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Microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg-6Gd-1Er-0.5Zr alloy sheets produced with different rolling temperatures SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
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摘要 :

In this study, we investigated the microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg-6Gd-1Er-0.5Zr (GE61K) sheets. The results show that the rolling temperature has a remarkable influence on microstructures, age-hardening responses and mechanical properties of GE61K sheets. The microstructures varies with the increase in rolling temperatures, i.e. microstructures were dominated by the mixture of dynamic re-crystallized (DRXed) grains and un-DRXed grains at 300 degrees C, by DRXed grains at 350 degrees C, and by un-DRXed grains at 400 degrees C and 450 degrees C. Rolling at 300 degrees C leads to a formation of the bimodal microstructure which contains equilibrium Mg-5(Gd, Er) precipitates and a large number of dislocations. These dislocations leads to a formation of novel chain-like precipitates which comprise dominant beta', beta'(F) (or beta'(T)), tail-like "hexagonal ring" layers, individual "zig-zag" chain and individual "hexagonal ring", eventually improving age-hardening responses. The chain-like precipitates are beneficial for achieving a good strength-ductility balance by dividing the matrix into nano-scale units and forming subsequent honeycomb structures. As a result, the R-300 degrees C sheet shows good mechanical properties, i.e. ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 367 +/- 3 MPa, yield strength (YS) of 349 +/- 4 MPa and elongation (EL) of 9.1 +/- 1.5%, respectively. However, such strength-ductility balance is destroyed sharply as soon as the rolling temperature increases to 400 degrees C because of the microstructure variations. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Age-hardening response Age-hardening response Mechanical properties Mechanical properties Mg-Gd-Er-Zr sheets Mg-Gd-Er-Zr sheets Precipitate chain Precipitate chain



GB/T 7714 Liu, Ke , Lou, Feng , Yu, Zijian et al. Microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg-6Gd-1Er-0.5Zr alloy sheets produced with different rolling temperatures [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 893 .
MLA Liu, Ke et al. "Microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg-6Gd-1Er-0.5Zr alloy sheets produced with different rolling temperatures" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 893 (2022) .
APA Liu, Ke , Lou, Feng , Yu, Zijian , Wang, Zhaohui , Li, Shubo , Du, Xian et al. Microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg-6Gd-1Er-0.5Zr alloy sheets produced with different rolling temperatures . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 893 .
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Dispersion of CNT via an effective two-step method, and enhanced thermal conductivity of Mg composite reinforced by the dispersed CNT SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 13
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摘要 :

Based on the co-dispersion behavior of CNT and graphene, an effective two-step process, from water-based to ethanol-based, for dispersing CNT was developed. The magnesium matrix composites reinforced with the dispersed CNT (D-CNT) were fabricated via powder metallurgy along with hot extrusion. Results indicated that CNT were complexed with graphene by the 7C-7C stacking interactions and the dispersion of CNT in water and ethanol relied on electrostatic repulsion and steric hindrance, respectively. The uniformly distributed D-CNT with the intact structure embedded into Mg matrix, forming the interfacial bonding with sandwich structure or embedded structure. The thermal conductivity of the 1.0 wt% D-CNT/Mg composite was reached up to 187.7 W/ (mK), 42.2% higher than that of pure Mg. The enhancement of thermal conductivity was ascribed to the multi tunnel effect of the D-CNT and the sandwich structure and/or embedded structures interface.

关键词 :

Thermal conductivity Thermal conductivity Carbon nanotube Carbon nanotube Mg matrix composite Mg matrix composite



GB/T 7714 Meng, Fanjing , Du, Wenbo , Lou, Feng et al. Dispersion of CNT via an effective two-step method, and enhanced thermal conductivity of Mg composite reinforced by the dispersed CNT [J]. | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS , 2022 , 278 .
MLA Meng, Fanjing et al. "Dispersion of CNT via an effective two-step method, and enhanced thermal conductivity of Mg composite reinforced by the dispersed CNT" . | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 278 (2022) .
APA Meng, Fanjing , Du, Wenbo , Lou, Feng , Du, Xian , Zhao, Chenchen , Liu, Ke et al. Dispersion of CNT via an effective two-step method, and enhanced thermal conductivity of Mg composite reinforced by the dispersed CNT . | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS , 2022 , 278 .
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Effects of grain refinement and precipitate strengthening on mechanical properties of double-extruded Mg-12Gd-2Er-0.4Zr alloy SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 31
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摘要 :

