摘要 :
High slope efficiency 3 mu m laser output exceeding Stokes limit is demonstrated in Er:YAG crystals with lower doping concentration at room temperature. Based on cyclic cascaded cavity, several parameters affecting slope efficiency are optimized. Under the optimized configuration, slope efficiencies up to 36.5% and 37.2%, exceeding the Stokes efficiency of 33%, are achieved in 10at.% and 25at.% Er:YAG crystals, respectively. The realization of high slope efficiency paves the way for improving the average power of 3 mu m lasers.
关键词 :
Er Er Cyclic cascade Cyclic cascade YAG crystals YAG crystals Mid -infrared lasers Mid -infrared lasers
GB/T 7714 | Wang, Sibo , Tian, Ye , Qu, Bo et al. High slope efficiency 3?m Er:YAG cyclic cascade pulsed lasers [J]. | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 158 . |
MLA | Wang, Sibo et al. "High slope efficiency 3?m Er:YAG cyclic cascade pulsed lasers" . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 158 (2023) . |
APA | Wang, Sibo , Tian, Ye , Qu, Bo , Zhu, Zhanda , Hui, Yongling , Lei, Hong et al. High slope efficiency 3?m Er:YAG cyclic cascade pulsed lasers . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 158 . |
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摘要 :
ABSTR A C T A novel diffusion double-ended bonded structure (DEBS) consisting of F2 glass, Er3+/Yb3+: glass and Co2+:MgAl2O4 was reported, for human eye-safety micro-ranging lasers. Compared with single-ended bonding structure (SEBS) and single glass structure (SGS) by the thermal analysis, its thermal focal length increased by 53.8% over the latter two. It was noted that the DEBS could effectively reduce the thermal effect of the gain medium. Under the identical experimental conditions, the DEBS's laser performance characteristics were significantly better than the other two. The peak power and laser stability of the DEBS could be dramatically improved more 45.4% and 100%, respectively. Finally, the DEBS laser delivered 340 mu J pulse energy with 10 Hz repetition rate, 5.5 ns pulse duration and 1.4 of beam quality factors M-2. Such an eye-safe compact laser can be applied in ranging systems, such as drones and low-altitude missiles.
关键词 :
Laser ranging Laser ranging Eye-safe Eye-safe Micro laser Micro laser Double-ended bonded structure Double-ended bonded structure
GB/T 7714 | Ban, Xiaona , Hui, Yongling , Lv, Chong et al. Double-ended bonded F2 glass/ Er3+, Yb3+: glass/ Co2+:MgAl2O4 passive Q-switched micro laser [J]. | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS , 2022 , 502 . |
MLA | Ban, Xiaona et al. "Double-ended bonded F2 glass/ Er3+, Yb3+: glass/ Co2+:MgAl2O4 passive Q-switched micro laser" . | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 502 (2022) . |
APA | Ban, Xiaona , Hui, Yongling , Lv, Chong , Lei, Hong , Li, Qiang , Wang, Zhao et al. Double-ended bonded F2 glass/ Er3+, Yb3+: glass/ Co2+:MgAl2O4 passive Q-switched micro laser . | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS , 2022 , 502 . |
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摘要 :
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) in activated sludge suspensions are the key substances leading to the membrane fouling. In order to understand the effect of EPSs on the membrane fouling, the actual EPSs solution extracted from activated sludge suspensions was used as the feed solution to conduct dead-end microfiltration experiment under different pressures by using different membranes. The flux (J), fouling resistances (Rm, Rp, Rc and Rtotal) and the available membrane area (A/A0) were used to describe the membrane fouling. The results showed that with the increase of pressure, J and Rtotal increased. Rp firstly increased and then kept constant, Rc always increased and became the dominant resistance. A/A0 decreased from 1 to a constant. Rc plays a key role on Rtotal for different membranes under the same pressure. The sequence of the steady available membrane area (Asteady/A0) for different pressures was: 63.0% (0.05MPa)> 56.5% (0.08MPa)> 53.6% (0.10MPa), and that for different membranes was: 80.1% (0.2μm PES) > 79.9% (0.1μm PES) > 78.4% (0.1μm PAN) > 53.6% (0.1μm PVDF). © Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence.
