291 (2022) .
APA Zhang, Renbo , Jin, Liu , Liu, Mengjia , Du, Xiuli , Liu, Jingbo . Refined modeling of the interfacial behavior between FRP bars and concrete under different loading rates . | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 2022 , 291 .
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混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (3) , 260-268 | 金浏
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

强度预测模型 强度预测模型 BP神经网络 BP神经网络 抗压强度 抗压强度 细观结构 细观结构 混凝土 混凝土 尺寸效应 尺寸效应



GB/T 7714 金浏 , 赵瑞 , 杜修力 et al. 混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型 [J]. | 金浏 , 2021 , 47 (3) : 260-268 .
MLA 金浏 et al. "混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型" . | 金浏 47 . 3 (2021) : 260-268 .
APA 金浏 , 赵瑞 , 杜修力 , 北京工业大学学报 . 混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型 . | 金浏 , 2021 , 47 (3) , 260-268 .
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混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (03) , 260-268 | 北京工业大学学报
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

为了探究各影响因素对混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应现象的作用机理,从混凝土材料层面出发,建立基于BP神经网络的混凝土抗压强度预测模型.结合大量已有试验结果,建立可考虑试件形状、截面尺寸、高宽比、养护龄期、水灰比、水泥标号和粗骨料最大粒径等7个特性影响的人工神经网络模型.根据上述输入特征,对不同截面尺寸的混凝土抗压强度进行预测分析,并研究相关因素对混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应现象的影响程度.结果表明:1)水灰比对混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的影响较大,其值越小,抗压强度的尺寸效应越明显;2)高宽比的增大会导致尺寸效应的增强,但当高宽比大于2时,尺寸效应趋于平稳; 3)粗骨料粒径的增大会导致尺寸效应现象愈加明显,但其...

关键词 :

强度预测模型 强度预测模型 BP神经网络 BP神经网络 尺寸效应 尺寸效应 抗压强度 抗压强度 混凝土 混凝土 细观结构 细观结构



GB/T 7714 金浏 , 赵瑞 , 杜修力 . 混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (03) : 260-268 .
MLA 金浏 et al. "混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型" . | 北京工业大学学报 47 . 03 (2021) : 260-268 .
APA 金浏 , 赵瑞 , 杜修力 . 混凝土抗压强度尺寸效应的神经网络预测模型 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (03) , 260-268 .
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考虑骨料粒径影响的混凝土拉伸强度尺寸效应律 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (4) , 311-320 | 金浏
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

最大骨料粒径 最大骨料粒径 混凝土材料 混凝土材料 单轴直拉试验 单轴直拉试验 细观模拟 细观模拟 混凝土强度 混凝土强度 尺寸效应 尺寸效应



GB/T 7714 金浏 , 李健 , 余文轩 et al. 考虑骨料粒径影响的混凝土拉伸强度尺寸效应律 [J]. | 金浏 , 2021 , 47 (4) : 311-320 .
MLA 金浏 et al. "考虑骨料粒径影响的混凝土拉伸强度尺寸效应律" . | 金浏 47 . 4 (2021) : 311-320 .
APA 金浏 , 李健 , 余文轩 , 杜修力 , 北京工业大学学报 . 考虑骨料粒径影响的混凝土拉伸强度尺寸效应律 . | 金浏 , 2021 , 47 (4) , 311-320 .
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Research progress on the influence of temperature on the mechanical performance of concrete structures EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 54 (3) , 1-18 | China Civil Engineering Journal
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The application scope of concrete material is continuously expanding because of the excellent performance and wide selection of raw materials.The environmental temperature of the concrete structures ranges from a high temperature of about 1000 to a low temperature of -165 in the cases of fire disaster, high latitude and extreme cold environment, as well as the LNG storage tank, etc.Therefore, it is essential to fully understand the influence of temperature on concrete materials and structural properties to guarantee the safety of engineering structure in different environments.A lot of research work has been carried out on the performance of concrete structures at different temperatures while the relatively systematic theoretical system and design method have been formed.In this paper, the research work of the effect of high temperature on the mechanical properties of ordinary concrete, steel fiber reinforced concrete and steel rebar as well as reinforced concrete (RC) components was concluded and the research progress of concrete, steel rebar and RC components at cryogenic temperature was introduced.Then, the research trend was pointed from five respects, namely, the high-temperature properties of high-performance concrete, fire-resistant design methods of concrete structures, damage assessment and retrofitting of fired concrete structures, low-temperature properties of concrete materials and damage mechanism, as well as the behavior of RC structures subjected to cryogenic temperature. © 2021, Editorial Office of China Civil Engineering Journal. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Structural design Structural design Steel fibers Steel fibers Fiber reinforced concrete Fiber reinforced concrete High temperature engineering High temperature engineering Rebar Rebar Temperature Temperature Cryogenics Cryogenics Materials properties Materials properties Structural properties Structural properties Concrete buildings Concrete buildings Concrete construction Concrete construction Engineering research Engineering research High performance concrete High performance concrete Damage detection Damage detection High temperature effects High temperature effects



GB/T 7714 Jin, Liu , Zhang, Renbo , Du, Xiuli et al. Research progress on the influence of temperature on the mechanical performance of concrete structures [J]. | China Civil Engineering Journal , 2021 , 54 (3) : 1-18 .
MLA Jin, Liu et al. "Research progress on the influence of temperature on the mechanical performance of concrete structures" . | China Civil Engineering Journal 54 . 3 (2021) : 1-18 .
APA Jin, Liu , Zhang, Renbo , Du, Xiuli , Liu, Jingbo . Research progress on the influence of temperature on the mechanical performance of concrete structures . | China Civil Engineering Journal , 2021 , 54 (3) , 1-18 .
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剪跨比对CFRP加固无腹筋混凝土梁剪切破坏及尺寸效应的影响研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 38 (03) , 50-59,85 | 工程力学
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

尺寸效应 尺寸效应 混凝土梁 混凝土梁 剪跨比 剪跨比 CFRP加固 CFRP加固 抗剪强度 抗剪强度



GB/T 7714 金浏 , 夏海 , 蒋轩昂 et al. 剪跨比对CFRP加固无腹筋混凝土梁剪切破坏及尺寸效应的影响研究 [J]. | 工程力学 , 2021 , 38 (03) : 50-59,85 .
MLA 金浏 et al. "剪跨比对CFRP加固无腹筋混凝土梁剪切破坏及尺寸效应的影响研究" . | 工程力学 38 . 03 (2021) : 50-59,85 .
APA 金浏 , 夏海 , 蒋轩昂 , 杜修力 . 剪跨比对CFRP加固无腹筋混凝土梁剪切破坏及尺寸效应的影响研究 . | 工程力学 , 2021 , 38 (03) , 50-59,85 .
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