The Mg-12Gd-2Er-0.4Zr (GE122K) is fabricated by double extrusion, and the effects of grain refinement and precipitate evolution on the mechanical performance of the extruded alloys are deeply analyzed. Scanning electron microscope results spectacle that some bulky precipitates in the single extruded alloy are fragmented to fine precipitates during double extrusion and distribute linearly along the extrusion direction (ED). The fine precipitates exhibit the strongest dispersion strengthening effect, whereas the bulky precipitates act as crack resources and decrease the elongation. After double extrusion, a refined grain structure with an average grain size of 2.7 mu m is achieved, which is attributed to dynamic recrystallization (DRX). Moreover, double extrusion boosts the content of rare-earth elements into the matrix by dissolving the fine precipitates. During aging, extensive beta ' precipitates form in the double extruded alloy than in the single extrude alloy. As a result, refined grains and strong precipitation strengthening make a significant contribution to a high yield strength (YS) of 422 +/- 1.59 MPa with an elongation (EL) of 6.5 +/- 0.89% in the double extruded+peak-aged alloy (ACX2). The possible strengthening mechanisms are discussed, and it is found that grain refinement and precipitate strengthening are the main contributors to the high strength of the GE122K alloy. (c) 2021 Elsevier. B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Precipitation strengthening Precipitation strengthening Grain refinement Grain refinement Mechanical properties Mechanical properties Double extrusion Double extrusion Mg-Gd-Er-Zr alloy Mg-Gd-Er-Zr alloy



GB/T 7714 Mansoor, Adil , Du, Wenbo , Yu, Zijian et al. Effects of grain refinement and precipitate strengthening on mechanical properties of double-extruded Mg-12Gd-2Er-0.4Zr alloy [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 898 .
MLA Mansoor, Adil et al. "Effects of grain refinement and precipitate strengthening on mechanical properties of double-extruded Mg-12Gd-2Er-0.4Zr alloy" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 898 (2022) .
APA Mansoor, Adil , Du, Wenbo , Yu, Zijian , Ding, Ning , Fu, Junjian , Lou, Feng et al. Effects of grain refinement and precipitate strengthening on mechanical properties of double-extruded Mg-12Gd-2Er-0.4Zr alloy . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 898 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 41 (08) , 987-991 | 特种铸造及有色合金
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

Mg-Gd-Er-Zr合金 Mg-Gd-Er-Zr合金 微观组织 微观组织 凝固 凝固 流动性能 流动性能



GB/T 7714 伍迪灿 , 杜文博 , 丁宁 et al. Mg-xGd-1Er-0.5Zr合金的铸造流动性研究 [J]. | 特种铸造及有色合金 , 2021 , 41 (08) : 987-991 .
MLA 伍迪灿 et al. "Mg-xGd-1Er-0.5Zr合金的铸造流动性研究" . | 特种铸造及有色合金 41 . 08 (2021) : 987-991 .
APA 伍迪灿 , 杜文博 , 丁宁 , 李淑波 , 王云峰 , 朱训明 et al. Mg-xGd-1Er-0.5Zr合金的铸造流动性研究 . | 特种铸造及有色合金 , 2021 , 41 (08) , 987-991 .
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高应变速率多向锻造Mg-8Gd-1Er-0.5Zr合金的微观组织、织构及力学性能 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 57 (08) , 1000-1008 | 金属学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

以固溶态Mg-8Gd-1Er-0.5Zr (质量分数,%)合金为对象,研究了在高应变速率多向锻造过程中合金微观组织及织构的演变规律,并探讨了高应变速率多向锻造对合金力学性能的影响机制。结果表明,变形初期,合金晶粒内部的大部分{10■2}拉伸孪晶被激发,随着累积应变(ΣΔε)的增加,孪晶面积分数降低,再结晶面积分数增高,再结晶机制以连续动态再结晶为主,同时伴有不连续动态再结晶和孪生诱导再结晶。合金晶粒细化分为2个阶段:当ΣΔε<1.32时,为孪晶破碎机制,晶粒尺寸由初始态的33.0μm细化至13.1μm;当ΣΔε≥1.32时,为动态再结晶细化机制,晶粒尺寸进一步细化至4.2μm。合金织构随ΣΔε...

