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A weakly supervised Chinese medical named entity recognition method EI CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 41 (3) , 425-432 | Journal of Harbin Engineering University
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

To improve the accuracy of named entity recognition and reduce the cost of manual labeling, this study proposes a weakly supervised named entity recognition method based on the recurrent neural network (RNN), which utilizes the widely existing ontology in the medical field as the supplemental source of knowledge. In other words, a named entity recognition model is constructed by extracting semantic concept representation from medical ontology and integrating it with word and character embedding. First, the continuous bag of words model is utilized to extract semantic representation, including concept and word embedding. Then, the character-enhanced word embedding model is used to extract character representation. Finally, the tag sequence of Chinese medical text is obtained using a deep learning model RNN in combination with semantic and character embedding. The results of a comparative experiment on a true dataset of medical text show that the performance improvement of our proposed method compared with that of traditional methods reaches 2.2% to 6.1%, which verifies the effectiveness of our proposed method. © 2020, Editorial Department of Journal of HEU. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Embeddings Embeddings Information retrieval Information retrieval Ontology Ontology Recurrent neural networks Recurrent neural networks Semantics Semantics



GB/T 7714 Zhao, Qing , Wang, Dan , Xu, Shushi et al. A weakly supervised Chinese medical named entity recognition method [J]. | Journal of Harbin Engineering University , 2020 , 41 (3) : 425-432 .
MLA Zhao, Qing et al. "A weakly supervised Chinese medical named entity recognition method" . | Journal of Harbin Engineering University 41 . 3 (2020) : 425-432 .
APA Zhao, Qing , Wang, Dan , Xu, Shushi , Zhang, Xiaotong , Wang, Xiaoxi . A weakly supervised Chinese medical named entity recognition method . | Journal of Harbin Engineering University , 2020 , 41 (3) , 425-432 .
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Exploiting the concept level feature for enhanced name entity recognition in Chinese EMRs SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 76 (8) , 6399-6420 | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING
WoS核心集被引次数: 10
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The accumulation and explosive growth of the electronic medical records (EMRs) make the name entity recognition (NER) technologies become critical for the meaningful use of EMR data and then the practice of evidence-based medicine. The dominate NER approaches use the distributed representation of the words and characters to build deep learning-based NER models. However, for the task of biomedical named entity recognition, there are a large amount of complicated medical terminologies that are composed of multiple words. Splitting these terminologies to learn the word and character embeddings might cause semantic ambiguities. In this paper, we treat each medical terminology as a concept and propose a concept-enhanced named entity recognition model (CNER), where the features from three different granularities (i.e., concept, word, and character) are combined together for bio-NER. The extensive experiments are conducted on two real-world corpora: fully labeled corpus and partially labeled corpus. CNER achieves the highest F1 score (fully labeled corpus: precision = 88.23, recall = 88.29, and F1 = 88.26; partially labeled corpus: precision = 87.03, recall = 88.19, and F1 = 87.61) by outperforming the baseline CW-BLSTM-CRF approach for 0.58% and 1.15% respectively, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

关键词 :

Concept feature Concept feature Deep neural network (DNN) Deep neural network (DNN) Named entity recognition (NER) Named entity recognition (NER) Semantic information analysis Semantic information analysis



GB/T 7714 Zhao, Qing , Wang, Dan , Li, Jianqiang et al. Exploiting the concept level feature for enhanced name entity recognition in Chinese EMRs [J]. | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING , 2020 , 76 (8) : 6399-6420 .
MLA Zhao, Qing et al. "Exploiting the concept level feature for enhanced name entity recognition in Chinese EMRs" . | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING 76 . 8 (2020) : 6399-6420 .
APA Zhao, Qing , Wang, Dan , Li, Jianqiang , Akhtar, Faheem . Exploiting the concept level feature for enhanced name entity recognition in Chinese EMRs . | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING , 2020 , 76 (8) , 6399-6420 .
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An Outlier Detection Approach Based on Improved Self-Organizing Feature Map Clustering Algorithm SCIE
期刊论文 | 2019 , 7 , 115914-115925 | IEEE ACCESS
WoS核心集被引次数: 17
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Local Outlier Factor (LOF) outlier detecting algorithm has good accuracy in detecting global and local outliers. However, the algorithm needs to traverse the entire dataset when calculating the local outlier factor of each data point, which adds extra time overhead and makes the algorithm execution inefficient. In addition, if the K -distance neighborhood of an outlier point P contains some outliers that are incorrectly judged by the algorithm as normal points, then P may be misidentified as normal point. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes a Neighbor Entropy Local Outlier Factor (NELOF) outlier detecting algorithm. Firstly, we improve the Self-Organizing Feature Map (SOFM) algorithm and use the optimized SOFM clustering algorithm to cluster the dataset. Therefore, the calculation of each data point's local outlier factor only needs to be performed inside the small cluster. Secondly, this paper replaces the K -distance neighborhood with relative K -distance neighborhood and utilizes the entropy of relative K neighborhood to redefine the local outlier factor, which improves the accuracy of outlier detection. Experiments results confirm that our optimized SOFM algorithm can avoid the random selection of neurons, and improve clustering effect of traditional SOFM algorithm. In addition, the proposed NELOF algorithm outperforms LOF algorithm in both accuracy and execution time of outlier detection.

