摘要 :
Physiological studies have shown that rats in a dark environment rely on the limbs and vestibule for their self-motion information, which can maintain the specific firing patterns of grid cells and hippocampal CA3 place cells. In the development stage of rats, grid cells are considered to come from place cells, and place cells can be encoded by hippocampal theta cells. Based on these, the quadruped robot is used as a platform in this paper. Firstly, the sensing information of the robot's limbs and inertial measurement unit is obtained to solve its position in the environment. Then the position information is encoded by theta cells and mapped to place cells through a neural network. After obtaining the place cells with single-peak firing fields, Hebb learning is used to adjust the connection weight of the neural network between place cells and grid cells. In order to verify the model, 3-D simulation experiments are designed in this paper. The experiment results show that with the robot exploring in space, the spatial cells firing effects obtained by the model are consistent with the physiological research facts, which lay the foundation for the bionic environmental cognition model.
GB/T 7714 | Yu, Naigong , Liao, Yishen , Yu, Hejie et al. Construction of the rat brain spatial cell firing model on a quadruped robot [J]. | CAAI TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 7 (4) : 732-743 . |
MLA | Yu, Naigong et al. "Construction of the rat brain spatial cell firing model on a quadruped robot" . | CAAI TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY 7 . 4 (2022) : 732-743 . |
APA | Yu, Naigong , Liao, Yishen , Yu, Hejie , Sie, Ouattara . Construction of the rat brain spatial cell firing model on a quadruped robot . | CAAI TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 7 (4) , 732-743 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
位置信息 位置信息 情景地图 情景地图 导航 导航 人员检测 人员检测 激光建图 激光建图
GB/T 7714 | 于乃功 , 郑相国 , 廖诣深 et al. 含受害人员的灾后危险环境情景地图构建方法 [C] //2020中国自动化大会(CAC2020)论文集 . 2021 . |
MLA | 于乃功 et al. "含受害人员的灾后危险环境情景地图构建方法" 2020中国自动化大会(CAC2020)论文集 . (2021) . |
APA | 于乃功 , 郑相国 , 廖诣深 , 冯慧 . 含受害人员的灾后危险环境情景地图构建方法 2020中国自动化大会(CAC2020)论文集 . (2021) . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 于乃功 , 冯万虎 , 张帆 et al. 一种光伏幕墙空腔清洁机器人 : CN202110059472.4[P]. | 2021-01-15 . |
MLA | 于乃功 et al. "一种光伏幕墙空腔清洁机器人" : CN202110059472.4. | 2021-01-15 . |
APA | 于乃功 , 冯万虎 , 张帆 , 闫金涵 , 于贺捷 , 甘孟哲 et al. 一种光伏幕墙空腔清洁机器人 : CN202110059472.4. | 2021-01-15 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 于乃功 , 张帆 , 冯万虎 et al. 一种光伏幕墙空腔清洁机器人的清洁吸附装置 : CN202110059666.4[P]. | 2021-01-15 . |
MLA | 于乃功 et al. "一种光伏幕墙空腔清洁机器人的清洁吸附装置" : CN202110059666.4. | 2021-01-15 . |
APA | 于乃功 , 张帆 , 冯万虎 , 闫金涵 , 于贺捷 , 甘孟哲 et al. 一种光伏幕墙空腔清洁机器人的清洁吸附装置 : CN202110059666.4. | 2021-01-15 . |
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摘要 :
Wafer bin map (WBM) inspection is a critical approach for evaluating the semiconductor manufacturing process. An excellent inspection algorithm can improve the production efficiency and yield. This paper proposes a WBM defect pattern inspection strategy based on the DenseNet deep learning model, the structure and training loss function are improved according to the characteristics of the WBM. In addition, a constrained mean filtering algorithm is proposed to filter the noise grains. In model prediction, an entropy-based Monte Carlo dropout algorithm is employed to quantify the uncertainty of the model decision. The experimental results show that the recognition ability of the improved DenseNet is better than that of traditional algorithms in terms of typical WBM defect patterns. Analyzing the model uncertainty can not only effectively reduce the miss or false detection rate but also help to identify new patterns.
