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Compact 80 W, 1 MHz Femtosecond Chirped Pulse Amplification Laser System Based on a Yb-Doped Fiber and a Yb:YAG Thin Rod SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 14 (2) | IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

We present a hybrid chirped pulse amplification (CPA) laser system based on Yb-doped fiber and Yb:YAG thin rod. The laser system demonstrates a novel approach to generate high average power up to the 100-W level by using a Yb:YAG thin rod without pump guiding at room temperature. A Yb-doped all-fiber laser with an output power of 7 W and a repetition rate of 1 MHz is amplified to an output power of 126.2 W in simple and compact two-stage amplifiers consisting of a single fiber crystal (SCF) and a Yb:YAG thin rod. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest output power of Yb:YAG thin-rod amplifier with good beam quality obtained without pump guiding at room temperature. After using a thin-film polarizer (TFP) to remove the thermal depolarization, a linearly polarized ultrashort pulse laser with an average power of 115.2 W is obtained. An output power of 80.6 W with a pulse width of 580 fs is achieved after pulse compression. The central pulse contains 84.1% of the total pulse energy, corresponding to a pulse peak power of 116.9 MW.

关键词 :

Fiber lasers Fiber lasers Optical fiber polarization Optical fiber polarization hybrid amplification hybrid amplification Power amplifiers Power amplifiers Pump lasers Pump lasers Chirped pulse amplification Chirped pulse amplification Laser beams Laser beams Optical fiber amplifiers Optical fiber amplifiers Yb Yb femtosecond laser femtosecond laser YAG thin rod YAG thin rod Power lasers Power lasers



GB/T 7714 Xu, Yan , Peng, Zhigang , Shi, Yuhang et al. Compact 80 W, 1 MHz Femtosecond Chirped Pulse Amplification Laser System Based on a Yb-Doped Fiber and a Yb:YAG Thin Rod [J]. | IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL , 2022 , 14 (2) .
MLA Xu, Yan et al. "Compact 80 W, 1 MHz Femtosecond Chirped Pulse Amplification Laser System Based on a Yb-Doped Fiber and a Yb:YAG Thin Rod" . | IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 14 . 2 (2022) .
APA Xu, Yan , Peng, Zhigang , Shi, Yuhang , Wang, Beibei , Cheng, Zhaochen , Wang, Pu . Compact 80 W, 1 MHz Femtosecond Chirped Pulse Amplification Laser System Based on a Yb-Doped Fiber and a Yb:YAG Thin Rod . | IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL , 2022 , 14 (2) .
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High-power 0.4-mJ picosecond CPA system based on an extra- large-mode- area triple-clad fiber SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 30 (23) , 41171-41180 | OPTICS EXPRESS
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

A high-average-power, high-pulse-energy picosecond chirped pulse amplification (CPA) laser system based on an extra-large-mode-area (XLMA) triple-clad fiber (TCF) was demonstrated. The ultrashort pulses, generated from all-fiber mode-locked oscillator, stretched and then were pre-amplified to 10 W through a series of fiber power amplifiers. Subsequently, the average output power was amplified to 620 W corresponding to a pulse energy of 0.62 mJ via XLMA TCF. Additionally, the amplified pulses were compressed to a pulse duration of 7.6 ps with an average power of 423 W and a compression efficiency of 68.2%. The ultrashort laser is a promising light source for application of water-guided laser processing, albeit with a beam quality factor of 20 and 21 along two orthogonal axes.



GB/T 7714 Wang, Beibei , Peng, Zhigang , Cheng, Zhaochen et al. High-power 0.4-mJ picosecond CPA system based on an extra- large-mode- area triple-clad fiber [J]. | OPTICS EXPRESS , 2022 , 30 (23) : 41171-41180 .
MLA Wang, Beibei et al. "High-power 0.4-mJ picosecond CPA system based on an extra- large-mode- area triple-clad fiber" . | OPTICS EXPRESS 30 . 23 (2022) : 41171-41180 .
APA Wang, Beibei , Peng, Zhigang , Cheng, Zhaochen , Xu, Yan , Wang, Pu . High-power 0.4-mJ picosecond CPA system based on an extra- large-mode- area triple-clad fiber . | OPTICS EXPRESS , 2022 , 30 (23) , 41171-41180 .
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All-Fiber Polarization-Maintaining Dispersion-Managed Figure-of-9 Mode-Locked Laser SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 34 (5) , 251-254 | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
WoS核心集被引次数: 13
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

A dispersion-managed, figure-of-9, mode-locked ultrafast Yb-doped fiber laser is presented in this letter. The laser cavity employs a chirped fiber Bragg grating with a proper anomalous dispersion for intra-cavity dispersion compensation. The laser with large normal net dispersion delivers an output with maximum average power of 20 mW and pulse duration of 5.50 ps at the repetition rate of 39.1 MHz, and the pulse can be dechirped to 228 fs. While net dispersion of cavity is very close to zero, the laser delivers an output with an average power of 12 mW at the repetition rate of 47.3 MHz, and the pulse duration is 1.86 ps, which can be dechirped to 175 fs. The whole cavity is very compact and environmentally stable, for its all-polarization-maintaining and all-fiber structure.

