摘要 :
Energy efficiency is crucial to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but its widely measured indicator, energy intensity, is still insufficient. For this reason, in 2006, total factor energy efficiency (TFEE) was proposed with capital, labor, and energy as inputs and GDP as the desirable output. The later TFEE approach further incorporated pollution as the undesirable output. However, it is problematic to regard GDP (the total value of final products) as the desirable output, because GDP does not include the intermediate consumption, which accounts for a large part of the production activities and may even be larger than the value of GDP. GDP is more suitable for measuring distribution, while VO (value of output) is more appropriate for sustainable production analysis. Therefore, we propose a VO TFEE approach that takes VO as the desirable output instead and correspondingly incorporates the other intermediate materials and services except energy into inputs. Finally, the empirical analysis of the textile industry of EU member states during 2011-2017 indicates that the VO TFEE approach is more stable and convergent in measuring energy efficiency, and is more suitable for helping policymakers achieve the SDGs of energy saving, emissions reduction, and sustainable economic development.
关键词 :
Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Development Goals System of National Accounts System of National Accounts undesirable output undesirable output VO TFEE model VO TFEE model value of output value of output
GB/T 7714 | Li, Shuangjie , Diao, Hongyu , Wang, Liming et al. Energy Efficiency Measurement: A VO TFEE Approach and Its Application [J]. | SUSTAINABILITY , 2021 , 13 (4) . |
MLA | Li, Shuangjie et al. "Energy Efficiency Measurement: A VO TFEE Approach and Its Application" . | SUSTAINABILITY 13 . 4 (2021) . |
APA | Li, Shuangjie , Diao, Hongyu , Wang, Liming , Li, Chunqi . Energy Efficiency Measurement: A VO TFEE Approach and Its Application . | SUSTAINABILITY , 2021 , 13 (4) . |
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摘要 :
This research examines the influence of intellectual capital on financial and environmental performance with a mediating role of green supply chain management and a moderating role of financial resources. Structural model estimation was conducted on the data set of 324 Pakistani manufacturing SMEs and showed that intellectual capital significantly encourages green supply chain management as well as significantly contributes to financial and environmental performance. Green supply chain management partially mediates the relationship between intellectual capital and performance both the financial and environmental. Financial resources significantly strengthen the relationship between intellectual capital and green supply chain management. In light of the results, we suggest that firms should encourage intellectuality among their managers and employees to adopt green practices that can improve their financial and environmental performance. In addition, it is also suggested for managers and CEOs to effectively manage financial resources that are necessary for green practices.
关键词 :
Environmental performance Environmental performance Financial performance Financial performance Financial resources Financial resources Green supply chain management Green supply chain management Intellectual capital Intellectual capital SMEs SMEs
GB/T 7714 | Khan Najib Ullah , Anwar Muhammad , Li Shuangjie et al. Intellectual capital, financial resources, and green supply chain management as predictors of financial and environmental performance. [J]. | Environmental science and pollution research international , 2021 , 28 (16) : 19755-19767 . |
MLA | Khan Najib Ullah et al. "Intellectual capital, financial resources, and green supply chain management as predictors of financial and environmental performance." . | Environmental science and pollution research international 28 . 16 (2021) : 19755-19767 . |
APA | Khan Najib Ullah , Anwar Muhammad , Li Shuangjie , Khattak Muhammad Sualeh . Intellectual capital, financial resources, and green supply chain management as predictors of financial and environmental performance. . | Environmental science and pollution research international , 2021 , 28 (16) , 19755-19767 . |
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摘要 :
Improving energy efficiency is an effective way to address the issues of economic development, energy saving and emissions reduction. For any important industries it is therefore necessary to measure energy efficiency and set a practical target for it. In this paper, we use CCR, SBM and energy intensity to measure the energy efficiency of the paper industries of 22 EU countries. Results indicate that the SBM and CCR efficiency value is more meaningful for policy makers than that of energy intensity, as measurement results of energy intensity deviate from reality and economic efficiency. The CCR and SBM have roughly the same fluctuation trends and the average SBM energy efficiency value is 0.71, always 10 percent lower than CCR model, as it takes simultaneous account of both the optimal input-output and has more discriminatory power in efficiency measurement. Furthermore, EU policy makers could improve energy efficiency by raising energy prices. As for the 2030 EU target of energy saving and emission reduction, the EU should pay more attention to five major paper producers: Finland, Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy.
