摘要 :
Q-switching in a mode-locked laser not only makes the amplitude of every single output pulse unequal, but also limits the time width and peak power of output pulses. This paper investigates the Q-switching in a self-mode-locked semiconductor disk laser numerically and experimentally. By using the delay differential equations for passively mode-locking, conditions of Q-switching in a self-mode-locked semiconductor disk laser are numerically analyzed for the first time. Meanwhile, based on the experimental results, the causes of Q-switching tendency including the change of nonlinear refractive index and the change of soft aperture, are also discussed. Some possible measures to suppress Q-switching instability, i.e., to obtain stable continuous-wave mode-locking in a self-mode-locked semiconductor disk laser are proposed.
关键词 :
delay differential equations delay differential equations self-mode-locking self-mode-locking Laser excitation Laser excitation semiconductor disk laser semiconductor disk laser Laser mode locking Laser mode locking Semiconductor lasers Semiconductor lasers Q-switching Q-switching Apertures Apertures Delays Delays Refractive index Refractive index Mathematical models Mathematical models
GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Peng , Zhu, Renjiang , Wang, Tao et al. Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Q-Switching in a Self-Mode-Locked Semiconductor Disk Laser [J]. | IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL , 2022 , 14 (5) . |
MLA | Zhang, Peng et al. "Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Q-Switching in a Self-Mode-Locked Semiconductor Disk Laser" . | IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 14 . 5 (2022) . |
APA | Zhang, Peng , Zhu, Renjiang , Wang, Tao , Wu, Yadong , Tong, Cunzhu , Wang, Lijie et al. Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Q-Switching in a Self-Mode-Locked Semiconductor Disk Laser . | IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL , 2022 , 14 (5) . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
超快光纤激光 超快光纤激光 可饱和吸收效应 可饱和吸收效应 饱和吸收体 饱和吸收体 激光光学 激光光学
GB/T 7714 | 董自凯 , 宋晏蓉 . 光纤激光器被动锁模技术研究进展 [J]. | 中国激光 , 2021 , (05) : 98-113 . |
MLA | 董自凯 et al. "光纤激光器被动锁模技术研究进展" . | 中国激光 05 (2021) : 98-113 . |
APA | 董自凯 , 宋晏蓉 . 光纤激光器被动锁模技术研究进展 . | 中国激光 , 2021 , (05) , 98-113 . |
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摘要 :
1024 nm波长的脉冲激光在角分辨光电子能谱测量等领域有着不可或缺的用处,因此采用基于非线性偏振旋转(NPR)锁模的全正色散掺镱光纤激光器作为种子源,搭建了包含光纤可调滤波器的主振荡功率放大系统,实现了1024 nm激光放大输出。理论上基于金斯伯格-朗道方程模拟了NPR锁模的耗散孤子脉冲演化过程,实验上获得了耗散孤子脉冲输出,并且研究了锁模脉冲的建立过程,将其与理论仿真结果相比,结果基本吻合。通过可调滤波器对种子光进行滤波,并进行预放大及放大实验,当放大级泵浦功率为5 W时,得到中心波长为1024 nm、平均功率为1.1 W、脉冲能量为51 nJ、重复频率为21.5 MHz、信噪比为67.5...
关键词 :
光纤激光器 光纤激光器 激光器 激光器 激光放大器 激光放大器 耗散孤子 耗散孤子 锁模激光器 锁模激光器 非线性偏振旋转 非线性偏振旋转
GB/T 7714 | 崔友硕 , 张璐璐 , 殷杰 et al. 基于光纤可调滤波器的1024 nm锁模脉冲产生与放大研究 [J]. | 中国激光 , 2021 , (05) : 240-248 . |
MLA | 崔友硕 et al. "基于光纤可调滤波器的1024 nm锁模脉冲产生与放大研究" . | 中国激光 05 (2021) : 240-248 . |
APA | 崔友硕 , 张璐璐 , 殷杰 , 董自凯 , 华玲玲 , 田金荣 et al. 基于光纤可调滤波器的1024 nm锁模脉冲产生与放大研究 . | 中国激光 , 2021 , (05) , 240-248 . |
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摘要 :
Vertical external cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) have unique properties such as excellent beam quality, high average output power, and high repetition rate. Short pulses from VECSELs, especially picosecond and femtosecond, can be achieved by a passive mode-locking mechanism with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). We theoretically simulate the pulse evolution dynamics in VECSELs and investigate the influences of different parameters of gain and SESAM on pulse characteristics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the influences of fast recovery time and two-photon absorption coefficient on pulse characteristics have been studied. © 2021 Optical Society of America
关键词 :
Passive mode locking Passive mode locking Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors Surface emitting lasers Surface emitting lasers Two photon processes Two photon processes Ultrafast lasers Ultrafast lasers
GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Yiwei , Hua, Lingling , Zhuang, Bihui et al. Simulation of the influence of gain and SESAM on characteristics of mode-locked VECSELs [J]. | Applied Optics , 2021 , 60 (9) : 2537-2542 . |
MLA | Zhang, Yiwei et al. "Simulation of the influence of gain and SESAM on characteristics of mode-locked VECSELs" . | Applied Optics 60 . 9 (2021) : 2537-2542 . |
APA | Zhang, Yiwei , Hua, Lingling , Zhuang, Bihui , Tian, Jinrong , Song, Yanrong . Simulation of the influence of gain and SESAM on characteristics of mode-locked VECSELs . | Applied Optics , 2021 , 60 (9) , 2537-2542 . |
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摘要 :
The evolutions of conventional soliton (CS) and breathing soliton (BS) dynamics in an anomalous dispersion Er-doped fiber laser are investigated experimentally and numerically. Based on the dispersive Fourier transform technique, the evolution processes of CS buildup and extinction are observed and discussed. It was found that a transitional unstable stage exists during the buildup and extinction process. In the same laser, BS state is also reached. Simulation results of CS and BS evolutionary dynamics are anastomotic with experimental results. The results may contribute to better understanding of the complex pulse dynamics in ultrafast fiber lasers.
