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会议论文 | 2021 | 第二届全国光电材料与器件学术研讨会
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

光学微腔 光学微腔 结构设计 结构设计 微球腔 微球腔



GB/T 7714 闫胤洲 . 基于光学微腔的微纳发光增益机制及结构设计 [C] //第二届全国光电材料与器件学术研讨会摘要集 . 2021 .
MLA 闫胤洲 . "基于光学微腔的微纳发光增益机制及结构设计" 第二届全国光电材料与器件学术研讨会摘要集 . (2021) .
APA 闫胤洲 . 基于光学微腔的微纳发光增益机制及结构设计 第二届全国光电材料与器件学术研讨会摘要集 . (2021) .
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Current-induced thermal tunneling electroluminescence via multiple donor-acceptor-pair recombination SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 9 (4) , 1174-1182 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
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摘要 :

The roll-off of quantum yield is a major challenge facing light-emitting diodes due to the inevitable predominant non-radiative recombination with temperature elevation. Here we report highly-efficient intrinsic electroluminescence (EL) from a biased highly-compensated ZnO:Ga (HC-GZO) microrod with a metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) structure at high temperatures. The origin of the EL emission is the current-induced Joule heating activation of electric-thermal tunneling electrons and the following spontaneous radiation from multiple donor-acceptor-pair (DAP) recombination. The reduced oxygen vacancy (V-O) concentration via Ga doping promotes the electron-phonon coupling to lower the temperature threshold down to similar to 650 K, facilitating the stability and durability of MSM-EL devices. Meanwhile, an extra channel of radiative recombination is established by introducing Ga donor dopants, expanding the luminescence color space from orange (0.496, 0.445) to red (0.529, 0.408) by varying the V-O concentration in HC-GZO microrods. The present work motivates research on the mechanism and architectural design for novel electric-thermal tunneling induced efficient radiative emission devices at high temperatures using bandgap-engineered semiconductors.



GB/T 7714 Yan, Yinzhou , Xing, Cheng , Liu, Wei et al. Current-induced thermal tunneling electroluminescence via multiple donor-acceptor-pair recombination [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C , 2021 , 9 (4) : 1174-1182 .
MLA Yan, Yinzhou et al. "Current-induced thermal tunneling electroluminescence via multiple donor-acceptor-pair recombination" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 9 . 4 (2021) : 1174-1182 .
APA Yan, Yinzhou , Xing, Cheng , Liu, Wei , Wang, Qiang , Xu, Chunxiang , Jiang, Yijian . Current-induced thermal tunneling electroluminescence via multiple donor-acceptor-pair recombination . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C , 2021 , 9 (4) , 1174-1182 .
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Thermal-Assisted UV-Photon Irradiation to Improve Crystallization and Luminescence Efficiency of ZnO SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 68 (7) , 3283-3289 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES
WoS核心集被引次数: 6
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Defect manipulation plays an important role in regulating luminescence efficiency and electric performance of wide bandgap semiconductor devices. ZnO possesses complex defects, resulting in a bottleneck for p-type doping due to self-compensation. In this article, we propose a strategy to manipulate the defects in ZnO microwires (MWs) via thermal-assisted UV-photon irradiation. With this strategy, the photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) of the near band edge emission are enhanced. The improvement in radiation efficiency is attributed to the recrystallization of the ZnO MWs, by which the oxygen vacancy and zinc interstitial defects are suppressed. The combination of UV photo-chemical and thermal quenching for defect regulation is confirmed, for the first time, by PL and EL spectra. The work provides insights into defect engineering for luminescence efficiency improvement in wide bandgap semiconductor devices.

关键词 :

Crystallization Crystallization Defect engineering Defect engineering II-VI semiconductor materials II-VI semiconductor materials Light emitting diodes Light emitting diodes Luminescence Luminescence luminescence efficiency luminescence efficiency Radiation effects Radiation effects thermal quenching thermal quenching UV irradiation UV irradiation Zinc Zinc Zinc oxide Zinc oxide ZnO microwires (MWs) ZnO microwires (MWs)



