摘要 :
介绍了一种用于X射线工业检测的多通道电荷读出IC.该电荷读出IC可提供64个通道,将探测器电荷转换成模拟电压.电路由电荷放大器增益控制、增益电容阵列、时序发生器、移位寄存器链、电荷放大器阵列和采样保持放大器等组成,具有低噪声、14位动态范围等特性.电路芯片采用0.8 μm标准CMOS工艺制造,芯片尺寸为3.1mm×10.9 mm.电路在3.3 MHz频率、5V电源电压和3.5V参考电压下工作,电路功耗为45 mW.测试结果表明,在电荷放大器增益电容为0.5 pF和光电二极管结电容为33 pF下,电路的输出噪声达到600 μV (Vrms).
关键词 :
动态范围 动态范围 X射线工业检测 X射线工业检测 低噪声 低噪声 多通道电荷读出集成电路 多通道电荷读出集成电路
GB/T 7714 | 王旭 , 杨洪艳 , 袁颖 et al. 一种用于X射线工业检测的多通道电荷读出IC [J]. | 微电子学 , 2014 , 44 (1) : 28-33 . |
MLA | 王旭 et al. "一种用于X射线工业检测的多通道电荷读出IC" . | 微电子学 44 . 1 (2014) : 28-33 . |
APA | 王旭 , 杨洪艳 , 袁颖 , 吴武臣 . 一种用于X射线工业检测的多通道电荷读出IC . | 微电子学 , 2014 , 44 (1) , 28-33 . |
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摘要 :
以设计输出电流为700 mA,静态电流为50μA,芯片面积为1.5 mm×2.0 mm的LDO线性稳压器为目标,提出的LDO电路利用基准电路的输出直接作为芯片的输出,用基准电路所固有的跨导放大器对输出进行检测并反馈至单级放大器,放大后输出至功率管的基极,控制功率管输出额定的电压和电流。无需冗余的误差放大器,使得环路补偿极为简单,不存在传统LDO的补偿难题。在电路上把传统LDO电路所需各个模块的功能糅合到了一个较为简单的电路中,大大减小了芯片面积,并且减小了静态电流。对电路进行了仿真分析并采用2μm 36 V Bipolar工艺生产实现,流片后的测试结果表明该芯片实现了大电流,微功耗,小体积的特性。
关键词 :
线性稳压器 线性稳压器 大电流 大电流 Bipolar Bipolar 低功耗 低功耗 跨导放大器 跨导放大器
GB/T 7714 | 彭晓宏 , 朱治鼎 , 侯立刚 et al. 大电流,微功耗,小体积单片LDO的设计与实现 [J]. | 现代电子技术 , 2013 , (13) : 150-153 . |
MLA | 彭晓宏 et al. "大电流,微功耗,小体积单片LDO的设计与实现" . | 现代电子技术 13 (2013) : 150-153 . |
APA | 彭晓宏 , 朱治鼎 , 侯立刚 , 汪金辉 , 吴武臣 . 大电流,微功耗,小体积单片LDO的设计与实现 . | 现代电子技术 , 2013 , (13) , 150-153 . |
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摘要 :
设计了一个基于 nRF905的工作频率为433 MHz 的无线通信系统.该系统包含发射和接收两个模块.发射模块主要是由 PIC16F877A 单片机和 nRF905芯片组成,PIC 控制 nRF905实现发射功能.接收模块主要是由 MSP430单片机和nRF905芯片组成,MSP430控制 nRF905接收有效信号.该系统可广泛应用于无线抄表等领域,对实际的生产生活有重要的意义,对该系统软硬件做了详细的设计.
