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In-situ constructing nanostructured magnesium ferrite on steel slag for Cr (VI) photoreduction SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 16
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摘要 :

An innovative method is created for transforming iron-rich RO phase (MgO0.239FeO0.761) on steel slag surface into nanostructured Mg0.04Fe2.96O4 layer. The phase change process is investigated, and it is found that salicylic acid modification and alkaline roasting procedures remarkably increase the specific surface area from 0.46 m2/g (raw steel slag) to 69.5 m2/g (Mg0.04Fe2.96O4), and the generation of Mg0.04Fe2.96O4 enhances the absorption of visible light and Cr(VI) conversion with 2-times increasement than raw steel slag. Surface complexation between H2C2O4 ligands and Fe metal moiety on Mg0.04Fe2.96O4 induces the intramolecular electron transfer under visible light irradiation based on a ligand-to-metal charge transfer mechanism, thus resulting in Cr(VI) photoreduction, and the catalytic efficiency is above 90% for Cr(VI) (40 mg/L) under inherent pH= 5.5 conditions. Moreover, recyclability tests based on magnetic separation show that the photoreactivity is closely related to Mg content of Mg0.04Fe2.96O4 layer where Mg leaching occurs and finally generates cubic spinel configuration Fe3O4. This work highlights the importance of surface functionalization in post-use phases of steel slag in which surface reactivity and application potential can be greatly altered by chemical exposure history and surface transformations. It also provides valuable references for studying the metastable state mechanism of magnesium ferrite photocatalysts.

关键词 :

Cr(VI) reduction Cr(VI) reduction Steel Slag Steel Slag Magnesium ferrite Magnesium ferrite



GB/T 7714 Sun, Lingmin , Wu, Junshu , Wang, Jinshu et al. In-situ constructing nanostructured magnesium ferrite on steel slag for Cr (VI) photoreduction [J]. | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2022 , 422 .
MLA Sun, Lingmin et al. "In-situ constructing nanostructured magnesium ferrite on steel slag for Cr (VI) photoreduction" . | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 422 (2022) .
APA Sun, Lingmin , Wu, Junshu , Wang, Jinshu , Yang, Yilong , Xu, Meng , Liu, Jingchao et al. In-situ constructing nanostructured magnesium ferrite on steel slag for Cr (VI) photoreduction . | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2022 , 422 .
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Understanding the surface structure evolution and electron emission behaviors during the activation of Ir-coated dispenser cathodes SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 200 | VACUUM
WoS核心集被引次数: 6
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摘要 :

Metal coated dispenser cathode is of great interest due to its low operation temperature, high current density and long lifetime, however, the emission mechanism is still far from being fully understood. In this work, the tungsten dispenser cathodes were coated with iridium film of 300 nm in thickness. The phase transition and surface structure evolution during cathode activation was systematically investigated. The as-deposited iridium coating shows a columnar grain morphology with ultrafine size. Upon heating for 1 h at 1150 degrees C, a multiple-layer of Ir/ Ir3W/IrW was detected and it fully converted to IrW layer after 4 h heat treatment. Such a structure evolution can be well explained based on thermodynamics. The Ir -> Ir3W -> IrW phase transition induces obvious film thickening and grain coarsening. The full activation could increase the emission current density from 17.35 A/cm(2) to 30.92 A/cm(2) at 1050 degrees C. Density function theory (DFT) simulation results demonstrate the enhanced emission of IrW-coated cathode may be due to its balanced adsorption behaviors with Ba and O atoms. Our findings will provide deeper insights into the design and development of metal coated cathodes with better performance.