GB/T 7714 Liu, Wei , Li, Zhuxin , Xing, Cheng et al. Thermal-Assisted UV-Photon Irradiation to Improve Crystallization and Luminescence Efficiency of ZnO [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES , 2021 , 68 (7) : 3283-3289 .
MLA Liu, Wei et al. "Thermal-Assisted UV-Photon Irradiation to Improve Crystallization and Luminescence Efficiency of ZnO" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 68 . 7 (2021) : 3283-3289 .
APA Liu, Wei , Li, Zhuxin , Xing, Cheng , Wang, Ru , Zhu, Yizhi , Shi, Zengliang et al. Thermal-Assisted UV-Photon Irradiation to Improve Crystallization and Luminescence Efficiency of ZnO . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES , 2021 , 68 (7) , 3283-3289 .
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Wide-bandgap semiconductor microtubular homojunction photodiode for high-performance UV detection SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 6
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摘要 :

Here we report a novel ZnO microtubular homojunction photodiode (PD) fabricated by optical vapor supersaturated precipitation (OVSP) and sputtering methods. The acceptor-rich ZnO (A-ZnO) microtube grown by OVSP possesses a great UV-visible rejection ratio of similar to 3.77 and a high external quantum yield of 1.4 x 10(3)%. The formed A-ZnO/n-ZnO homojunction UV-PD realizes an ultrafast photoresponse down to 6 ms (three orders of magnitude faster) and boosts the sensitivity by 2.6-folds with respect to the bare A-ZnO microtube. It is beneficial for weak-signal UV detection down to the threshold of 0.4 mW/cm(2) under random excitation conditions, by which the detectivity up to 6.67 x 10(12) cmHz(1/2)/W is achieved. The ZnO microtubular homojunction paves a new way for design of high-performance wide-bandgap semiconductor UV-PDs, promoting their practical applications in future. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Homojunction Homojunction Ultrafast response Ultrafast response UV photodiode UV photodiode Wide-bandgap semiconductor Wide-bandgap semiconductor ZnO microtube ZnO microtube



GB/T 7714 Wang, Qiang , Zou, Anshan , Yang, Lixue et al. Wide-bandgap semiconductor microtubular homojunction photodiode for high-performance UV detection [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2021 , 887 .
MLA Wang, Qiang et al. "Wide-bandgap semiconductor microtubular homojunction photodiode for high-performance UV detection" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 887 (2021) .
APA Wang, Qiang , Zou, Anshan , Yang, Lixue , Liu, Beiyun , Zhang, Yulin , Chen, Fei et al. Wide-bandgap semiconductor microtubular homojunction photodiode for high-performance UV detection . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2021 , 887 .
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Free-standing In2O3(ZnO)(m) superlattice microplates grown by optical vapor supersaturated precipitation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 56 (24) , 13723-13735 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Here, we fabricated In2O3(ZnO)(m) (IZO) superlattice microplates with hexagon morphologies by the substrate-free optical vapor supersaturated precipitation. The IZO microplates possessed a superlattice structure with a large m number, i.e., m = 23, consisting of layered alternating stacks of octahedral InO2- as inversion boundaries and layered InZnmOm+1+ as a zig-zag modulated pattern. The Raman peak at 613 cm(-1) confirmed the superlattice of the IZO microplates. The broad asymmetric excitonic photoluminescence (PL) emission with the photon energy of 3.236 eV indicated the heavy doping of indium in the IZO, resulting a redshift of similar to 32 meV from the near-band-edge emission. The unusual negative thermal quenching of PL intensity was also observed. Moreover, the anisotropic electrical properties of the IZO superlattice microplates were manifested, for the first time, where the in-plane conductivity was two orders of magnitude higher than out-plane one. The present work provided new insight into the free-standing IZO superlattice microdevices for future optoelectronic applications.



GB/T 7714 Liao, Yimin , Yan, Yinzhou , Yang, Lixue et al. Free-standing In2O3(ZnO)(m) superlattice microplates grown by optical vapor supersaturated precipitation [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE , 2021 , 56 (24) : 13723-13735 .
MLA Liao, Yimin et al. "Free-standing In2O3(ZnO)(m) superlattice microplates grown by optical vapor supersaturated precipitation" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 56 . 24 (2021) : 13723-13735 .
APA Liao, Yimin , Yan, Yinzhou , Yang, Lixue , Pan, Yongman , Lu, Yue , Chen, Fei et al. Free-standing In2O3(ZnO)(m) superlattice microplates grown by optical vapor supersaturated precipitation . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE , 2021 , 56 (24) , 13723-13735 .
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Spontaneous Radiation Amplification in a Microsphere-Coupled CsPbBr3 Perovskite Vertical Structure EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 9 (6) | Advanced Optical Materials
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摘要 :

