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Configuration synthesis and structural design of lower-mobility parallel external fixators based on corrective degree-of-freedom classification SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 10
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摘要 :

Foot and ankle deformity remains a common presenting complaint in orthopedic surgery. External fixator is a key medical device to assist gradual correction. Its configuration selection has a significant influence on correction results. Among two external fixators currently used in clinic, conventional Ilizarov external fixator (IEF) has high use difficulty and low accuracy, whereas the single configuration of later hexapod external fixator (HEF) leads to inadequate adaptation to diverse deformity types in foot and ankle. To solve the above problems, this paper presents a novel parallel distraction apparatus (PDA). First, corrective degree-of-freedom (c-DOF) is defined to determine expected posture transformation of external fixator required by corrective manipulation. By summarizing and classifying c-DOF, predominant foot and ankle deformities with fewer correction requirements are divided into six types. Subsequently, six lower-mobility parallel mechanisms are introduced as the configurations of external fixators via the c-DOF based configuration synthesis approach. After performing reconfigurable structural design, PDA can respectively form six types of parallel external fixators for six deformity types. Finally, clinical case simulations are provided to verify the application potential and advantages of PDA.

关键词 :

Configuration synthesis Configuration synthesis Corrective degree-of-freedom Corrective degree-of-freedom Foot and ankle deformity Foot and ankle deformity Parallel mechanism Parallel mechanism



GB/T 7714 Zuo, Shiping , Dong, Mingjie , Tao, Chunjing et al. Configuration synthesis and structural design of lower-mobility parallel external fixators based on corrective degree-of-freedom classification [J]. | MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY , 2022 , 168 .
MLA Zuo, Shiping et al. "Configuration synthesis and structural design of lower-mobility parallel external fixators based on corrective degree-of-freedom classification" . | MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY 168 (2022) .
APA Zuo, Shiping , Dong, Mingjie , Tao, Chunjing , Jiao, Ran , Li, Guotong , Li, Jianfeng . Configuration synthesis and structural design of lower-mobility parallel external fixators based on corrective degree-of-freedom classification . | MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY , 2022 , 168 .
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下肢柔性助力外衣的工效学设计与步态预测 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 52 (4) , 1171-1184 | 张雷雨
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

下肢助力 下肢助力 功能外衣 功能外衣 步态预测 步态预测 自适应步态检测 自适应步态检测 髋关节前屈 髋关节前屈



GB/T 7714 张雷雨 , 贺彦东 , 李剑锋 et al. 下肢柔性助力外衣的工效学设计与步态预测 [J]. | 张雷雨 , 2021 , 52 (4) : 1171-1184 .
MLA 张雷雨 et al. "下肢柔性助力外衣的工效学设计与步态预测" . | 张雷雨 52 . 4 (2021) : 1171-1184 .
APA 张雷雨 , 贺彦东 , 李剑锋 , 苏鹏 , 陶春静 , 季润 et al. 下肢柔性助力外衣的工效学设计与步态预测 . | 张雷雨 , 2021 , 52 (4) , 1171-1184 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 52 (4) , 1171-1184 | 中南大学学报(自然科学版)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

为增强人体的下肢运动机能,研制一套柔性功能外衣,作为助力系统的末端执行元件包覆于人体下肢,对髋关节的前屈动作助力,并研发基于力位混合控制的外接驱动系统,初步完成下肢柔性助力外衣系统样机的搭建.在此基础上,提出以IMU为主导的自适应步态检测算法,检测频率自适应于人体运动速度,实现步态信息的高效检测,并以检测信息为基础,提出"牛顿+三次指数平滑"预测算法,实时预测人体下肢动作.研究结果表明:功能外衣具有较高的刚度和良好的穿戴舒适性,符合功能外衣的设计要求;"牛顿+三次指数平滑"预测算法可实时预测50 ms之后的髋关节角度,预测过程稳定,在人体行走过程中,预测曲线平滑性较好,精度较高,可满足助力系统的步态预测要求,为下肢助力研究提供依据.