关键词 :

Thermal electron emission Thermal electron emission Dispenser cathodes Dispenser cathodes Iridium film Iridium film Phase transition Phase transition



GB/T 7714 Chen, Xiaoyang , Liu, Hexiong , Cai, Yongfeng et al. Understanding the surface structure evolution and electron emission behaviors during the activation of Ir-coated dispenser cathodes [J]. | VACUUM , 2022 , 200 .
MLA Chen, Xiaoyang et al. "Understanding the surface structure evolution and electron emission behaviors during the activation of Ir-coated dispenser cathodes" . | VACUUM 200 (2022) .
APA Chen, Xiaoyang , Liu, Hexiong , Cai, Yongfeng , Zhou, Wenyuan , Chen, Shuqun , Peng, Jian et al. Understanding the surface structure evolution and electron emission behaviors during the activation of Ir-coated dispenser cathodes . | VACUUM , 2022 , 200 .
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Liquid-Metal-Induced Hydrogen Insertion in Photoelectrodes for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 16 (12) , 21248-21258 | ACS NANO
WoS核心集被引次数: 12
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摘要 :

Fast charge separation and transfer (CST) is essential for achieving efficient solar conversion processes. This CST process requires not only a strong driving force but also a sufficient charge carrier concentration, which is not easily achievable with traditional methods. Herein, we report a rapid hydrogenation method enabled by gallium-based liquid metals (GBLMs) to modify the prototypical WO3 photoelectrode to enhance the CST for a PEC process. Protons in solution are controllably embedded into the WO3 photoanode accompanied by electron injection due to the strong reduction capability of GBLMs. This process dramatically increases the carrier concentration of the WO3 photoanode, leading to improved charge separation and transfer. The hydrogenated WO3 photoanode exhibits over a 229% improvement in photocurrent density with long-term stability. The effectiveness of GBLMs treatment in accelerating the CST process is further proved using other more general semiconductor photoelectrodes, including Nb2O5 and TiO2.

关键词 :

liquid metal liquid metal hydrogen insertion hydrogen insertion photoelectrodes photoelectrodes water oxidation water oxidation charge transfer charge transfer



GB/T 7714 Wang, Jinshu , Cheng, Houyan , Cui, Yuntao et al. Liquid-Metal-Induced Hydrogen Insertion in Photoelectrodes for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation [J]. | ACS NANO , 2022 , 16 (12) : 21248-21258 .
MLA Wang, Jinshu et al. "Liquid-Metal-Induced Hydrogen Insertion in Photoelectrodes for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation" . | ACS NANO 16 . 12 (2022) : 21248-21258 .
APA Wang, Jinshu , Cheng, Houyan , Cui, Yuntao , Yang, Yunfei , He, Heng , Cai, Yongfeng et al. Liquid-Metal-Induced Hydrogen Insertion in Photoelectrodes for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation . | ACS NANO , 2022 , 16 (12) , 21248-21258 .
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Synthesis of the Red-Emitting (Ba, Ca)(2)ScAlO5:Eu3+ Phosphors with Photoluminescence Properties SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 61 (22) , 8529-8539 | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY
WoS核心集被引次数: 23
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摘要 :

The light-emitting diodes (LED) are regarded as one of the most promising devices for inexpensive and widely used illumination; in particular, they are highly dependent on the development of red-emitting phosphors. Herein, we developed two types of red-emitting (Ba, Ca)(2)ScAlO5:Eu3+ multiple excitations phosphors (lambda(ex) = 255-465 nm) via freeze-drying followed by calcination. Powder X-ray diffraction and NMR results point out that they have hexagonal space group P6(3)/mmc (194), and the structural framework is composed of multi-coordinated Al-3(+)-O2- polyhedron and Sc3+-O2- polyhedron. In addition, the valence state of europium (Eu3+) is confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy characterization. Investigation on the photoluminescence properties showed that the photoluminescence process of (Ba, Ca)(2)ScAlO5:Eu3+ is attributable to the charge transfer band of Eu-O and abundant spectral terms of Eu3+. The alpha-(Ba, Ca)(2)ScAlO5:Eu3+ and beta-(Ba, Ca)(2)ScAlO5:Eu3+ exhibited red emission under 465 and 395 nm excitation, respectively. The PL spectra and decay curves explain the intrinsic photoluminescence mechanism. The strongest emission peaks of the red-emitting alpha-(Ba, Ca)(2)ScAlO5:Eu3+ and beta-(Ba, Ca)(2)ScAlO5:Eu3+ phosphors are at 615 and 619 nm, respectively, exhibiting a high fluorescence of 64 and 67% under the temperature of 423 K (150 degrees C). Further exploration of the red-emitting phosphors would provide a variety of choices for the design of red LEDs and white LEDs for the solid-state lighting system.