关键词 :
无线控制 无线控制 nRF905 nRF905 无线抄表 无线抄表 无线通信 无线通信
GB/T 7714 | 朱士群 , 牛伟 , 耿淑琴 et al. 基于 nRF905无线通信系统的设计 [J]. | 现代电子技术 , 2013 , (5) : 33-36 . |
MLA | 朱士群 et al. "基于 nRF905无线通信系统的设计" . | 现代电子技术 5 (2013) : 33-36 . |
APA | 朱士群 , 牛伟 , 耿淑琴 , 侯立刚 , 杨红艳 , 李子腾 et al. 基于 nRF905无线通信系统的设计 . | 现代电子技术 , 2013 , (5) , 33-36 . |
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摘要 :
无线火灾监测系统因其安装方便快捷且成本更为低廉而有很大的应用空间,系统中微控制器又是整个系统的核心部件。在此基于TSMC 180 nm CMOS工艺完成了一款以ARM Cortex-M0为核心的专门用于火灾监测系统的微控制器芯片的物理设计,完成物理设计后该款控制芯片可最高于50 MHz时钟频率下正常工作,芯片的最大功耗为11.6 mW,总面积为2794371.012703μm2,达到了预期设计目标。
关键词 :
CMOS CMOS 微处理器 微处理器 无线火灾监测系统 无线火灾监测系统 物理设计 物理设计
GB/T 7714 | 杨洪艳 , 牛伟 , 吴武臣 . 无线火灾监测系统中微处理器芯片的物理设计 [J]. | 现代电子技术 , 2013 , (16) : 101-104 . |
MLA | 杨洪艳 et al. "无线火灾监测系统中微处理器芯片的物理设计" . | 现代电子技术 16 (2013) : 101-104 . |
APA | 杨洪艳 , 牛伟 , 吴武臣 . 无线火灾监测系统中微处理器芯片的物理设计 . | 现代电子技术 , 2013 , (16) , 101-104 . |
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摘要 :
介绍了一种用于X射线安全检测的多通道电荷读出集成电路.该电路可提供32通道的探测器电荷-模拟电压转换,具有无死区时间、失调校准和低噪声特性.电路由电荷放大器增益控制、时序发生器、移位寄存器链、电荷放大器阵列、采样保持放大器和驱动器等组成.芯片采用华润上华0.6μm标准CMOS工艺实现,管芯尺寸为3.1 mm×7.1 mm,工作在3.3 MHz,5V供电和3.5V参考电压下的功耗为45 mW.测试结果表明,在25.5 pF的电荷放大器增益电容和52pF的光电二极管结电容下,电路的输出噪声性能达到90 μV (Vrms).
关键词 :
安全检测 安全检测 电荷读出集成电路 电荷读出集成电路 死区时间 死区时间 失调校准 失调校准
GB/T 7714 | 王旭 , 杨洪艳 , 袁颖 et al. 一种用于X射线安全检测的多通道电荷读出IC [J]. | 微电子学 , 2013 , 43 (5) : 602-606 . |
MLA | 王旭 et al. "一种用于X射线安全检测的多通道电荷读出IC" . | 微电子学 43 . 5 (2013) : 602-606 . |
APA | 王旭 , 杨洪艳 , 袁颖 , 吴武臣 . 一种用于X射线安全检测的多通道电荷读出IC . | 微电子学 , 2013 , 43 (5) , 602-606 . |
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摘要 :
片上网络(NoC)被称为是能够从根本上解决复杂片上系统通信瓶颈问题的通信架构.随着VLSI工艺从亚微米、深亚微米到纳米的不断发展,使得NoC芯片设计成为可能.使用VHDL硬件描述语言完成了一款4×4 NoC 芯片的设计.芯片功能的FPGA的验证结果表明,该芯片在100 MHz系统时钟情况下工作正常,证明了设计的正确性.同时,基于180 nm HJTC 工艺库完成了该款NoC芯片的物理设计.
关键词 :
FPGA验证 FPGA验证 片上网络 片上网络 物理设计 物理设计 通信架构 通信架构
GB/T 7714 | 牛伟 , 朱士群 , 刘文斌 et al. 4×4片上网络芯片的设计及FPGA验证 [J]. | 现代电子技术 , 2013 , (8) : 145-148 . |
MLA | 牛伟 et al. "4×4片上网络芯片的设计及FPGA验证" . | 现代电子技术 8 (2013) : 145-148 . |
APA | 牛伟 , 朱士群 , 刘文斌 , 张旺 , 吴武臣 , 侯立刚 . 4×4片上网络芯片的设计及FPGA验证 . | 现代电子技术 , 2013 , (8) , 145-148 . |
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摘要 :
A low noise multi-channel readout integrated circuit (IC) which converts a detector current to analog voltage for X-ray cargo inspection is described. The readout IC provides 32 channels of a circuit having a maximum dynamic range of 15 bit and is comprised of integrator gain selection, timing generator, shift register chain, integrator array, sample/hold (S/H) stage amplifier etc. It was fabricated using 0.6 μm standard CMOS process, and occupies a die area of 2.7 × 13.9 mm2. It operates at 1 MHz, consumes 100 mW from a 5 V supply and 4.096 V as reference, and has a measured output noise of 85 μ Vrms on 63 pF of integrator gain capacitance and 440 pF of photodiode terminal capacitance so that steel plate penetration thickness can reach more than 400 mm. © 2013 Chinese Institute of Electronics.