关键词 :

Canopy Canopy cluster cluster LOF LOF outlier detection outlier detection SOFM SOFM



GB/T 7714 Yang, Ping , Wang, Dan , Wei, Zhuojun et al. An Outlier Detection Approach Based on Improved Self-Organizing Feature Map Clustering Algorithm [J]. | IEEE ACCESS , 2019 , 7 : 115914-115925 .
MLA Yang, Ping et al. "An Outlier Detection Approach Based on Improved Self-Organizing Feature Map Clustering Algorithm" . | IEEE ACCESS 7 (2019) : 115914-115925 .
APA Yang, Ping , Wang, Dan , Wei, Zhuojun , Dui, Xiaolin , Li, Tong . An Outlier Detection Approach Based on Improved Self-Organizing Feature Map Clustering Algorithm . | IEEE ACCESS , 2019 , 7 , 115914-115925 .
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Effect of Hf Elements and CNTs Alloy Mixed Doping on Structure and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Sm5Co19 Alloy [Hf, CNTs混合掺杂对纳米晶Sm5Co19合金结构和 磁性能的影响] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 47 (3) , 1001-1006 | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Permanent magnetic nanocrystalline Sm5Co19Hf0.4 alloy and Sm5Co19Hf0.4CNTs0.4 alloy with high room-temperature coercivity were prepared. The microstructure, crystal structure and magnetic properties were studied. The results show that the mixed doping of Hf elements and CNTs does not lead to phase decomposition of Ce5Co19 type structure, while it results in fine grains and uniform distribution of the microstructure. Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDX) analyses confirm that CNTs move into grain boundaries of the nanocrystalline Sm5Co19Hf0.4CNTs0.4 alloy, which can improve the coercivity of the nanocrystalline Sm5Co19 alloy for the grain boundary pinning effect. Rietyeld refinement show that Hf comes into the Sm vacancy, thus decreasing the lattice parameters and increasing the axial ratio c/a, which further enhance the magnetocrystalline anisotropy, and strengthen the coercivity of nanocrystalline alloy. The results of the study can promote the design of Sm-Co alloy with high magnetocrystalline anisotropy and intrinsic coercivity. © 2018, Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research. Published by Elsevier BV. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Atom occupancy; Crystal structure; Element doping; Intrinsic coercivity; Nanocrystalline Atom occupancy; Crystal structure; Element doping; Intrinsic coercivity; Nanocrystalline



GB/T 7714 Wang, D. , Qiao, Y. , Liu, D. et al. Effect of Hf Elements and CNTs Alloy Mixed Doping on Structure and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Sm5Co19 Alloy [Hf, CNTs混合掺杂对纳米晶Sm5Co19合金结构和 磁性能的影响] [J]. | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2018 , 47 (3) : 1001-1006 .
MLA Wang, D. et al. "Effect of Hf Elements and CNTs Alloy Mixed Doping on Structure and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Sm5Co19 Alloy [Hf, CNTs混合掺杂对纳米晶Sm5Co19合金结构和 磁性能的影响]" . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 47 . 3 (2018) : 1001-1006 .
APA Wang, D. , Qiao, Y. , Liu, D. , Hua, G. , Wang, H. , Liu, X. et al. Effect of Hf Elements and CNTs Alloy Mixed Doping on Structure and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Sm5Co19 Alloy [Hf, CNTs混合掺杂对纳米晶Sm5Co19合金结构和 磁性能的影响] . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2018 , 47 (3) , 1001-1006 .
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Evolutionary DBN for the Customers' Sentiment Classification with Incremental Rules CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2018 , 10933 , 119-134 | 18th Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

An increasing number of reviews from the customers have been available online. Thus, sentiment classification for such reviews has attracted more and more attention from the natural language processing (NLP) community. Related literature has shown that sentiment analysis can benefit from Deep Belief Networks (DBN). However, determining the structure of the deep network and improving its performance still remains an open question. In this paper, we propose a sophisticated algorithm based on fuzzy mathematics and genetic algorithm, called evolutionary fuzzy deep belief networks with incremental rules (EFDBNI). We evaluate our proposal using empirical data sets that are dedicated for sentiment classification. The results show that EFDBNI brings out significant improvement over existing methods.

