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Complete/incomplete multi-view subspace clustering via soft block-diagonal-induced regulariser SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 15 (8) , 618-632 | IET COMPUTER VISION
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

This study proposes a novel multi-view soft block diagonal representation framework for clustering complete and incomplete multi-view data. First, given that the multi-view self-representation model offers better performance in exploring the intrinsic structure of multi-view data, it can be nicely adopted to individually construct a graph for each view. Second, since an ideal block diagonal graph is beneficial for clustering, a 'soft' block diagonal affinity matrix is constructed by fusing multiple previous graphs. The soft diagonal block regulariser encourages a matrix to approximately have (not exactly) K diagonal blocks, where K is the number of clusters. This strategy adds robustness to noise and outliers. Third, to handle incomplete multi-view data, multiple indicator matrices are utilised, which can mark the position of missing elements of each view. Finally, the alternative direction of multipliers algorithm is employed to optimise the proposed model, and the corresponding algorithm complexity and convergence are also analysed. Extensive experimental results on several real-world datasets achieve the best performance among the state-of-the-art complete and incomplete clustering methods, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed methods.



GB/T 7714 Hu, Yongli , Luo, Cuicui , Wang, Boyue et al. Complete/incomplete multi-view subspace clustering via soft block-diagonal-induced regulariser [J]. | IET COMPUTER VISION , 2021 , 15 (8) : 618-632 .
MLA Hu, Yongli et al. "Complete/incomplete multi-view subspace clustering via soft block-diagonal-induced regulariser" . | IET COMPUTER VISION 15 . 8 (2021) : 618-632 .
APA Hu, Yongli , Luo, Cuicui , Wang, Boyue , Gao, Junbin , Sun, Yanfeng , Yin, Baocai . Complete/incomplete multi-view subspace clustering via soft block-diagonal-induced regulariser . | IET COMPUTER VISION , 2021 , 15 (8) , 618-632 .
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基于语义的档案数据智能分类方法研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 57 (06) , 247-253 | 计算机工程与应用
CNKI被引次数: 5
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

FastText文本分类 FastText文本分类 档案管理 档案管理 LDA特征表示 LDA特征表示 文本聚类 文本聚类



GB/T 7714 霍光煜 , 张勇 , 孙艳丰 et al. 基于语义的档案数据智能分类方法研究 [J]. | 计算机工程与应用 , 2021 , 57 (06) : 247-253 .
MLA 霍光煜 et al. "基于语义的档案数据智能分类方法研究" . | 计算机工程与应用 57 . 06 (2021) : 247-253 .
APA 霍光煜 , 张勇 , 孙艳丰 , 尹宝才 . 基于语义的档案数据智能分类方法研究 . | 计算机工程与应用 , 2021 , 57 (06) , 247-253 .
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Reweighted Non-convex Non-smooth Rank Minimization Based Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold EI
会议论文 | 2021 , 12626 LNCS , 562-577 | 15th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV 2020
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Low Rank Representation (LRR) based unsupervised clustering methods have achieved great success since these methods could explore low-dimensional subspace structure embedded in original data effectively. The conventional LRR methods generally treat the data as the points in Euclidean space. However, it is no longer suitable for high-dimension data (such as video or imageset). That is because high-dimension data are always considered as non-linear manifold data such as Grassmann manifold. Besides, the typical LRR methods always adopt the traditional single nuclear norm based low rank constraint which can not fully reveal the low rank property of the data representation and often leads to suboptimal solution. In this paper, a new LRR based clustering model is constructed on Grassmann manifold for high-dimension data. In the proposed method, each high-dimension data is formed as a sample on Grassmann manifold with non-linear metric. Meanwhile, a non-convex low rank representation is adopt to reveal the intrinsic property of these high-dimension data and reweighted rank minimization constraint is introduced. The experimental results on several public datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art clustering methods. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

关键词 :

Cluster analysis Cluster analysis Clustering algorithms Clustering algorithms Computer vision Computer vision