关键词 :

下肢助力 下肢助力 功能外衣 功能外衣 步态预测 步态预测 自适应步态检测 自适应步态检测 髋关节前屈 髋关节前屈



GB/T 7714 张雷雨 , 贺彦东 , 李剑锋 et al. 下肢柔性助力外衣的工效学设计与步态预测 [J]. | 中南大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 52 (4) : 1171-1184 .
MLA 张雷雨 et al. "下肢柔性助力外衣的工效学设计与步态预测" . | 中南大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 4 (2021) : 1171-1184 .
APA 张雷雨 , 贺彦东 , 李剑锋 , 苏鹏 , 陶春静 , 季润 et al. 下肢柔性助力外衣的工效学设计与步态预测 . | 中南大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 52 (4) , 1171-1184 .
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Design, modeling, and manipulability evaluation of a novel four-DOF parallel gripper for dexterous in-hand manipulation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 35 (7) , 3145-3160 | JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
WoS核心集被引次数: 12
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

This study presents a novel four-degrees-of-freedom parallel gripper with potential application to industrial automation. The gripper adopts a parallel grasping mode on objects and can independently complete in-plane horizontal and vertical motions and in-hand twisting motion. Kinematic and dynamic models of the gripper-object system are developed. The controllable internal force acting on the object is calculated to obtain the minimum driving force/torque. An energy-based manipulability index is developed on the basis of the derived solutions. The numerical simulation includes a comparison between the MATLAB model and the ADAMS model to verify the motion forms of the parallel gripper and the rationality of analytical modeling studies. Manipulability performance is evaluated along the transportation path of the object. Results indicate that the gripper can achieve horizontal transmission to supplement the workspace of a robotic arm, and it exhibits relatively better performance in in-hand manipulation and in-plane vertical transmission.

关键词 :

In-hand dexterous manipulation In-hand dexterous manipulation Kinematic and dynamic modeling Kinematic and dynamic modeling In-plane transmission In-plane transmission Manipulability evaluation Manipulability evaluation Industrial gripper Industrial gripper



GB/T 7714 Zuo, Shiping , Li, Jianfeng , Dong, Mingjie . Design, modeling, and manipulability evaluation of a novel four-DOF parallel gripper for dexterous in-hand manipulation [J]. | JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 35 (7) : 3145-3160 .
MLA Zuo, Shiping et al. "Design, modeling, and manipulability evaluation of a novel four-DOF parallel gripper for dexterous in-hand manipulation" . | JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35 . 7 (2021) : 3145-3160 .
APA Zuo, Shiping , Li, Jianfeng , Dong, Mingjie . Design, modeling, and manipulability evaluation of a novel four-DOF parallel gripper for dexterous in-hand manipulation . | JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 35 (7) , 3145-3160 .
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Influence of parameter deviation on the closeness of the tibial limb and external fixator based on a novel collision detection algorithm SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
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摘要 :

The Ortho-SUV frame (OSF) is a hexapod external fixator widely applied in orthopedics deformity correction. The possibility of collision between OSF's struts and the soft tissue is an essential but overlooked issue. To avoid the issue, a novel collision detection algorithm is established based on a cone-cylinder model of the tibial limb-strut interaction for detecting the closeness of the tibial limb and external fixator. The algorithm is constructed using the vector analysis based on the model of the minimum distance between the truncated cone generatrix and the cylinder axis. The motion simulation is performed on the overall alignment through the Solidworks-motion module to verify the feasibility of the algorithm. Subsequently, the installation parameter deviations of the bone-fixator system are described to investigate the influence of orientation and position deviation on the closeness of the tibial limb and external fixator through the numerical method. The investigation results show that the orientation deviation gamma (around the z-axis), the position deviation tau(1) and tau(2) (along the x and y-axes, respectively) have greater sensitivity to closeness and the influence of multiple deviations on the closeness has the property of superposition. The proposed algorithm can assist clinicians to strictly design and appraise frame configurations prior to their application to avoid the collision between the external fixator and the limbs during the correction. It has great application significance in the development of computer-aided correction software.

