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基于能量法的组合梁桥拥堵车辆怠速振动所致疲劳损伤评估 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 34 (04) , 80-92 | 中国公路学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

车辆拥堵荷载 车辆拥堵荷载 疲劳损伤 疲劳损伤 能量法 能量法 组合梁桥 组合梁桥 车-桥耦合分析 车-桥耦合分析 桥梁工程 桥梁工程



GB/T 7714 陈华婷 , 王伟 , 段守辉 et al. 基于能量法的组合梁桥拥堵车辆怠速振动所致疲劳损伤评估 [J]. | 中国公路学报 , 2021 , 34 (04) : 80-92 .
MLA 陈华婷 et al. "基于能量法的组合梁桥拥堵车辆怠速振动所致疲劳损伤评估" . | 中国公路学报 34 . 04 (2021) : 80-92 .
APA 陈华婷 , 王伟 , 段守辉 , 黄艳 , 亓路宽 . 基于能量法的组合梁桥拥堵车辆怠速振动所致疲劳损伤评估 . | 中国公路学报 , 2021 , 34 (04) , 80-92 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 48 (9) , 8-10,14 | 计量与测试技术
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 黄艳 , 姜燕 , 朱江淼 et al. 北斗系统高精度技术应用质量基础体系的研究与分析 [J]. | 计量与测试技术 , 2021 , 48 (9) : 8-10,14 .
MLA 黄艳 et al. "北斗系统高精度技术应用质量基础体系的研究与分析" . | 计量与测试技术 48 . 9 (2021) : 8-10,14 .
APA 黄艳 , 姜燕 , 朱江淼 , 刘圆 , 檀恒宇 . 北斗系统高精度技术应用质量基础体系的研究与分析 . | 计量与测试技术 , 2021 , 48 (9) , 8-10,14 .
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基于AHP+FCE的GNSS接收机综合性能评价算法研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 41 (3) , 57-63 | 宇航计测技术
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

GNSS接收机的性能评价是卫星导航领域的重要研究内容.由于GNSS接收机的测试指标繁多,且关联性较弱,无法准确客观的展现一个接收机的性能优劣,本文研究了对导航型接收机性能的综合评价方法,选择测试指标并建立递阶型测试指标体系,之后综合利用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)和模糊综合法(Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation,FCE)设计了主观性弱,归一化程度高的综合评价算法.最后利用文中算法对3台不同型号的导航型接收机进行综合性能评价,其结果与专家的主观评价结果一致,证明本算法可以正确的评价接收机的整体性能.



GB/T 7714 朱江淼 , 董晓飞 , 杨阳 et al. 基于AHP+FCE的GNSS接收机综合性能评价算法研究 [J]. | 宇航计测技术 , 2021 , 41 (3) : 57-63 .
MLA 朱江淼 et al. "基于AHP+FCE的GNSS接收机综合性能评价算法研究" . | 宇航计测技术 41 . 3 (2021) : 57-63 .
APA 朱江淼 , 董晓飞 , 杨阳 , 高秀娜 , 黄艳 . 基于AHP+FCE的GNSS接收机综合性能评价算法研究 . | 宇航计测技术 , 2021 , 41 (3) , 57-63 .
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Evaluation of Fatigue Damage of Composite Bridges Caused by Congested Vehicle Idle Vibration Based on Energy Approach EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 34 (4) , 80-92 | China Journal of Highway and Transport
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Urban composite bridges often experience fatigue failure risk induced by congested vehicle idle vibration. To address this problem, ABAQUS was adopted to establish a vehicle-bridge coupled finite element model under congested vehicle loading, along with dynamic response analysis and stress cycle counting. Regarding the total strain energy density as a damage parameter, the cumulative fatigue damage of structural details in the steel box girder of an urban composite bridge under four congestion load cases was calculated relative to the damage caused by a standard fatigue vehicle in an unobstructed state. The influence of vehicle congestion on the fatigue performance of an urban composite box girder bridge was comprehensively evaluated. The results demonstrate that elastic strain energy substantially contributes to the total strain energy density of urban composite girder bridges under vehicle congestion loading; hence, the fatigue behavior is typical high cycle fatigue, whereas fatigue damage is mainly cumulated within 3-5 high stress range cycles at the onset of idle vibration. Accumulated fatigue damage to the structural detail at the bottom flange-to-web weldment is 2-5 times that to the base metal, the fatigue performance of the weldment is therefore more vulnerable. When typical congested traffic flow contains only cars and buses, fatigue damage can be safely evaluated by the idle vibration of a standard fatigue vehicle; however, in some unrestricted road sections, fatigue damage increases significantly due to truck congestion. Since the dynamic effect of engine idle vibration increases the equivalent stress amplitude by 65%, fatigue damage caused by a standard fatigue vehicle under single congestion is 14.7 times that caused by single crossing under unobstructed conditions, thus increasing the risk of fatigue damage of structural details. Cumulative fatigue damage increases with the influence of vehicle congestion, which is affected by congestion load case, traffic volume, and congestion duration. When daily congestion lasts for 4 h, fatigue damage owing to congestion can reach 3.5 times that without congestion. This study can provide a reference for the fatigue assessment of similar bridges and basic theoretical support for the safe operation of existing urban steel bridges. © 2021, Editorial Department of China Journal of Highway and Transport. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Traffic congestion Traffic congestion Vibrations (mechanical) Vibrations (mechanical) ABAQUS ABAQUS Fatigue damage Fatigue damage Vehicles Vehicles Steel bridges Steel bridges Box girder bridges Box girder bridges Strain energy Strain energy Composite bridges Composite bridges Welds Welds Stress analysis Stress analysis



