摘要 :
Generative adversarial networks (GAN), which are fueled by deep learning, are an efficient technique for image reconstruction using under-sampled MR data. In most cases, the performance of a particular model's reconstruction must be improved by using a substantial proportion of the training data. However, gathering tens of thousands of raw patient data for training the model in actual clinical applications is difficult because retaining k-space data is not customary in the clinical process. Therefore, it is imperative to increase the generalizability of a network that was created using a small number of samples as quickly as possible. This research explored two unique applications based on deep learning-based GAN and transfer learning. Seeing as MRI reconstruction procedures go for brain and knee imaging, the proposed method outperforms current techniques in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index (SSIM). As compared to the results of transfer learning for the brain and knee, using a smaller number of training cases produced superior results, with acceleration factor (AF) 2 (for brain PSNR (39.33); SSIM (0.97), for knee PSNR (35.48); SSIM (0.90)) and AF 4 (for brain PSNR (38.13); SSIM (0.95), for knee PSNR (33.95); SSIM (0.86)). The approach that has been described would make it easier to apply future models for MRI reconstruction without necessitating the acquisition of vast imaging datasets.
关键词 :
MRI MRI image reconstruction image reconstruction deep learning deep learning transfer learning transfer learning GANs GANs
GB/T 7714 | Yaqub, Muhammad , Feng Jinchao , Ahmed, Shahzad et al. GAN-TL: Generative Adversarial Networks with Transfer Learning for MRI Reconstruction [J]. | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2022 , 12 (17) . |
MLA | Yaqub, Muhammad et al. "GAN-TL: Generative Adversarial Networks with Transfer Learning for MRI Reconstruction" . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 12 . 17 (2022) . |
APA | Yaqub, Muhammad , Feng Jinchao , Ahmed, Shahzad , Arshid, Kaleem , Bilal, Muhammad Atif , Akhter, Muhammad Pervez et al. GAN-TL: Generative Adversarial Networks with Transfer Learning for MRI Reconstruction . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2022 , 12 (17) . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 孙中华 , 贾克斌 , 冯金超 et al. 电子信息类专业学位硕士研究生创新能力提升方法探讨 [J]. | 工业和信息化教育 , 2021 , (9) : 19-23 . |
MLA | 孙中华 et al. "电子信息类专业学位硕士研究生创新能力提升方法探讨" . | 工业和信息化教育 9 (2021) : 19-23 . |
APA | 孙中华 , 贾克斌 , 冯金超 , 刘鹏宇 , 李哲 . 电子信息类专业学位硕士研究生创新能力提升方法探讨 . | 工业和信息化教育 , 2021 , (9) , 19-23 . |
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摘要 :
切连科夫激发的荧光扫描成像(CELSI)是一种新兴的成像技术,在生物医学领域有着广阔的应用前景。本课题组前期分别基于Tikhonov正则化和稀疏正则化实现了CELSI断层成像,但重建图像的质量仍有待提高。基于此,本文提出了一种基于Unet的图像后处理算法。该算法将Tikhonov方法只迭代一次得到的低质量图像作为Unet网络的输入,通过网络学习对重建的图像进行一定的修正,以进一步提高重建图像的质量。实验结果表明,所提算法可以提高计算效率,而且当荧光目标在深度50 mm处时重建图像的峰值信噪比和结构相似度分别能达到28 dB和0.92。所提算法基于单荧光目标数据集训练的网络模型能够较好地重建出多...