关键词 :

Mg-Gd-Er-Zr合金 Mg-Gd-Er-Zr合金 力学性能 力学性能 多向锻造 多向锻造 孪生 孪生 晶粒细化 晶粒细化 织构 织构



GB/T 7714 丁宁 , 王云峰 , 刘轲 et al. 高应变速率多向锻造Mg-8Gd-1Er-0.5Zr合金的微观组织、织构及力学性能 [J]. | 金属学报 , 2021 , 57 (08) : 1000-1008 .
MLA 丁宁 et al. "高应变速率多向锻造Mg-8Gd-1Er-0.5Zr合金的微观组织、织构及力学性能" . | 金属学报 57 . 08 (2021) : 1000-1008 .
APA 丁宁 , 王云峰 , 刘轲 , 朱训明 , 李淑波 , 杜文博 . 高应变速率多向锻造Mg-8Gd-1Er-0.5Zr合金的微观组织、织构及力学性能 . | 金属学报 , 2021 , 57 (08) , 1000-1008 .
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Simultaneously improved mechanical and thermal properties of Mg-Zn-Zr alloy reinforced by ultra-low content of graphene nanoplatelets SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 536 | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
WoS核心集被引次数: 26
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Mg-Zn-Zr (ZK60) alloys reinforced by ultra-low content (< 0.1 wt%) of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) were fabricated via stirring cast and extrusion processes. In composites, GNPs thoroughly dispersed and continuously combined with Mg matrix at the interface, beneficial for the load and heat transfer of composites. The static and dynamic mechanical properties of GNP/ZK60 composite were investigated and respectively compared with those of ZK60 alloy. With only 0.04 wt% addition, GNP nanofillers improved the impact toughness twice that of ZK60 matrix up to 17 J cm(-2). In tensile test, GNP(0.04)/ZK60 composite performed enhanced tensile yield strength of 256 MPa, improved by 62% than ZK60 alloy. Although grain boundary is commonly considered as defect to deteriorate transport property, GNP(0.04)/ZK60 composite with largely refined grain size conducted superior thermal conductivity of 139.4 W.(mK)(-1) than ZK60 alloy (132.2 W.(mK)(-1)) at room temperature. The dispersed GNPs in matrix provide beneficial networks for efficient load and heat transfer. This work explores that graphene reinforcement is an effective way to simultaneously improve the mechanical and thermal properties of Mg alloys for enlarged applications.

关键词 :

Graphene Graphene Impact toughness Impact toughness Interface Interface Magnesium Magnesium Mechanical property Mechanical property Thermal conductivity Thermal conductivity



GB/T 7714 Du, Xian , Du, Wenbo , Wang, Zhaohui et al. Simultaneously improved mechanical and thermal properties of Mg-Zn-Zr alloy reinforced by ultra-low content of graphene nanoplatelets [J]. | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2021 , 536 .
MLA Du, Xian et al. "Simultaneously improved mechanical and thermal properties of Mg-Zn-Zr alloy reinforced by ultra-low content of graphene nanoplatelets" . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 536 (2021) .
APA Du, Xian , Du, Wenbo , Wang, Zhaohui , Liu, Ke , Li, Shubo . Simultaneously improved mechanical and thermal properties of Mg-Zn-Zr alloy reinforced by ultra-low content of graphene nanoplatelets . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2021 , 536 .
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Effects of Ca addition on microstructure, electrochemical behavior and magnesium-air battery performance of Mg-2Zn-xCa alloys SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 22
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摘要 :

In this research, the micro-morphologies, electrochemical behaviors and battery discharge performances of the Mg-2Zn-xCa alloys as potential anode materials were investigated. The micro-morphology results showed that for the alloy with low Ca content (x = 0.1 and 0.2), only the Ca2Mg6Zn3 phase was observed to precipitate in a punctate form within the crystal. As the Ca content rose, the amount of the punctate Ca2Mg6Zn3 increased while the strip-shaped Ca2Mg6Zn3 phase precipitated at the grain boundary was also observed. When the Ca content reached 0.5 wt% and higher, the second phases were observed to be both Mg2Ca and Ca2Mg6Zn3 phase which precipitated at the grain boundary and the morphology of second phases gradually changes into a con-tinuous network. Among the four tested alloys, the Mg-2Zn-0.2Ca sample delivered the best electrochemical activity with more negative corrosion potential and larger corrosion resistance in electrochemical experiments. Battery performance tests showed that the Mg-2Zn-0.2Ca anode exhibited an improved specific capacity of 1344.1 mAh g(-1) and high anodic efficiency of 61.0% at 10 mA cm(-2). The discharge order of the precipitated phase has been derived as follows: Mg2Ca > Mg > Ca2Mg(6)Zn(3).

