摘要 :
The stability and vibration of the telescopic wing are studied by the theoretical, numerical and experimental methods when the wing is in the deployment and retraction. The telescopic wing is simplified to a telescopic cantilevered laminated composite rectangular plate subjected to the first-order aerodynamic force and in-plane excitation. The time-varying dynamic characteristics of the telescopic cantilevered laminated composite rectangular plate are investigated by using the analytical, numerical and experimental methods. The approximate analytical solution of the nonlinear time-varying system is obtained by using the improved averaging method. Compared with numerical simulations, the approximate analytical results demonstrate a good agreement. The stability of the telescopic cantilever plate during the deploying process is studied by using the eigenvalue method, which demonstrates the effect of the velocity, acceleration and thickness on the stability of the deployment. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical results and provide the theoretical basis and technical support for the axial moving wing.
关键词 :
Averaging method Averaging method Experimental research Experimental research Time-varying dynamic characteristic Time-varying dynamic characteristic Telescopic wing Telescopic wing
GB/T 7714 | Zhang, W. , Gao, Y. H. , Lu, S. F. . Theoretical, Numerical and Experimental Researches on Time-Varying Dynamics of Telescopic Wing [J]. | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION , 2022 , 522 . |
MLA | Zhang, W. 等. "Theoretical, Numerical and Experimental Researches on Time-Varying Dynamics of Telescopic Wing" . | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION 522 (2022) . |
APA | Zhang, W. , Gao, Y. H. , Lu, S. F. . Theoretical, Numerical and Experimental Researches on Time-Varying Dynamics of Telescopic Wing . | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION , 2022 , 522 . |
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摘要 :
This paper focuses on the analysis on the nonlinear dynamics of two first-order 2:3 external and 3:2 internal mean motion resonances (MMRs) for three-body formed by two massive bodies, namely planet and star, and one test particle of the negligible mass. A detailed analysis of the phase space structure is given by computing Poincare map of the planar circular restricted three-body model. It is found that the eccentricity and initial location, namely the semimajor axis and phase, of the massless particle significantly affect the steady state of the resonant orbits. The transition mechanisms are obtained for the number of the stable islands. The width- and height-variation trends of the stable islands are analyzed. The stable and chaotic domains are obtained by the resonance space. Our results may be instructive for understanding the dynamics of the resonant bodies and the evolution of the resonant orbits.
GB/T 7714 | Zhou, Yi , Zhang, Wei . Analysis on nonlinear dynamics of two first-order resonances in a three-body system [J]. | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS , 2022 , 231 (11-12) : 2289-2306 . |
MLA | Zhou, Yi 等. "Analysis on nonlinear dynamics of two first-order resonances in a three-body system" . | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS 231 . 11-12 (2022) : 2289-2306 . |
APA | Zhou, Yi , Zhang, Wei . Analysis on nonlinear dynamics of two first-order resonances in a three-body system . | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS , 2022 , 231 (11-12) , 2289-2306 . |
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摘要 :
The nonlinear vibrations and dynamic snap-through behaviors are studied for a four-corner simply supported bistable asymmetric laminated composite square shell under the foundation excitation by using the theoretical, Abaqus finite element (FE) and experiment approaches. The first-order shear deformation shell theory and Hamilton principle are adopted to derive the partial differential governing equations of motion. A novel type of nonlinear strain-displacement relations is given by Sander's strain. Galerkin approach is utilized to discretize the partial differential equations of motion into a three-degree-of-freedom system. The natural frequencies and vibration modes of the bistable shell are calculated by using Chebyshev polynomial method. The nonlinear vibrations and dynamic snap-through are investigated by using the maximum Lyapunov exponent, bifurcation diagrams, time histories, phase portraits, 3D phase portraits and Poincare maps. The theoretical results of the vibrations are well compared with those of the FE and experiment. The effects of the excitation and structural parameters on the dynamic snap through and nonlinear vibrations are fully discussed. The influences of the initial radius of the curvature on the critical load of the dynamic snap-through behaviors and rule of the chaotic vibrations are analyzed for the bistable asymmetric laminated composite shell.