关键词 :
mode-locked fiber laser mode-locked fiber laser pulse propagation and temporal solitons pulse propagation and temporal solitons ultrafast phenomena ultrafast phenomena
GB/T 7714 | Cui, You-Shuo , Dong, Zi-Kai , Zhang, Lu-Lu et al. Spatio-temporal dynamics of conventional soliton and breathing soliton in an anomalous dispersion fiber laser [J]. | LASER PHYSICS LETTERS , 2021 , 18 (8) . |
MLA | Cui, You-Shuo et al. "Spatio-temporal dynamics of conventional soliton and breathing soliton in an anomalous dispersion fiber laser" . | LASER PHYSICS LETTERS 18 . 8 (2021) . |
APA | Cui, You-Shuo , Dong, Zi-Kai , Zhang, Lu-Lu , Tian, Jin-Rong , Song, Yan-Rong . Spatio-temporal dynamics of conventional soliton and breathing soliton in an anomalous dispersion fiber laser . | LASER PHYSICS LETTERS , 2021 , 18 (8) . |
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摘要 :
本文基于非线性光环形镜锁模的掺铒光纤激光器,通过调节偏振控制器,实现了输出锁模脉冲类型可调.本文给出了三种调谐状态:传统孤子锁模脉冲输出,脉冲宽度1.16 ps;双峰结构光谱的脉冲输出,双峰位于1 555 nm和1 575 nm两个波段附近,且通过调节偏振控制器的偏振角度,在光谱中心波长附近可微调;实现了类噪声锁模脉冲输出,当泵浦功率400 mW时,类噪声脉冲重复频率为3.73 MHz,脉冲能量3.47 nJ,脉冲的基底宽度为129 ps,脉冲尖端宽度为0.86 ps.对不同应用领域给出了灵活的选择途径.
关键词 :
双折射滤波 双折射滤波 ''8''字形腔 ''8''字形腔 孤子锁模 孤子锁模 类噪声 类噪声 非线性光环形镜 非线性光环形镜
GB/T 7714 | 梁金华 , 宋晏蓉 , 田金荣 et al. 脉冲类型可调的锁模光纤激光器 [J]. | 量子光学学报 , 2020 , 26 (2) : 210-216 . |
MLA | 梁金华 et al. "脉冲类型可调的锁模光纤激光器" . | 量子光学学报 26 . 2 (2020) : 210-216 . |
APA | 梁金华 , 宋晏蓉 , 田金荣 , 郑煜 . 脉冲类型可调的锁模光纤激光器 . | 量子光学学报 , 2020 , 26 (2) , 210-216 . |
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摘要 :
Passively mode-locked optically pumped vertical external cavity surface-emitting lasers ( OP-VECSELs) have unique properties, such as excellent beam quality, high-average output power and high repetition rate. Many applications, including frequency comb and supercontinuum, require pulses in the femtosecond regime. A numerical model in the femtosecond regime is essential to understand the pulse formation mechanism. In this paper, we present a numerical model of passively mode-locked VECSELs in the femtosecond regime. We analyze the influence of gain parameters, such as small-signal gain, saturation energy, and the gain bandwidth on the pulse characteristics. The results of the simulation can provide a direction for designing the gain chip.