GB/T 7714 Chen, Hua-Ting , Wang, Wei , Duan, Shou-Hui et al. Evaluation of Fatigue Damage of Composite Bridges Caused by Congested Vehicle Idle Vibration Based on Energy Approach [J]. | China Journal of Highway and Transport , 2021 , 34 (4) : 80-92 .
MLA Chen, Hua-Ting et al. "Evaluation of Fatigue Damage of Composite Bridges Caused by Congested Vehicle Idle Vibration Based on Energy Approach" . | China Journal of Highway and Transport 34 . 4 (2021) : 80-92 .
APA Chen, Hua-Ting , Wang, Wei , Duan, Shou-Hui , Huang, Yan , Qi, Lu-Kuan . Evaluation of Fatigue Damage of Composite Bridges Caused by Congested Vehicle Idle Vibration Based on Energy Approach . | China Journal of Highway and Transport , 2021 , 34 (4) , 80-92 .
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GNSS接收机抗干扰性能关键指标测试方法的研究与实现 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 34 (3) , 135-141 | 电子测量与仪器学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

抗干扰性能 抗干扰性能 导航信号模拟器 导航信号模拟器 干扰抑制度 干扰抑制度 GNSS接收机 GNSS接收机 干扰恢复时间 干扰恢复时间



GB/T 7714 朱江淼 , 高秀娜 , 黄艳 et al. GNSS接收机抗干扰性能关键指标测试方法的研究与实现 [J]. | 电子测量与仪器学报 , 2020 , 34 (3) : 135-141 .
MLA 朱江淼 et al. "GNSS接收机抗干扰性能关键指标测试方法的研究与实现" . | 电子测量与仪器学报 34 . 3 (2020) : 135-141 .
APA 朱江淼 , 高秀娜 , 黄艳 , 马培香 , 乔孟元 . GNSS接收机抗干扰性能关键指标测试方法的研究与实现 . | 电子测量与仪器学报 , 2020 , 34 (3) , 135-141 .
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A multi-level optical storage scheme via two-step picosecond laser irradiations: time/space modulations of microstructure and its optical property SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
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摘要 :

Achieving multi-level properties of chalcogenide phase change materials is highly desirable for high-density data storage, photonic switches and neuromorphic computing etc. In this paper, we report a multi-level implement scheme via a two-step picosecond laser irradiation strategy on the basis of time/space modulations of microstructure and property of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) phase change thin films. Unlike the common grey-scale method by multiple laser irradiations at a fixed position, multi-levels of optical properties were obtained by two-step overlapping laser irradiations together with such varied parameters as the overlapping ratio, input energy and two-pulse duration. Variations of the microstructure and optical property were characterized by transmission electron microscope (TEM) and microarea reflectance testing. It showed that the overlapping ratio was an important factor to adjust microstructure patterns and optical properties. With the increase of the overlapping ratio, the optical reflectivity presented a trend of increasing first and then decreasing, mainly because of the effects of the size and distribution of grains from the second laser irradiations. Based on the scheme proposed, a 10-level optical reflectivity could be obtained. The fundamental research performed in this study is of importance to give guideline for high-density storage or big-data processing with phase change materials in the future.