Microsphere (MS) cavities hold great potential in nanophotonics due to their extraordinary optical properties. All-inorganic trihalide perovskites with high environmental stability and easy-for-preparation have shown great promise for the next-generation optoelectronic nanodevices. Unfortunately, the nonradiative recombination of exciton is inevitably aggravating the photoluminescence quantum yields (PLQYs). Here, a microsphere-coupled CsPbBr3 perovskite vertical structure is proposed for amplification of spontaneous radiation (SR) up to 190-fold. The mechanisms of SR amplification by an MS cavity are completely revealed, for the first time, including Mie focusing (MF) for energy harvesting, directional antenna (DA) for emission convergence, and whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) for regulation of exciton dynamics. The temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectra clarify the contributions of WGMs for the boosting of SR decay and suppression of exciton–phonon interactions for giant PL enhancement. Furthermore, a straightforward approach is presented for a selective MS array capped on a perovskite microcrystal (PeMC) film as a vertical structure for patterned PL enhancement. The excitation-power- and excitation-observation-angle-dependent luminescence contrast inspire a novel anticounterfeiting strategy. The vertical architecture not only advances the understanding of microcavity-based SR amplification from PeMCs, but also offers opportunities to facilitate the synergistic manipulation of optical fields and exciton–phonon interactions for developing high-efficient optoelectronic devices. © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH

关键词 :

Bromine compounds Bromine compounds Directive antennas Directive antennas Energy harvesting Energy harvesting Excitons Excitons Lead compounds Lead compounds Microcrystals Microcrystals Microspheres Microspheres Optical properties Optical properties Optoelectronic devices Optoelectronic devices Perovskite Perovskite Phonons Phonons Photoluminescence Photoluminescence Whispering gallery modes Whispering gallery modes



GB/T 7714 Yan, Yinzhou , Yang, Lixue , Liu, Wei et al. Spontaneous Radiation Amplification in a Microsphere-Coupled CsPbBr3 Perovskite Vertical Structure [J]. | Advanced Optical Materials , 2021 , 9 (6) .
MLA Yan, Yinzhou et al. "Spontaneous Radiation Amplification in a Microsphere-Coupled CsPbBr3 Perovskite Vertical Structure" . | Advanced Optical Materials 9 . 6 (2021) .
APA Yan, Yinzhou , Yang, Lixue , Liu, Wei , Wang, Qiang , Li, Sijia , Xu, Chunxiang . Spontaneous Radiation Amplification in a Microsphere-Coupled CsPbBr3 Perovskite Vertical Structure . | Advanced Optical Materials , 2021 , 9 (6) .
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High-Performance Flexible Transparent Electrodes Fabricated via Laser Nano-Welding of Silver Nanowires SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 11 (8) | CRYSTALS
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
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摘要 :

Silver nanowires (Ag-NWs), which possess a high aspect ratio with superior electrical conductivity and transmittance, show great promise as flexible transparent electrodes (FTEs) for future electronics. Unfortunately, the fabrication of Ag-NW conductive networks with low conductivity and high transmittance is a major challenge due to the ohmic contact resistance between Ag-NWs. Here we report a facile method of fabricating high-performance Ag-NW electrodes on flexible substrates. A 532 nm nanosecond pulsed laser is employed to nano-weld the Ag-NW junctions through the energy confinement caused by localized surface plasmon resonance, reducing the sheet resistance and connecting the junctions with the substrate. Additionally, the thermal effect of the pulsed laser on organic substrates can be ignored due to the low energy input and high transparency of the substrate. The fabricated FTEs demonstrate a high transmittance (up to 85.9%) in the visible band, a low sheet resistance of 11.3 omega/sq, high flexibility and strong durability. The applications of FTEs to 2D materials and LEDs are also explored. The present work points toward a promising new method for fabricating high-performance FTEs for future wearable electronic and optoelectronic devices.