GB/T 7714 Cai, Yongfeng , Yang, Yunfei , Liu, Hexiong et al. Synthesis of the Red-Emitting (Ba, Ca)(2)ScAlO5:Eu3+ Phosphors with Photoluminescence Properties [J]. | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY , 2022 , 61 (22) : 8529-8539 .
MLA Cai, Yongfeng et al. "Synthesis of the Red-Emitting (Ba, Ca)(2)ScAlO5:Eu3+ Phosphors with Photoluminescence Properties" . | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 61 . 22 (2022) : 8529-8539 .
APA Cai, Yongfeng , Yang, Yunfei , Liu, Hexiong , Song, Ningning , He, Heng , Wang, Jinshu . Synthesis of the Red-Emitting (Ba, Ca)(2)ScAlO5:Eu3+ Phosphors with Photoluminescence Properties . | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY , 2022 , 61 (22) , 8529-8539 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (3) , 54-59 | 真空电子技术
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

锇靶是制备M型阴极常用的一类靶材,须具有纯度高、致密度高、晶粒细小等特性,然而,传统工艺烧结因烧结温度较高获得的靶材晶粒较粗大,对阴极覆膜沉积不利.本研究对锇粉模压成圆饼压坯,之后采用微波烧结压坯.微波烧结锇压坯过程中以碳化硅、氧化锆作为辅助加热材料,氧化铝作为保温材料,升温速率在20~30 min/℃之间.结果 表明,当随着压强从100增加到300MPa,微波烧结1500℃保温60 min后,样品相对密度从80.61%快速增加到93.44%.当压强继续增加到400MPa时,相对密度随着压强的增长变缓达到94.25%.当压强从400增加到500MPa,烧结后样品的相对密度增长不明显,并有裂纹出现.锇烧结体的相对密度和直径收缩率随着保温时间的延长先快速增加,然后缓慢增加,最后增加趋于平缓.在微波烧结1500℃下,随着保温时间的延长直径收缩率从11.67%快速增加到14.99%,然后缓慢增加到15.56%,相对密度从87.97%快速增加到93.78%,然后缓慢增加到94.25%,而孔隙的数量和尺寸随着保温时间的延长而减小,最终呈球形,晶粒尺寸在1 μm左右.



GB/T 7714 李世磊 , 刘伟 , 王金淑 et al. 微波烧结锇的初步研究 [J]. | 真空电子技术 , 2021 , (3) : 54-59 .
MLA 李世磊 et al. "微波烧结锇的初步研究" . | 真空电子技术 3 (2021) : 54-59 .
APA 李世磊 , 刘伟 , 王金淑 , 周帆 , 谢元峰 , 夏扬 et al. 微波烧结锇的初步研究 . | 真空电子技术 , 2021 , (3) , 54-59 .
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基于水体中氨氮、硫净化矿物颗粒的制备与性能 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 27 (06) , 19-28 | 中国粉体技术
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

为了更好地低成本处理水体中的氨氮、硫等污染物,对天然矿物蛭石颗粒进行NaCl层间处理、对火山岩颗粒进行FeCl_3表面处理。利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射、红外光谱等手段对矿物颗粒进行表征;同时研究蛭石和火山岩处理前后对氨氮、硫的吸附性能,分析讨论2种矿物颗粒对氨氮、硫的吸附机理。结果表明:在最佳条件下,Na化蛭石对氨氮的吸附容量由原来的21.4 mg/g提高到29.3 mg/g,对水体中氨氮的去除率由86.7%提高到93.4%;改性火山岩对硫化物的吸附容量由原来的3.1 mg/g提高到36.9 mg/g;蛭石颗粒对氨氮的去除以物理吸附为主,火山岩颗粒对硫的吸附以化学吸附为主。

关键词 :