关键词 :

Laser mode locking Laser mode locking Fiber lasers Fiber lasers Optical fiber polarization Optical fiber polarization mode-locked fiber lasers mode-locked fiber lasers Pump lasers Pump lasers dispersion-managed fiber lasers dispersion-managed fiber lasers ultrafast optics ultrafast optics Laser beams Laser beams Optical fiber lasers Optical fiber lasers Laser excitation Laser excitation Optical fiber dispersion Optical fiber dispersion



GB/T 7714 Shi, Yuhang , Peng, Zhigang , Cheng, Zhaochen et al. All-Fiber Polarization-Maintaining Dispersion-Managed Figure-of-9 Mode-Locked Laser [J]. | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS , 2022 , 34 (5) : 251-254 .
MLA Shi, Yuhang et al. "All-Fiber Polarization-Maintaining Dispersion-Managed Figure-of-9 Mode-Locked Laser" . | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 34 . 5 (2022) : 251-254 .
APA Shi, Yuhang , Peng, Zhigang , Cheng, Zhaochen , Xia, Tong , Zhao, He , Wan, Shuangqin et al. All-Fiber Polarization-Maintaining Dispersion-Managed Figure-of-9 Mode-Locked Laser . | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS , 2022 , 34 (5) , 251-254 .
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Fabrication of yttrium aluminosilicate fibers with high Yb3+ doping from Yb:YAG ceramic nanopowders and its application in single-frequency fiber lasers SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 12 (3) , 876-884 | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

A yttrium aluminosilicate fiber with a Yb doping concentration of 4.53 wt.% was fabricated by powder-in-tube method, in which the preform core was Yb:YAG ceramic nanopowders synthesized by co-precipitation method. Compared with the method of using YAG crystal rod as fiber core, the fiber composition design can be more flexible and a series of crystal rod processing technology can be circumvented. The absorption coefficient of the Yb-doped YAS fibers was measured 28.4 dB/cm at 976 nm. A single-frequency fiber laser was constructed with the YAS fiber length of 1cm. To our knowledge, this is the first time that rare earth (RE) doped YAS fiber prepared by powder-in-tube method was used in fiber laser. (C) 2022 Optics Publishing Group under the terms of the Optics Open Access Publishing Agreement



GB/T 7714 Qi, Fuxin , Zheng, Baoluo , Yang, Jing et al. Fabrication of yttrium aluminosilicate fibers with high Yb3+ doping from Yb:YAG ceramic nanopowders and its application in single-frequency fiber lasers [J]. | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS , 2022 , 12 (3) : 876-884 .
MLA Qi, Fuxin et al. "Fabrication of yttrium aluminosilicate fibers with high Yb3+ doping from Yb:YAG ceramic nanopowders and its application in single-frequency fiber lasers" . | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 12 . 3 (2022) : 876-884 .
APA Qi, Fuxin , Zheng, Baoluo , Yang, Jing , Liu, Jinming , Li, Biao , Zhang, Xin et al. Fabrication of yttrium aluminosilicate fibers with high Yb3+ doping from Yb:YAG ceramic nanopowders and its application in single-frequency fiber lasers . | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS , 2022 , 12 (3) , 876-884 .
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Color visual art creation on metals via multifunctional laser paintbrush SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 9
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摘要 :

As laser technology has gradually been integrated into our life, it serves as a promising tool for artistic creation. By means of advanced science and technology in this field, we expect to improve the design of traditional arts and crafts to an innovative level. In this paper, we presented a multifunctional laser paintbrush for creating traditional artistic pictures on metallic surface. We demonstrated that our laser paintbrush has three basic functions: coloring, erasing and rewriting. Firstly, the process of laser-induced coloration on titanium surface were investigated experimentally and theoretically. Then, the influences of laser parameters on laser-induced coloration were quantitatively evaluated and this color durability in terms of time, chemical and environ-mental resistance was examined. Moreover, we proposed using ultrafast pulsed laser to selectively erase the colored areas in ethanol and nitrogen atmosphere. We found that our laser paintbrush had high erasing quality on the colored surface. Rewriting in the erased fields can increase the saturation and lightness of colors. Finally, with this multifunctional laser paintbrush, we successfully created traditional artistic pictures with different colors on metals with this multifunctional laser paintbrush.

