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Adaptive control strategy for power output stability in long-time operation of fuel cells SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 238 | ENERGY
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

An adaptive control strategy is developed for active degradation compensation of fuel cells, so as to improve output performance stability during long-time operation. Two groups of long-time tests of DMFC under different operating parameters are designed and implemented. The parameter adjustment significance that defines the adjusting priority is obtained from experimental analyses, based on which, the adaptive control strategy is developed and systematically tested. The results show that temporary degradation and permanent degradation for fuel cell performance could be differentiated in the process of performance degradation and recovery. The operation condition which would bring a higher energy conversion efficiency may lead to more serious degradations. The developed control strategy could help to adaptively alleviate fuel cell degradation during long-time operation. The temporary degradation and permanent degradation rates both decreased in daily operation, and the errors between output voltage and objective values are controlled within 2 %. The study provides an effective reference for improving the fuel cell stability during long-time operation and prolonging its service life. (c) 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

关键词 :

Adaptive control strategy Adaptive control strategy Degradation compensation Degradation compensation Energy conversion efficiency Energy conversion efficiency Parameter adjustment Parameter adjustment Stability Stability



GB/T 7714 Yang, Qinwen , Gao, Bin , Cheng, Qiang et al. Adaptive control strategy for power output stability in long-time operation of fuel cells [J]. | ENERGY , 2022 , 238 .
MLA Yang, Qinwen et al. "Adaptive control strategy for power output stability in long-time operation of fuel cells" . | ENERGY 238 (2022) .
APA Yang, Qinwen , Gao, Bin , Cheng, Qiang , Xiao, Gang , Meng, Min . Adaptive control strategy for power output stability in long-time operation of fuel cells . | ENERGY , 2022 , 238 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (4) , 89-92 | 大学教育
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

混合式教学 混合式教学 机械制造训练 机械制造训练 虚拟仿真 虚拟仿真 考核评价方式 考核评价方式



GB/T 7714 初红艳 , 程强 , 刘志峰 et al. 机械制造训练线上线下混合式教学实践探索 [J]. | 大学教育 , 2021 , (4) : 89-92 .
MLA 初红艳 et al. "机械制造训练线上线下混合式教学实践探索" . | 大学教育 4 (2021) : 89-92 .
APA 初红艳 , 程强 , 刘志峰 , 赵永胜 , 杨聪彬 . 机械制造训练线上线下混合式教学实践探索 . | 大学教育 , 2021 , (4) , 89-92 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (19) , 89-91,100 | 中国现代教育装备
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 程强 , 初红艳 , 杨聪彬 et al. 以减速器为对象的机械工程专业纵贯式实践教学改革 [J]. | 中国现代教育装备 , 2021 , (19) : 89-91,100 .
MLA 程强 et al. "以减速器为对象的机械工程专业纵贯式实践教学改革" . | 中国现代教育装备 19 (2021) : 89-91,100 .
APA 程强 , 初红艳 , 杨聪彬 , 刘志峰 , 张彩霞 . 以减速器为对象的机械工程专业纵贯式实践教学改革 . | 中国现代教育装备 , 2021 , (19) , 89-91,100 .
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盘形锻件等效应力分析及神经网络预测 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (2) , 103-111 | 初红艳
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

等效应力 等效应力 灰关联分析 灰关联分析 主成分分析法 主成分分析法 质量控制 质量控制 钛合金锻件 钛合金锻件 BP神经网络 BP神经网络



GB/T 7714 初红艳 , 赵凯林 , 程强 et al. 盘形锻件等效应力分析及神经网络预测 [J]. | 初红艳 , 2021 , 47 (2) : 103-111 .
MLA 初红艳 et al. "盘形锻件等效应力分析及神经网络预测" . | 初红艳 47 . 2 (2021) : 103-111 .
APA 初红艳 , 赵凯林 , 程强 , 北京工业大学学报 . 盘形锻件等效应力分析及神经网络预测 . | 初红艳 , 2021 , 47 (2) , 103-111 .
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盘形锻件等效应力分析及神经网络预测 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (02) , 103-111 | 北京工业大学学报
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

锻件等效应力对锻件质量有较大的影响,而实现其在锻造生产中的在线测量并进行综合评价较为困难.利用弹塑性有限元法对钛合金盘形锻件进行有限元仿真分析并进行了实验验证,分析了加载完成后等效应力的分布情况;利用灰关联分析方法对结果进行分析,结果表明坯料初始温度对锻件等效应力影响程度最大,室温影响最小.基于等效应力分布情况,利用主成分分析法建立应力综合评价模型,以坯料温度、模具温度、下压速度、室温、摩擦因数为输入层,应力综合评价值为输出层,建立了预测综合等效应力的反向传播(back propagation,BP)人工神经网络模型.结果表明BP神经网络的预测结果与实验所得结果较为一致,证明了建立的人工神经网...