关键词 :

Deep learning Deep learning Fuzzy set Fuzzy set Genetic algorithm Genetic algorithm Semi-supervised Semi-supervised Sentiment classification Sentiment classification



GB/T 7714 Yang, Ping , Wang, Dan , Du, Xiao-Lin et al. Evolutionary DBN for the Customers' Sentiment Classification with Incremental Rules [C] . 2018 : 119-134 .
MLA Yang, Ping et al. "Evolutionary DBN for the Customers' Sentiment Classification with Incremental Rules" . (2018) : 119-134 .
APA Yang, Ping , Wang, Dan , Du, Xiao-Lin , Wang, Meng . Evolutionary DBN for the Customers' Sentiment Classification with Incremental Rules . (2018) : 119-134 .
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Automatic User Preferences Elicitation: A Data-Driven Approach CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2018 , 10753 , 324-331 | 24th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

[Context and motivation] In the increasingly competitive software market, it is essential for software companies to have a comprehensive understanding of development progress and user preferences of their corresponding application domain. [Question/problem] However, given the huge number of existing software applications, it is impossible to gain such insights via manual inspection. [Principal ideas/results] In this paper, we present a research preview of automatic user preferences elicitation approach. Specifically, our approach first clusters software applications into different categories based on their descriptions, and then identifies features of each category. We then link such features to corresponding user reviews and automatically classify sentiments of each review In order to understand user preferences over such feature In addition, we have carefully planned evaluations that will be carried out to further polish our work. [Contributions] Our proposal aims to help software companies to identify features of applications in a particular domain, as well as user preferences with regard to those features. We argue such analysis is especially important for startup companies that have few knowledge about the domain.

关键词 :

Machine learning Machine learning Natural language processing Natural language processing Sentiment analysis Sentiment analysis Topic modeling Topic modeling User preferences User preferences



GB/T 7714 Li, Tong , Zhang, Fan , Wang, Dan . Automatic User Preferences Elicitation: A Data-Driven Approach [C] . 2018 : 324-331 .
MLA Li, Tong et al. "Automatic User Preferences Elicitation: A Data-Driven Approach" . (2018) : 324-331 .
APA Li, Tong , Zhang, Fan , Wang, Dan . Automatic User Preferences Elicitation: A Data-Driven Approach . (2018) : 324-331 .
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Exploiting the semantic graph for the representation and retrieval of medical documents SCIE
期刊论文 | 2018 , 101 , 39-50 | COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE
WoS核心集被引次数: 9
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Objective: The objective of this study was to propose a graph-based semantic search approach by addressing the inherent complexity and ambiguity of medical terminology in queries and clinical text for enhanced medical information retrieval. Methods: The supportive use of a medical domain ontology exploits the light-weight semantics discovered from queries and documents for enhanced document ranking. First, the implicit information regarding concepts and the relations between them is discovered in the documents and queries and is used to evaluate the relevance of the query-document; then, the semantic linkages between concepts distributed in target documents and reference documents are built and used to score the document's popularity; finally, the above two evaluations are integrated to produce the final ranking list for document ranking. Results: Empirical experiments are conducted on two different datasets. The results demonstrate that the proposed graph-based approach significantly outperforms the baselines. For example, the average performance improvement on two datasets of the best variant of GSRM compared to the best baseline achieve 7.2% and 7.9% in terms of P@20 and NDCG@20, respectively, which illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

关键词 :

Document ranking Document ranking Electronic medical records Electronic medical records Medical search Medical search Semantic information retrieval Semantic information retrieval



GB/T 7714 Zhao, Qing , Kang, Yangyang , Li, Jianqiang et al. Exploiting the semantic graph for the representation and retrieval of medical documents [J]. | COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE , 2018 , 101 : 39-50 .
MLA Zhao, Qing et al. "Exploiting the semantic graph for the representation and retrieval of medical documents" . | COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 101 (2018) : 39-50 .
APA Zhao, Qing , Kang, Yangyang , Li, Jianqiang , Wang, Dan . Exploiting the semantic graph for the representation and retrieval of medical documents . | COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE , 2018 , 101 , 39-50 .
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Research on the Construction of Software Integrated Design Course CPCI-SSH
会议论文 | 2017 , 122-126 | 4th International Conference on Advanced Education and Management (ICAEM)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Software integrated design course is one of the most important courses to cultivate students' professional ability and excellent engineering quality. Since it collects the knowledge of data structure and algorithm, object oriented programming, database principle, software engineering, software quality testing and other courses as a whole, how to organize the teaching activity effectively to achieve the prescribed teaching objective is a big challenge. In this paper, a project-based teaching and learning idea is proposed based on the in-depth analysis of the training goal of this course, and the concrete construction ideas and implementation process around the teaching content, teaching organization and evaluation mechanism is expounded in detail.