关键词 :
Nonlinear vibrations Nonlinear vibrations Four-corner simply supported bistable Four-corner simply supported bistable Dynamic snap-through Dynamic snap-through asymmetric laminated composite shell asymmetric laminated composite shell Double-well chaotic vibrations Double-well chaotic vibrations
GB/T 7714 | Wu, M. Q. , Zhang, W. , Chronopoulos, D. . Nonlinear vibrations and dynamic snap-through behaviors of four-corner simply supported bistable asymmetric laminated composite square shell [J]. | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2022 , 173 . |
MLA | Wu, M. Q. 等. "Nonlinear vibrations and dynamic snap-through behaviors of four-corner simply supported bistable asymmetric laminated composite square shell" . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 173 (2022) . |
APA | Wu, M. Q. , Zhang, W. , Chronopoulos, D. . Nonlinear vibrations and dynamic snap-through behaviors of four-corner simply supported bistable asymmetric laminated composite square shell . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2022 , 173 . |
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摘要 :
This paper establishes a mathematical model to analyze the static and dynamic behaviors of functionally graded graphene reinforced composite (FG-GRC) beam with geometric imperfection subjected to thermo-electro-mechanical load. Three different geometric imperfections are considered. Four different distribution patterns of graphene nanoplatelets (GPLs) are taken into consideration. The effective properties of the geometrically imperfect FG-GRC beam are estimated by the modified Halpin-Tsai model and rule of mixture. The nonlinear partial differential governing equations are deduced based on first -order shear deformation theory, von Karman nonlinear displacement-strain relationship and Hamilton principle, and discretized as ordinary differential forms through the differential quadrature (DQ) method. Newmark-beta method and iteration method are employed to numerically solve the governing equations. The effects of geometric imperfection, GPLs and piezoelectric actuators on bending and vibration of the geometrically imperfect FG-GRC beam subjected to thermo-electro-mechanical load are comprehensively investigated. The results clearly demonstrate that the coupling effect of geometric imperfections and thermo-electric-mechanical loads can introduce an additional transverse load acting along the length of the geometrically imperfect FG-GRC beam, and hence makes a significant difference on its static and dynamic behaviors. (C) 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
关键词 :
Geometric imperfection Geometric imperfection Bending Bending Graphene reinforced composite Graphene reinforced composite Functionally graded materials Functionally graded materials Vibrations Vibrations Thermo-electro-mechanical load Thermo-electro-mechanical load
GB/T 7714 | Guo, Li-Jia , Mao, Jia-Jia , Zhang, Wei et al. Modeling and analyze of behaviors of functionally graded graphene reinforced composite beam with geometric imperfection in multiphysics [J]. | AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 127 . |
MLA | Guo, Li-Jia et al. "Modeling and analyze of behaviors of functionally graded graphene reinforced composite beam with geometric imperfection in multiphysics" . | AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 127 (2022) . |
APA | Guo, Li-Jia , Mao, Jia-Jia , Zhang, Wei , Liu, Ya-Ze , Chen, Jie , Zhao, Wei . Modeling and analyze of behaviors of functionally graded graphene reinforced composite beam with geometric imperfection in multiphysics . | AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 127 . |
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摘要 :
A robust control method is developed to suppress the vibrations of the functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced (FG-CNTR) piezoelectric laminated composite cantilever plate subjected to the aerodynamic force and thermal environment. The distributions of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the entire plate thickness are classified as the functionally graded (FG) or uniform distributions (UD). The effective material properties are obtained using the rule of mixtures. The classic laminated composite plate theory and Hamilton principle are used to establish the governing equations of motion for the FG-CNTR laminated composite cantilever plate under combined the aerodynamic force and thermal environment. Galerkin method is used to obtain a two-degree-of-freedom ordinary differential control equation. To actively suppress the vibration, the piezoelectric patches are used as the actuators and sensors which are attached to the upper and lower surfaces of the FG-CNTR laminated composite cantilever plate. A full-dimensional state observer is introduced to design the robust controller. To verify the efficiency of the control strategy, a comparison between the robust controller and velocity feedback controller (VFC) indicates that the robust controller has better control efficiency than the VFC. The effects of the CNT distribution, CNT volume fraction, temperature and aspect ratio on the dynamic behaviors of the laminated composite plates are studied. The effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed robust controller are verified through numerical simulations under different cases.