关键词 :

chalcogenide phase change materials chalcogenide phase change materials microstructure microstructure multi-level optical reflectivity multi-level optical reflectivity two-step laser irradiation scheme two-step laser irradiation scheme



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Y. Z. , Liu, F. R. , Han, Z. et al. A multi-level optical storage scheme via two-step picosecond laser irradiations: time/space modulations of microstructure and its optical property [J]. | SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 35 (3) .
MLA Zhang, Y. Z. et al. "A multi-level optical storage scheme via two-step picosecond laser irradiations: time/space modulations of microstructure and its optical property" . | SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35 . 3 (2020) .
APA Zhang, Y. Z. , Liu, F. R. , Han, Z. , Li, W. Q. , Huang, Y. , Sun, N. X. . A multi-level optical storage scheme via two-step picosecond laser irradiations: time/space modulations of microstructure and its optical property . | SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 35 (3) .
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An ion beam layer removal method of determining the residual stress in the as-fabricated TSV-Cu/TiW/SiO2/Si interface on a nanoscale SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 12
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摘要 :

Thermally induced residual stresses across the TSV-Cu/TiW/SiO2/Si interface in through-silicon vias (TSVs) have raised serious concerns about mechanical and electrical reliability in 3D ICs. The lack of a nanometer-precision measurement technique for the TSV interfacial stress gradient makes the interface failure mechanism unclear. In this work, we propose an ion beam layer removal (ILR) method for determining the residual stress in the as-fabricated TSV-Cu/TiW/SiO2/Si interface on a nanoscale to facilitate identification of the failure mechanism of the TSV-Cu/TiW/SiO2/Si interface in as-fabricated TSVs. The measurement results showed that the residual stress fluctuates across the TSV-Cu/TiW/SiO2/Si interface and that both compressive stress and tensile stress existed within the interface system. Compressive stress occurred at all three interfaces, the TSV-Cu/TiW, TiW/SiO2, and SiO2/Si interfaces, but transitioned to tensile stress at a distance of 25-45 nm from these interfaces. The highest level of shear stress concentration appeared inside the TSV-Cu at a distance of approximately 45 nm from the TSV-Cu/TiW interface. This shear stress concentration explains the experimentally observed TSV interfacial cracking phenomenon.

关键词 :

Failure mechanism Failure mechanism ILR method ILR method Nanoscale Nanoscale Residual stress Residual stress TSV-Cu/TiW/SiO2/Si interface TSV-Cu/TiW/SiO2/Si interface



GB/T 7714 Chen, S. , En, Y. F. , Li, G. Y. et al. An ion beam layer removal method of determining the residual stress in the as-fabricated TSV-Cu/TiW/SiO2/Si interface on a nanoscale [J]. | MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY , 2020 , 112 .
MLA Chen, S. et al. "An ion beam layer removal method of determining the residual stress in the as-fabricated TSV-Cu/TiW/SiO2/Si interface on a nanoscale" . | MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY 112 (2020) .
APA Chen, S. , En, Y. F. , Li, G. Y. , Wang, Z. Z. , Gao, R. , Ma, Rui et al. An ion beam layer removal method of determining the residual stress in the as-fabricated TSV-Cu/TiW/SiO2/Si interface on a nanoscale . | MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY , 2020 , 112 .
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Design of low loss 1 x 1 and 1 x 2 phase-change optical switches with different crystalline phases of Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5)films SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 31 (45) | NANOTECHNOLOGY
WoS核心集被引次数: 5
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

On-chip photonics devices relying on the weak, volatile thermo-optic or electro-optic effects of silicon usually suffer from high insertion loss (IL) and a low refractive index coefficient. In this paper, we designed two novel 1 x 1 and 1 x 2 phase-change optical switches based on a signal-mode Si waveguide integrated with a Ge2Sb2Te5(GST) top clad layer, respectively. The three-state switch including amorphous GST (a-GST), face centered cubic crystalline phase (FCC-GST) and hexagonal crystalline phase (HCP-GST) operated by utilizing the dramatic difference in the optical constants between the amorphous and two crystalline phases of GST. In the case of the 1 x 1 optical switch, an extinction ratio (ER) of 8.9 dB and an extremely low IL of 0.8 dB were achieved using an optimum GST length of only 2 mu m. While for the 1 x 2 optical switch, low ILs in the range of 0.15 similar to 0.35 dB for both 'cross' (a-GST) and 'bar' (FCC-GST and HCP-GST) states were also obtained. Additionally, we found that both ILs and mode losses of the switch with HCP-GST were about half lower than those with FCC-GST, which means FCC-GST could be instituted by HCP-GST in the traditional ovonic switch with the consideration of low loss. This research provides the fundamental understanding for the realization of low loss and non-volatile Si-GST hybrid optical switches, with potential for future communication networks.