关键词 :
passively mode-locked passively mode-locked VECSELs VECSELs pulse dynamics pulse dynamics simulation simulation
GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Yiwei , Hua, Lingling , Zhuang, Bihui et al. Simulation of the influence of gain parameters on pulse formation process for VECSELs [C] . 2020 . |
MLA | Zhang, Yiwei et al. "Simulation of the influence of gain parameters on pulse formation process for VECSELs" . (2020) . |
APA | Zhang, Yiwei , Hua, Lingling , Zhuang, Bihui , Tian, Jinrong , Song, Yanrong . Simulation of the influence of gain parameters on pulse formation process for VECSELs . (2020) . |
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摘要 :
We demonstrated the noise-like pulse (NLP) generation in an erbium (Er) doped fiber laser at 1560 nm based on 2H-MoTe2. The saturable absorber (SA) was a film mixed by 2H-MoTe2 and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The moudulation depth of the SA was 21.4% and the saturable optical intensity was 10.3 GW/cm(2). When the 2H-MoTe2 film was inserted into the cavity, the stable NLPs with 3-dB spectral bandwidth of 2.44 nm and the repetition rate of 33.7 MHz were obtained. The autocorrelation (AC) trace of NLP has a 1.14 ps spike and a 71 ps pedestal. When the pump power was 600 mW, the maximum output power was 26.09 mW. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time to realize the generation of NLP mode locking in an Er-doped fiber laser based on 2H-MoTe2-PVA film.
关键词 :
nonlinear optical materials nonlinear optical materials fiber lasers fiber lasers noise-like pulse noise-like pulse mode locking mode locking
GB/T 7714 | Cui, Youshuo , Dong, Zikai , Zhang, Lulu et al. 2H-MoTe2 based noise-like pulse erbium-doped fiber laser [C] . 2020 . |
MLA | Cui, Youshuo et al. "2H-MoTe2 based noise-like pulse erbium-doped fiber laser" . (2020) . |
APA | Cui, Youshuo , Dong, Zikai , Zhang, Lulu , Tian, Jinrong , Song, Yanrong . 2H-MoTe2 based noise-like pulse erbium-doped fiber laser . (2020) . |
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摘要 :
A passively fast polarization switching erbium-doped fibre laser using quantum dot tungsten disulfide (QDWS(2)) as a saturable absorber (SA) has been proposed. It could generate polarization domain walls (PDWs). The PDWs' spectrum can be divided into two separated spectra, which are orthogonally polarized. In detail, the horizontal polarization component wavelength is centred at 1561.1 nm with a repetition rate of 19.347 MHz, a pulse duration of 30 ns, and a signal-to-noise ratio of 73.2 dB at the maximum pump power. The vertical polarization component wavelength is centred at 1561.5 nm, with a pulse duration of 20.4 ns. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a polarization domain wall generated by a QDWS(2)-SA. These results provide a platform to investigate anticorrelated polarization dynamics in quasi-isotropic fibre lasers. Moreover, their robustness and attractive properties could find potential applications in optical communications, data storage, and fibre laser devices.
关键词 :
fibre laser fibre laser polarization domain wall soliton polarization domain wall soliton saturable absorber saturable absorber
GB/T 7714 | Dong, Zikai , Cui, Youshuo , Li, Kexuan et al. Polarization domain wall solitons in a quasi-isotropic fibre laser using quantum dot tungsten disulfide [J]. | LASER PHYSICS , 2020 , 30 (5) . |
MLA | Dong, Zikai et al. "Polarization domain wall solitons in a quasi-isotropic fibre laser using quantum dot tungsten disulfide" . | LASER PHYSICS 30 . 5 (2020) . |
APA | Dong, Zikai , Cui, Youshuo , Li, Kexuan , Hua, Lingling , Zhang, Wenhai , Tian, Jinrong et al. Polarization domain wall solitons in a quasi-isotropic fibre laser using quantum dot tungsten disulfide . | LASER PHYSICS , 2020 , 30 (5) . |
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摘要 :
We demonstrate a self-started, long-term stable polarization-maintaining mode-locked fiber laser based on the nonlinear polarization evolution technique. A polarized beam splitter is inserted into the cavity of the linear polarization-maintaining fiber laser to facilitate self-started mode-locking. Pulses with single pulse energy of 26.9 nJ and average output power of 73.9 mW are obtained at the pump power of 600 mW. The transmission characteristics of artificial saturable absorber used in this laser are analyzed theoretically, the influence of the half-wave plate state on mode-locking is discussed, and the mode-locking range is obtained, which is well consistent with the experimental results.
关键词 :
mode-locking mode-locking nonlinear polarization evolution nonlinear polarization evolution polarization-maintaining polarization-maintaining
GB/T 7714 | Liang, Cheng-Bin , Song, Yan-Rong , Dong, Zi-Kai et al. Pulse generation in Yb-doped polarization-maintaining fiber laser by nonlinear polarization evolution* [J]. | CHINESE PHYSICS B , 2020 , 29 (7) . |
MLA | Liang, Cheng-Bin et al. "Pulse generation in Yb-doped polarization-maintaining fiber laser by nonlinear polarization evolution*" . | CHINESE PHYSICS B 29 . 7 (2020) . |
APA | Liang, Cheng-Bin , Song, Yan-Rong , Dong, Zi-Kai , Wu, Yun-Feng , Tian, Jin-Rong , Xu, Run-Qin . Pulse generation in Yb-doped polarization-maintaining fiber laser by nonlinear polarization evolution* . | CHINESE PHYSICS B , 2020 , 29 (7) . |
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