关键词 :

BP神经网络 BP神经网络 主成分分析法 主成分分析法 灰关联分析 灰关联分析 等效应力 等效应力 质量控制 质量控制 钛合金锻件 钛合金锻件



GB/T 7714 初红艳 , 赵凯林 , 程强 . 盘形锻件等效应力分析及神经网络预测 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (02) : 103-111 .
MLA 初红艳 et al. "盘形锻件等效应力分析及神经网络预测" . | 北京工业大学学报 47 . 02 (2021) : 103-111 .
APA 初红艳 , 赵凯林 , 程强 . 盘形锻件等效应力分析及神经网络预测 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (02) , 103-111 .
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机械制造训练线上线下混合式教学实践探索 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , (4) , 89-92 | 初红艳
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

机械制造训练 机械制造训练 混合式教学 混合式教学 考核评价方式 考核评价方式 虚拟仿真 虚拟仿真



GB/T 7714 初红艳 , 程强 , 刘志峰 et al. 机械制造训练线上线下混合式教学实践探索 [J]. | 初红艳 , 2021 , (4) : 89-92 .
MLA 初红艳 et al. "机械制造训练线上线下混合式教学实践探索" . | 初红艳 4 (2021) : 89-92 .
APA 初红艳 , 程强 , 刘志峰 , 赵永胜 , 杨聪彬 , 大学教育 . 机械制造训练线上线下混合式教学实践探索 . | 初红艳 , 2021 , (4) , 89-92 .
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Precision loss of ball screw mechanism under sliding-rolling mixed motion behavior SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 28 (5) , 1357-1376 | JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY
WoS核心集被引次数: 12
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The sliding-rolling mixed motion behavior degrades the ball screw's precision at different levels. Based on the sliding-rolling mixed motion between ball and screw/nut raceway, the ball screw's precision loss considering different given axial loading and rotational speed working conditions was investigated. Since creep and lubrication relate to sliding and rolling motion wear, the creep and lubrication characteristics are analyzed under different working conditions. Besides, the precision loss was calculated considering the sole influence of sliding behavior between ball and screw and compared with the results from other current models. Finally, research on precision loss owing to the sliding-rolling mixed motion behavior was realized under given working conditions, and suitable wear tests were carried out. The analytical results of precision loss are in good agreement with the experimental test conclusions, which is conducive to better predicting the law of precision loss in stable wear period.

关键词 :

ball screw mechanism ball screw mechanism creep creep lubrication lubrication precision loss precision loss sliding-rolling mixed motion sliding-rolling mixed motion



GB/T 7714 Qi, Bao-bao , Cheng, Qiang , Li, Shun-lei et al. Precision loss of ball screw mechanism under sliding-rolling mixed motion behavior [J]. | JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY , 2021 , 28 (5) : 1357-1376 .
MLA Qi, Bao-bao et al. "Precision loss of ball screw mechanism under sliding-rolling mixed motion behavior" . | JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY 28 . 5 (2021) : 1357-1376 .
APA Qi, Bao-bao , Cheng, Qiang , Li, Shun-lei , Liu, Zhi-feng , Yang, Cong-bin . Precision loss of ball screw mechanism under sliding-rolling mixed motion behavior . | JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY , 2021 , 28 (5) , 1357-1376 .
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Adaptive selection multi-objective optimization method for hybrid flow shop green scheduling under finite variable parameter constraints: case study SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 15
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The energy consumption loss is high particularly in manufacturing processes involving heating furnaces. Moreover, the mandatory constraints in continuous heating stage bring difficult challenges to production scheduling. To improve the production efficiency and reduce the energy consumption in a hybrid flow shop with continuous and discrete processing stages, this study developed an adaptive selection multi-objective optimization algorithm with preference (ASMOAP). The mandatory constraints of continuous processing stage are transformed into one of the optimization objectives, which is defined as maximum excess value of adjustment time in this paper. A multi-objective optimization scheduling model with the makespan, energy consumption, and maximum excess of adjustment time is established. The optimization preference is designed in the proposed multi-objective optimization algorithm. The maximum excess of adjustment time is set as the multi-objective optimization preference. Three adaptive selection strategies are designed for the algorithm based on the proportions of outstanding and preference individuals to eliminate constraint conflicts. Presented results prove that the proposed algorithm could effectively solve hybrid flow shop scheduling problem considering discrete and continuous processing stages with limited time. It can be applied to obtain a better feasible solution while improving the efficiency and reducing the energy consumed in practical production processes.

