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Stabilization formation characterization of metal single droplet by pneumatic drop-on-demand SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 34 (12) | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Metal single droplets are widely used in electronic packaging and flexible circuit printing. However, liquid metals are characterized by high density and interfacial tension, so that stable injection of single droplet occurs only in an extremely small printable region, which limits the application of metal droplets. In this study, based on a drop-on-demand pneumatic injection device, the evolutionary process and mechanism of metal droplet generation are analyzed through experiments and numerical simulations, the theoretical solution of the injection velocity is obtained, the printable region that can stably generate the single droplet dimensionless parameters We(j) (Jet Weber number) and Z (1/Ohnesorge number) is plotted, and the prediction model of the single droplet dimensionless limit jet length is established. Results show that in the range 400 < Z < 1100, the printable region where single droplets can be generated is extremely narrow (1.3 < We(j) < 2). When We(j) < 1.3, the inertial force of the jet is not sufficient to overcome the interfacial capillary force, and no droplets can be generated. When We(j) > 2, the inertial force of the jet is so large that satellite droplets are generated. The prediction results obtained by the prediction model of single droplet dimensionless limit jet length are consistent with the experimental results and can accurately predict whether a single droplet can be generated or not. The results can reveal the mechanism of stable generation of on-demand pneumatic metal droplets. Furthermore, the results can serve as theoretical references for the further development of on-demand pneumatic metal droplet injection technology.



GB/T 7714 Gao, Shanshan , Liu, Zhaomiao , Wang, Xiang et al. Stabilization formation characterization of metal single droplet by pneumatic drop-on-demand [J]. | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS , 2022 , 34 (12) .
MLA Gao, Shanshan et al. "Stabilization formation characterization of metal single droplet by pneumatic drop-on-demand" . | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 34 . 12 (2022) .
APA Gao, Shanshan , Liu, Zhaomiao , Wang, Xiang , Pang, Yan , Ren, Yanlin , Zhao, Siyu et al. Stabilization formation characterization of metal single droplet by pneumatic drop-on-demand . | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS , 2022 , 34 (12) .
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Formation of high-viscosity micro-droplets in T-channels with neck structure induced by surface acoustic waves SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 34 (11) | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In the fields of organ printing and drug preparation, high-precision and stable dispersion of high-viscosity biomaterials enable precise control of organ morphology and drug release rate. This paper proposes the use of an acoustic surface wave to overcome the problem of unstable interface breakup and weak size controllability when the traditional passive droplet microfluidics is applied to high-viscosity (higher than 0.4 Pa & BULL;s) dispersed phases. This paper studies the internal flow behavior of high-viscosity fluid under the influence of an acoustic field and realizes the accurate prediction of formation regime and droplet size. Experimental results show that with the increase in acoustic power, three unique droplet generation regimes (e.g., long jetting, transition, and dripping) exist. The transition regime is most suitable for high-throughput preparation of high-viscosity droplets, and its corresponding flow and acoustic conditions can be predicted by equation mu(d)/mu(c) = 4.8 x 10(-8) (mu(c) x v(c)/A P 0 2 x w)(-3.32). Affected by the regime transition, the droplet size increases with the increase in acoustic power. The droplet size prediction can be realized based on the capillary number Ca-f, which represents the intensity of the acoustic field. Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.



GB/T 7714 Zhao, Siyu , Liu, Zhaomiao , Wang, Ju et al. Formation of high-viscosity micro-droplets in T-channels with neck structure induced by surface acoustic waves [J]. | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS , 2022 , 34 (11) .
MLA Zhao, Siyu et al. "Formation of high-viscosity micro-droplets in T-channels with neck structure induced by surface acoustic waves" . | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 34 . 11 (2022) .
APA Zhao, Siyu , Liu, Zhaomiao , Wang, Ju , Pang, Yan , Xue, Sen , Li, Mengqi . Formation of high-viscosity micro-droplets in T-channels with neck structure induced by surface acoustic waves . | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS , 2022 , 34 (11) .
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Perturbations of liquid jets with an entering sphere in flow focusing SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
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摘要 :

The significant relationship between performance parameters of compound droplets and their geometries makes accurate control of the breakup of compound jets particularly critical. The physical mechanism behind the earlier and easier loss of stability in compound jets caused by inner dispersive interfaces is still not fully known, which constrains accurate prediction of the conditions that result in the breakup of compound jets. In the present study, three perturbation modes-namely, block-off, squeeze-through, and slip-through-are found to form between an inner sphere and a liquid jet. The conditions for the occurrence of block-off are accurately predicted by solving for the radius of the liquid jets. According to analyses of the velocity profiles of liquid jets, the key reason for the loss of stability in a quasi-steady jet interface caused by the entry of a sphere smaller in size than the jet crosssection is the degradation of tracking characteristics of the sphere due to viscous shear on the sphere. These findings provide a new explanation for the long-standing question that how the inner dispersive interface triggers jet instability and can help improve the accurate control of the breakup of compound jets containing inner dispersive interface.

