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Dynamic shear band evolution by the numerical manifold method and the drucker prager model EI
会议论文 | 2021 , 676 (1) | 2021 4th International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Environment Research, ICCAER 2021
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

To simulate the dynamic evolution of shear band in soil, the numerical manifold method (NMM) and the Drucker Prager model (DP) are used. Considering that the soil does not bear tension, the tensile part of DP is cut off. Then the constitutive integration could be reduced to mix complementarity problem, which is solved by the Gauss Seidel projection contraction method (GSPC). The discretization sequence is altered to resolve the transfer issue of degrees of freedom when dealing with dynamic discontinuities evolving. Different with the traditional discretization approach, the discretization of temporal variable is set prior to that of spatial variable so that all the degrees of freedom are valid only in a current step without the necessity to be transferred to the next time step. In this way, the shear band tip could stop anywhere naturally, without being improperly forced to stay on the element edge. For simplicity, the shear band is treated as a strong discontinuity with zero width. The interface contact is described by the NMM contact approach where open-close iteration is involved. Finally, a soil dam is studied to check the capability of the proposed method to capture the dynamic evolution of shear band. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Shear bands Shear bands Iterative methods Iterative methods Soils Soils Degrees of freedom (mechanics) Degrees of freedom (mechanics) Memory architecture Memory architecture Numerical methods Numerical methods Numerical models Numerical models



GB/T 7714 Fan, Zibo , Zheng, Hong , Wu, Wenan et al. Dynamic shear band evolution by the numerical manifold method and the drucker prager model [C] . 2021 .
MLA Fan, Zibo et al. "Dynamic shear band evolution by the numerical manifold method and the drucker prager model" . (2021) .
APA Fan, Zibo , Zheng, Hong , Wu, Wenan , Zhang, Ning , Wang, Yichen . Dynamic shear band evolution by the numerical manifold method and the drucker prager model . (2021) .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (02) , 1-8 | 济南大学学报(自然科学版)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

Mohr-Coulomb准则 Mohr-Coulomb准则 弹塑性 弹塑性 互补问题 互补问题



GB/T 7714 张谭 , 郑宏 , 林姗 . Mohr-Coulomb准则的弹塑性积分方法 [J]. | 济南大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , (02) : 1-8 .
MLA 张谭 et al. "Mohr-Coulomb准则的弹塑性积分方法" . | 济南大学学报(自然科学版) 02 (2021) : 1-8 .
APA 张谭 , 郑宏 , 林姗 . Mohr-Coulomb准则的弹塑性积分方法 . | 济南大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , (02) , 1-8 .
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相场数值流形法模拟岩石裂纹扩展 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , (12) , 1-9 | 岩土力学
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

相场法 相场法 断裂变分法 断裂变分法 裂纹扩展 裂纹扩展 数值流形法 数值流形法



GB/T 7714 杨亮 , 杨永涛 , 郑宏 . 相场数值流形法模拟岩石裂纹扩展 [J]. | 岩土力学 , 2021 , (12) : 1-9 .
MLA 杨亮 et al. "相场数值流形法模拟岩石裂纹扩展" . | 岩土力学 12 (2021) : 1-9 .
APA 杨亮 , 杨永涛 , 郑宏 . 相场数值流形法模拟岩石裂纹扩展 . | 岩土力学 , 2021 , (12) , 1-9 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 3 (03) , 59-75 | 隧道与地下工程灾害防治
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

基于非局部理论的近场动力学(peridynamic,PD)方法在求解岩石裂纹扩展问题时具备极大的优势,但同时也面临零能模式与边界效应等问题。为解决上述问题,证明非常规态基PD方法等价于采用节点积分的伽辽金弱形式方法,并将非常规态基PD中变形梯度F的求解方式推广为更一般的PD微分算子(peridynamic differential operator,PDDO)近似。由于该近似与重构核粒子(reproducing kernel particle method,RKPM)近似具有相同的位移近似函数,详细对比分析两方法位移导数近似间的差异性,得到PDDO近似不满足相容性条件的结论,并形成了具备更高精...

关键词 :

近场动力学 近场动力学 伽辽金法 伽辽金法 无网格方法 无网格方法 裂纹扩展 裂纹扩展



GB/T 7714 崔昊 , 闫自海 , 胡建华 et al. 基于RKPM-PD方法的岩石裂纹扩展数值模拟 [J]. | 隧道与地下工程灾害防治 , 2021 , 3 (03) : 59-75 .
MLA 崔昊 et al. "基于RKPM-PD方法的岩石裂纹扩展数值模拟" . | 隧道与地下工程灾害防治 3 . 03 (2021) : 59-75 .
APA 崔昊 , 闫自海 , 胡建华 , 郑宏 . 基于RKPM-PD方法的岩石裂纹扩展数值模拟 . | 隧道与地下工程灾害防治 , 2021 , 3 (03) , 59-75 .
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Mohr-Coulomb准则的弹塑性积分方法 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 35 (2) , 190-197 | 张谭
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

