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基于SM9算法的移动互联网身份认证方案研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , (4) , 1-9 | 张昱
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

单服务器环境 单服务器环境 移动互联网 移动互联网 身份认证 身份认证 SM9算法 SM9算法



GB/T 7714 张昱 , 孙光民 , 李煜 et al. 基于SM9算法的移动互联网身份认证方案研究 [J]. | 张昱 , 2021 , (4) : 1-9 .
MLA 张昱 et al. "基于SM9算法的移动互联网身份认证方案研究" . | 张昱 4 (2021) : 1-9 .
APA 张昱 , 孙光民 , 李煜 , 信息网络安全 . 基于SM9算法的移动互联网身份认证方案研究 . | 张昱 , 2021 , (4) , 1-9 .
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双尺度网络高分辨率楼面影像微小缺陷检测 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , (02) , 1-8 | 哈尔滨工程大学学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

墙面 墙面 多尺度 多尺度 卷积神经网络 卷积神经网络 缺陷 缺陷 负反馈技术 负反馈技术 高分辨率检测器 高分辨率检测器 目标检测 目标检测 滑窗 滑窗



GB/T 7714 孙光民 , 陈佳阳 , 李冰 et al. 双尺度网络高分辨率楼面影像微小缺陷检测 [J]. | 哈尔滨工程大学学报 , 2021 , (02) : 1-8 .
MLA 孙光民 et al. "双尺度网络高分辨率楼面影像微小缺陷检测" . | 哈尔滨工程大学学报 02 (2021) : 1-8 .
APA 孙光民 , 陈佳阳 , 李冰 , 李煜 , 闫冬 . 双尺度网络高分辨率楼面影像微小缺陷检测 . | 哈尔滨工程大学学报 , 2021 , (02) , 1-8 .
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基于SM9算法的移动互联网身份认证方案研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 21 (04) , 1-9 | 信息网络安全
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

SM9算法 SM9算法 单服务器环境 单服务器环境 身份认证 身份认证 移动互联网 移动互联网



GB/T 7714 张昱 , 孙光民 , 李煜 . 基于SM9算法的移动互联网身份认证方案研究 [J]. | 信息网络安全 , 2021 , 21 (04) : 1-9 .
MLA 张昱 et al. "基于SM9算法的移动互联网身份认证方案研究" . | 信息网络安全 21 . 04 (2021) : 1-9 .
APA 张昱 , 孙光民 , 李煜 . 基于SM9算法的移动互联网身份认证方案研究 . | 信息网络安全 , 2021 , 21 (04) , 1-9 .
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Behavior Recognition and Maternal Ability Evaluation for Sows Based on Triaxial Acceleration and Video Sensors EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 9 , 65346-65360 | IEEE Access
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

To reduce the high pre-weaning mortality rate of new-born piglets crushed by sows, a kind of recognition and evaluation method for sows' behavior based on the scheme of time-sharing and multiplexing by adopting triaxial acceleration and video sensors at day and night is proposed in this paper. For darker scene at night, random forest classifier with optimal 43-dimensional feature vector subset proposed in this paper is adopted to recognize four kinds of macro behaviors of sows roughly by adopting triaxial acceleration sensor MPU6050. The recognition rate can reach 89.4%. For brighter light scene during the day, an improved bilinear convolutional neural network method based on CBAM module is proposed in this paper to recognize seven kinds of micro behaviors of sows by video sensor. The recognition rate can reach 84.4%. The methods proposed in this paper can meet the requirement of real-time to recognize the behavior of sows during 24 hours on the premise of ensuring accuracy. Finally, an evaluation model of sows' maternal behavior level is set up in this paper. The achivement of the study can not only help the farm to select sows with higher maternal ability for breeding piglets, but also avoid the large-scale economic losses caused by the high mortality rate of piglets before weaning of the farm. © 2013 IEEE.

关键词 :

Behavioral research Behavioral research Convolutional neural networks Convolutional neural networks Decision trees Decision trees Losses Losses Population statistics Population statistics



GB/T 7714 Sun, Guangmin , Shi, Chong , Liu, Jie et al. Behavior Recognition and Maternal Ability Evaluation for Sows Based on Triaxial Acceleration and Video Sensors [J]. | IEEE Access , 2021 , 9 : 65346-65360 .
MLA Sun, Guangmin et al. "Behavior Recognition and Maternal Ability Evaluation for Sows Based on Triaxial Acceleration and Video Sensors" . | IEEE Access 9 (2021) : 65346-65360 .
APA Sun, Guangmin , Shi, Chong , Liu, Jie , Ma, Pan , Ma, Jingyan . Behavior Recognition and Maternal Ability Evaluation for Sows Based on Triaxial Acceleration and Video Sensors . | IEEE Access , 2021 , 9 , 65346-65360 .
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双尺度网络高分辨率楼面影像微小缺陷检测 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (2) , 286-293 | 孙光民
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