关键词 :

low loss low loss non-volatile non-volatile optical switch optical switch phase-change materials phase-change materials Si waveguide Si waveguide



GB/T 7714 Li, Y. , Liu, F. R. , Han, G. et al. Design of low loss 1 x 1 and 1 x 2 phase-change optical switches with different crystalline phases of Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5)films [J]. | NANOTECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 31 (45) .
MLA Li, Y. et al. "Design of low loss 1 x 1 and 1 x 2 phase-change optical switches with different crystalline phases of Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5)films" . | NANOTECHNOLOGY 31 . 45 (2020) .
APA Li, Y. , Liu, F. R. , Han, G. , Chen, Q. Y. , Zhao, Z. P. , Xie, X. X. et al. Design of low loss 1 x 1 and 1 x 2 phase-change optical switches with different crystalline phases of Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5)films . | NANOTECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 31 (45) .
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Research and implementation on entry fence detection algorithm of satellite positioning terminal CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2019 , 1468-1475 | 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI)
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摘要 :

YVhether the equipment terminal with satellite positioning is in the detection method within the set range deserves attention, which determines the success or failure of electronic fence design. The idea of classification is now intended to be used in such detection, this paper proposes an entry fence detection algorithm based on support vector machine (SVM). The algorithm selects the appropriate kernel function according to the positioning data characteristics of the satellite positioning terminal. The kernel function and error penalty parameters are obtained by grid search method. The detection accuracy is adjusted to determine the optimal threshold. The algorithm verification with the measured data shows that the accuracy of entry fence detection can reach 80-96%, which is much higher than the accuracy of 43-67% directly obtained, indicating that the algorithm is reliable and effective and has high practical value.

关键词 :

Satellite positioning terminal Satellite positioning terminal Electronic fence Electronic fence High precision receiver of GASS High precision receiver of GASS Support vector Machine Support vector Machine Entry fence detection algorithm Entry fence detection algorithm Metrology Metrology



GB/T 7714 Zhu Jiangmiao , Gao Xiuna , Huang Yan et al. Research and implementation on entry fence detection algorithm of satellite positioning terminal [C] . 2019 : 1468-1475 .
MLA Zhu Jiangmiao et al. "Research and implementation on entry fence detection algorithm of satellite positioning terminal" . (2019) : 1468-1475 .
APA Zhu Jiangmiao , Gao Xiuna , Huang Yan , Zhang Jing , Gao Chunliu . Research and implementation on entry fence detection algorithm of satellite positioning terminal . (2019) : 1468-1475 .
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Nitrification and denitrifying phosphorus removal performance in the pre-A2 NSBR system [前置A2NSBR系统硝化和反硝化除磷的特性] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 39 (11) , 4660-4665 | China Environmental Science
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Biofilm nitrification and activated sludge denitrifying phosphorus removal performance were investigated in the pre-A2 NSBR system, which treated real low carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio domestic sewage. The effect of organic substance and NO2 --N concentration on the biofilm nitrification performance, and different electronic acceptors on the denitrifying phosphorus uptake rate were studied. Results indicated that nitrification rate was 11.3 mgNH4 +-N/(L•h), the ammonia volume loading was 0.27 kgNH4 +-N/(m³•d) under the filling rate of 40%, the nitrification performance was inhibited by organic substance, but the system showed a good nitrification rate of 9.72 mg NH4 +-N/(L•h) when organics presented. NO2 --N treatment exhibited little effect on the AOB activity but obvious effect on the NOB activity, the NOB activity was almost completely inhibited (only 1.63%) when NO2 --N concentration was 400mg/L. According to the phosphorus uptake rate experiment under different electronic acceptors, the phosphorus uptake rate under oxygen and NO3 --N was 17.62mg P/(g VSS•h) and 12.94mg P/(g VSS•h), respectively, anoxic phosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) occupied 73.4% of the total PAOs, phosphorus uptake performance was inhibited when the NO2 --N concentration was 30mg/L, and phosphorus uptake performance was inhibited when the NO2 --N concentration was 15mg/L under the condition of NO2 --N and NO3 --N coexisted. © 2019, Editorial Board of China Environmental Science. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Denitrifying phosphorus removal; Low C/N ratio; Nitrification; NO2 --N inhibition; Pre-A2NSBR process Denitrifying phosphorus removal; Low C/N ratio; Nitrification; NO2 --N inhibition; Pre-A2NSBR process



GB/T 7714 Zhao, W.-H. , Li, J.-W. , Wang, M.-X. et al. Nitrification and denitrifying phosphorus removal performance in the pre-A2 NSBR system [前置A2NSBR系统硝化和反硝化除磷的特性] [J]. | China Environmental Science , 2019 , 39 (11) : 4660-4665 .
MLA Zhao, W.-H. et al. "Nitrification and denitrifying phosphorus removal performance in the pre-A2 NSBR system [前置A2NSBR系统硝化和反硝化除磷的特性]" . | China Environmental Science 39 . 11 (2019) : 4660-4665 .
APA Zhao, W.-H. , Li, J.-W. , Wang, M.-X. , Huang, Y. , Feng, Y. , Li, X.-Y. et al. Nitrification and denitrifying phosphorus removal performance in the pre-A2 NSBR system [前置A2NSBR系统硝化和反硝化除磷的特性] . | China Environmental Science , 2019 , 39 (11) , 4660-4665 .
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