关键词 :
Aerodynamics force Aerodynamics force Full-dimensional state observer Full-dimensional state observer Thermal environment Thermal environment FG-CNTR cantilever plate FG-CNTR cantilever plate Vibration reduction Vibration reduction
GB/T 7714 | Lu, S. F. , Li, H. J. , Zhang, W. et al. Vibration reduction of FG-CNTR piezoelectric laminated composite cantilever plate under aerodynamic load using full-dimensional state observer [J]. | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2022 , 255 . |
MLA | Lu, S. F. et al. "Vibration reduction of FG-CNTR piezoelectric laminated composite cantilever plate under aerodynamic load using full-dimensional state observer" . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 255 (2022) . |
APA | Lu, S. F. , Li, H. J. , Zhang, W. , Song, X. J. . Vibration reduction of FG-CNTR piezoelectric laminated composite cantilever plate under aerodynamic load using full-dimensional state observer . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2022 , 255 . |
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摘要 :
The volume fraction of the carbon nanotube (CNT) plays a key role in ensuring the performance of the CNT reinforced polymer composite, especially under the severe vibration, which leads to the resonance and failure of the composite structure. In this paper, a bottom-up multiscale method is adopted to study the effect of the CNT volume fractions on the nonlinear vibration of the poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/CNT composite. According to the molecular simulation, the longitudinal, transverse and shear moduli of the PMMA/CNT nanocomposites are found to increase with the increasing CNT volume fractions. Substituting the simulated moduli into the extended rule of mixtures (EROM), the efficiency parameters of the PMMA/CNT composite with various CNT volume fractions are derived based on a homogenization approach. The derived efficiency parameters are used in the functionally graded (FG)-based EROM to obtain the expressions of the longitudinal, transverse and shear moduli of the macroscopic composite plate, so as to obtain the constitutive equation for the nonlinear vibrations of the FG-based PMMA/CNT composite plate. The subsequent meshless simulation results demonstrate that the natural frequencies of the FG-based composite plate increase with the increasing volume fractions, whereas the ratios of the nonlinear to linear frequencies decrease. Using the bottom-up multiscale analysis, the macroscopic vibration responses are analyzed for the PMMA/CNT composites with the CNT volume fractions up to 9.0%, which provides a paradigm of the design of the PMMA/CNT composite by considering the CNT volume fraction effect.