GB/T 7714 Piao, Xinglin , Hu, Yongli , Gao, Junbin et al. Reweighted Non-convex Non-smooth Rank Minimization Based Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold [C] . 2021 : 562-577 .
MLA Piao, Xinglin et al. "Reweighted Non-convex Non-smooth Rank Minimization Based Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold" . (2021) : 562-577 .
APA Piao, Xinglin , Hu, Yongli , Gao, Junbin , Sun, Yanfeng , Yang, Xin , Yin, Baocai . Reweighted Non-convex Non-smooth Rank Minimization Based Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold . (2021) : 562-577 .
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基于语义的档案数据智能分类方法研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 57 (6) , 247-253 | 霍光煜
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

文本聚类 文本聚类 档案管理 档案管理 FastText文本分类 FastText文本分类 LDA特征表示 LDA特征表示



GB/T 7714 霍光煜 , 张勇 , 孙艳丰 et al. 基于语义的档案数据智能分类方法研究 [J]. | 霍光煜 , 2021 , 57 (6) : 247-253 .
MLA 霍光煜 et al. "基于语义的档案数据智能分类方法研究" . | 霍光煜 57 . 6 (2021) : 247-253 .
APA 霍光煜 , 张勇 , 孙艳丰 , 尹宝才 , 计算机工程与应用 . 基于语义的档案数据智能分类方法研究 . | 霍光煜 , 2021 , 57 (6) , 247-253 .
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基于深度学习的小目标检测方法综述 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (3) , 293-302 | 员娇娇
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

特征金字塔 特征金字塔 小目标检测 小目标检测 上下文 上下文 数据增强 数据增强 深度学习 深度学习 目标检测 目标检测



GB/T 7714 员娇娇 , 胡永利 , 孙艳丰 et al. 基于深度学习的小目标检测方法综述 [J]. | 员娇娇 , 2021 , 47 (3) : 293-302 .
MLA 员娇娇 et al. "基于深度学习的小目标检测方法综述" . | 员娇娇 47 . 3 (2021) : 293-302 .
APA 员娇娇 , 胡永利 , 孙艳丰 , 尹宝才 , 北京工业大学学报 . 基于深度学习的小目标检测方法综述 . | 员娇娇 , 2021 , 47 (3) , 293-302 .
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Non-parametric Bayesian dictionary learning based on Laplace noise SCIE
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Sparse representation based on over-complete dictionaries is a hot issue in the field of computer vision and machine learning. In probability theory, over-complete dictionary can be learned by non-parametric Bayesian techniques with Beta Process. However, traditional probabilistic dictionary learning method assumes noise follows Gaussian distribution, which can only remove Gaussain noise. In order to remove outlier or complex noise, we propose a dictionary learning method based on non-parametric Bayesian technology by assuming the noise follows Laplacian distribution. Because the non-conjugacy of Laplacian distribution makes the calculation of posteriors of latent variables more complicate, thus we utilize a superposition of an infinite number of Gaussian distributions to substitute for L1 density function. The weights of mixture Gaussian distribution are controlled by an extra hidden variable. Then the Bayesian inference is applied to learn all the key parameters in the proposed probabilistic model, which avoids the processing of parameter setting and fine tuning. In the experiments, we mainly test the performance of different algorithms in removing salt-and-pepper noise and mixture noises. The experimental results show that the PSNRs of our algorithm are higher 2-4 dB at least than other classic algorithms.

关键词 :

Variational inference Variational inference Sparse representation Sparse representation Dictionary learning Dictionary learning Image denosing Image denosing