关键词 :
Membranes Membranes Polymers Polymers Microfiltration Microfiltration Energy resources Energy resources Membrane fouling Membrane fouling
GB/T 7714 | Li, Qiang , Hu, Ge , Song, Peng et al. Membrane fouling of actual extracellular polymeric substances [C] . 2021 . |
MLA | Li, Qiang et al. "Membrane fouling of actual extracellular polymeric substances" . (2021) . |
APA | Li, Qiang , Hu, Ge , Song, Peng , Khaliunaa, Natsagdorj , Khurram, Rooha , Zhang, Hu et al. Membrane fouling of actual extracellular polymeric substances . (2021) . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 李强 , 肖劲松 , 杨开忠 . 论生态文明时代国土空间规划理论体系 [J]. | 城市发展研究 , 2021 , 28 (6) : 41-49 . |
MLA | 李强 et al. "论生态文明时代国土空间规划理论体系" . | 城市发展研究 28 . 6 (2021) : 41-49 . |
APA | 李强 , 肖劲松 , 杨开忠 . 论生态文明时代国土空间规划理论体系 . | 城市发展研究 , 2021 , 28 (6) , 41-49 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 李强 , 肖劲松 , 李敏 et al. 论生态文明时代我国全域国土空间区划体系 [J]. | 城市发展研究 , 2021 , 28 (9) : 16-25 . |
MLA | 李强 et al. "论生态文明时代我国全域国土空间区划体系" . | 城市发展研究 28 . 9 (2021) : 16-25 . |
APA | 李强 , 肖劲松 , 李敏 , 邵丹丹 , 王熙然 , 张诗雯 et al. 论生态文明时代我国全域国土空间区划体系 . | 城市发展研究 , 2021 , 28 (9) , 16-25 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
国土空间规划 国土空间规划 公众参与 公众参与 国土空间治理 国土空间治理
GB/T 7714 | 李强 , 王熙然 , 尚宇辰 et al. 国土空间用途管制中的公共参与:以香港地区为例 [C] //面向高质量发展的空间治理——2021中国城市规划年会论文集(13规划实施与管理) . 2021 . |
MLA | 李强 et al. "国土空间用途管制中的公共参与:以香港地区为例" 面向高质量发展的空间治理——2021中国城市规划年会论文集(13规划实施与管理) . (2021) . |
APA | 李强 , 王熙然 , 尚宇辰 , 朱婷玮 . 国土空间用途管制中的公共参与:以香港地区为例 面向高质量发展的空间治理——2021中国城市规划年会论文集(13规划实施与管理) . (2021) . |
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摘要 :
设计了一种高效率、结构紧凑的高功率平面波导激光放大器。放大器使用新型平面波导结构,可以实现对芯层的多通泵浦,从而大幅度增加泵浦光的吸收长度,提高低掺杂Yb∶YAG芯层的泵浦吸收率。基于Yb~(3+)的激光动力学方程,结合光学追迹法与有限元方法构建了三维激光放大模型,并分别对双包层平面波导与新型平面波导的高功率激光放大器进行仿真。仿真结果表明,当泵浦总功率为10 kW和注入种子光的功率为200 W时,新型平面波导放大器具有更高的泵浦吸收率、更好的泵浦均匀性、更低的热损伤风险及更高的光-光转化效率。
关键词 :
低掺杂Yb∶YAG 低掺杂Yb∶YAG 多通泵浦 多通泵浦 平面波导 平面波导 激光器 激光器 激光放大器 激光放大器 高效率 高效率
GB/T 7714 | 曲波 , 刘奇 , 王思博 et al. 高效率多通泵浦平面波导激光放大器 [J]. | 中国激光 , 2021 , 48 (16) : 14-27 . |
MLA | 曲波 et al. "高效率多通泵浦平面波导激光放大器" . | 中国激光 48 . 16 (2021) : 14-27 . |
APA | 曲波 , 刘奇 , 王思博 , 李强 . 高效率多通泵浦平面波导激光放大器 . | 中国激光 , 2021 , 48 (16) , 14-27 . |
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摘要 :
The nonlinear transmission curves of [100]- and [110]-cut-Co2+:MgAl2O4 crystals at 1.54 mu m were measured experimentally. A phenomenological model was established to analyze the experimental results, in which resonant absorption in the Co2+:MgAl2O4 crystal was characterized by four groups of linear dipoles oriented along the four body diagonals ([111], [1 1 1], [1 1 1] and [1 1 1] axis) of the unit cell. The theoretical calculations were in good agreement with the experimental measurement data. This work demonstrated that the transition dipoles were parallel to the four body diagonals of the Co2+:MgAl2O4 unit cell. Meanwhile, absorption cross-sections of the ground state and excited state at 1.54 mu m were calculated to be sigma(gsa) = (3.6 +/- 0.3) x 10(-19) cm(2) and sigma(esa) = (4.5 +/- 0.4) x 10(-20) cm(2), respectively.