关键词 :
2030 target 2030 target emission reduction emission reduction energy saving energy saving EU paper industry EU paper industry SBM SBM TFEE TFEE
GB/T 7714 | Li, Shuangjie , Li, Li , Wang, Liming . 2030 Target for Energy Efficiency and Emission Reduction in the EU Paper Industry [J]. | ENERGIES , 2021 , 14 (1) . |
MLA | Li, Shuangjie et al. "2030 Target for Energy Efficiency and Emission Reduction in the EU Paper Industry" . | ENERGIES 14 . 1 (2021) . |
APA | Li, Shuangjie , Li, Li , Wang, Liming . 2030 Target for Energy Efficiency and Emission Reduction in the EU Paper Industry . | ENERGIES , 2021 , 14 (1) . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
外源融资 外源融资 动态影响 动态影响 内源融资 内源融资 创新 创新 反倾销 反倾销
GB/T 7714 | 李双杰 , 李众宜 , 张鹏杨 . 对华反倾销如何影响中国企业创新? [J]. | 世界经济研究 , 2020 , (02) : 106-120,137 . |
MLA | 李双杰 et al. "对华反倾销如何影响中国企业创新?" . | 世界经济研究 02 (2020) : 106-120,137 . |
APA | 李双杰 , 李众宜 , 张鹏杨 . 对华反倾销如何影响中国企业创新? . | 世界经济研究 , 2020 , (02) , 106-120,137 . |
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摘要 :
以2009年中关“轮胎特保”案作为外部冲击构建“准自然实验”,考察贸易摩擦对中国上市公司股价波动的影响.结果 表明:贸易摩擦对中国相关上市公司的股价存在着显著的负向影响;短期内贸易摩擦对股价的影响渠道主要是投资者对企业的投资信心,与企业的经营绩效无显著相关;从“时间效应”和“阶段效应”的探讨看,贸易摩擦对股价的影响仅存在“短期效应”,在开始和正式裁定两个阶段对企业股价产生了负面影响;贸易摩擦对前向关联产业的股价具有显著的负向影响,而对后向关联产业的股价影响则不显著.
关键词 :
“轮胎特保”案 “轮胎特保”案 产业关联 产业关联 贸易摩擦 贸易摩擦 “准自然实验” “准自然实验” 股价波动 股价波动
GB/T 7714 | 李众宜 , 张鹏杨 , 李双杰 . 贸易摩擦与股价波动——基于中美“轮胎特保”案的“准自然实验”检验 [J]. | 国际商务-对外经济贸易大学学报 , 2020 , (3) : 129-145 . |
MLA | 李众宜 et al. "贸易摩擦与股价波动——基于中美“轮胎特保”案的“准自然实验”检验" . | 国际商务-对外经济贸易大学学报 3 (2020) : 129-145 . |
APA | 李众宜 , 张鹏杨 , 李双杰 . 贸易摩擦与股价波动——基于中美“轮胎特保”案的“准自然实验”检验 . | 国际商务-对外经济贸易大学学报 , 2020 , (3) , 129-145 . |
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摘要 :
This research evaluates the importance of government support in the financial and environmental performance of SMEs with the mediating role of differentiation and cost leadership strategy. For testing the model, data were collected from 315 owners/managers of Pakistani SMEs through a survey. The results of the structural equation modeling spectacle that both financial and non-financial incentives of government have a significant positive influence on financial performance, environmental performance, differentiation and cost leadership strategy. Differentiation strategy partially mediates the paths between government incentives (financial and non-financial) and firms' performance (financial and environmental). However, cost leadership strategy fully mediates the relationship between government financial incentives and environmental performance, while it partially mediates the connection between government non-financial support and environmental performance. In addition, the cost leadership strategy partially mediates the path between government incentives (financial and non-financial) and financial performance. This research recommends the government and policymakers to provide financial and non-financial incentives to the industrial sector that can configure their competitive advantage and performance. In turn, these firms will able to contribute to environmental and economic growth. Additionally, firms need to build ties with the government to get valuable resources that are beneficial for competitiveness as well as environment and financial performance.