关键词 :
Meshless simulation Meshless simulation Molecular dynamics Molecular dynamics CNT composite CNT composite Nonlinear vibration Nonlinear vibration CNT volume fraction CNT volume fraction PMMA PMMA
GB/T 7714 | Wang, J. F. , Yang, J. P. , Tam, L-H et al. Effect of CNT volume fractions on nonlinear vibrations of PMMA/CNT composite plates: A multiscale simulation [J]. | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES , 2022 , 170 . |
MLA | Wang, J. F. et al. "Effect of CNT volume fractions on nonlinear vibrations of PMMA/CNT composite plates: A multiscale simulation" . | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES 170 (2022) . |
APA | Wang, J. F. , Yang, J. P. , Tam, L-H , Zhang, W. . Effect of CNT volume fractions on nonlinear vibrations of PMMA/CNT composite plates: A multiscale simulation . | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES , 2022 , 170 . |
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摘要 :
Purpose The present paper addresses the vibration reduction for an elastic beam with an asymmetric boundary condition that is clamped at one end and elastically supported at the other end. An inertial nonlinear energy sink (NES) is installed on the elastic support end to suppress the beam's vibration. Methods The nonlinear terms introduced by the NES are transferred as the external excitations acting on the beam. The motion equations of the beam with an NES are derived according to Hamilton's principle and the Galerkin truncation method. The beam's natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes are analytically obtained and verified with the results of the finite element method. The responses of the beam are numerically and analytically solved by the fourth order Runge-Kutta method and the harmonic balance method (HBM), respectively. Results The good agreement among the results validates the present derivation of the theoretical model and numerical solutions. The steady-state responses of the beam with and without the NES are compared and analyzed in the time domain. Conclusions The results demonstrate that adding the inertial enhanced NES can effectively reduce the resonance amplitude of the beam. Furthermore, a parametric optimization is conducted for NES to improve its performance. The results of this paper contribute to the application of NESs on the boundaries of elastic structures.
关键词 :
Nonlinear energy sink Nonlinear energy sink Vibration control Vibration control Nonlinear boundary Nonlinear boundary inerter inerter Elastic support Elastic support
GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Wei , Chang, Zhi-Yong , Chen, Jie . Vibration Reduction for an Asymmetric Elastically Supported Beam Coupled to an Inertial Nonlinear Energy Sink [J]. | JOURNAL OF VIBRATION ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGIES , 2022 , 11 (4) : 1711-1723 . |
MLA | Zhang, Wei et al. "Vibration Reduction for an Asymmetric Elastically Supported Beam Coupled to an Inertial Nonlinear Energy Sink" . | JOURNAL OF VIBRATION ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGIES 11 . 4 (2022) : 1711-1723 . |
APA | Zhang, Wei , Chang, Zhi-Yong , Chen, Jie . Vibration Reduction for an Asymmetric Elastically Supported Beam Coupled to an Inertial Nonlinear Energy Sink . | JOURNAL OF VIBRATION ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGIES , 2022 , 11 (4) , 1711-1723 . |
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摘要 :
In this paper, the active damping control of the porous metal foam truncated conical shell with smart material macro fiber composite (MFC) is studied. Suppose the shell has arbitrary elastic supported edges, and is subjected to the impact loadings. The elastic supported edges can be achieved by virtual spring technique. Adopting the elastic constraint boundary condition, various classical boundaries can be easily realized by varying the value of the spring stiffnesses. Along the thickness direction, there are three types of porosity distributions of truncated conical shell being considered, and they are nonuniform symmetric, uniform and nonuniform asymmetric distribution, respectively. The sensor layer MFC-d31 and the actuator layer MFC-d33 are applied in the vibration control system. According to the first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and energy principle, the dynamic equation of the system under electrostatic-mechanical coupling is derived. Then it is discretized into ordinary differential equation by generalized differential quadrature method (GDQM). The output charge applied to the sensor can be solved by integral quadrature method (IQM). The convergence and validation of the formulation and numerical calculation are studied by the comparisons between the present solutions and those from the literatures, ANSYS and COMSOL for the truncate conical shell with classical boundary conditions, respectively. Suppose the impact loadings acting on the porous truncated conical shell are step loading and decreasing loading, respectively. The velocity negative feedback approach is employed to diminish the amplitude of the transient response and achieve the active damping control. Then the effects of control gain, external excitation, semi-vertex angle and spring stiffness on the transient response control of the conical shell are studied in detail.