关键词 :

closeness closeness collision detection collision detection external fixator external fixator orthopedic correction orthopedic correction parameter deviation parameter deviation



GB/T 7714 Li, Guotong , Li, Jianfeng , Zuo, Shiping et al. Influence of parameter deviation on the closeness of the tibial limb and external fixator based on a novel collision detection algorithm [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING , 2021 , 37 (7) .
MLA Li, Guotong et al. "Influence of parameter deviation on the closeness of the tibial limb and external fixator based on a novel collision detection algorithm" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING 37 . 7 (2021) .
APA Li, Guotong , Li, Jianfeng , Zuo, Shiping , Dong, Mingjie . Influence of parameter deviation on the closeness of the tibial limb and external fixator based on a novel collision detection algorithm . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING , 2021 , 37 (7) .
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Compatibility evaluation of a 4-DOF ergonomic exoskeleton for upper limb rehabilitation EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 156 | Mechanism and Machine Theory
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Due to their advantages of high durability, low labor intensiveness and high repeatability, upper limb exoskeletons have become promising tools in stroke rehabilitation. The act of decreasing the undesired interactional loads caused by exoskeleton incompatibility remains an enormous challenge in the design of ergonomic exoskeletons. In this article, a novel 4-DOF upper limb exoskeleton that is kinematically compatible with the upper limb is proposed. A prototype of the proposed exoskeleton was developed. Subsequently, the interaction forces, torques and displacements at the physical human-exoskeleton connection interfaces were detected under static and dynamic modes to quantitatively evaluate the compatibility of the exoskeleton. The results indicated that the proposed exoskeleton can significantly decrease the undesired interactional load at the connective interfaces, and its ergonomic design was found to be effective; thus, this exoskeleton may be used for the rehabilitation of human upper limbs. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd

关键词 :

Ergonomics Ergonomics Exoskeleton (Robotics) Exoskeleton (Robotics) Neuromuscular rehabilitation Neuromuscular rehabilitation



GB/T 7714 Li, Jianfeng , Cao, Qiang , Dong, Mingjie et al. Compatibility evaluation of a 4-DOF ergonomic exoskeleton for upper limb rehabilitation [J]. | Mechanism and Machine Theory , 2021 , 156 .
MLA Li, Jianfeng et al. "Compatibility evaluation of a 4-DOF ergonomic exoskeleton for upper limb rehabilitation" . | Mechanism and Machine Theory 156 (2021) .
APA Li, Jianfeng , Cao, Qiang , Dong, Mingjie , Zhang, Chunzhao . Compatibility evaluation of a 4-DOF ergonomic exoskeleton for upper limb rehabilitation . | Mechanism and Machine Theory , 2021 , 156 .
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Comparative analysis of three categories of four-DOFs exoskeleton mechanism based on relative movement offsets SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate three categories of four-degrees of freedom (4-DOFs) upper limb rehabilitation exoskeleton mechanisms from the perspective of relative movement offsets between the upper limb and the exoskeleton, so as to provide reference for the selection of exoskeleton mechanism configurations. Design/methodology/approach According to the configuration synthesis and optimum principles of 4-DOFs upper limb exoskeleton mechanisms, three categories of exoskeletons compatible with upper limb were proposed. From the perspective of human exoskeleton closed chain, through reasonable decomposition and kinematic characteristics analysis of passive connective joints, the kinematic equations of three categories exoskeletons were established and inverse position solution method were addressed. Subsequently, three indexes, which can represent the relative movement offsets of human-exoskeleton were defined. Findings Based on the presented position solution and evaluation indexes, the joint displacements and relative movement offsets of the three exoskeletons during eating movement were compared, on which the kinematic characteristics were investigated. The results indicated that the second category of exoskeleton was more suitable for upper limb rehabilitation than the other two categories. Originality/value This paper has a certain reference value for the selection of the 4-DOFs upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton mechanism configurations. The selected exoskeleton can ensure the safety and comfort of stroke patients with upper limb dyskinesia during rehabilitation training.

关键词 :

Upper limb rehabilitation Upper limb rehabilitation Position solution Position solution Exoskeleton mechanism Exoskeleton mechanism Relative movement offsets Relative movement offsets Kinematic characteristics Kinematic characteristics