关键词 :

Laser erasing Laser erasing Laser coloring Laser coloring Traditional artistic pictures Traditional artistic pictures Laser paintbrush Laser paintbrush



GB/T 7714 Zhao, He , Zhang, Qian , Hou, Yubin et al. Color visual art creation on metals via multifunctional laser paintbrush [J]. | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 159 .
MLA Zhao, He et al. "Color visual art creation on metals via multifunctional laser paintbrush" . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 159 (2022) .
APA Zhao, He , Zhang, Qian , Hou, Yubin , Cheng, Zhaochen , Xia, Tong , Cao, Siyuan et al. Color visual art creation on metals via multifunctional laser paintbrush . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 159 .
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2 mu m ultra-low relative intensity noise and frequency noise of single frequency fiber laser for next-generation gravitational wave detectors CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2021 , 11665 | Conference on Fiber Lasers XVIII - Technology and Systems
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

We demonstrated an ultra-low noise polarization-maintaining (PM) single frequency fiber laser (SFFL) at 2 mu m. By suppressing the pump relative intensity noise using a feedback loop control, the RIN and frequency noise of the SFFL are simultaneously reduced, and the reduction is about 3 - 15 dB and 3 - 8.4 dB, respectively. After two stage Tm3+-doped PM fiber amplifier, the output power reached about 5.2 W. Meanwhile, the frequency noise almost has no increases, which is still below 100 Hz/root Hz after 13 Hz. And the frequency-tunable range is approximately 2 GHz with frequency response of 46 MHz/V.

关键词 :

single frequency single frequency fiber laser fiber laser relative intensity noise relative intensity noise frequency noise frequency noise



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Qian , Hou, Yubin , Song, Weihua et al. 2 mu m ultra-low relative intensity noise and frequency noise of single frequency fiber laser for next-generation gravitational wave detectors [C] . 2021 .
MLA Zhang, Qian et al. "2 mu m ultra-low relative intensity noise and frequency noise of single frequency fiber laser for next-generation gravitational wave detectors" . (2021) .
APA Zhang, Qian , Hou, Yubin , Song, Weihua , Wang, Xi , Peng, Zhigang , Chen, Xu et al. 2 mu m ultra-low relative intensity noise and frequency noise of single frequency fiber laser for next-generation gravitational wave detectors . (2021) .
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Design of large mode area all-solid anti-resonant fiber for high-power lasers SCIE CSCD
WoS核心集被引次数: 25
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

High-power fiber lasers have experienced a dramatic development over the last decade. Further increasing the output power needs an upscaling of the fiber mode area, while maintaining a single-mode output. Here, we propose an all-solid anti-resonant fiber (ARF) structure, which ensures single-mode operation in broadband by resonantly coupling higher-order modes into the cladding. A series of fibers with core sizes ranging from 40 to 100 mu m are proposed exhibiting maximum mode area exceeding 5000 mu m(2). Numerical simulations show this resonant coupling scheme provides a higher-order mode (mainly TE01, TM01, and HE21) suppression ratio of more than 20 dB, while keeping the fundamental mode loss lower than 1 dB/m. The proposed structure also exhibits high tolerance for core index depression.

关键词 :

optical devices optical devices laser amplifiers laser amplifiers optical materials optical materials modeling and optimization modeling and optimization fiber design fiber design



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Xin , Gao, Shoufei , Wang, Yingying et al. Design of large mode area all-solid anti-resonant fiber for high-power lasers [J]. | HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 2021 , 9 .
MLA Zhang, Xin et al. "Design of large mode area all-solid anti-resonant fiber for high-power lasers" . | HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 9 (2021) .
APA Zhang, Xin , Gao, Shoufei , Wang, Yingying , Ding, Wei , Wang, Pu . Design of large mode area all-solid anti-resonant fiber for high-power lasers . | HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 2021 , 9 .
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Microfluidic Raman Sensing Using a Single Ring Negative Curvature Hollow Core Fiber SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 11 (11) | BIOSENSORS-BASEL
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