关键词 :

Magnesium-air battery Magnesium-air battery Discharge sequence Discharge sequence Anode alloy Anode alloy Electrochemical behavior Electrochemical behavior Discharge performance Discharge performance



GB/T 7714 Li, Shubo , Li, Han , Zhao, Chenchen et al. Effects of Ca addition on microstructure, electrochemical behavior and magnesium-air battery performance of Mg-2Zn-xCa alloys [J]. | JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY , 2021 , 904 .
MLA Li, Shubo et al. "Effects of Ca addition on microstructure, electrochemical behavior and magnesium-air battery performance of Mg-2Zn-xCa alloys" . | JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 904 (2021) .
APA Li, Shubo , Li, Han , Zhao, Chenchen , Wang, Zhaohui , Liu, Ke , Du, Wenbo . Effects of Ca addition on microstructure, electrochemical behavior and magnesium-air battery performance of Mg-2Zn-xCa alloys . | JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY , 2021 , 904 .
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Cooling rate controlled basal precipitates and age hardening response of solid-soluted Mg-Gd-Er-Zn-Zr alloy SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 9 (4) , 1261-1271 | JOURNAL OF MAGNESIUM AND ALLOYS
WoS核心集被引次数: 19
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摘要 :

The precipitation and age hardening response of the solid-soluted Mg-10Gd-1Er-1Zn-0.6Zr (wt.%) alloy performed by water-quenching (QC), air-cooling (AC) and furnace-cooling (FC) in terms of the volume fraction of precipitates and tensile properties were investigated in present paper. Results indicated the solid-soluted alloy contained stacking faults (SFs) and long period stacking ordered (LPSO) phase on the basal planes regardless of the cooling rate, but a larger volume fraction of the LPSO phase was formed with decreasing in the cooling rate. After aging, beta' and beta(1) phases precipitated on the prismatic planes, and their number density decreased but mean particle size increased with decreasing in the cooling rate. The solid-soluted alloys (QC, AC and FC samples) showed no apparent difference in yield strength (YS), but their correspondent peak-aged alloys exhibited sharp difference in hardening response. The strongest hardening response took place in the QC sample and showed 82 MPa enhancement in YS, which was much larger than that of AC (+26 MPa) and FC samples (+5 MPa). The reason lies in that the higher cooling rate promotes the precipitation and reduces the average size of beta' precipitate. A novel cooling-rate controlled precipitation model with respect to the correlation of precipitates on basal and prismatic planes was established. From this model, the basal precipitates showed a restrictive effect on the growth and/or coarsening of beta' precipitate, and composite precipitates containing the beta' phase with fine size as well as high area-number density and lower volume fraction of the LPSO phase are preferred to strengthen the Mg-10Gd-1Er-1Zn-0.6Zr alloy. (C) 2020 Chongqing University. Publishing services provided by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.

关键词 :

Magnesium alloy Magnesium alloy Tensile properties Tensile properties Cooling rate Cooling rate Stacking faults (SFs) Stacking faults (SFs) Long period stacking ordered (LPSO) Long period stacking ordered (LPSO)



GB/T 7714 Fu, Jinlong , Du, Wenbo , Jia, Linyue et al. Cooling rate controlled basal precipitates and age hardening response of solid-soluted Mg-Gd-Er-Zn-Zr alloy [J]. | JOURNAL OF MAGNESIUM AND ALLOYS , 2021 , 9 (4) : 1261-1271 .
MLA Fu, Jinlong et al. "Cooling rate controlled basal precipitates and age hardening response of solid-soluted Mg-Gd-Er-Zn-Zr alloy" . | JOURNAL OF MAGNESIUM AND ALLOYS 9 . 4 (2021) : 1261-1271 .
APA Fu, Jinlong , Du, Wenbo , Jia, Linyue , Wang, Yunfeng , Zhu, Xunming , Du, Xian . Cooling rate controlled basal precipitates and age hardening response of solid-soluted Mg-Gd-Er-Zn-Zr alloy . | JOURNAL OF MAGNESIUM AND ALLOYS , 2021 , 9 (4) , 1261-1271 .
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Precipitate Characteristics and Mechanical Performance of Cast Mg-6RE-1Zn-xCa-0.3Zr (x=0 and 0.4 wt%) Alloys SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 35 (4) , 596-608 | ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA-ENGLISH LETTERS
WoS核心集被引次数: 14
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this study, the Mg-4Y-1Gd-1Nd-xCa-1Zn-0.3Zr (x = 0 and 0.4 wt%) cast alloys with low rare earth concentration were prepared in different routes of heat treatments, and their microstructures and mechanical properties were investigated. The Mg-4Y-1Gd-1Nd-1Zn-0.4Ca-0.3Zr cast alloy with ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 264 +/- 7.8 MPa, tensile yield strength (TYS) of 153 +/- 1.2 MPa and elongation to failure (EL) of 17.2 +/- 1.2% was successfully developed by appropriate heat treatment. The improved mechanical performance was attributed to the combined strengthening effects of fine grains, -Mg24RE5, beta', beta(1), gamma' and LPSO phases. In the heat treatment process, cooling method of T4 treatment affected the microstructure, which consequently determined the mechanical properties air cooling, rather than water cooling, gave rise to the formation of gamma' phase in the alloy without Ca addition. However, Ca addition facilitated the formation of gamma' phase, and the gamma' phase precipitated in the alloy after T4 treatment either by water cooling or by air cooling, but the air cooling increased the number density of gamma' phase in comparison to the water cooling. Although the gamma' phase strengthened the studied alloys, the formation of gamma' phase inhibited the precipitatition of beta' and beta(1) phases in the following T6 treatment, and consequently reduced the strengthening effect of beta' and beta(1) phases. The results showed that the mechanical performance of the studied alloys was largely determined by the precipitation of gamma' phase, which was regulated by the Ca addition and the cooling method of T4 treatment.