火山岩 火山岩 氨氮吸附 氨氮吸附 蛭石 蛭石 表面修饰 表面修饰



GB/T 7714 杜玉成 , 史默涵 , 林彭辉 et al. 基于水体中氨氮、硫净化矿物颗粒的制备与性能 [J]. | 中国粉体技术 , 2021 , 27 (06) : 19-28 .
MLA 杜玉成 et al. "基于水体中氨氮、硫净化矿物颗粒的制备与性能" . | 中国粉体技术 27 . 06 (2021) : 19-28 .
APA 杜玉成 , 史默涵 , 林彭辉 , 李杨 , 甄爽 , 马延龙 et al. 基于水体中氨氮、硫净化矿物颗粒的制备与性能 . | 中国粉体技术 , 2021 , 27 (06) , 19-28 .
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Tribological properties of MoS2 nano-flowers supported by porous alumina aperture array SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
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摘要 :

Molybdenum disulfide coated aluminum alloys are of great interests in recent years due to their wide application in the space field. In this paper, a 350-400 nm-thick MoS2 film with nano-flowers structure was produced on Porous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO)/Al substrate by magnetron sputtering. It is found that AAO aperture array on aluminum alloy could enhance the resistance of stress and deformation for aluminum matrix, and store the MoS2 within the aperture during friction, resulting into prolonged lubrication time. Significant improvement in the lubrication performance (316.6 x) at low friction coefficient (0.15) was realized compared with MoS2/Al structure, and the wear rate decreased by similar to 98%. Our findings could provide new routes of surface modification for aluminum alloys in aerospace field.

关键词 :

AAO aperture array AAO aperture array Magnetron sputtering Magnetron sputtering Molybdenum disulfide Molybdenum disulfide MoS2 nano-flowers MoS2 nano-flowers



GB/T 7714 He, Jiawei , Zhou, Wenyuan , Chen, Shuqun et al. Tribological properties of MoS2 nano-flowers supported by porous alumina aperture array [J]. | TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL , 2021 , 161 .
MLA He, Jiawei et al. "Tribological properties of MoS2 nano-flowers supported by porous alumina aperture array" . | TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 161 (2021) .
APA He, Jiawei , Zhou, Wenyuan , Chen, Shuqun , Wu, Anran , Zhou, Yuqing , Chen, Yanhui et al. Tribological properties of MoS2 nano-flowers supported by porous alumina aperture array . | TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL , 2021 , 161 .
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Synergistic enhancement of π-electron density in graphitic carbon nitride for significantly improved photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible-light irradiation EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 46 (12) , 8486-8496 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this work, a synergistic strategy integrated elemental doping and defect engineering has been developed to modulate the electronic and bandgap structure of g-C3N4 by controlling its conjugated aromatic system. Experimental analysis and theoretical calculations conrm that the generation of imbalanced spatial distributions of charge carriers not only greatly increases the π-electron availability, but also decreases the energy barrier for hydrogen adsorption due to the synergistic effect of the high valence electron of the W dopant and the decreased electronegativity by two-coordinated nitrogen defects, which strengthens the charge transfer efficiency and favors the light capturing capability. The combined benets of the electronic, optical and textural modification lead to a signicant improvement of photocatalytic activity of 3.3 mmol h−1 g−1 for hydrogen evolution under λ ≥ 400 nm light irradiation, about twentyfold enhancement than that of pristine g-C3N4. Such proposed synergistic strategy provides a promising route to promote the performance of g-C3N4 for potential applications in solar energy conversion. © 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC

关键词 :

Carbon nitride Carbon nitride Carrier mobility Carrier mobility Charge transfer Charge transfer Chemical bonds Chemical bonds Defects Defects Electronegativity Electronegativity Energy conversion Energy conversion Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Gas adsorption Gas adsorption Irradiation Irradiation Light Light Photocatalytic activity Photocatalytic activity Solar energy Solar energy