关键词 :
Unet神经网络 Unet神经网络 Tikhonov正则化 Tikhonov正则化 断层成像 断层成像 医用光学 医用光学 切连科夫激发的荧光扫描成像 切连科夫激发的荧光扫描成像
GB/T 7714 | 张文倩 , 冯金超 , 李哲 et al. 基于Unet的切连科夫激发的荧光扫描断层重建 [J]. | 中国激光 , 2021 , 48 (17) : 129-140 . |
MLA | 张文倩 et al. "基于Unet的切连科夫激发的荧光扫描断层重建" . | 中国激光 48 . 17 (2021) : 129-140 . |
APA | 张文倩 , 冯金超 , 李哲 , 孙中华 , 贾克斌 . 基于Unet的切连科夫激发的荧光扫描断层重建 . | 中国激光 , 2021 , 48 (17) , 129-140 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 贾克斌 , 冯金超 , 刘鹏宇 et al. 以培养创新型人才为导向的团队协同育人模式研究 [J]. | 工业和信息化教育 , 2021 , (9) : 24-28 . |
MLA | 贾克斌 et al. "以培养创新型人才为导向的团队协同育人模式研究" . | 工业和信息化教育 9 (2021) : 24-28 . |
APA | 贾克斌 , 冯金超 , 刘鹏宇 , 李哲 , 孙中华 . 以培养创新型人才为导向的团队协同育人模式研究 . | 工业和信息化教育 , 2021 , (9) , 24-28 . |
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摘要 :
Diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) is a noninvasive technique that derives blood flow information from measurements of the temporal intensity fluctuations of multiply scattered light. Blood flow index (BFI) and especially its variation was demonstrated to be approximately proportional to absolute blood flow. We investigated and assessed the utility of a long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture for quantification of BFI in DCS. Phantom and in vivo experiments were established to measure normalized intensity autocorrelation function data. Improved accuracy and faster computational time were gained by the proposed LSTM architecture. The results support the notion of using proposed LSTM architecture for quantification of BFI in DCS. This approach would be especially useful for continuous real-time monitoring of blood flow. (c) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
GB/T 7714 | Li, Zhe , Ge, Qisi , Feng, Jinchao et al. Quantification of blood flow index in diffuse correlation spectroscopy using long short-term memory architecture [J]. | BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS , 2021 , 12 (7) : 4131-4146 . |
MLA | Li, Zhe et al. "Quantification of blood flow index in diffuse correlation spectroscopy using long short-term memory architecture" . | BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 12 . 7 (2021) : 4131-4146 . |
APA | Li, Zhe , Ge, Qisi , Feng, Jinchao , Jia, Kebin , Zhao, Jing . Quantification of blood flow index in diffuse correlation spectroscopy using long short-term memory architecture . | BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS , 2021 , 12 (7) , 4131-4146 . |
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关键词 :
cancer therapy cancer therapy pharmacological research pharmacological research imaging technology imaging technology oncology oncology small molecule drugs small molecule drugs
GB/T 7714 | Zeng, Qi , Cao, Xu , Feng, Jinchao et al. Editorial: Imaging Technology in Oncology Pharmacological Research [J]. | FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY , 2021 , 12 . |
MLA | Zeng, Qi et al. "Editorial: Imaging Technology in Oncology Pharmacological Research" . | FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY 12 (2021) . |
APA | Zeng, Qi , Cao, Xu , Feng, Jinchao , Shan, Hong , Chen, Xueli . Editorial: Imaging Technology in Oncology Pharmacological Research . | FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY , 2021 , 12 . |
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摘要 :
Exercise training can mitigate symptoms of claudication (walking-induced muscle pain) in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). One adaptive response enabling this improvement is enhanced muscle oxygen metabolism. To explore this issue, we used arterial-occlusion diffuse optical spectroscopy (AO-DOS) to measure the effects of exercise training on the metabolic rate of oxygen (MRO2) in resting calf muscle. Additionally, venous-occlusion DOS (VO-DOS) and frequency-domain DOS (FD-DOS) were used to measure muscle blood flow (F) and tissue oxygen saturation (StO(2)), and resting calf muscle oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) was calculated from MRO2, F, and blood hemoglobin. Lastly, the venous/arterial ratio (gamma) of blood monitored by FD-DOS was calculated from OEF and StO(2). PAD patients who experience claudication (n = 28) were randomly assigned to exercise and control groups. Patients in the exercise group received 3 months of supervised exercise training. Optical measurements were obtained at baseline and at 3 months in both groups. Resting MRO2, OEF, and F, respectively, increased by 30% (12%, 44%) (p < 0.001), 17% (6%, 45%) (p = 0.003), and 7% (0%, 16%) (p = 0.11), after exercise training (median (interquartile range)). The pre-exercise gamma was 0.76 (0.61, 0.89); it decreased by 12% (35%, 6%) after exercise training (p = 0.011). Improvement in exercise performance was associated with a correlative increase in resting OEF (R = 0.45, p = 0.02).