关键词 :

Mechanical properties Mechanical properties Magnesium alloy Magnesium alloy Microstructure Microstructure Rare earth Rare earth Heat treatment Heat treatment



GB/T 7714 Yu, Zijian , Xu, Xi , Du, Baotian et al. Precipitate Characteristics and Mechanical Performance of Cast Mg-6RE-1Zn-xCa-0.3Zr (x=0 and 0.4 wt%) Alloys [J]. | ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA-ENGLISH LETTERS , 2021 , 35 (4) : 596-608 .
MLA Yu, Zijian et al. "Precipitate Characteristics and Mechanical Performance of Cast Mg-6RE-1Zn-xCa-0.3Zr (x=0 and 0.4 wt%) Alloys" . | ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA-ENGLISH LETTERS 35 . 4 (2021) : 596-608 .
APA Yu, Zijian , Xu, Xi , Du, Baotian , Shi, Kang , Liu, Ke , Li, Shubo et al. Precipitate Characteristics and Mechanical Performance of Cast Mg-6RE-1Zn-xCa-0.3Zr (x=0 and 0.4 wt%) Alloys . | ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA-ENGLISH LETTERS , 2021 , 35 (4) , 596-608 .
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Microstructures and mechanical properties of as-extruded Mg-8Gd-2Y-1Zn-6Li alloy SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 19
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摘要 :

In this study, a high-performance Mg-8Gd-2Y-1Zn-6Li (wt%) alloy having a TYS of 202 +/- 2.6 MPa, UTS of 243 +/- 2.1 MPa and EL of 10.7 +/- 2.3% was successfully fabricated by casting, heat treatment and hot extrusion. The effects of intermetallic compounds on microstructure and mechanical properties were deeply investigated. The results show that the studied alloy consists of coarse deformed alpha-Mg grains with (0001) basal texture, fine recrystallized beta-Li grains with (002) texture and three Mg3RE phase variants, which are bulk Mg3RE phase with a size range of 10-30 mu m, spot Mg3RE phase with a size range of 1-2 mu m and spherical Mg3RE phase with a size range of 0.3-1 mu m, respectively. The spherical Mg3RE phase has a strong dispersion strengthening effect, while the bulk Mg3RE phase acts as crack resources and deteriorates the ductility. A novel island like beta(1R) phase (FCC, a = 0.78 nm) is found for the first time in the Mg-Gd-Li based alloys. It has a coherent ((1) over bar 12)beta(1R//)(10 (1) over bar0)(alpha) interface at the broad facet and a semi-coherent ((1) over bar 11)beta(1R)//(11 (2) over bar0)alpha interface at the end facet. The beta(1R) phase transforms from beta(H) phase at the semi-coherent interface by atomic shear of RE and Mg atoms. The beta(1R) phase provides a significant precipitation strengthening effect to the studied alloy, while the dissolution of beta(1R )phase results in the age-softening phenomenon. The high-performance of the studied alloy is mainly attributed to the alpha/beta( )duplex structure, three Mg3RE phase variants, and beta(1R )phase. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Intermetallic compounds Intermetallic compounds Mg-Li alloys Mg-Li alloys Mechanical properties Mechanical properties Hot extrusion Hot extrusion



GB/T 7714 Yu, Zijian , Liu, Linlin , Mansoor, Adil et al. Microstructures and mechanical properties of as-extruded Mg-8Gd-2Y-1Zn-6Li alloy [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2021 , 864 .
MLA Yu, Zijian et al. "Microstructures and mechanical properties of as-extruded Mg-8Gd-2Y-1Zn-6Li alloy" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 864 (2021) .
APA Yu, Zijian , Liu, Linlin , Mansoor, Adil , Liu, Ke , Li, Shubo , Du, Wenbo . Microstructures and mechanical properties of as-extruded Mg-8Gd-2Y-1Zn-6Li alloy . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2021 , 864 .
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