MOHR-COULOMB准则 MOHR-COULOMB准则 弹塑性 弹塑性 互补问题 互补问题



GB/T 7714 张谭 , 郑宏 , 林姗 et al. Mohr-Coulomb准则的弹塑性积分方法 [J]. | 张谭 , 2021 , 35 (2) : 190-197 .
MLA 张谭 et al. "Mohr-Coulomb准则的弹塑性积分方法" . | 张谭 35 . 2 (2021) : 190-197 .
APA 张谭 , 郑宏 , 林姗 , 济南大学学报:自然科学版 . Mohr-Coulomb准则的弹塑性积分方法 . | 张谭 , 2021 , 35 (2) , 190-197 .
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Local refinement with arbitrary irregular meshes and implementation in numerical manifold method SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The solution accuracy based on finite element interpolation strongly depends on mesh quality. Thus, the numerical manifold method advocates that if a finite element mesh is selected as the mathematical cover, the mesh should be uniform, where all elements are congruent squares or isosceles right triangles for two-dimensional problems. However, the elements close to the points of stress concentrations or singularities must be smaller than those further away from these points. This leads to an irregular mesh in which a few nodes of certain small elements are hung on the edges of adjacent larger elements. This study implements local refinement with arbitrary k-irregular meshes by selecting piecewise polynomials as the local approximations over physical patches and enforcing appropriate constraints on the piecewise polynomials. All the elements are ordinary isoparametric elements, and elements with variable numbers of nodes on edges are not required. No linear dependency issue exists. Furthermore, refinement with any number of mesh layers is developed so that solution error can be distributed as uniformly as possible. Typical examples with different singularities are designed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed procedure.

关键词 :

k-irregular mesh k-irregular mesh Linear dependency Linear dependency Local refinement Local refinement Numerical manifold method Numerical manifold method



GB/T 7714 Liu, Zhijun , Zheng, Hong . Local refinement with arbitrary irregular meshes and implementation in numerical manifold method [J]. | ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS , 2021 , 132 : 231-247 .
MLA Liu, Zhijun et al. "Local refinement with arbitrary irregular meshes and implementation in numerical manifold method" . | ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS 132 (2021) : 231-247 .
APA Liu, Zhijun , Zheng, Hong . Local refinement with arbitrary irregular meshes and implementation in numerical manifold method . | ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS , 2021 , 132 , 231-247 .
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弹塑性有限元分析中几个难点问题的一揽子方案 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (02) , 301-314 | 岩土力学
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

拉裂缝 拉裂缝 边坡稳定性 边坡稳定性 位移控制法 位移控制法 Mohr-Coulomb屈服面 Mohr-Coulomb屈服面 塑性本构积分 塑性本构积分



GB/T 7714 郑宏 , 张谭 , 王秋生 . 弹塑性有限元分析中几个难点问题的一揽子方案 [J]. | 岩土力学 , 2021 , 42 (02) : 301-314 .
MLA 郑宏 et al. "弹塑性有限元分析中几个难点问题的一揽子方案" . | 岩土力学 42 . 02 (2021) : 301-314 .
APA 郑宏 , 张谭 , 王秋生 . 弹塑性有限元分析中几个难点问题的一揽子方案 . | 岩土力学 , 2021 , 42 (02) , 301-314 .
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One package of schemes for some difficult issues in finite element plasticity analysis EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (2) , 301-314 | Rock and Soil Mechanics
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion takes on the simplest form in the Mohr stress space, which has thus been most extensively applied in limit analysis and limit equilibrium methods because of its accuracy. However, the Mohr-Coulomb yield surface in the stress space is non-smooth, causing huge troubles to the constitutive integration in the deformation based finite element plasticity analysis. In addressing strength problems, meanwhile, solvers based on the load controlled method (LCM) are hard to bring the finite element model to the limit equilibrium state. Aiming at these issues, the solution schemes are proposed as follows. First, an algorithm named GSPC is designed for the constitutive integration for plasticity with non-smooth yield surfaces. GSPC is always convergent for arbitrary large strain increments, with far more excellent numerical properties than the return-mapping methods available. A solver based on the displacement controlled method (DCM) is developed for the finite element plasticity analysis. The DCM solver is able to bring easily the finite element model into the limit equilibrium state, with no convergence issue, and far more efficient and robust than any LCM solvers. At last, combined with the strength reduction method, the secant method for the factor of safety of slopes is developed, and the location and depth of tension cracks at the slope top are proposed. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Displacement control Displacement control Finite element method Finite element method Numerical methods Numerical methods Plasticity Plasticity Safety factor Safety factor Yield stress Yield stress