关键词 :
CMOS integrated circuits CMOS integrated circuits Shift registers Shift registers X rays X rays Capacitance Capacitance Inspection Inspection
GB/T 7714 | Wang, Xu , Yang, Hongyan , Yuan, Ying et al. A low noise multi-channel readout IC for X-ray cargo inspection [J]. | Journal of Semiconductors , 2013 , 34 (4) . |
MLA | Wang, Xu et al. "A low noise multi-channel readout IC for X-ray cargo inspection" . | Journal of Semiconductors 34 . 4 (2013) . |
APA | Wang, Xu , Yang, Hongyan , Yuan, Ying , Wu, Wuchen . A low noise multi-channel readout IC for X-ray cargo inspection . | Journal of Semiconductors , 2013 , 34 (4) . |
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摘要 :
A multi-channel charge readout integrated circuit (IC) which converts detector charge to analog voltage without dead time for X-ray security imaging is described. The charge readout IC provides 32 channels of circuit having a max dynamic range of 15 bit and is comprised of charge amplifier gain control, timing generator, shift register chain, charge amplifier array, sample/hold (S/H) stage amplifier and driver etc. It was fabricated using 0.6 um standard CMOS process, and occupies a die area of 2.9 mm x 7.1 mm. It operates at 4 MHz, consumes 45 mW from 5 V supply and 3.5 V as reference, and has a demonstrated output noise performance of 90 uV(rms) on 31.5 pF of charge amplifier gain capacitance and 52 pF of photodiode (PD) terminal capacitance.
关键词 :
Dead time Dead time X-ray security imaging X-ray security imaging Multi-channel charge readout IC Multi-channel charge readout IC Dynamic range Dynamic range
GB/T 7714 | Wang, Xu , Yang, Hongyan , Yuan, Ying et al. A Multi-channel Charge Readout IC Without Dead Time For X-ray Security Imaging [C] . 2012 : 1681-1685 . |
MLA | Wang, Xu et al. "A Multi-channel Charge Readout IC Without Dead Time For X-ray Security Imaging" . (2012) : 1681-1685 . |
APA | Wang, Xu , Yang, Hongyan , Yuan, Ying , Wu, Wuchen . A Multi-channel Charge Readout IC Without Dead Time For X-ray Security Imaging . (2012) : 1681-1685 . |
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摘要 :
A multi-channel charge readout integrated circuit (IC) which converts detector charge to analog voltage with offset calibration for X-ray industrial inspection is described. The charge readout IC provides 64 channels of circuit having a max dynamic range of 14 bit and is comprised of charge amplifier gain control, timing generator, shift register chain, charge amplifier array, sample/hold (S/H) stage amplifier and driver etc. It was fabricated using 0.8 um standard CMOS process, and occupies a die area of 3.1 mm x 10.9 mm. It operates at 4 MHz, consumes 45 mW from 5 V supply and 3.5 V as reference, and has a demonstrated output noise performance of 600 uV(rms) on 0.5 pF of charge amplifier gain capacitance and 33 pF of photodiode (PD) terminal capacitance.
关键词 :
Multi-channel charge readout IC Multi-channel charge readout IC Offset calibration Offset calibration X-ray industrial inspection X-ray industrial inspection Dynamic range Dynamic range
GB/T 7714 | Wang, Xu , Yang, Hongyan , Yuan, Ying et al. A Multi-channel Charge Readout IC With Offset Calibration For X-ray Industrial Inspection [C] . 2012 : 1677-1680 . |
MLA | Wang, Xu et al. "A Multi-channel Charge Readout IC With Offset Calibration For X-ray Industrial Inspection" . (2012) : 1677-1680 . |
APA | Wang, Xu , Yang, Hongyan , Yuan, Ying , Wu, Wuchen . A Multi-channel Charge Readout IC With Offset Calibration For X-ray Industrial Inspection . (2012) : 1677-1680 . |
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摘要 :
IC design is one of the most key techniques in electronic information industry. It is an important task for tertiary education to develop high quality IC design experiment with intensive connection to electronic information industry. This paper designed an IC-design experiment which implemented a simple physical design-flow of digital circuit. Therein, effective guidance method, as well as the content quality of the experiment, becomes the key feature of the overall quality of the IC design experiment. Based on the running of the IC design experiment of electronic information and engineering department of Beijing University of Technology, this paper also analysis the effectiveness under different guidance method, and then forwards the method and suggestion to improve the quality of the guidance method IC design experiment.
关键词 :
IC design IC design guidance method guidance method quality of experiment quality of experiment
GB/T 7714 | Hou, Ligang , Wang, Jinhui , Wu, Wuchen . Experiment Design of IC-Design With Effectiveness Analysis of the Guidance Method [C] . 2012 : 1664-1667 . |
MLA | Hou, Ligang et al. "Experiment Design of IC-Design With Effectiveness Analysis of the Guidance Method" . (2012) : 1664-1667 . |
APA | Hou, Ligang , Wang, Jinhui , Wu, Wuchen . Experiment Design of IC-Design With Effectiveness Analysis of the Guidance Method . (2012) : 1664-1667 . |
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