GB/T 7714 | Wang, Yu , Wu, Weichong , Zhu, Zhanda et al. Orientation of Co2+ dipoles in magnesium-aluminum spinel crystal [J]. | APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS , 2021 , 127 (10) . |
MLA | Wang, Yu et al. "Orientation of Co2+ dipoles in magnesium-aluminum spinel crystal" . | APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 127 . 10 (2021) . |
APA | Wang, Yu , Wu, Weichong , Zhu, Zhanda , Hui, Yongling , Lei, Hong , Li, Qiang . Orientation of Co2+ dipoles in magnesium-aluminum spinel crystal . | APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS , 2021 , 127 (10) . |
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摘要 :
通过实验研究了大芯径尺寸晶体波导被动调Q脉冲激光器的输出特性。采用芯径尺寸为320μm×400μm、原子数分数为1%的Yb\:YAG,包层尺寸为7 mm×30 mm、原子数分数为0.5%的Er\:YAG,长度为77 mm的单包层矩形晶体波导,以及可饱和吸收晶体为初始透过率85%的Cr~(4+)\:YAG,获得了被动调Q脉冲能量0.84 mJ@8.7 kHz,脉冲宽度为23.8 ns,光束质量M~2=1.12×1.06。实验结果证明,大芯径尺寸晶体波导被动调Q脉冲激光器可获得近衍射极限高峰值功率脉冲输出。
关键词 :
全固态激光器 全固态激光器 晶体波导 晶体波导 激光器 激光器 被动调Q 被动调Q 近衍射极限输出 近衍射极限输出
GB/T 7714 | 雷訇 , 刘奇 , 王煜 et al. 近衍射极限输出的大芯径尺寸晶体波导被动调Q脉冲激光器 [J]. | 光学学报 , 2021 , 41 (12) : 139-145 . |
MLA | 雷訇 et al. "近衍射极限输出的大芯径尺寸晶体波导被动调Q脉冲激光器" . | 光学学报 41 . 12 (2021) : 139-145 . |
APA | 雷訇 , 刘奇 , 王煜 , 惠勇凌 , 朱占达 , 李强 . 近衍射极限输出的大芯径尺寸晶体波导被动调Q脉冲激光器 . | 光学学报 , 2021 , 41 (12) , 139-145 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 李强 , 边慧征 , 王晨旭 et al. 一种提高CO2激光器倍频效率的方法 : CN202110058758.0[P]. | 2021-01-16 . |
MLA | 李强 et al. "一种提高CO2激光器倍频效率的方法" : CN202110058758.0. | 2021-01-16 . |
APA | 李强 , 边慧征 , 王晨旭 , 雷訇 , 惠勇凌 , 朱占达 . 一种提高CO2激光器倍频效率的方法 : CN202110058758.0. | 2021-01-16 . |
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