卷积神经网络 卷积神经网络 墙面 墙面 多尺度 多尺度 滑窗 滑窗 目标检测 目标检测 缺陷 缺陷 负反馈技术 负反馈技术 高分辨率检测器 高分辨率检测器



GB/T 7714 孙光民 , 陈佳阳 , 李冰 et al. 双尺度网络高分辨率楼面影像微小缺陷检测 [J]. | 孙光民 , 2021 , 42 (2) : 286-293 .
MLA 孙光民 et al. "双尺度网络高分辨率楼面影像微小缺陷检测" . | 孙光民 42 . 2 (2021) : 286-293 .
APA 孙光民 , 陈佳阳 , 李冰 , 李煜 , 闫冬 , 哈尔滨工程大学学报 . 双尺度网络高分辨率楼面影像微小缺陷检测 . | 孙光民 , 2021 , 42 (2) , 286-293 .
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Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Classification Using Mixed Models for a Disease Grading Database EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 9 , 23544-23553 | IEEE Access
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a primary cause of blindness in which damage occurs to the retina due to an accretion of sugar levels in the blood. Therefore, prior detection, classification, and diagnosis of DR can prevent vision loss in diabetic patients. We proposed a novel and hybrid approach for prior DR detection and classification. We combined distinctive models to make the DR detection process robust or less error-prone while determining the classification based on the majority voting method. The proposed work follows preprocessing feature extraction and classification steps. The preprocessing step enhances abnormality presence as well as segmentation; the extraction step acquires merely relevant features; and the classification step uses classifiers such as support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and binary trees (BT). To accomplish this work, multiple severities of disease grading databases were used and achieved an accuracy of 98.06%, sensitivity of 83.67%, and 100% specificity. © 2013 IEEE.

关键词 :

Binary trees Binary trees Classification (of information) Classification (of information) Computer aided diagnosis Computer aided diagnosis Extraction Extraction Eye protection Eye protection Grading Grading Nearest neighbor search Nearest neighbor search Support vector machines Support vector machines



GB/T 7714 Bilal, Anas , Sun, Guangmin , Li, Yu et al. Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Classification Using Mixed Models for a Disease Grading Database [J]. | IEEE Access , 2021 , 9 : 23544-23553 .
MLA Bilal, Anas et al. "Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Classification Using Mixed Models for a Disease Grading Database" . | IEEE Access 9 (2021) : 23544-23553 .
APA Bilal, Anas , Sun, Guangmin , Li, Yu , Mazhar, Sarah , Khan, Abdul Qadir . Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Classification Using Mixed Models for a Disease Grading Database . | IEEE Access , 2021 , 9 , 23544-23553 .
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Design and Implementation of Multiband Noncontact Temperature-Measuring Microwave Radiometer SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 12 (10) | MICROMACHINES
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this paper, a multiband noncontact temperature-measuring microwave radiometer system is developed. The system can passively receive the microwave signal of the core temperature field of the human body without removing the clothes of the measured person. In order to accurately measure the actual temperature of multilayer tissue in human core temperature field, four frequency bands of 4-6 GHz, 8-12 GHz, 12-16 GHz, and 14-18 GHz were selected for multifrequency design according to the internal tissue depth model of human body and the relationship between skin depth and electromagnetic frequency. Used to measure the actual temperature of human epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue, a small and highly directional multiband angular horn antenna was designed for the radiometer front end. After the error analysis of the full-power microwave radiometer, a novel hardware architecture of the microwave interferometric temperature-measuring radiometer is proposed, and it is proven that the novel interferometric microwave radiometer has less error uncertainty through theoretical deduction. The experimental results show that the maximum detection sensitivity of the novel interferometric microwave temperature-measuring radiometer is 215 mV/dBm, and the temperature sensitivity is 0.047 K/mV. Compared with the scheme of the full-power radiometer, the detection sensitivity is increased 7.45-fold, and the temperature sensitivity is increased 13.89-fold.

关键词 :

high sensitivity high sensitivity multiband multiband multilayer tissues multilayer tissues novel interferometric microwave radiometer novel interferometric microwave radiometer