关键词 :
Competitive advantage Competitive advantage Environmental performance Environmental performance Financial incentives Financial incentives Financial performance Financial performance Government support Government support Non-financial support Non-financial support SMEs SMEs
GB/T 7714 | Anwar, Muhammad , Li, Shuangjie . Spurring competitiveness, financial and environmental performance of SMEs through government financial and non-financial support [J]. | ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY , 2020 , 23 (5) : 7860-7882 . |
MLA | Anwar, Muhammad et al. "Spurring competitiveness, financial and environmental performance of SMEs through government financial and non-financial support" . | ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 23 . 5 (2020) : 7860-7882 . |
APA | Anwar, Muhammad , Li, Shuangjie . Spurring competitiveness, financial and environmental performance of SMEs through government financial and non-financial support . | ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY , 2020 , 23 (5) , 7860-7882 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
创新绩效 创新绩效 国家创新 国家创新 非链式两阶段DEA 非链式两阶段DEA
GB/T 7714 | 李双杰 , 孙一曼 . 国家创新绩效评价研究 [J]. | 统计与决策 , 2019 , 35 (08) : 39-44 . |
MLA | 李双杰 et al. "国家创新绩效评价研究" . | 统计与决策 35 . 08 (2019) : 39-44 . |
APA | 李双杰 , 孙一曼 . 国家创新绩效评价研究 . | 统计与决策 , 2019 , 35 (08) , 39-44 . |
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摘要 :
Multiple tangible and intangible determinants affect the survival and success of a small and medium enterprise (SME). In turbulent markets, however, compared to exogenous effects, a firm's internal capabilities are seen as major sources of economic value creation and sustainable competitive advantage. This study empirically examines the effects of pivotal internal capabilities, namely entrepreneurial orientation, information technology (IT) capability, and intellectual capital (IC), on the financial and non-financial performance of SMEs that operate in the emerging market of Pakistan. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires, from a sample size of 307 SMEs. The study hypotheses were tested through the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique of AMOS 21. The statistical results show entrepreneurial orientation, IT capability and intellectual capital as significant contributors to both financial and non-financial performance. Despite its limitations, the study offers both future-research directions and policymaking recommendations for practice. Namely each SME ought to focus on self-developing those internal capabilities that render sustainable its competitive posture. © 2019 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
关键词 :
Commerce Commerce Finance Finance Surveys Surveys Competition Competition Knowledge management Knowledge management
GB/T 7714 | Khan, Najib Ullah , Li, Shuangjie , Khan, Sher Zaman et al. Entrepreneurial orientation, intellectual capital, IT capability, and performance [J]. | Human Systems Management , 2019 , 38 (3) : 297-312 . |
MLA | Khan, Najib Ullah et al. "Entrepreneurial orientation, intellectual capital, IT capability, and performance" . | Human Systems Management 38 . 3 (2019) : 297-312 . |
APA | Khan, Najib Ullah , Li, Shuangjie , Khan, Sher Zaman , Anwar, Muhammad . Entrepreneurial orientation, intellectual capital, IT capability, and performance . | Human Systems Management , 2019 , 38 (3) , 297-312 . |
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摘要 :
Based on the hypothesis test of the theoretical model of teachers' innovative work behavior, this paper conducts multi-group analysis with psychological capital as the adjustment variable. The results show that the professional values, professional recognition and teaching ability of low psychological capital teachers have greater influence on innovative work behaviors; the influence of high and low psychological capital on teachers' innovative work behavior is mainly reflected in the effect of professional values on professional identity. In addition, the development of psychological capital and the establishment of the professional values of setting high moral values and cultivate person, which will help the construction of Chinese teacher human resources.
关键词 :
innovative work behavior innovative work behavior structural equation model structural equation model multi-group analysis multi-group analysis psychological capital psychological capital teacher teacher
GB/T 7714 | Pan, Yuqin , Diao, Hongyu , Li, Shuangjie . Path Analysis of Psychological Capital Affecting Teachers' Innovative Behavior Based on Structural Equation [C] . 2018 : 571-575 . |
MLA | Pan, Yuqin et al. "Path Analysis of Psychological Capital Affecting Teachers' Innovative Behavior Based on Structural Equation" . (2018) : 571-575 . |
APA | Pan, Yuqin , Diao, Hongyu , Li, Shuangjie . Path Analysis of Psychological Capital Affecting Teachers' Innovative Behavior Based on Structural Equation . (2018) : 571-575 . |
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摘要 :
研究目标:厘清能源效率测算的理论依据,完善其投入、产出指标体系,为能源政策的制定提供正确的依据.研究方法:通过文献梳理及生产经济学理论分析,指出现有的测算能源效率的文献中指标选择存在的两大问题并做相应的修正,利用 DEA方法测算了 2005?2015年中国30个省份的工业全要素能源效率.研究发现:广泛使用的单要素指标存在一定的片面性,不能正确理解节能含义;现有的测算全要素能源效率的文献中,投入产出指标均存在重复或遗漏.修正后的测度方法对能源效率的测算结果与单要素指标测算结果存在较大差异,其政策含义是应在指标体系完善的全要素能源效率含义下理解、施行节能降耗政策.研究创新:对全要素能源效率测算的方法进行了修正,构建了一套正确的能源效率测算指标体系,提出了能源消耗额度交易制度.研究价值:推进能源效率研究的科学性,为实践中测算能源效率、制定节能政策提供完善、科学的方法.
关键词 :
能源效率 能源效率 全要素能源效率 全要素能源效率 DEA DEA 投入产出指标 投入产出指标
GB/T 7714 | 李双杰 , 李春琦 . 全要素能源效率测度方法的修正设计与应用 [J]. | 数量经济技术经济研究 , 2018 , 35 (9) : 110-125 . |
MLA | 李双杰 et al. "全要素能源效率测度方法的修正设计与应用" . | 数量经济技术经济研究 35 . 9 (2018) : 110-125 . |
APA | 李双杰 , 李春琦 . 全要素能源效率测度方法的修正设计与应用 . | 数量经济技术经济研究 , 2018 , 35 (9) , 110-125 . |
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