GB/T 7714 Cao, Qiang , Li, Jianfeng , Dong, Mingjie . Comparative analysis of three categories of four-DOFs exoskeleton mechanism based on relative movement offsets [J]. | INDUSTRIAL ROBOT-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH AND APPLICATION , 2021 , 49 (4) : 672-687 .
MLA Cao, Qiang et al. "Comparative analysis of three categories of four-DOFs exoskeleton mechanism based on relative movement offsets" . | INDUSTRIAL ROBOT-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH AND APPLICATION 49 . 4 (2021) : 672-687 .
APA Cao, Qiang , Li, Jianfeng , Dong, Mingjie . Comparative analysis of three categories of four-DOFs exoskeleton mechanism based on relative movement offsets . | INDUSTRIAL ROBOT-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH AND APPLICATION , 2021 , 49 (4) , 672-687 .
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State of the art in parallel ankle rehabilitation robot: a systematic review. PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 18 (1) , 52 | Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The ankle joint complex (AJC) is of fundamental importance for balance, support, and propulsion. However, it is particularly susceptible to musculoskeletal and neurological injuries, especially neurological injuries such as drop foot following stroke. An important factor in ankle dysfunction is damage to the central nervous system (CNS). Correspondingly, the fundamental goal of rehabilitation training is to stimulate the reorganization and compensation of the CNS, and to promote the recovery of the motor system's motor perception function. Therefore, an increasing number of ankle rehabilitation robots have been developed to provide long-term accurate and uniform rehabilitation training of the AJC, among which the parallel ankle rehabilitation robot (PARR) is the most studied. The aim of this study is to provide a systematic review of the state of the art in PARR technology, with consideration of the mechanism configurations, actuator types with different trajectory tracking control techniques, and rehabilitation training methods, thus facilitating the development of new and improved PARRs as a next step towards obtaining clinical proof of their rehabilitation benefits.A literature search was conducted on PubMed, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and Web of Science for articles related to the design and improvement of PARRs for ankle rehabilitation from each site's respective inception from January 1999 to September 2020 using the keywords " parallel", " ankle", and " robot". Appropriate syntax using Boolean operators and wildcard symbols was utilized for each database to include a wider range of articles that may have used alternate spellings or synonyms, and the references listed in relevant publications were further screened according to the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria.Ultimately, 65 articles representing 16 unique PARRs were selected for review, all of which have developed the prototypes with experiments designed to verify their usability and feasibility. From the comparison among these PARRs, we found that there are three main considerations for the mechanical design and mechanism optimization of PARRs, the choice of two actuator types including pneumatic and electrically driven control, the covering of the AJC's motion space, and the optimization of the kinematic design, actuation design and structural design. The trajectory tracking accuracy and interactive control performance also need to be guaranteed to improve the effect of rehabilitation training and stimulate a patient's active participation. In addition, the parameters of the reviewed 16 PARRs are summarized in detail with their differences compared by using figures and tables in the order they appeared, showing their differences in the two main actuator types, four exercise modes, fifteen control strategies, etc., which revealed the future research trends related to the improvement of the PARRs.The selected studies showed the rapid development of PARRs in terms of their mechanical designs, control strategies, and rehabilitation training methods over the last two decades. However, the existing PARRs all have their own pros and cons, and few of the developed devices have been subjected to clinical trials. Designing a PARR with three degrees of freedom (DOFs) and whereby the mechanism's rotation center coincides with the AJC rotation center is of vital importance in the mechanism design and optimization of PARRs. In addition, the design of actuators combining the advantages of the pneumatic-driven and electrically driven ones, as well as some new other actuators, will be a research hotspot for the development of PARRs. For the control strategy, compliance control with variable parameters should be further studied, with sEMG signal included to improve the real-time performance. Multimode rehabilitation training methods with multimodal motion intention recognition, real-time online detection and evaluation system should also be further developed to meet the needs of different ankle disability and rehabilitation stages. In addition, the clinical trials are in urgent need to help the PARRs be implementable as an intervention in clinical practice.

关键词 :

Trajectory tracking control Trajectory tracking control Parallel ankle rehabilitation robot Parallel ankle rehabilitation robot Rehabilitation training Rehabilitation training Mechanism configurations Mechanism configurations