GB/T 7714 Zheng, Hong , Zhang, Tan , Wang, Qiu-Sheng . One package of schemes for some difficult issues in finite element plasticity analysis [J]. | Rock and Soil Mechanics , 2021 , 42 (2) : 301-314 .
MLA Zheng, Hong et al. "One package of schemes for some difficult issues in finite element plasticity analysis" . | Rock and Soil Mechanics 42 . 2 (2021) : 301-314 .
APA Zheng, Hong , Zhang, Tan , Wang, Qiu-Sheng . One package of schemes for some difficult issues in finite element plasticity analysis . | Rock and Soil Mechanics , 2021 , 42 (2) , 301-314 .
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Modeling Wave Propagation in Rock Masses Using the Contact Potential-Based Three-Dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Method SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 54 (5) , 2465-2490 | ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING
WoS核心集被引次数: 20
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The most recently proposed three-dimensional (3D) contact potential-based discontinuous deformation analysis (3D-CPDDA) method is further applied for wave propagation problems in rock masses. A viscous non-reflecting boundary is incorporated into the 3D-CPDDA method to minimize the wave reflections. Furthermore, a force input method is incorporated to eliminate the contamination of scattered waves in the numerical solution and to accurately input the incident wave. Several benchmark problems about P-wave/S-wave propagation in homogeneous rock masses and jointed rock masses are solved to validate the modified 3D-CPDDA method. The numerical results assessed by the modified 3D-CPDDA method agree well with those obtained from analytical methods, which means that the modified 3D-CPDDA method can reliably and correctly simulate wave propagation in rock masses. The modified 3D-CPDDA method warrants further investigation.

关键词 :

3D-CPDDA method 3D-CPDDA method Discontinuous deformation analysis method Discontinuous deformation analysis method Rock mass Rock mass Wave propagation Wave propagation



GB/T 7714 Yang, Yongtao , Xu, Dongdong , Zheng, Hong et al. Modeling Wave Propagation in Rock Masses Using the Contact Potential-Based Three-Dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Method [J]. | ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING , 2021 , 54 (5) : 2465-2490 .
MLA Yang, Yongtao et al. "Modeling Wave Propagation in Rock Masses Using the Contact Potential-Based Three-Dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Method" . | ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 54 . 5 (2021) : 2465-2490 .
APA Yang, Yongtao , Xu, Dongdong , Zheng, Hong , Wu, Zhijun , Huang, Da . Modeling Wave Propagation in Rock Masses Using the Contact Potential-Based Three-Dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Method . | ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING , 2021 , 54 (5) , 2465-2490 .
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Investigation of rock slope stability using a 3D nonlinear strength-reduction numerical manifold method SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 292 | ENGINEERING GEOLOGY
WoS核心集被引次数: 34
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Due to rock masses' nonlinear failure property, it is inappropriate to investigate the stability of rock slopes using the traditional SRM (strength reduction method) which is based on the linear MC (Mohr-Coulomb) failure criterion. To conduct 3D analysis (three dimensional) of rock slopes, we propose a 3D-NSRNMM (3D nonlinear strength reduction numerical manifold method) that is based on the nonlinear GHB (Generalized Hoek-Brown) failure criterion. To effectively implement the proposed 3D-NSRNMM, two methods are adopted to convert the GHB parameters into the average and instantaneous equivalent MC parameters. With the proposed 3D-NSRNMM, the influences of different types of equivalent MC parameters, and boundary conditions on rock slopes' stability are investigated. The numerical results assessed from the proposed 3D-NSRNMM indicate that: 1) boundary conditions will significantly influence the safety factor and failure mode of a rock slope obtained from 3D analysis; 2) the safety factor from two-dimensional analysis is more conservative compared with 3D analysis; 3) Furthermore, safety factors based on the instantaneous equivalent MC parameters are very close to those based on the average equivalent MC parameters, but 3D rock slopes' failure modes based on the two different types of equivalent MC parameters are a little different from each other.

关键词 :

3D numerical manifold method 3D numerical manifold method 3D rock slope analysis 3D rock slope analysis Generalized Hoek-Brown criterion Generalized Hoek-Brown criterion MC failure criterion MC failure criterion Nonlinear strength reduction method Nonlinear strength reduction method



GB/T 7714 Yang, Yongtao , Xia, Yang , Zheng, Hong et al. Investigation of rock slope stability using a 3D nonlinear strength-reduction numerical manifold method [J]. | ENGINEERING GEOLOGY , 2021 , 292 .
MLA Yang, Yongtao et al. "Investigation of rock slope stability using a 3D nonlinear strength-reduction numerical manifold method" . | ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 292 (2021) .
APA Yang, Yongtao , Xia, Yang , Zheng, Hong , Liu, Zhijun . Investigation of rock slope stability using a 3D nonlinear strength-reduction numerical manifold method . | ENGINEERING GEOLOGY , 2021 , 292 .
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