GB/T 7714 Ju, Fujiao , Sun, Yanfeng , Li, Mingyang . Non-parametric Bayesian dictionary learning based on Laplace noise [J]. | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS , 2021 .
MLA Ju, Fujiao et al. "Non-parametric Bayesian dictionary learning based on Laplace noise" . | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS (2021) .
APA Ju, Fujiao , Sun, Yanfeng , Li, Mingyang . Non-parametric Bayesian dictionary learning based on Laplace noise . | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS , 2021 .
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基于多语义学习的知识图谱补全方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-01-17 | CN202110059002.8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 尹宝才 , 王家普 , 胡永利 et al. 基于多语义学习的知识图谱补全方法 : CN202110059002.8[P]. | 2021-01-17 .
MLA 尹宝才 et al. "基于多语义学习的知识图谱补全方法" : CN202110059002.8. | 2021-01-17 .
APA 尹宝才 , 王家普 , 胡永利 , 孙艳丰 , 王博岳 . 基于多语义学习的知识图谱补全方法 : CN202110059002.8. | 2021-01-17 .
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Low Rank Representation on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Multi-view Subspace Clustering CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2021 , 907-914 | 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
WoS核心集被引次数: 5
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Clustering high dimension multi-view data with complex intrinsic properties and nonlinear manifold structure is a challenging task since these data are always embedded in low dimension manifolds. Inspired by Low Rank Representation (LRR), some researchers extended classic LRR on Grassmann manifold or Product Grassmann manifold to represent data with non-linear metrics. However, most of these methods utilized convex nuclear norm to leverage a low-rank structure, which was over-relaxation of true rank and would lead to the results deviated from the true underlying ones. And, the computational complexity of singular value decomposition of matrix is high for nuclear norm minimization. In this paper, we propose a new low rank model for high-dimension multi-view data clustering on Product Grassmann Manifold with the matrix tri-factorization which is used to control the upper bound of true rank of representation matrix. And, the original problem can be transformed into the nuclear norm minimization with smaller scale matrices. An effective solution and theoretical analysis are also provided. The experimental results show that the proposed method obviously outperforms other state-of-the-art methods on several multi-source human/crowd action video datasets.



GB/T 7714 Guo, Jipeng , Sun, Yanfeng , Gao, Junbin et al. Low Rank Representation on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Multi-view Subspace Clustering [C] . 2021 : 907-914 .
MLA Guo, Jipeng et al. "Low Rank Representation on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Multi-view Subspace Clustering" . (2021) : 907-914 .
APA Guo, Jipeng , Sun, Yanfeng , Gao, Junbin , Hu, Yongli , Yin, Baocai . Low Rank Representation on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Multi-view Subspace Clustering . (2021) : 907-914 .
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Robust Image Representation via Low Rank Locality Preserving Projection SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Locality preserving projection (LPP) is a dimensionality reduction algorithm preserving the neighhorhood graph structure of data. However, the conventional LPP is sensitive to outliers existing in data. This article proposes a novel low-rank LPP model called LR-LPP. In this new model, original data are decomposed into the clean intrinsic component and noise component. Then the projective matrix is learned based on the clean intrinsic component which is encoded in low-rank features. The noise component is constrained by the l(1)-norm which is more robust to outliers. Finally, LR-LPP model is extended to LR-FLPP in which low-dimensional feature is measured by F-norm. LR-FLPP will reduce aggregated error and weaken the effect of outliers, which will make the proposed LR-FLPP even more robust for outliers. The experimental results on public image databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed LR-LPP and LR-FLPP.

关键词 :

classification classification Dimensionality reduction Dimensionality reduction locality preserving projection locality preserving projection low rank low rank



GB/T 7714 Yin, Shuai , Sun, Yanfeng , Gao, Junbin et al. Robust Image Representation via Low Rank Locality Preserving Projection [J]. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM DATA , 2021 , 15 (4) .
MLA Yin, Shuai et al. "Robust Image Representation via Low Rank Locality Preserving Projection" . | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM DATA 15 . 4 (2021) .
APA Yin, Shuai , Sun, Yanfeng , Gao, Junbin , Hu, Yongli , Wang, Boyue , Yin, Baocai . Robust Image Representation via Low Rank Locality Preserving Projection . | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM DATA , 2021 , 15 (4) .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (09) , 15-18 | 计算机教育
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

内涵与外延 内涵与外延 理工科课程思政建设 理工科课程思政建设 科学方法论 科学方法论 计算机图形学 计算机图形学 课程思政 课程思政



GB/T 7714 孔德慧 , 李敬华 , 王立春 et al. 基于计算机图形学教学实践的理工科课程思政建设研究 [J]. | 计算机教育 , 2021 , (09) : 15-18 .
MLA 孔德慧 et al. "基于计算机图形学教学实践的理工科课程思政建设研究" . | 计算机教育 09 (2021) : 15-18 .
APA 孔德慧 , 李敬华 , 王立春 , 张勇 , 孙艳丰 . 基于计算机图形学教学实践的理工科课程思政建设研究 . | 计算机教育 , 2021 , (09) , 15-18 .
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