A compact microfluidic Raman detection system based on a single-ring negative-curvature hollow-core fiber is presented. The system can be used for in-line qualitative and quantitative analysis of biochemicals. Both efficient light coupling and continuous liquid injection into the hollow-core fiber were achieved by creating a small gap between a solid-core fiber and the hollow-core fiber, which were fixed within a low-cost ceramic ferrule. A coupling efficiency of over 50% from free-space excitation laser to the hollow core fiber was obtained through a 350 mu m-long solid-core fiber. For proof-of-concept demonstration of bioprocessing monitoring, a series of ethanol and glucose aqueous solutions at different concentrations were used. The limit of detection achieved for the ethanol solutions with our system was ~0.04 vol.% (0.32 g/L). Such an all-fiber microfluidic device is robust, provides Raman measurements with high repeatability and reusability, and is particularly suitable for the in-line monitoring of bioprocesses.

关键词 :

Raman scattering Raman scattering fluidic sensing fluidic sensing negative-curvature fiber negative-curvature fiber microfluidic cell microfluidic cell



GB/T 7714 Wang, Xinyu , Li, Shuguang , Gao, Shoufei et al. Microfluidic Raman Sensing Using a Single Ring Negative Curvature Hollow Core Fiber [J]. | BIOSENSORS-BASEL , 2021 , 11 (11) .
MLA Wang, Xinyu et al. "Microfluidic Raman Sensing Using a Single Ring Negative Curvature Hollow Core Fiber" . | BIOSENSORS-BASEL 11 . 11 (2021) .
APA Wang, Xinyu , Li, Shuguang , Gao, Shoufei , Wang, Yingying , Wang, Pu , Ebendorff-Heidepriem, Heike et al. Microfluidic Raman Sensing Using a Single Ring Negative Curvature Hollow Core Fiber . | BIOSENSORS-BASEL , 2021 , 11 (11) .
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Fabrication of Yb-doped silica micro-structured optical fibers from UV-curable nano-composites and their application in temperature sensing SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 17
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

A novel scheme for fabricating Yb-doped silica micro structured optical fibers and their application in hightemperature optical fiber sensing are reported. The Yb-doped silica micro structured optical fiber preforms consisted of Yb-doped silica core rods (0.1 wt% for Yb2O3) and holey pure silica claddings fabricated by UVcurable tube molding technology and digital light processing 3D printing technology, respectively. The silica preforms were drawn using the rod-in-tube method to Yb-doped silica micro structured optical fibers without severe distortion. The doped micro structured fibers were applied to high-temperature sensing from 296.15 to 653.15 K. The proposed technology is expected to be effective for the fabrication of various types of rare-earthion-doped silica micro structured optical fibers that can be used in fiber sensors, lasers, and amplifiers.

关键词 :

3D printing 3D printing Curable nano composites Curable nano composites Micro-structured optical fibers Micro-structured optical fibers Porous silica Porous silica Rare-earth doped Rare-earth doped Temperature sensing Temperature sensing



GB/T 7714 Zheng, Baoluo , Yang, Jing , Qi, Fuxin et al. Fabrication of Yb-doped silica micro-structured optical fibers from UV-curable nano-composites and their application in temperature sensing [J]. | JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS , 2021 , 573 .
MLA Zheng, Baoluo et al. "Fabrication of Yb-doped silica micro-structured optical fibers from UV-curable nano-composites and their application in temperature sensing" . | JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 573 (2021) .
APA Zheng, Baoluo , Yang, Jing , Qi, Fuxin , Wang, Jinhang , Zhang, Xin , Wang, Pu . Fabrication of Yb-doped silica micro-structured optical fibers from UV-curable nano-composites and their application in temperature sensing . | JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS , 2021 , 573 .
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Optimization of pump scheme for low frequency noise 2 pm polarization -maintaining single frequency fiber laser CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2020 | Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR)
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

We report 2 -pm single -frequency polarization -maintaining fiber -laser with optimized frequency noise below 100 Hz/Hz" between 30 Hz to 100 kHz in which a single -frequency 1.5 pm DFB diode and Er -doped fiber -amplifier is used as pumping source.



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Qian , Hou, Yubin , Wang, Xi et al. Optimization of pump scheme for low frequency noise 2 pm polarization -maintaining single frequency fiber laser [C] . 2020 .
MLA Zhang, Qian et al. "Optimization of pump scheme for low frequency noise 2 pm polarization -maintaining single frequency fiber laser" . (2020) .
APA Zhang, Qian , Hou, Yubin , Wang, Xi , Song, Weihua , Zhao, Chunnong , Chen, Xu et al. Optimization of pump scheme for low frequency noise 2 pm polarization -maintaining single frequency fiber laser . (2020) .
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