GB/T 7714 Sun, Guangmin , Liu, Jie , Ma, Jingyan et al. Design and Implementation of Multiband Noncontact Temperature-Measuring Microwave Radiometer [J]. | MICROMACHINES , 2021 , 12 (10) .
MLA Sun, Guangmin et al. "Design and Implementation of Multiband Noncontact Temperature-Measuring Microwave Radiometer" . | MICROMACHINES 12 . 10 (2021) .
APA Sun, Guangmin , Liu, Jie , Ma, Jingyan , Zhang, Kai , Sun, Zhenlin , Wu, Qiang et al. Design and Implementation of Multiband Noncontact Temperature-Measuring Microwave Radiometer . | MICROMACHINES , 2021 , 12 (10) .
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Design and implementation of a novel interferometric microwave radiometer for human body temperature measurement EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 21 (5) , 1-28 | Sensors
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this paper, the key technology of interferometric microwave thermometer is studied, the research can be applied to the temperature measurement of human body and subcutaneous tissue. This paper proposes a hardware architecture of interferometric microwave thermometer with 2 GHz bandwidth, in which the phase shifter is used to correct phase error and the quadrature demodulator is used to realize autocorrelation detection function. The results show that when input power is 7 dBm, the detection sensitivity can reach 176.54 mV/dBm and the temperature resolution of the microwave radiometer can reach 0.4 K. Correction algorithm is designed to improve the accuracy of temperature measurement. After correction, the phase error is reduced from 40° to 1.4° and when temperature changes 0.1 °C, the voltage value changes obviously. Step-by-step calibration and overall calibration are used to calibrate the device. Inversion algorithm can determine the relationship between physical temperature and output voltage. The mean square error of water temperature inversion by multiple linear regression algorithm is 0.607 and that of BP neural network algorithm is 0.334. The inversion accuracy can be improved by reducing the temperature range. Our work provides a promising realization of accurate, rapid and non-contact detection device of human body temperature. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

关键词 :

Backpropagation Backpropagation Calibration Calibration Errors Errors Interferometry Interferometry Linear regression Linear regression Mean square error Mean square error Microwave devices Microwave devices Microwave measurement Microwave measurement Microwaves Microwaves Physiology Physiology Radiometers Radiometers Temperature measurement Temperature measurement Thermometers Thermometers



GB/T 7714 Sun, Guangmin , Ma, Pan , Liu, Jie et al. Design and implementation of a novel interferometric microwave radiometer for human body temperature measurement [J]. | Sensors , 2021 , 21 (5) : 1-28 .
MLA Sun, Guangmin et al. "Design and implementation of a novel interferometric microwave radiometer for human body temperature measurement" . | Sensors 21 . 5 (2021) : 1-28 .
APA Sun, Guangmin , Ma, Pan , Liu, Jie , Shi, Chong , Ma, Jingyan , Peng, Li . Design and implementation of a novel interferometric microwave radiometer for human body temperature measurement . | Sensors , 2021 , 21 (5) , 1-28 .
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基于魔方密码的图像加密解密技术 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 47 (8) , 833-841 | 北京工业大学学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 孙光民 , 王皓 . 基于魔方密码的图像加密解密技术 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (8) : 833-841 .
MLA 孙光民 et al. "基于魔方密码的图像加密解密技术" . | 北京工业大学学报 47 . 8 (2021) : 833-841 .
APA 孙光民 , 王皓 . 基于魔方密码的图像加密解密技术 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2021 , 47 (8) , 833-841 .
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Finger-vein recognition using a novel enhancement method with convolutional neural network SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 44 (5) , 407-417 | JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERS
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Finger vein biometric technology has gained a lot of popularity over recent years. This is primarily due to the increased security and reliability level that comes with its non-intrusive nature. Non-intrusiveness became inevitable due to the pandemic of COVID-19. This paper introduces a unique and lightweight image enhancement method for person identification using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). As pre-processing steps, Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) followed by gamma correction is applied. Afterward, the image is sharpened and then passed through the median filter. These steps are followed by applying power law and contrast adjustment. As a final step, CLAHE is used yet again to bring out the enhanced vascular structure. The method was appraised using the four different openly accessible databases. These are regarded as the most challenging available finger vein database-s by many researchers. For recognition purposes, CNN was used with transfer learning. Transfer learning is implemented by modifying the 13 convolutional layers of VGG-16. The proposed model architecture also includes five max-pooling layers, one ReLU, and one Softmax layer. It is observed that with transfer learning, the accuracy could have reached up to 99% on finger-vein recognition on the experimented dataset, thus proved to be a highly accurate approach for finger vein recognition.

关键词 :

Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization convolutional neural networks convolutional neural networks finger vein finger vein image processing image processing pattern recognition pattern recognition transfer learning transfer learning



GB/T 7714 Bilal, Anas , Sun, Guangmin , Mazhar, Sarah . Finger-vein recognition using a novel enhancement method with convolutional neural network [J]. | JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERS , 2021 , 44 (5) : 407-417 .
MLA Bilal, Anas et al. "Finger-vein recognition using a novel enhancement method with convolutional neural network" . | JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERS 44 . 5 (2021) : 407-417 .
APA Bilal, Anas , Sun, Guangmin , Mazhar, Sarah . Finger-vein recognition using a novel enhancement method with convolutional neural network . | JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERS , 2021 , 44 (5) , 407-417 .
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