关键词 :
DenseNet DenseNet convolutional neural network convolutional neural network model uncertainty model uncertainty wafer defect inspection wafer defect inspection
GB/T 7714 | Yu Nai-gong , Xu Qiao , Wang Hong-lu et al. Wafer bin map inspection based on DenseNet [J]. | JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY , 2021 , 28 (8) : 2436-2450 . |
MLA | Yu Nai-gong et al. "Wafer bin map inspection based on DenseNet" . | JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY 28 . 8 (2021) : 2436-2450 . |
APA | Yu Nai-gong , Xu Qiao , Wang Hong-lu , Lin Jia . Wafer bin map inspection based on DenseNet . | JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY , 2021 , 28 (8) , 2436-2450 . |
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摘要 :
The grid cells have obvious spatial firing characteristics and can form a hexagonal grid firing structure. It uses its own motion information to encode space, and forms a stable grid structure by integrating paths. Grid cells are an important part of spatial expression. Through spatial expression, mammals can find their way. Given a starting and ending point, many animals are able to navigate autonomously without training, finding a target point, and showing that the hippocampus plays a role. In the process of exploring the environment of rats, footprints will spread all over the environment, and grid cell field will be generated. However, due to errors in velocity estimation and inherent noise in neural calculation, the continuous accumulation of errors will lead to the instability of grid cell field. The authors use the plasticity of Hebbian to reconstruct the grid field, enhance the stability of the grid cell field, so that mammals can locate and navigate more accurately in complex or dynamic environments. © 2020 Institution of Engineering and Technology. All rights reserved.
关键词 :
Navigation Navigation Brain Brain Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence Cytology Cytology Cells Cells Mammals Mammals
GB/T 7714 | Yu, Naigong , Zhai, Yujia . Grid cell field reconstruction based on rat hippocampal cognitive mechanism and hebbian plasticity [C] . 2020 : 460-465 . |
MLA | Yu, Naigong et al. "Grid cell field reconstruction based on rat hippocampal cognitive mechanism and hebbian plasticity" . (2020) : 460-465 . |
APA | Yu, Naigong , Zhai, Yujia . Grid cell field reconstruction based on rat hippocampal cognitive mechanism and hebbian plasticity . (2020) : 460-465 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
感知角度 感知角度 感知速度 感知速度 网格细胞 网格细胞 网格野计算模型 网格野计算模型 速度细胞 速度细胞
GB/T 7714 | 于乃功 , 冯慧 , 廖诣深 et al. 一种基于感知速度与感知角度的网格野计算模型 [J]. | 生物医学工程学杂志 , 2020 , 37 (05) : 863-874 . |
MLA | 于乃功 et al. "一种基于感知速度与感知角度的网格野计算模型" . | 生物医学工程学杂志 37 . 05 (2020) : 863-874 . |
APA | 于乃功 , 冯慧 , 廖诣深 , 郑相国 . 一种基于感知速度与感知角度的网格野计算模型 . | 生物医学工程学杂志 , 2020 , 37 (05) , 863-874 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 阮晓钢 , 张家辉 , 黄静 et al. 一种基于GNG网络的可删减环境拓扑地图构建方法 : CN202011056397.8[P]. | 2020-09-30 . |
MLA | 阮晓钢 et al. "一种基于GNG网络的可删减环境拓扑地图构建方法" : CN202011056397.8. | 2020-09-30 . |
APA | 阮晓钢 , 张家辉 , 黄静 , 朱晓庆 , 于乃功 , 刘鹏飞 et al. 一种基于GNG网络的可删减环境拓扑地图构建方法 : CN202011056397.8. | 2020-09-30 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
位置细胞 位置细胞 位置认知 位置认知 网格细胞 网格细胞 边界细胞 边界细胞
GB/T 7714 | 于乃功 , 廖诣深 , 郑相国 . 一种基于海马位置细胞选择机制的空间认知模型 [J]. | 生物医学工程学杂志 , 2020 , 37 (01) : 27-37 . |
MLA | 于乃功 et al. "一种基于海马位置细胞选择机制的空间认知模型" . | 生物医学工程学杂志 37 . 01 (2020) : 27-37 . |
APA | 于乃功 , 廖诣深 , 郑相国 . 一种基于海马位置细胞选择机制的空间认知模型 . | 生物医学工程学杂志 , 2020 , 37 (01) , 27-37 . |
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摘要 :
关键词 :
人体姿态估计 人体姿态估计 单目相机 单目相机 嵌入式 嵌入式 机器人 机器人 深度学习 深度学习 跌倒实时检测 跌倒实时检测
GB/T 7714 | 于乃功 , 柏德国 . 基于姿态估计的实时跌倒检测算法 [J]. | 控制与决策 , 2020 , 35 (11) : 2761-2766 . |
MLA | 于乃功 et al. "基于姿态估计的实时跌倒检测算法" . | 控制与决策 35 . 11 (2020) : 2761-2766 . |
APA | 于乃功 , 柏德国 . 基于姿态估计的实时跌倒检测算法 . | 控制与决策 , 2020 , 35 (11) , 2761-2766 . |
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