关键词 :

constrained optimization constrained optimization Energy-saving Energy-saving hybrid flow shop scheduling hybrid flow shop scheduling multi-objective optimization multi-objective optimization selection strategy selection strategy



GB/T 7714 Liu, Zhifeng , Yan, Jun , Cheng, Qiang et al. Adaptive selection multi-objective optimization method for hybrid flow shop green scheduling under finite variable parameter constraints: case study [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2021 .
MLA Liu, Zhifeng et al. "Adaptive selection multi-objective optimization method for hybrid flow shop green scheduling under finite variable parameter constraints: case study" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH (2021) .
APA Liu, Zhifeng , Yan, Jun , Cheng, Qiang , Chu, Hongyan , Zheng, Jigui , Zhang, Caixia . Adaptive selection multi-objective optimization method for hybrid flow shop green scheduling under finite variable parameter constraints: case study . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2021 .
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A novel method for machining accuracy reliability and failure sensitivity analysis for multi-axis machine tool SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 7
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In the state of machining service, to evaluate the machining accuracy reliability of multi-axis CNC machine tools, analyze the accuracy failure mode and the reliability sensitivity under the failure mode, this paper proposes a research method by the cross-correlation studies of geometric error parameters to improve and promote the accuracy reliability of CNC machine tools. Firstly, by multi-body system theory, the homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix between each body of the machine tool is established, and the spatial machining accuracy model is constructed. At the same time, considering the time series problem in the measurement process of geometric error parameters, this paper studies the correlation between the error parameters for reliability analysis and proposes a novel reliability analysis index for each measurement point in the machine tool workspace. To validation of the method, the analysis results of this paper are compared with those by Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, the accuracy failure conditions of the machine tool are studied, the failure state function of machine tool accuracy is established, and the accuracy failure modes that may occur are analyzed from this, to carry out the accuracy failure sensitivity analysis under the failure mode, and to identify key geometric errors which have a great impact on the machining accuracy reliability of machine tool in the failure mode. Finally, taking a 3-axis machine tool as an example, according to the analysis results, this paper puts forward measures to improve the accuracy reliability and verifies the feasibility of the proposed method.

关键词 :

Multi-axis machine tool (MAMT) Multi-axis machine tool (MAMT) Cross-correlation analysis Cross-correlation analysis Multi-body system (MBS) theory Multi-body system (MBS) theory Machining accuracy reliability Machining accuracy reliability Accuracy failure sensitivity (AFS) Accuracy failure sensitivity (AFS)



GB/T 7714 Niu, Peng , Cheng, Qiang , Zhang, Caixia et al. A novel method for machining accuracy reliability and failure sensitivity analysis for multi-axis machine tool [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 124 (11-12) : 3823-3836 .
MLA Niu, Peng et al. "A novel method for machining accuracy reliability and failure sensitivity analysis for multi-axis machine tool" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 124 . 11-12 (2021) : 3823-3836 .
APA Niu, Peng , Cheng, Qiang , Zhang, Caixia , Hao, Xiaolong , Yang, Congbin , Chen, Chuanhai . A novel method for machining accuracy reliability and failure sensitivity analysis for multi-axis machine tool . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 124 (11-12) , 3823-3836 .
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Positioning accuracy degradation and lifetime prediction of the ball screw considering time-varying working conditions and feed modes EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 235 (6-7) , 943-957 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Ball screw mechanisms (BSMs) are used as accuracy transmission components in a wide range of industries and are characterized by their high accuracy. More specifically, the positioning accuracy of BSM has a significant effect on the accuracy of machine tool. Based on the macro-micro multiscale method, an exponential prediction model for the BSM positioning accuracy was developed considering time-varying working conditions (load and rotational speed) and feed modes. Since the accuracy degradation is mainly caused by wear, a microscopic approach was proposed to describe the positioning accuracy retention and the microscopic wear process was investigated. The sliding contact of the asperities between the ball and raceway was analyzed, and the microscopic wear behavior of the asperities was determined. Considering the time-varying working conditions, the BSM positioning accuracy characteristics were obtained under the normal feed mode by conducting suitable tests. The exponential wear model used the wear index to describe the wear status based on the positioning accuracy measurement. The accuracy loss value and the prediction index of positioning accuracy were determined based on an exponential model, and the effective lifetime of the BSM was predicted. Finally, the exponential prediction model was used in negative/positive skew feed distribution, and the effective lifetime determined. © IMechE 2020.

关键词 :

Ball screws Ball screws Wear of materials Wear of materials Forecasting Forecasting Machine tools Machine tools Predictive analytics Predictive analytics



GB/T 7714 Cheng, Qiang , Qi, Baobao , Liu, Zhifeng et al. Positioning accuracy degradation and lifetime prediction of the ball screw considering time-varying working conditions and feed modes [J]. | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , 2021 , 235 (6-7) : 943-957 .
MLA Cheng, Qiang et al. "Positioning accuracy degradation and lifetime prediction of the ball screw considering time-varying working conditions and feed modes" . | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 235 . 6-7 (2021) : 943-957 .
APA Cheng, Qiang , Qi, Baobao , Liu, Zhifeng , Yang, Congbin , Zheng, Jigui . Positioning accuracy degradation and lifetime prediction of the ball screw considering time-varying working conditions and feed modes . | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , 2021 , 235 (6-7) , 943-957 .
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