关键词 :

Evaluation Mechanism Evaluation Mechanism Teaching Organization Teaching Organization Project-Based Teaching Project-Based Teaching Software Integrated Design Course Software Integrated Design Course



GB/T 7714 Du, Jin-Lian , Jin, Xue-Yun , Wang, Dan . Research on the Construction of Software Integrated Design Course [C] . 2017 : 122-126 .
MLA Du, Jin-Lian et al. "Research on the Construction of Software Integrated Design Course" . (2017) : 122-126 .
APA Du, Jin-Lian , Jin, Xue-Yun , Wang, Dan . Research on the Construction of Software Integrated Design Course . (2017) : 122-126 .
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The heat transfer characteristics of the jacket-type radial heat pipe EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2015 , 36 (1) , 179-184 | Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

A simple, rapid mathematical model to calculate the non-steady-state startup process of the jacket-type radial heat pipe is presented in this paper. The model is based on the special structure and using conditions of the jacket-type radial heat pipe, the vapor temperature in heat pipe only changes over time. The startup performance of the heat pipe with variation input heat flux and the filling rate is analyzed. The results manifest that the filling rate increased will reduce the maximum operating temperature of the heat pipe and shorten the startup time of the heat pipe. With the increase of input heat flux, the operating temperature increases and the time to reach the steady state of the heat pipe is added. The total thermal resistance of heat pipe decreases with the increase of the input heat flux and filling rate. In addition, a condensation heat transfer model is presented, the liquid film thickness and the local heat transfer coefficient of the inner wall surface is calculated. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Heat transfer Heat transfer Heat flux Heat flux Heat pipes Heat pipes Heat resistance Heat resistance Temperature Temperature Filling Filling Liquid films Liquid films



GB/T 7714 Jiao, Yonggang , Xia, Guodong , Wang, Dan et al. The heat transfer characteristics of the jacket-type radial heat pipe [J]. | Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica , 2015 , 36 (1) : 179-184 .
MLA Jiao, Yonggang et al. "The heat transfer characteristics of the jacket-type radial heat pipe" . | Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 36 . 1 (2015) : 179-184 .
APA Jiao, Yonggang , Xia, Guodong , Wang, Dan , Wang, Wei , Huang, Suge . The heat transfer characteristics of the jacket-type radial heat pipe . | Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica , 2015 , 36 (1) , 179-184 .
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High-performance scheduling model for multisensor gateway of cloud sensor system-based smart-living SCIE
期刊论文 | 2015 , 21 , 42-56 | INFORMATION FUSION
WoS核心集被引次数: 19
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In cloud sensor system-based smart-living applications, large-scale distributed sensors may be deployed to collect information and report to the manipulator and the cloud. A gateway is often employed as infrastructure in this scenario, acting as the data collector, the relay and the agency of the initial multisensor fusion, and thus must be able to handle as many concurrent requests as possible from diverse sensors of different vendors. This study proposes a high-performance scheduling model with a cloud-supported caching mechanism for the gateway of the cloud sensor system-based smart-living. Scheduling and caching optimization are performed by 0-1 programming combined with the periodic task models. Correlation analyses of the simulated results determine the most effective factors to the performance, and the performance tests with the selected factors show that a gateway with 2.4 G-uniCPU/4 G-memory/300 G-harddisk can support the system with one million sensors registered in the cloud and 5000 concurrent live sensors through it, with a 25x gain throughput improvement compared to the traditional application-type scheduling. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Cloud sensor system Cloud sensor system Cyber physical system Cyber physical system Internet of things Internet of things Multisensor fusion Multisensor fusion Periodic application Periodic application



GB/T 7714 Lyu, Yongqiang , Yan, Fanxi , Chen, Yu et al. High-performance scheduling model for multisensor gateway of cloud sensor system-based smart-living [J]. | INFORMATION FUSION , 2015 , 21 : 42-56 .
MLA Lyu, Yongqiang et al. "High-performance scheduling model for multisensor gateway of cloud sensor system-based smart-living" . | INFORMATION FUSION 21 (2015) : 42-56 .
APA Lyu, Yongqiang , Yan, Fanxi , Chen, Yu , Wang, Dan , Shi, Yuanchun , Agoulmine, Nazim . High-performance scheduling model for multisensor gateway of cloud sensor system-based smart-living . | INFORMATION FUSION , 2015 , 21 , 42-56 .
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