GB/T 7714 Che, Haibing , Hu, Peng , Wang, Jinshu et al. Synergistic enhancement of π-electron density in graphitic carbon nitride for significantly improved photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible-light irradiation [J]. | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 2021 , 46 (12) : 8486-8496 .
MLA Che, Haibing et al. "Synergistic enhancement of π-electron density in graphitic carbon nitride for significantly improved photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible-light irradiation" . | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 . 12 (2021) : 8486-8496 .
APA Che, Haibing , Hu, Peng , Wang, Jinshu , Li, Yongli , Zhou, Wenyuan , Chen, Xiaobo . Synergistic enhancement of π-electron density in graphitic carbon nitride for significantly improved photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible-light irradiation . | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 2021 , 46 (12) , 8486-8496 .
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微量Fe元素对氧化钨粉还原过程的影响 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 39 (3) , 209-215 | 粉末冶金技术
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 陈树群 , 胡海栋 , 周文元 et al. 微量Fe元素对氧化钨粉还原过程的影响 [J]. | 粉末冶金技术 , 2021 , 39 (3) : 209-215 .
MLA 陈树群 et al. "微量Fe元素对氧化钨粉还原过程的影响" . | 粉末冶金技术 39 . 3 (2021) : 209-215 .
APA 陈树群 , 胡海栋 , 周文元 , 胡鹏 , 李洪义 , 王金淑 . 微量Fe元素对氧化钨粉还原过程的影响 . | 粉末冶金技术 , 2021 , 39 (3) , 209-215 .
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Surface engineering of diatomite using nanostructured Zn compounds for adsorption and sunlight photocatalysis EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 612 | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Diatomite, composed of amorphous macroporous hydrated silica, has generated increasing attention as an attractive raw material for elimination of heavy metal, while suffering low surface activity. Herein, easily separable diatomite adsorbents modified by Zn compounds are developed for effective adsorption of Pb(II), Cu(II) and Cd(II) ions and sunlight photoreduction of toxic Cr(VI) to low-toxic Cr(III). The micro-structure and functionality are characterized through energy spectrum and spectroscopic analysis. Sulfion S2− or carbonyl COO− interlinked networks on the modified diatomite are effective for capturing Pb(II), Cu(II) and Cd(II) ions, and are capable of being oxidized to generate diatomite@ZnO directly at 450 °C in air atmosphere. Significantly, by recycling the used diatomite@ZnS (Dt@ZnS) adsorbents loaded by Cu(II) and Cd(II) ions, Cu or Cd doped ZnO photocatalysts can be fabricated on diatomite to vary band gap energy of ZnO for more efficient absorption of visible light for Cr(VI) photoreduction under sunlight irradiation. Although the derivatives exhibit weakened Cr(VI) photoreduction capacity compared with Dt@ZnS precursor, probably owing to the influence of surface deposits of Cu(II) or Cd(II) on doping efficiency and light absorption, this idea offers a promising solution to convert the used adsorbents loaded by poisonous heavy metals into photocatalysts for secondary utilization in waste water purification, thus making it possible to produce tailor-made materials for specific requirements alternative by the reutilization of discarded heavy metal adsorbents. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.

关键词 :

Cadmium compounds Cadmium compounds Spectroscopic analysis Spectroscopic analysis Photocatalysis Photocatalysis Copper compounds Copper compounds Heavy metals Heavy metals Oxide minerals Oxide minerals Light absorption Light absorption Lead compounds Lead compounds Water absorption Water absorption Chemicals removal (water treatment) Chemicals removal (water treatment) Chromium compounds Chromium compounds Light Light Silica Silica II-VI semiconductors II-VI semiconductors Energy gap Energy gap Zinc oxide Zinc oxide Irradiation Irradiation Zinc sulfide Zinc sulfide Ions Ions



GB/T 7714 Liu, Jingchao , Wu, Junshu , Wang, Jinshu et al. Surface engineering of diatomite using nanostructured Zn compounds for adsorption and sunlight photocatalysis [J]. | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects , 2021 , 612 .
MLA Liu, Jingchao et al. "Surface engineering of diatomite using nanostructured Zn compounds for adsorption and sunlight photocatalysis" . | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 612 (2021) .
APA Liu, Jingchao , Wu, Junshu , Wang, Jinshu , Ma, Jie , Sun, Lingmin , Du, Yucheng et al. Surface engineering of diatomite using nanostructured Zn compounds for adsorption and sunlight photocatalysis . | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects , 2021 , 612 .
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