关键词 :

flexible transparent electrodes flexible transparent electrodes laser nano-welding laser nano-welding organic electronics organic electronics silver nanowires silver nanowires



GB/T 7714 Wang, Tao , Yan, Yinzhou , Zhu, Liye et al. High-Performance Flexible Transparent Electrodes Fabricated via Laser Nano-Welding of Silver Nanowires [J]. | CRYSTALS , 2021 , 11 (8) .
MLA Wang, Tao et al. "High-Performance Flexible Transparent Electrodes Fabricated via Laser Nano-Welding of Silver Nanowires" . | CRYSTALS 11 . 8 (2021) .
APA Wang, Tao , Yan, Yinzhou , Zhu, Liye , Li, Qian , He, Jing , Zhang, Xiaoxia et al. High-Performance Flexible Transparent Electrodes Fabricated via Laser Nano-Welding of Silver Nanowires . | CRYSTALS , 2021 , 11 (8) .
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介电微球阵列结构光辐射/散射调控:从刚性衬底到柔性穿戴 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 37 (01) , 123-124 | 量子电子学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 闫胤洲 , 蒋毅坚 . 介电微球阵列结构光辐射/散射调控:从刚性衬底到柔性穿戴 [J]. | 量子电子学报 , 2020 , 37 (01) : 123-124 .
MLA 闫胤洲 et al. "介电微球阵列结构光辐射/散射调控:从刚性衬底到柔性穿戴" . | 量子电子学报 37 . 01 (2020) : 123-124 .
APA 闫胤洲 , 蒋毅坚 . 介电微球阵列结构光辐射/散射调控:从刚性衬底到柔性穿戴 . | 量子电子学报 , 2020 , 37 (01) , 123-124 .
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微米晶气相生长装置 incoPat
专利 | 2020-05-13 | CN202020790915.8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 蒋毅坚 , 廖逸民 , 闫胤洲 et al. 微米晶气相生长装置 : CN202020790915.8[P]. | 2020-05-13 .
MLA 蒋毅坚 et al. "微米晶气相生长装置" : CN202020790915.8. | 2020-05-13 .
APA 蒋毅坚 , 廖逸民 , 闫胤洲 , 王强 , 涂冶 . 微米晶气相生长装置 : CN202020790915.8. | 2020-05-13 .
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Structural Modulation of GaN Nanowires Grown in High-Density Plasma Environment SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 124 (12) , 6725-6731 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

We demonstrate a structural modulation method of GaN nanowires (NWs) by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. This method is based on the self-assembled growth mode without a harmful gas source and could easily achieve structures with a remarkable range of geometries and sizes by regulating the plasma-phase conditions. The results show that we are able to modulate GaN NWs with a large scale of sizes of lengths from similar to 2.2 to 52.4 mu m and diameters from similar to 22 to 1000 nm. Due to introduce the high-density plasma phase, we propose a new growth and modulation model of GaN NWs via combining the competition and equilibrium of the interface effect, the diffusion effect, and the surface effect. We found that the critical diameter defined by the surface energy has a noteworthy correlation with the growth of NWs due to the significant effect of nitrogen plasma on the surface of NWs. In addition, the photoluminescence performance including the emission peak position, intensity, and full width at half-maximum can be well regulated by the structural effects of GaN NWs. This modulation provides an economical, flexible, and environmentally friendly route to single-crystalline GaN NWs and their devices. Furthermore, the combined growth effect model could provide new physical and chemical insight into the growth mechanism of GaN NWs controlled by high-density plasma.



GB/T 7714 Ji, Yu-Hang , Wang, Ru-Zhi , Yang, Meng-Qi et al. Structural Modulation of GaN Nanowires Grown in High-Density Plasma Environment [J]. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C , 2020 , 124 (12) : 6725-6731 .
MLA Ji, Yu-Hang et al. "Structural Modulation of GaN Nanowires Grown in High-Density Plasma Environment" . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 124 . 12 (2020) : 6725-6731 .
APA Ji, Yu-Hang , Wang, Ru-Zhi , Yang, Meng-Qi , Feng, Xiao-Yu , Zhang, Yue-Fei , Huang, An-Ping et al. Structural Modulation of GaN Nanowires Grown in High-Density Plasma Environment . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C , 2020 , 124 (12) , 6725-6731 .
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