GB/T 7714 Dong Mingjie , Zhou Yu , Li Jianfeng et al. State of the art in parallel ankle rehabilitation robot: a systematic review. [J]. | Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation , 2021 , 18 (1) : 52 .
MLA Dong Mingjie et al. "State of the art in parallel ankle rehabilitation robot: a systematic review." . | Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 18 . 1 (2021) : 52 .
APA Dong Mingjie , Zhou Yu , Li Jianfeng , Rong Xi , Fan Wenpei , Zhou Xiaodong et al. State of the art in parallel ankle rehabilitation robot: a systematic review. . | Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation , 2021 , 18 (1) , 52 .
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A New Ankle Robotic System Enabling Whole-Stage Compliance Rehabilitation Training SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 26 (3) , 1490-1500 | IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS
WoS核心集被引次数: 42
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Robot-assisted physical therapy can encourage a subject's voluntary participation to achieve rapid motor function recovery. To enhance the subject's cooperation, and training safety during training sessions, we develop a new ankle robotic system with three rehabilitation training strategies based on an admittance controller, namely, patient-passive compliance exercise, isotonic exercise, and patient-active exercise, which fully consider the patient's muscle strength level, and different stages of recovery. The developed parallel two-UPS/RRR ankle rehabilitation robot is actuated by two servo linear actuators, and one servo motor, and has three rotational degrees of freedom. The mechanism is simple, and ensures that the rotation center of the ankle joint complex from different patients coincides with the robot's rotation center. All three strategies are based on the admittance controller, and its derivatives, and the controller's output is obtained based on proportional, and time-shifting methods according to the continuous measured torque. In particular, the developed two-UPS/RRR ankle robotic system covers the whole-stage compliance rehabilitation training, ensuring the safety of full-cycle training sessions. Experiments of the three rehabilitation training strategies were carried out on five healthy subjects, with the results showing good compliance, and trajectory tracking performance.

关键词 :

Admittance Admittance Rehabilitation robotics Rehabilitation robotics Servomotors Servomotors Safety Safety Robots Robots admittance controller admittance controller isotonic exercise isotonic exercise Training Training Actuators Actuators Active exercise Active exercise parallel ankle rehabilitation robot parallel ankle rehabilitation robot passive compliance passive compliance



GB/T 7714 Dong, Mingjie , Fan, Wenpei , Li, Jianfeng et al. A New Ankle Robotic System Enabling Whole-Stage Compliance Rehabilitation Training [J]. | IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS , 2021 , 26 (3) : 1490-1500 .
MLA Dong, Mingjie et al. "A New Ankle Robotic System Enabling Whole-Stage Compliance Rehabilitation Training" . | IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS 26 . 3 (2021) : 1490-1500 .
APA Dong, Mingjie , Fan, Wenpei , Li, Jianfeng , Zhou, Xiaodong , Rong, Xi , Kong, Yuan et al. A New Ankle Robotic System Enabling Whole-Stage Compliance Rehabilitation Training . | IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS , 2021 , 26 (3) , 1490-1500 .
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Thermodynamic Performance Analysis on Various Configurations of Organic Rankine Cycle Systems Scopus
图书章节 | Springer
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摘要 :

The efficiencies of single screw expander and multi-stage centrifugal pump are obtained by fitting experimental data, and which substitute the constant efficiencies of the expander and the pump in most researches. Modelling analysis of four configurations of organic Rankine cycle system (conventional organic Rankine cycle, organic Rankine cycle with a regenerator, extraction organic Rankine cycle and extraction organic Rankine cycle with a regenerator) is conducted, the effects of evaporation pressure and condensation temperature on the thermal efficiency of different cycle configurations are investigated and compared. Extraction pressure and extraction ratio are introduced to analyze the thermal efficiency of the latter two cycle configurations. Result shows that the extraction organic Rankine cycle with a regenerator has the highest thermal efficiency at the same operation condition; evaporation pressure has a positive effect on the thermal efficiency, while condensation temperature has a negative effect under a certain range. This study can provide a reference for the selection of the cycle configuration and design of operation parameters for a given system. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.



GB/T 7714 Li, J.F. , Guo, H. , Lei, B. et al. Thermodynamic Performance Analysis on Various Configurations of Organic Rankine Cycle Systems [M] //[Li, J.F., Guo, H., Lei, B., Wu, Y.T., Ye, F., Ma, C.F.] 编 Springer .
MLA Li, J.F. et al. "Thermodynamic Performance Analysis on Various Configurations of Organic Rankine Cycle Systems" [Li, J.F., Guo, H., Lei, B., Wu, Y.T., Ye, F., Ma, C.F.] 编 Springer .
APA Li, J.F. , Guo, H. , Lei, B. , Wu, Y.T. , Ye, F. , Ma, C.F. . Thermodynamic Performance Analysis on Various Configurations of Organic Rankine Cycle Systems [Li, J.F., Guo, H., Lei, B., Wu, Y.T., Ye, F., Ma, C.F.] 编 Springer .
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