关键词 :
Integral quadrature method Integral quadrature method Active vibration control Active vibration control Smart porous conical shell Smart porous conical shell Generalized differential quadrature method Generalized differential quadrature method Transient response Transient response
GB/T 7714 | Hao, Y. X. , Li, H. , Zhang, W. et al. Active vibration control of smart porous conical shell with elastic boundary under impact loadings using GDQM and IQM [J]. | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES , 2022 , 175 . |
MLA | Hao, Y. X. et al. "Active vibration control of smart porous conical shell with elastic boundary under impact loadings using GDQM and IQM" . | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES 175 (2022) . |
APA | Hao, Y. X. , Li, H. , Zhang, W. , Ge, X. S. , Yang, S. W. , Cao, Y. T. . Active vibration control of smart porous conical shell with elastic boundary under impact loadings using GDQM and IQM . | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES , 2022 , 175 . |
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摘要 :
The occurrence conditions of the metastable chaotic vibrations are firstly studied in the bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell under the foundation excitation. The metastable chaos is observed in the vibration experiments of the bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell. Based on the dynamic model of the bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell, the critical instability condition of the zero equilibrium point is analyzed in the bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell by using Jacobian matrix and Routh-Hurwitz criterion. We perform numerical simulations based on Runge-Kutta algorithm and the vibration experiments. A sufficient condition is found for the existence of the metastable chaos in the bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell. It is found that the zero equilibrium point of the bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell is unstable when the parametric excitation exceeds a specific critical value. The numerical results verify the theoretical analyses of the metastable chaos. It is demonstrated that the increase of the parametric excitation leads to the easier occurrence of the metastable chaos through observing the characteristics of the nonlinear dynamic behaviors of the system. Moreover, the existence of the metastable chaotic vibrations is confirmed in the bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell under the foundation excitation by using the vibration experiments. The large parametric excitation subjecting to the bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell is a key factor for the existence of the metastable chaos in the bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell under the foundation excitation. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
关键词 :
Laminated composites Laminated composites Chaos theory Chaos theory Runge Kutta methods Runge Kutta methods Laminating Laminating Foundations Foundations Jacobian matrices Jacobian matrices Shells (structures) Shells (structures)
GB/T 7714 | Liu, T. , Zhang, W. , Wu, M.Q. et al. Metastable nonlinear vibrations: Third chaos of bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell under foundation excitation [J]. | Composite Structures , 2021 , 255 . |
MLA | Liu, T. et al. "Metastable nonlinear vibrations: Third chaos of bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell under foundation excitation" . | Composite Structures 255 (2021) . |
APA | Liu, T. , Zhang, W. , Wu, M.Q. , Zheng, Y. , Zhang, Y.F. . Metastable nonlinear vibrations: Third chaos of bistable asymmetric composite laminated square shallow shell under foundation excitation . | Composite Structures , 2021 , 255 . |
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摘要 :
This paper analytically and numerically presents global dynamics of the generalized Boussinesq equation (GBE) with cubic nonlinearity and harmonic excitation. The effect of the damping coefficient on the dynamical responses of the generalized Boussinesq equation is clearly revealed. Using the reductive perturbation method, an equivalent wave equation is then derived from the complex nonlinear equation of the GBE. The persistent homoclinic orbit for the perturbed equation is located through the first and second measurements, and the breaking of the homoclinic structure will generate chaos in a Smale horseshoe sense for the GBE. Numerical examples are used to test the validity of the theoretical prediction. Both theoretical prediction and numerical simulations demonstrate the homoclinic chaos for the GBE.
GB/T 7714 | Li, Mingyuan , Zhang, Wei , Wu, Qiliang . Analytical and Numerical Results on Global Dynamics of the Generalized Boussinesq Equation with Cubic Nonlinearity and External Excitation [J]. | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 2021 , 2021 . |
MLA | Li, Mingyuan et al. "Analytical and Numerical Results on Global Dynamics of the Generalized Boussinesq Equation with Cubic Nonlinearity and External Excitation" . | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2021 (2021) . |
APA | Li, Mingyuan , Zhang, Wei , Wu, Qiliang . Analytical and Numerical Results on Global Dynamics of the Generalized Boussinesq Equation with Cubic Nonlinearity and External Excitation . | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 2021 , 2021 . |
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