关键词 :
exercise training exercise training diffuse optical spectroscopy diffuse optical spectroscopy peripheral artery disease peripheral artery disease claudication claudication
GB/T 7714 | Li, Zhe , Englund, Erin K. , Langham, Michael C. et al. Exercise Training Increases Resting Calf Muscle Oxygen Metabolism in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease [J]. | METABOLITES , 2021 , 11 (12) . |
MLA | Li, Zhe et al. "Exercise Training Increases Resting Calf Muscle Oxygen Metabolism in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease" . | METABOLITES 11 . 12 (2021) . |
APA | Li, Zhe , Englund, Erin K. , Langham, Michael C. , Feng, Jinchao , Jia, Kebin , Floyd, Thomas F. et al. Exercise Training Increases Resting Calf Muscle Oxygen Metabolism in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease . | METABOLITES , 2021 , 11 (12) . |
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摘要 :
光声成像作为一种新型的生物医学成像技术,其成像过程结合了光学成像的高分辨率以及声学成像的深层组织穿透性能,突破了传统生物医学成像的"软极限"。然而,大多数的肿瘤,尤其是在早期阶段,并无明显的光声对比度,因此,开发出有效的外源性光声成像造影剂至关重要。基于此,研究了一种新型二维材料——锑烯纳米层片(AMNFs),它在300~900 nm波段范围内具有较好的光学吸收性,且具备优异的光热转换效率和光声性能。用此材料作为对比剂,可以实现活体小鼠体内小肿瘤的高质量光声成像。
关键词 :
二维材料 二维材料 生物光学 生物光学 光声成像 光声成像 肿瘤成像 肿瘤成像 造影剂 造影剂
GB/T 7714 | 于静文 , 王秀翃 , 冯金超 et al. 锑烯纳米层片用于活体肿瘤原位光声成像 [J]. | 中国激光 , 2020 , 47 (02) : 368-375 . |
MLA | 于静文 et al. "锑烯纳米层片用于活体肿瘤原位光声成像" . | 中国激光 47 . 02 (2020) : 368-375 . |
APA | 于静文 , 王秀翃 , 冯金超 , 张娜 , 王璞 . 锑烯纳米层片用于活体肿瘤原位光声成像 . | 中国激光 , 2020 , 47 (02) , 368-375 . |
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摘要 :
切伦科夫激发的荧光扫描成像(CELSI)作为一种新兴分子成像技术,具有空间分辨率高和成像深度深的优点,在监测放疗过程中肿瘤的生理变化方面具有巨大潜力。前期工作基于Tikhonov方法成功实现了CELSI断层成像,但该方法无法对位置深度超过3 cm或低对比度的荧光目标进行准确重建。为克服这一问题,提出了一种基于近似信息传递算法的断层CELSI稀疏重建方法。为说明该算法的优点,将其与传统的Tikhonov正则化算法以及3种基于稀疏的重建算法进行比较。实验结果表明,就均方误差和对比噪声比而言,本文算法可以获得最优的重建结果。
关键词 :
近似消息传递 近似消息传递 稀疏重建 稀疏重建 切伦科夫激发的荧光扫描成像 切伦科夫激发的荧光扫描成像 断层成像 断层成像 图像重建技术 图像重建技术 医用光学 医用光学
GB/T 7714 | 冯金超 , 常迪 , 李哲 et al. 基于近似消息传递的切伦科夫激发的荧光扫描断层重建 [J]. | 中国激光 , 2020 , 47 (02) : 325-332 . |
MLA | 冯金超 et al. "基于近似消息传递的切伦科夫激发的荧光扫描断层重建" . | 中国激光 47 . 02 (2020) : 325-332 . |
APA | 冯金超 , 常迪 , 李哲 , 孙中华 , 贾克斌 . 基于近似消息传递的切伦科夫激发的荧光扫描断层重建 . | 中国激光 , 2020 , 47 (02) , 325-332 . |
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摘要 :
GB/T 7714 | 李哲 , 葛奇思 , 冯金超 et al. 一种基于近红外光谱的组织血流血氧成像装置及方法 : CN202010189563.5[P]. | 2020-03-17 . |
MLA | 李哲 et al. "一种基于近红外光谱的组织血流血氧成像装置及方法" : CN202010189563.5. | 2020-03-17 . |
APA | 李哲 , 葛奇思 , 冯金超 , 贾克斌 . 一种基于近红外光谱的组织血流血氧成像装置及方法 : CN202010189563.5. | 2020-03-17 . |
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