关键词 :

capillary microfluidic device capillary microfluidic device compound jets compound jets capillary flow focusing capillary flow focusing interface coupling interface coupling coaxial liquid jets coaxial liquid jets



GB/T 7714 Wang, Ju , Liu, Zhaomiao , Pang, Yan et al. Perturbations of liquid jets with an entering sphere in flow focusing [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW , 2022 , 147 .
MLA Wang, Ju et al. "Perturbations of liquid jets with an entering sphere in flow focusing" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW 147 (2022) .
APA Wang, Ju , Liu, Zhaomiao , Pang, Yan , Li, Mengqi . Perturbations of liquid jets with an entering sphere in flow focusing . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW , 2022 , 147 .
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一种气相辅助生成小尺寸金属微滴的按需气动喷射装置及方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-01-16 | CN202110058755.7
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 刘赵淼 , 高山山 , 李梦麒 et al. 一种气相辅助生成小尺寸金属微滴的按需气动喷射装置及方法 : CN202110058755.7[P]. | 2021-01-16 .
MLA 刘赵淼 et al. "一种气相辅助生成小尺寸金属微滴的按需气动喷射装置及方法" : CN202110058755.7. | 2021-01-16 .
APA 刘赵淼 , 高山山 , 李梦麒 , 逄燕 , 王翔 . 一种气相辅助生成小尺寸金属微滴的按需气动喷射装置及方法 : CN202110058755.7. | 2021-01-16 .
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方波型微混合器内的流动特性及其影响因素研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (10) , 1666-1677 | 分析化学
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 刘赵淼 , 赵思宇 , 赵晟 et al. 方波型微混合器内的流动特性及其影响因素研究 [J]. | 分析化学 , 2021 , 49 (10) : 1666-1677 .
MLA 刘赵淼 et al. "方波型微混合器内的流动特性及其影响因素研究" . | 分析化学 49 . 10 (2021) : 1666-1677 .
APA 刘赵淼 , 赵思宇 , 赵晟 , 殷参 , 徐迎丽 , 逄燕 . 方波型微混合器内的流动特性及其影响因素研究 . | 分析化学 , 2021 , 49 (10) , 1666-1677 .
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会议论文 | 2021 | 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

支路选择 支路选择 流动控制 流动控制 微液滴 微液滴 压力监控 压力监控



GB/T 7714 路遥 , 逄燕 , 刘赵淼 . 矩形通道中液滴支路选择行为模拟研究 [C] //北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . 2021 .
MLA 路遥 et al. "矩形通道中液滴支路选择行为模拟研究" 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
APA 路遥 , 逄燕 , 刘赵淼 . 矩形通道中液滴支路选择行为模拟研究 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
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会议论文 | 2021 | 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

减阻机理 减阻机理 仿生V形沟槽 仿生V形沟槽 排列方式 排列方式



GB/T 7714 陈睿 , 田琦 , 逄燕 et al. 仿生V形沟槽排列方式对减阻特性的研究 [C] //北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . 2021 .
MLA 陈睿 et al. "仿生V形沟槽排列方式对减阻特性的研究" 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
APA 陈睿 , 田琦 , 逄燕 , 刘赵淼 . 仿生V形沟槽排列方式对减阻特性的研究 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
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会议论文 | 2021 | 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

液膜破碎长度 液膜破碎长度 双路离心式喷嘴 双路离心式喷嘴 注入压力 注入压力 雾化质量 雾化质量



GB/T 7714 李培金 , 李泽轩 , 逄燕 et al. 注入压力对双路离心式喷嘴液膜破碎长度的影响 [C] //北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . 2021 .
MLA 李培金 et al. "注入压力对双路离心式喷嘴液膜破碎长度的影响" 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
APA 李培金 , 李泽轩 , 逄燕 , 刘赵淼 . 注入压力对双路离心式喷嘴液膜破碎长度的影响 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
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会议论文 | 2021 | 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

壁面剪应力 壁面剪应力 冠脉旁路移植术 冠脉旁路移植术 移植角度 移植角度 血流动力学 血流动力学 数值模拟 数值模拟



GB/T 7714 杨清山 , 孔令晨 , 逄燕 et al. 移植角度对吻合口处的血流动力学影响研究 [C] //北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . 2021 .
MLA 杨清山 et al. "移植角度对吻合口处的血流动力学影响研究" 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
APA 杨清山 , 孔令晨 , 逄燕 , 刘赵淼 . 移植角度对吻合口处的血流动力学影响研究 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
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压力条件对旋流槽数不同的离心式喷嘴液膜破碎及雾化的影响研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 57 (04) , 247-256 | 机械工程学报
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

离心式喷嘴 离心式喷嘴 喷雾锥角 喷雾锥角 雾化 雾化 液膜破碎 液膜破碎



GB/T 7714 刘赵淼 , 李泽轩 , 林家源 et al. 压力条件对旋流槽数不同的离心式喷嘴液膜破碎及雾化的影响研究 [J]. | 机械工程学报 , 2021 , 57 (04) : 247-256 .
MLA 刘赵淼 et al. "压力条件对旋流槽数不同的离心式喷嘴液膜破碎及雾化的影响研究" . | 机械工程学报 57 . 04 (2021) : 247-256 .
APA 刘赵淼 , 李泽轩 , 林家源 , 逄燕 . 压力条件对旋流槽数不同的离心式喷嘴液膜破碎及雾化的影响研究 . | 机械工程学报 , 2021 , 57 (04) , 247-256 .
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